Zone1 Jewish religions hinder progress


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Religions based on Abrahamic scriptures have always served the interests of imperialism; the direct implementation of these scriptures was exclusively in empires - Rome of the slave imperialist period, the Arab Caliphate, in Europe during the bloody Inquisition, in Muscovy, and so on. The ideology of these religions was regressive; they are the rationale for exploitation, obscurantism and slavish humility. This ideology is harmful to progress, and especially the American New Order, and freedom. This threatens the revival of imperialism and the loss of freedom, and in addition, it involves the illiterate masses in the crimes of the imperialists.
Religions based on Abrahamic scriptures have always served the interests of imperialism; the direct implementation of these scriptures was exclusively in empires - Rome of the slave imperialist period, the Arab Caliphate, in Europe during the bloody Inquisition, in Muscovy, and so on. The ideology of these religions was regressive; they are the rationale for exploitation, obscurantism and slavish humility. This ideology is harmful to progress, and especially the American New Order, and freedom. This threatens the revival of imperialism and the loss of freedom, and in addition, it involves the illiterate masses in the crimes of the imperialists.
Do you know how worse our rights would be WITHOUT Judeo-Christian values? Follow the mitvohs, not extremists. Religion when applied honestly by those looking to please G-d is most positive for the average human being.
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Who knows what countries will oppose the Zionist regime this time around.

The majority of the world's people aren't readily buying into America's game of pity for the apartheid regime.

And now righteous and sincerity have to be sold to the world over Biden't feebly flapping gums.
Religions based on Abrahamic scriptures have always served the interests of imperialism; the direct implementation of these scriptures was exclusively in empires - Rome of the slave imperialist period, the Arab Caliphate, in Europe during the bloody Inquisition, in Muscovy, and so on. The ideology of these religions was regressive; they are the rationale for exploitation, obscurantism and slavish humility. This ideology is harmful to progress, and especially the American New Order, and freedom. This threatens the revival of imperialism and the loss of freedom, and in addition, it involves the illiterate masses in the crimes of the imperialists.

Nonsense. Mohammed was the false prophet. The supernatural reality defying Jesus that Christians worship never existed. It was created by Rome in 325 by superstitious pagans who knew nothing about Jewish beliefs, expressions, and their history of using figurative language to educate children, but instead put the name of Jesus all over their own pagan religion, Mithraism.

The secret "mystery religion" of the Roman government and military that originated in Babylon.

You can't blame the Jewish people for the historical ignorance and barbarism of other religions.
The American New World Order? You are delusional, and have no idea what's coming.
The New World Order is anti America.
What you are hoping for is this, and nothing about it says America, or freedom:
The supernatural reality defying Jesus that Christians worship never existed. It was created by Rome in 325 by superstitious pagans who knew nothing about Jewish beliefs, expressions, and their history of using figurative language to educate children, but instead put the name of Jesus all over their own pagan religion, Mithraism.
24,000 written manuscripts say otherwise.
The ideology of these religions was regressive -

- is regressive, the religions of servitude and denial ...

than the aspirations of the 1st century liberation theology, self determination the goal of humanity initiated by a&e for remission to the everlasting as equals to those that gave them life.
The supernatural reality defying Jesus that Christians worship never existed. 24,000 written manuscripts say otherwise.

Anyone who went to high school knows better than to take those fantastical stories literally.

You are just a cheese bag actor and lying fraud. I'm very impressed with the many wonderful things that your religion, worshipping and eating matzos every other Sunday, has done for you.
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Do you know how worse our rights would be WITHOUT Judeo-Christian values? Follow the mitvohs, not extremists. Religion when applied honestly by those looking to please G-d is most positive for the average human being.
You are lying. Without bloody imperial religions, the world was beautiful and people were free
The American New World Order? You are delusional, and have no idea what's coming.
The New World Order is anti America.
What you are hoping for is this, and nothing about it says America, or freedom:
This is a Jewish forgery. The new order came after the bloody old order of total centralization of Europe
You are lying. Without bloody imperial religions, the world was beautiful and people were free
Really? Getting stretched on a rack in Jolly Old.englad was "beautiful"? How about a nice beheading for angering the king?. The monolithic G-d was a positive and honest evokution. If G-d spoke to Moses why would we believe it was for evil?
Really? Getting stretched on a rack in Jolly Old.englad was "beautiful"? How about a nice beheading for angering the king?. The monolithic G-d was a positive and honest evokution. If G-d spoke to Moses why would we believe it was for evil?
This is about the old bloody order of Europe. The New Order comes from the fathers of the American Revolution such as Jefferson and Lafayette.
If G-d spoke to Moses why would we believe it was for evil?
that's how it was

Anyone who went to high school knows better than to take those fantastical stories literally.
You are all over the map. Which is it? A massive conspiracy by Rome? Or accounts not intended to be read literally. It can't be both. Seems like you are taking a shotgun approach in hope that something will stick.

1. It couldn't have been a massive conspiracy by Rome. The manuscripts were written well before the 4th century.
2. These accounts were clearly not written as allegory.
You are just a cheese bag actor and lying fraud. I'm very impressed with the many wonderful things that your religion, worshipping and eating matzos every other Sunday, has done for you.
You are only saying that because you have no life in you, you don't abide in Christ and Christ doesn't abide in you. These are Jesus' words, not mine.


“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. (John 6:53–56)
then will be far better a ray of hope than what has transpired to date ... as well an end to the fallacies of desert religions.
Christ said, "When you see these thingS". <Plural. So along with the new world order leader, we also needed to be capable of destroying all life on earth in your timeline.
And the gospel needed to be preached world wide.
Israel had to be reborn in one day.
Global communication.
A weapon that could dissolve skin and eyes and tongue before you hit the ground.
Not being able to buy or sell without a mark.

Fit those into your scenerio...
Christ said, "When you see these thingS". <Plural. So along with the new world order leader, we also needed to be capable of destroying all life on earth in your timeline.
And the gospel needed to be preached world wide.
Israel had to be reborn in one day.
Global communication.
A weapon that could dissolve skin and eyes and tongue before you hit the ground.
Not being able to buy or sell without a mark.

Fit those into your scenerio...

the concluding heavenly parable has two endings ram, the triumph of good vs evil - to attain final judgement.

not mentioned by either of the desert religions as the same as yours without choice a means to save yourself over humanity does not exist than only in the convoluted pages of the desert.

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