What the election showed

No, it will die. The tax penalty goes away in a few weeks.

And jeopardize coverage for pre-existing conditions that Republicans have to fix

A collapse in healthcare will bring down Republicans in 2020

No, that will save americans hundreds of billions.
And throw tens of millions to the wolves

You may be dying, but we are saving money

Good campaign slogan

Giving back billions of taxes to americans so they can take care of themselves. I know. Thats horrible.
You guys still don’t get it

You borrowed a trillion dollars to distribute to billionaires
while cutting funding for their own HC.

So the gop fucked them but they liked it because they liked ending the structure of how Obamacare distributed the taxes for HC. And yeah, Obamcare added somewhere in the neighborhood of 350 billion in deficits from 12-22. But the HC is still being provided, but it's just going go to uninsured, who will use bankruptcy to dump the debt on others.

And THAT is the system voters in Jesusland want.
The President's ability to win the Senate will mean that he will be able to really work on getting his appointments to the court confirmed.

This is a huge point of positivity, one of the things that a lot of folks love about Trump.

Also, he won't have to worry about the dam infrastructure, the Dems don't want it so they can be blamed.

Big win for Republicans especially if Thomas and Ginsberg check out
Republicans are setting up for the day they no longer can win in Congress and the White House. They are stacking courts with young conservatives at all levels that will invalidate Democratic legislation over trivial issues for decades

Haven't progressives been saying the whole "You will never win another election again) for about 2 decades now?

And the only legislation most of them will "invalidate" will be progressive attempts at national level morality plays, and of course, gutting the 1st and 2nd amendment.
Right now, Republicans rule from a minority in the House, Senate and White House
Long term demographics with Hispanics, women and young voters are not in their favor. Neither are increasing voter turnouts.

Republicans see the handwriting on the wall and are vigorously stacking the courts for the day they can no longer execute minority rule

You fall for the classic mistake of assuming no political shift in these groups, and as usual assuming they are all a monolithic block.
Hispanics should be a fertile field for the gop. However, imo what we are seeing is diametrically opposing social views even among white people in rural flyover territory compared to urban post-industrial. And whether the gop has kissed goodbye for over a generation to Hispanics in Tex will be a question.

Anyone who thinks they can predict demographics and the political leanings of a group 20 to 30 years in the future is fooling themselves.
And jeopardize coverage for pre-existing conditions that Republicans have to fix

A collapse in healthcare will bring down Republicans in 2020

No, that will save americans hundreds of billions.
And throw tens of millions to the wolves

You may be dying, but we are saving money

Good campaign slogan

Giving back billions of taxes to americans so they can take care of themselves. I know. Thats horrible.
You guys still don’t get it

You borrowed a trillion dollars to distribute to billionaires

O stimulus: trillions to billionaires. Obamacare: billions wasted. O even voted to bailout wall street during the crash. Please.
Stimulus was needed to stop a Depression
It worked
Big win for Republicans especially if Thomas and Ginsberg check out
Republicans are setting up for the day they no longer can win in Congress and the White House. They are stacking courts with young conservatives at all levels that will invalidate Democratic legislation over trivial issues for decades

Haven't progressives been saying the whole "You will never win another election again) for about 2 decades now?

And the only legislation most of them will "invalidate" will be progressive attempts at national level morality plays, and of course, gutting the 1st and 2nd amendment.
Right now, Republicans rule from a minority in the House, Senate and White House
Long term demographics with Hispanics, women and young voters are not in their favor. Neither are increasing voter turnouts.

Republicans see the handwriting on the wall and are vigorously stacking the courts for the day they can no longer execute minority rule

You fall for the classic mistake of assuming no political shift in these groups, and as usual assuming they are all a monolithic block.
Hispanics should be a fertile field for the gop. However, imo what we are seeing is diametrically opposing social views even among white people in rural flyover territory compared to urban post-industrial. And whether the gop has kissed goodbye for over a generation to Hispanics in Tex will be a question.

Anyone who thinks they can predict demographics and the political leanings of a group 20 to 30 years in the future is fooling themselves.

I predict Republicans will not behave better in 30 years
Haven't progressives been saying the whole "You will never win another election again) for about 2 decades now?

And the only legislation most of them will "invalidate" will be progressive attempts at national level morality plays, and of course, gutting the 1st and 2nd amendment.
Right now, Republicans rule from a minority in the House, Senate and White House
Long term demographics with Hispanics, women and young voters are not in their favor. Neither are increasing voter turnouts.

Republicans see the handwriting on the wall and are vigorously stacking the courts for the day they can no longer execute minority rule

You fall for the classic mistake of assuming no political shift in these groups, and as usual assuming they are all a monolithic block.
Hispanics should be a fertile field for the gop. However, imo what we are seeing is diametrically opposing social views even among white people in rural flyover territory compared to urban post-industrial. And whether the gop has kissed goodbye for over a generation to Hispanics in Tex will be a question.

Anyone who thinks they can predict demographics and the political leanings of a group 20 to 30 years in the future is fooling themselves.

I predict Republicans will not behave better in 30 years

Oh, Hai there!

No, that will save americans hundreds of billions.
And throw tens of millions to the wolves

You may be dying, but we are saving money

Good campaign slogan

Giving back billions of taxes to americans so they can take care of themselves. I know. Thats horrible.
You guys still don’t get it

You borrowed a trillion dollars to distribute to billionaires

O stimulus: trillions to billionaires. Obamacare: billions wasted. O even voted to bailout wall street during the crash. Please.
Stimulus was needed to stop a Depression
It worked

The stimulus didnt revive the economy unless you think some construction signs on the interstate talking about the great o stimulus did wonders for us. Lol.
The best possible outcome is that the saner folks among the House Dems will lead them to actual civil bipartisanship instead of a two year production of Show Trials.

Do you really think that this is likely, with Waters, Nadler , Schieff and other loose cannons in charge of committees? They want to investigate not just the President but everyone in the administration

No, I don't think it is likely. I think the Dems have been taken over by unhinged Progs who have no respect for Civil Society. For the sake of our country, I wish that they would get back to Classical Liberalism. But they won't.
1. Democrats did a great organizational job to take a severely Gerrymandered House
2. Trump did a great job in organizing his base to increase the number of Senate seats
3. Republicans did what is necessary to win close contests
4. Republicans held their stronghold in the South but Dems showed that formerly solid Red states like Georgia, Texas and Arizona are up for grabs
5. For 2020, Florida and Ohio still showed they are leaning red but Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin drifted back to blue

I agree with the exception of #1. The Dems are party to the Gerrymandering and use it for their own advantage - so red herring.

No Blue Wave
No Red Wave

We are back to a rather typical split government, in name if not spirit. The best possible outcome is that the saner folks among the House Dems will lead them to actual civil bipartisanship instead of a two year production of Show Trials.
There's no bipartisanship happening. You might see something like criminal justice reform, but anything like that will arise from McConnell's chamber. I doubt the dems ever do a deal with Trump after Daca, and Trump actually threw McConnell under the bus too when he backed out of a deal on repeal and replace.

Well, 2 years of show trials are going to ensure Trump 2020. The Proggies don't grok that the more they attack Trump, the stronger he becomes. So, bring it.
1. Democrats did a great organizational job to take a severely Gerrymandered House
2. Trump did a great job in organizing his base to increase the number of Senate seats
3. Republicans did what is necessary to win close contests
4. Republicans held their stronghold in the South but Dems showed that formerly solid Red states like Georgia, Texas and Arizona are up for grabs
5. For 2020, Florida and Ohio still showed they are leaning red but Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin drifted back to blue

I agree with the exception of #1. The Dems are party to the Gerrymandering and use it for their own advantage - so red herring.

No Blue Wave
No Red Wave

We are back to a rather typical split government, in name if not spirit. The best possible outcome is that the saner folks among the House Dems will lead them to actual civil bipartisanship instead of a two year production of Show Trials.

The Democrats needed to draw seven percent more votes to retake the House

In a non-Gerrymandered contest, they only need 51 percent

When have we ever had non-gerrymandered contests?
Right now, Republicans rule from a minority in the House, Senate and White House
Long term demographics with Hispanics, women and young voters are not in their favor. Neither are increasing voter turnouts.

Republicans see the handwriting on the wall and are vigorously stacking the courts for the day they can no longer execute minority rule

You fall for the classic mistake of assuming no political shift in these groups, and as usual assuming they are all a monolithic block.
Hispanics should be a fertile field for the gop. However, imo what we are seeing is diametrically opposing social views even among white people in rural flyover territory compared to urban post-industrial. And whether the gop has kissed goodbye for over a generation to Hispanics in Tex will be a question.

Anyone who thinks they can predict demographics and the political leanings of a group 20 to 30 years in the future is fooling themselves.

I predict Republicans will not behave better in 30 years

Oh, Hai there!

Denny Hastert
1. Democrats did a great organizational job to take a severely Gerrymandered House
2. Trump did a great job in organizing his base to increase the number of Senate seats
3. Republicans did what is necessary to win close contests
4. Republicans held their stronghold in the South but Dems showed that formerly solid Red states like Georgia, Texas and Arizona are up for grabs
5. For 2020, Florida and Ohio still showed they are leaning red but Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin drifted back to blue

I agree with the exception of #1. The Dems are party to the Gerrymandering and use it for their own advantage - so red herring.

No Blue Wave
No Red Wave

We are back to a rather typical split government, in name if not spirit. The best possible outcome is that the saner folks among the House Dems will lead them to actual civil bipartisanship instead of a two year production of Show Trials.

The Democrats needed to draw seven percent more votes to retake the House

In a non-Gerrymandered contest, they only need 51 percent

When have we ever had non-gerrymandered contests?
NEVER to the extent they are Gerrymandered today
Big win for Republicans especially if Thomas and Ginsberg check out
Republicans are setting up for the day they no longer can win in Congress and the White House. They are stacking courts with young conservatives at all levels that will invalidate Democratic legislation over trivial issues for decades

Haven't progressives been saying the whole "You will never win another election again) for about 2 decades now?

And the only legislation most of them will "invalidate" will be progressive attempts at national level morality plays, and of course, gutting the 1st and 2nd amendment.
Right now, Republicans rule from a minority in the House, Senate and White House
Long term demographics with Hispanics, women and young voters are not in their favor. Neither are increasing voter turnouts.

Republicans see the handwriting on the wall and are vigorously stacking the courts for the day they can no longer execute minority rule

You fall for the classic mistake of assuming no political shift in these groups, and as usual assuming they are all a monolithic block.
Hispanics should be a fertile field for the gop. However, imo what we are seeing is diametrically opposing social views even among white people in rural flyover territory compared to urban post-industrial. And whether the gop has kissed goodbye for over a generation to Hispanics in Tex will be a question.

Anyone who thinks they can predict demographics and the political leanings of a group 20 to 30 years in the future is fooling themselves.
yes, but it's about questioning how the gop will respond to a demographic group. And as you posted, Hispanics are not a monolithic group. But Generally, in the SE while illegal immigration is not supported, neither is Trumpism.
1. Democrats did a great organizational job to take a severely Gerrymandered House
2. Trump did a great job in organizing his base to increase the number of Senate seats
3. Republicans did what is necessary to win close contests
4. Republicans held their stronghold in the South but Dems showed that formerly solid Red states like Georgia, Texas and Arizona are up for grabs
5. For 2020, Florida and Ohio still showed they are leaning red but Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin drifted back to blue

I agree with the exception of #1. The Dems are party to the Gerrymandering and use it for their own advantage - so red herring.

No Blue Wave
No Red Wave

We are back to a rather typical split government, in name if not spirit. The best possible outcome is that the saner folks among the House Dems will lead them to actual civil bipartisanship instead of a two year production of Show Trials.
There's no bipartisanship happening. You might see something like criminal justice reform, but anything like that will arise from McConnell's chamber. I doubt the dems ever do a deal with Trump after Daca, and Trump actually threw McConnell under the bus too when he backed out of a deal on repeal and replace.

Well, 2 years of show trials are going to ensure Trump 2020. The Proggies don't grok that the more they attack Trump, the stronger he becomes. So, bring it.
Not if those trials are highlighting ethical, political and finanacial misdealings of Trump

Trump is dirty......he always has been
Republicans won’t be able to cover for him
You fall for the classic mistake of assuming no political shift in these groups, and as usual assuming they are all a monolithic block.
Hispanics should be a fertile field for the gop. However, imo what we are seeing is diametrically opposing social views even among white people in rural flyover territory compared to urban post-industrial. And whether the gop has kissed goodbye for over a generation to Hispanics in Tex will be a question.

Anyone who thinks they can predict demographics and the political leanings of a group 20 to 30 years in the future is fooling themselves.

I predict Republicans will not behave better in 30 years

Oh, Hai there!

Denny Hastert

Come on, at least use a picture....

Haven't progressives been saying the whole "You will never win another election again) for about 2 decades now?

And the only legislation most of them will "invalidate" will be progressive attempts at national level morality plays, and of course, gutting the 1st and 2nd amendment.
Right now, Republicans rule from a minority in the House, Senate and White House
Long term demographics with Hispanics, women and young voters are not in their favor. Neither are increasing voter turnouts.

Republicans see the handwriting on the wall and are vigorously stacking the courts for the day they can no longer execute minority rule

You fall for the classic mistake of assuming no political shift in these groups, and as usual assuming they are all a monolithic block.
Hispanics should be a fertile field for the gop. However, imo what we are seeing is diametrically opposing social views even among white people in rural flyover territory compared to urban post-industrial. And whether the gop has kissed goodbye for over a generation to Hispanics in Tex will be a question.

Anyone who thinks they can predict demographics and the political leanings of a group 20 to 30 years in the future is fooling themselves.
yes, but it's about questioning how the gop will respond to a demographic group. And as you posted, Hispanics are not a monolithic group. But Generally, in the SE while illegal immigration is not supported, neither is Trumpism.

The real question is will the black vote stop being monolithic, will women continue to divide on color and marital status lines, and will millenials go through the same retreat from progressiveness when they have kids and a mortgage.
1. Democrats did a great organizational job to take a severely Gerrymandered House
2. Trump did a great job in organizing his base to increase the number of Senate seats
3. Republicans did what is necessary to win close contests
4. Republicans held their stronghold in the South but Dems showed that formerly solid Red states like Georgia, Texas and Arizona are up for grabs
5. For 2020, Florida and Ohio still showed they are leaning red but Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin drifted back to blue

I agree with the exception of #1. The Dems are party to the Gerrymandering and use it for their own advantage - so red herring.

No Blue Wave
No Red Wave

We are back to a rather typical split government, in name if not spirit. The best possible outcome is that the saner folks among the House Dems will lead them to actual civil bipartisanship instead of a two year production of Show Trials.

The Democrats needed to draw seven percent more votes to retake the House

In a non-Gerrymandered contest, they only need 51 percent

When have we ever had non-gerrymandered contests?
NEVER to the extent they are Gerrymandered today


Both parties benefit from gerrymandering, and have seen their attempts to do so backfire on them as demographics change.

The Top Ten Most Gerrymandered Congressional Districts in the United States
Right now, Republicans rule from a minority in the House, Senate and White House
Long term demographics with Hispanics, women and young voters are not in their favor. Neither are increasing voter turnouts.

Republicans see the handwriting on the wall and are vigorously stacking the courts for the day they can no longer execute minority rule

You fall for the classic mistake of assuming no political shift in these groups, and as usual assuming they are all a monolithic block.
Hispanics should be a fertile field for the gop. However, imo what we are seeing is diametrically opposing social views even among white people in rural flyover territory compared to urban post-industrial. And whether the gop has kissed goodbye for over a generation to Hispanics in Tex will be a question.

Anyone who thinks they can predict demographics and the political leanings of a group 20 to 30 years in the future is fooling themselves.
yes, but it's about questioning how the gop will respond to a demographic group. And as you posted, Hispanics are not a monolithic group. But Generally, in the SE while illegal immigration is not supported, neither is Trumpism.

The real question is will the black vote stop being monolithic, will women continue to divide on color and marital status lines, and will millenials go through the same retreat from progressiveness when they have kids and a mortgage.
I don't think women are dividing on marital status lines. They are dividing on socio econ lines ... and geographical. And Millenials are equally put off by Trumpism as are Latinos .. but neither may vote.

We are becoming increasingly divided as we become more diverse.
You fall for the classic mistake of assuming no political shift in these groups, and as usual assuming they are all a monolithic block.
Hispanics should be a fertile field for the gop. However, imo what we are seeing is diametrically opposing social views even among white people in rural flyover territory compared to urban post-industrial. And whether the gop has kissed goodbye for over a generation to Hispanics in Tex will be a question.

Anyone who thinks they can predict demographics and the political leanings of a group 20 to 30 years in the future is fooling themselves.
yes, but it's about questioning how the gop will respond to a demographic group. And as you posted, Hispanics are not a monolithic group. But Generally, in the SE while illegal immigration is not supported, neither is Trumpism.

The real question is will the black vote stop being monolithic, will women continue to divide on color and marital status lines, and will millenials go through the same retreat from progressiveness when they have kids and a mortgage.
I don't think women are dividing on marital status lines. They are dividing on socio econ lines ... and geographical. And Millenials are equally put off by Trumpism as are Latinos .. but neither may vote.

We are becoming increasingly divided as we become more diverse.

The other question is what happens after Trump, either in 2021 or 2025.

One thing dems have to pray doesn't happen is a large municipal default in one of the big 5 or so cities. If that happens and either pensions get cut, or taxes go through the roof with cut services, and then we will see if the urban population stays in the Dem pocket.
1. Democrats did a great organizational job to take a severely Gerrymandered House
2. Trump did a great job in organizing his base to increase the number of Senate seats
3. Republicans did what is necessary to win close contests
4. Republicans held their stronghold in the South but Dems showed that formerly solid Red states like Georgia, Texas and Arizona are up for grabs
5. For 2020, Florida and Ohio still showed they are leaning red but Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin drifted back to blue

The republicans in certain red states won back their Senate seat lost in Obama's second term win. Montana, ND, etc etc

Note How Republicans running for the Gov & Senete in PAS got their asses kicked. Especially the Trump mini-me running for Gov.

PA gained seats for the Demcrat sie in the House.

And Trump came here several times??????

Funny how the fat assed liarin-chief didn't pat himself on the back for that one.
Hispanics should be a fertile field for the gop. However, imo what we are seeing is diametrically opposing social views even among white people in rural flyover territory compared to urban post-industrial. And whether the gop has kissed goodbye for over a generation to Hispanics in Tex will be a question.

Anyone who thinks they can predict demographics and the political leanings of a group 20 to 30 years in the future is fooling themselves.
yes, but it's about questioning how the gop will respond to a demographic group. And as you posted, Hispanics are not a monolithic group. But Generally, in the SE while illegal immigration is not supported, neither is Trumpism.

The real question is will the black vote stop being monolithic, will women continue to divide on color and marital status lines, and will millenials go through the same retreat from progressiveness when they have kids and a mortgage.
I don't think women are dividing on marital status lines. They are dividing on socio econ lines ... and geographical. And Millenials are equally put off by Trumpism as are Latinos .. but neither may vote.

We are becoming increasingly divided as we become more diverse.

The other question is what happens after Trump, either in 2021 or 2025.

One thing dems have to pray doesn't happen is a large municipal default in one of the big 5 or so cities. If that happens and either pensions get cut, or taxes go through the roof with cut services, and then we will see if the urban population stays in the Dem pocket.

Like the big recession won't hit before that. Trillion dollar deficit in this fiscal year?, more trade wars, The looming disaster at the border, etc etc etc

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