What Kind Of Immoral Bitch


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
So...is the girl that lured her going to be punished along with the guys? I certainly hope so. Aiding and abetting.
Once in jail, that gal will experience the same thing...but from other women just like her. Karma is a bitch, aint it?
I sure as hell hope so. Course it is Californicatin here.. see other thread,, so the ninth circuit will probably let the innocent lambs take a walk. yanno what I'm saying?
You in southern cal?
Gang infestation is rampant. And girl gangs are getting a pretty good toe hold too. Sigh.
It's sad what the world is turning into... Courts don't seem to be that much of a help either.
little criminals grow up to be big criminals.... i would be happing putting them down right now and saving the wold a lot of trouble.
This is one of those news items that truly make me feel despair over the state of humanity.

That poor baby. I hope she is being loved and cared for.
Black and Hispanic gang rape is a epidemic as it is in the country's they come from.

I could post hundreds of storys just like this.
Lures an 11 year old to a bathroom so she can be gang raped?


I read that earlier and asked myself why I even read the news anymore. Where were the parents? All these kids should have a mom and dad to teach them right from wrong. Where were they? This is just sick.
I sure as hell hope so. Course it is Californicatin here.. see other thread,, so the ninth circuit will probably let the innocent lambs take a walk. yanno what I'm saying?
I read that she was a Republican...so there's your answer about immoral bitches.
I sure as hell hope so. Course it is Californicatin here.. see other thread,, so the ninth circuit will probably let the innocent lambs take a walk. yanno what I'm saying?
I read that she was a Republican...so there's your answer about immoral bitches.

You got a real habit of defending sick bottomfeeders eh Ravi? You sick fuck you. WTF does (R) or (D) have to do with anything concerning this tragic story? You obviously don't have a daughter. Hey fuckO? Leave your politics out of this, it has no place here. They should be burned alive! Oh what a dream. Yep, you like? Of course on pay per view, I mean I am not into kids seeing anymore violence than they already do. That way, people could decide for themselves if they want themselves or their kids to learn what happens to scum sucking maggots who act like animals. ~BH
I sure as hell hope so. Course it is Californicatin here.. see other thread,, so the ninth circuit will probably let the innocent lambs take a walk. yanno what I'm saying?
I read that she was a Republican...so there's your answer about immoral bitches.

You got a real habit of defending sick bottomfeeders eh Ravi? You sick fuck you. WTF does (R) or (D) have to do with anything concerning this tragic story? You obviously don't have a daughter. Hey fuckO? Leave your politics out of this, it has no place here. They should be burned alive! Oh what a dream. Yep, you like? Of course on pay per view, I mean I am not into kids seeing anymore violence than they already do. That way, people could decide for themselves if they want themselves or their kids to learn what happens to scum sucking maggots who act like animals. ~BH
I was simply curious to see if anyone would jump all over willow for her fucktard post...thanks for not disappointing.
What is an 11yr old doing unchaperoned at a mall?
Interesting question. When I was that age, though, I was allowed to hang out downtown with my friends after school and go home with my dad after he got off of work. None of us were ever gang raped.

As horrible as this is I suppose it really depends on how safe you feel your community is before you lock your kids up 24/7.

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