More Nanny Staters

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
Parents Push for Back-Up Cameras to Prevent Back Over Deaths |

So it's like this, a couple of irresponsible parents let their 16 month old walk around their driveway unsupervised and grandpa backs up over the kid and kills him.

Now these idiot parents want everyone to have to pay for back up cameras for their cars.

Let's just put an end to this and pass a law that prevents bad things from happening to everyone and give the government all the power it needs to enforce that law.

All problems solved. Move on.
It's good to know I'm not the only one scratching my head at a toddler being in the yard unsupervised. My youngest is two as of January, and he does not leave the house, from ANY door, without an adult along for the express purpose of watching him.

Of course, he's also trained to go straight from the front door to his door on the car, or vice versa, without any wandering. I still remember the first time I took him out of his car seat, put his feet on the ground, and reached back in for the diaper bag, only to find him already halfway to the door, where he stood patiently, waiting for me to let him in.

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