What? Islam in the News????


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Today, January 23, of 638 is recognized as the first that the Islamic calendar was used.
"The Islamic calendar is created and first used. The start of this lunar calendar is the year 622 of the western Christian calendar and is based on the year which Muhammad, the founder of Islam, emigrated from Mecca to Medina."
Today in History 23 January 638 Islamic Calendar Created

a. "The starting point of the calendar however was set to about sixteen years earlier, to mark the Hijrah — i.e. the time of emigration of the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. The word hijrah means to leave a place to seek sancturary or freedom from persecution or freedom of religion (or any other purpose). The emigration to Medina was a historic event, as it marked the turning point from persecution to freedom and acceptance of Submission (Islam in Arabic)."
Submission Islam

2. As is the wont of certain defenders of said religion, quite a fuss was kicked up when Steven Emerson mistakenly named Britain's second largest city, Birmingham, as 'totally Muslim.'
"There are actual cities" like Birmingham, England, "that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in."
Steven Emerson on Saturday, January 10th, 2015 in an interview on Fox News

"In Britain, it’s not just no-go zones," Emerson said. "There are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim, where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in. And parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire."

Western Europe is just not dealing with the situation, he said."
Fox News guest Steven Emerson says Birmingham is totally Muslim PunditFact

Oh, my....what a terrible mistake! Emerson should be behea.....never mind.

a. "No doubt, Islam is a growing and popular faith in Birmingham, up 7.5 percentage points from 2001 to 2011. Three Birmingham wards, Heath, Bordesley Green and Sparkbrook, had Muslim populations that exceeded half of the population, all ranging from 70 percent to about 77 percent."

OK...maybe Emerson should only be lashed.

3. "It’s possible Emerson was actually thinking of Bradford, where Muslims exercise cultural dominance and there have been controversies involving sharia law.....Last summer, the BBC published an investigative report on “Trojan Horse” claims that Islamic law and custom were being insinuated into Bradford schools.

The network discovered Islamic practices such as workshops segregated by sex, boys-only school trips, and alterations to the curriculum. There were allegations that a head teacher was forced out of her position in 2012 because she wasn’t on board with this agenda;....

The measures were defended as important elements of cultural outreach to Muslim students, with an eye toward improving their academic performance. Similar complaints were lodged against schools in Birmingham, which might be one of the reasons Emerson thought of that town."
Emerson Bradford and Birmingham The No-Go Zone Controversy


OK...maybe only one lash for Emerson.

But.....is there a problem of certain cities and a certain religion on which Emerson was focusing the spotlight?

Could be?
They need to send in their military and empty all no go zones. Immediately. They want an Islamic society? Ruled by Shariah law? Send them back to the Islamic nations they came from - or their parents came from. Enough is enough.
1. Today, January 23, of 638 is recognized as the first that the Islamic calendar was used.
"The Islamic calendar is created and first used. The start of this lunar calendar is the year 622 of the western Christian calendar and is based on the year which Muhammad, the founder of Islam, emigrated from Mecca to Medina."
Today in History 23 January 638 Islamic Calendar Created

a. "The starting point of the calendar however was set to about sixteen years earlier, to mark the Hijrah — i.e. the time of emigration of the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. The word hijrah means to leave a place to seek sancturary or freedom from persecution or freedom of religion (or any other purpose). The emigration to Medina was a historic event, as it marked the turning point from persecution to freedom and acceptance of Submission (Islam in Arabic)."
Submission Islam

2. As is the wont of certain defenders of said religion, quite a fuss was kicked up when Steven Emerson mistakenly named Britain's second largest city, Birmingham, as 'totally Muslim.'
"There are actual cities" like Birmingham, England, "that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in."
Steven Emerson on Saturday, January 10th, 2015 in an interview on Fox News

"In Britain, it’s not just no-go zones," Emerson said. "There are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim, where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in. And parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire."

Western Europe is just not dealing with the situation, he said."
Fox News guest Steven Emerson says Birmingham is totally Muslim PunditFact

Oh, my....what a terrible mistake! Emerson should be behea.....never mind.

a. "No doubt, Islam is a growing and popular faith in Birmingham, up 7.5 percentage points from 2001 to 2011. Three Birmingham wards, Heath, Bordesley Green and Sparkbrook, had Muslim populations that exceeded half of the population, all ranging from 70 percent to about 77 percent."

OK...maybe Emerson should only be lashed.

3. "It’s possible Emerson was actually thinking of Bradford, where Muslims exercise cultural dominance and there have been controversies involving sharia law.....Last summer, the BBC published an investigative report on “Trojan Horse” claims that Islamic law and custom were being insinuated into Bradford schools.

The network discovered Islamic practices such as workshops segregated by sex, boys-only school trips, and alterations to the curriculum. There were allegations that a head teacher was forced out of her position in 2012 because she wasn’t on board with this agenda;....

The measures were defended as important elements of cultural outreach to Muslim students, with an eye toward improving their academic performance. Similar complaints were lodged against schools in Birmingham, which might be one of the reasons Emerson thought of that town."
Emerson Bradford and Birmingham The No-Go Zone Controversy


OK...maybe only one lash for Emerson.

But.....is there a problem of certain cities and a certain religion on which Emerson was focusing the spotlight?

Could be?

I thihk this emerson guy just overstated a reality. There are certainly areas of the USA to which----lots of people ---DO
NOT GO in fact in the city in which I used to live---large
city USA---with lots of muslims----there were parts of that city
to which muslims did not go. If one was in that part of the
city, one did not see muslims---even though there was a large enclave of muslims nearby. It was no secret----the people of that part DID NOT WANT TO SEE MUSLIMS and were kinda known for making their desires be a reality
1. Today, January 23, of 638 is recognized as the first that the Islamic calendar was used.
"The Islamic calendar is created and first used. The start of this lunar calendar is the year 622 of the western Christian calendar and is based on the year which Muhammad, the founder of Islam, emigrated from Mecca to Medina."
Today in History 23 January 638 Islamic Calendar Created

a. "The starting point of the calendar however was set to about sixteen years earlier, to mark the Hijrah — i.e. the time of emigration of the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. The word hijrah means to leave a place to seek sancturary or freedom from persecution or freedom of religion (or any other purpose). The emigration to Medina was a historic event, as it marked the turning point from persecution to freedom and acceptance of Submission (Islam in Arabic)."
Submission Islam

2. As is the wont of certain defenders of said religion, quite a fuss was kicked up when Steven Emerson mistakenly named Britain's second largest city, Birmingham, as 'totally Muslim.'
"There are actual cities" like Birmingham, England, "that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in."
Steven Emerson on Saturday, January 10th, 2015 in an interview on Fox News

"In Britain, it’s not just no-go zones," Emerson said. "There are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim, where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in. And parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire."

Western Europe is just not dealing with the situation, he said."
Fox News guest Steven Emerson says Birmingham is totally Muslim PunditFact

Oh, my....what a terrible mistake! Emerson should be behea.....never mind.

a. "No doubt, Islam is a growing and popular faith in Birmingham, up 7.5 percentage points from 2001 to 2011. Three Birmingham wards, Heath, Bordesley Green and Sparkbrook, had Muslim populations that exceeded half of the population, all ranging from 70 percent to about 77 percent."

OK...maybe Emerson should only be lashed.

3. "It’s possible Emerson was actually thinking of Bradford, where Muslims exercise cultural dominance and there have been controversies involving sharia law.....Last summer, the BBC published an investigative report on “Trojan Horse” claims that Islamic law and custom were being insinuated into Bradford schools.

The network discovered Islamic practices such as workshops segregated by sex, boys-only school trips, and alterations to the curriculum. There were allegations that a head teacher was forced out of her position in 2012 because she wasn’t on board with this agenda;....

The measures were defended as important elements of cultural outreach to Muslim students, with an eye toward improving their academic performance. Similar complaints were lodged against schools in Birmingham, which might be one of the reasons Emerson thought of that town."
Emerson Bradford and Birmingham The No-Go Zone Controversy


OK...maybe only one lash for Emerson.

But.....is there a problem of certain cities and a certain religion on which Emerson was focusing the spotlight?

Could be?

I thihk this emerson guy just overstated a reality. There are certainly areas of the USA to which----lots of people ---DO
NOT GO in fact in the city in which I used to live---large
city USA---with lots of muslims----there were parts of that city
to which muslims did not go. If one was in that part of the
city, one did not see muslims---even though there was a large enclave of muslims nearby. It was no secret----the people of that part DID NOT WANT TO SEE MUSLIMS and were kinda known for making their desires be a reality
There are many places you don't go in the US because of more than just Muslims...
1. Today, January 23, of 638 is recognized as the first that the Islamic calendar was used.
"The Islamic calendar is created and first used. The start of this lunar calendar is the year 622 of the western Christian calendar and is based on the year which Muhammad, the founder of Islam, emigrated from Mecca to Medina."
Today in History 23 January 638 Islamic Calendar Created

a. "The starting point of the calendar however was set to about sixteen years earlier, to mark the Hijrah — i.e. the time of emigration of the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. The word hijrah means to leave a place to seek sancturary or freedom from persecution or freedom of religion (or any other purpose). The emigration to Medina was a historic event, as it marked the turning point from persecution to freedom and acceptance of Submission (Islam in Arabic)."
Submission Islam

2. As is the wont of certain defenders of said religion, quite a fuss was kicked up when Steven Emerson mistakenly named Britain's second largest city, Birmingham, as 'totally Muslim.'
"There are actual cities" like Birmingham, England, "that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in."
Steven Emerson on Saturday, January 10th, 2015 in an interview on Fox News

"In Britain, it’s not just no-go zones," Emerson said. "There are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim, where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in. And parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire."

Western Europe is just not dealing with the situation, he said."
Fox News guest Steven Emerson says Birmingham is totally Muslim PunditFact

Oh, my....what a terrible mistake! Emerson should be behea.....never mind.

a. "No doubt, Islam is a growing and popular faith in Birmingham, up 7.5 percentage points from 2001 to 2011. Three Birmingham wards, Heath, Bordesley Green and Sparkbrook, had Muslim populations that exceeded half of the population, all ranging from 70 percent to about 77 percent."

OK...maybe Emerson should only be lashed.

3. "It’s possible Emerson was actually thinking of Bradford, where Muslims exercise cultural dominance and there have been controversies involving sharia law.....Last summer, the BBC published an investigative report on “Trojan Horse” claims that Islamic law and custom were being insinuated into Bradford schools.

The network discovered Islamic practices such as workshops segregated by sex, boys-only school trips, and alterations to the curriculum. There were allegations that a head teacher was forced out of her position in 2012 because she wasn’t on board with this agenda;....

The measures were defended as important elements of cultural outreach to Muslim students, with an eye toward improving their academic performance. Similar complaints were lodged against schools in Birmingham, which might be one of the reasons Emerson thought of that town."
Emerson Bradford and Birmingham The No-Go Zone Controversy


OK...maybe only one lash for Emerson.

But.....is there a problem of certain cities and a certain religion on which Emerson was focusing the spotlight?

Could be?

I thihk this emerson guy just overstated a reality. There are certainly areas of the USA to which----lots of people ---DO
NOT GO in fact in the city in which I used to live---large
city USA---with lots of muslims----there were parts of that city
to which muslims did not go. If one was in that part of the
city, one did not see muslims---even though there was a large enclave of muslims nearby. It was no secret----the people of that part DID NOT WANT TO SEE MUSLIMS and were kinda known for making their desires be a reality
There are many places you don't go in the US because of more than just Muslims...

Yes------so true Someone decided to make an issue
of the fact that THE WORD IS OUT
1. Today, January 23, of 638 is recognized as the first that the Islamic calendar was used.
"The Islamic calendar is created and first used. The start of this lunar calendar is the year 622 of the western Christian calendar and is based on the year which Muhammad, the founder of Islam, emigrated from Mecca to Medina."
Today in History 23 January 638 Islamic Calendar Created

a. "The starting point of the calendar however was set to about sixteen years earlier, to mark the Hijrah — i.e. the time of emigration of the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. The word hijrah means to leave a place to seek sancturary or freedom from persecution or freedom of religion (or any other purpose). The emigration to Medina was a historic event, as it marked the turning point from persecution to freedom and acceptance of Submission (Islam in Arabic)."
Submission Islam

2. As is the wont of certain defenders of said religion, quite a fuss was kicked up when Steven Emerson mistakenly named Britain's second largest city, Birmingham, as 'totally Muslim.'
"There are actual cities" like Birmingham, England, "that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in."
Steven Emerson on Saturday, January 10th, 2015 in an interview on Fox News

"In Britain, it’s not just no-go zones," Emerson said. "There are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim, where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in. And parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire."

Western Europe is just not dealing with the situation, he said."
Fox News guest Steven Emerson says Birmingham is totally Muslim PunditFact

Oh, my....what a terrible mistake! Emerson should be behea.....never mind.

a. "No doubt, Islam is a growing and popular faith in Birmingham, up 7.5 percentage points from 2001 to 2011. Three Birmingham wards, Heath, Bordesley Green and Sparkbrook, had Muslim populations that exceeded half of the population, all ranging from 70 percent to about 77 percent."

OK...maybe Emerson should only be lashed.

3. "It’s possible Emerson was actually thinking of Bradford, where Muslims exercise cultural dominance and there have been controversies involving sharia law.....Last summer, the BBC published an investigative report on “Trojan Horse” claims that Islamic law and custom were being insinuated into Bradford schools.

The network discovered Islamic practices such as workshops segregated by sex, boys-only school trips, and alterations to the curriculum. There were allegations that a head teacher was forced out of her position in 2012 because she wasn’t on board with this agenda;....

The measures were defended as important elements of cultural outreach to Muslim students, with an eye toward improving their academic performance. Similar complaints were lodged against schools in Birmingham, which might be one of the reasons Emerson thought of that town."
Emerson Bradford and Birmingham The No-Go Zone Controversy


OK...maybe only one lash for Emerson.

But.....is there a problem of certain cities and a certain religion on which Emerson was focusing the spotlight?

Could be?

I thihk this emerson guy just overstated a reality. There are certainly areas of the USA to which----lots of people ---DO
NOT GO in fact in the city in which I used to live---large
city USA---with lots of muslims----there were parts of that city
to which muslims did not go. If one was in that part of the
city, one did not see muslims---even though there was a large enclave of muslims nearby. It was no secret----the people of that part DID NOT WANT TO SEE MUSLIMS and were kinda known for making their desires be a reality
There are many places you don't go in the US because of more than just Muslims...

Yes------so true Someone decided to make an issue
of the fact that THE WORD IS OUT
Just think of the lives it could have saved since the dawn of civilized humans...
My fav Brit, Theodore Dalrymple, explored the hub-bub......

4. "Steven Emerson, the expert on terrorism, has caused a sigh of relief among the bien pensants of the Western world. By making inaccurate and false claims on Fox News, he has enabled them to pour righteous scorn on him and thereby avoid thinking about uncomfortable social realities."
Looking Away from Europe s Muslim Problem by Theodore Dalrymple City Journal 22 January 2015

Just what the apologists were looking for!
A way to deflect all of that on-going bad press the beheadings, crucifixions, lashings, bring up.

5. Take the city in question, Birmingham.... "...21.8 percent of the city’s inhabitants said that they were Muslim. This percentage is likely to rise because of higher birth rates among Muslims, immigration, and the departure of white Christians. Residents of Birmingham who identified themselves as “white British” declined by 11 percent between 2001 and 2011, while the “white Irish” declined by 33 percent.

6. ....Muslim Pakistani and Bangladeshi populations increased over those ten years by 40 and 50 percent, respectively, and the Arab population rose to 1 percent from zero percent. Whether this matters, whether it fills you with joy or apprehension, or leaves you indifferent, depends upon your political outlook—

7. ...the population in some areas is overwhelmingly Muslim. Emerson referred to some of these areas as “no-go zones.” White women report being verbally abused there, as sluts ex officio as it were, though it would not be true to say that any of the areas are truly “no-go.”
My fav Brit, Theodore Dalrymple, explored the hub-bub......

4. "Steven Emerson, the expert on terrorism, has caused a sigh of relief among the bien pensants of the Western world. By making inaccurate and false claims on Fox News, he has enabled them to pour righteous scorn on him and thereby avoid thinking about uncomfortable social realities."
Looking Away from Europe s Muslim Problem by Theodore Dalrymple City Journal 22 January 2015

Just what the apologists were looking for!
A way to deflect all of that on-going bad press the beheadings, crucifixions, lashings, bring up.

5. Take the city in question, Birmingham.... "...21.8 percent of the city’s inhabitants said that they were Muslim. This percentage is likely to rise because of higher birth rates among Muslims, immigration, and the departure of white Christians. Residents of Birmingham who identified themselves as “white British” declined by 11 percent between 2001 and 2011, while the “white Irish” declined by 33 percent.

6. ....Muslim Pakistani and Bangladeshi populations increased over those ten years by 40 and 50 percent, respectively, and the Arab population rose to 1 percent from zero percent. Whether this matters, whether it fills you with joy or apprehension, or leaves you indifferent, depends upon your political outlook—

7. ...the population in some areas is overwhelmingly Muslim. Emerson referred to some of these areas as “no-go zones.” White women report being verbally abused there, as sluts ex officio as it were, though it would not be true to say that any of the areas are truly “no-go.”
Oh the irony of no. 7. The Muslim women are offering themselves up to jihadists for sexual services - otherwise known as prostitution for free - and these people have the nerve to call western women such names. The hypocrisy is just too, TOO MUCH!
My fav Brit, Theodore Dalrymple, explored the hub-bub......

4. "Steven Emerson, the expert on terrorism, has caused a sigh of relief among the bien pensants of the Western world. By making inaccurate and false claims on Fox News, he has enabled them to pour righteous scorn on him and thereby avoid thinking about uncomfortable social realities."
Looking Away from Europe s Muslim Problem by Theodore Dalrymple City Journal 22 January 2015

Just what the apologists were looking for!
A way to deflect all of that on-going bad press the beheadings, crucifixions, lashings, bring up.

5. Take the city in question, Birmingham.... "...21.8 percent of the city’s inhabitants said that they were Muslim. This percentage is likely to rise because of higher birth rates among Muslims, immigration, and the departure of white Christians. Residents of Birmingham who identified themselves as “white British” declined by 11 percent between 2001 and 2011, while the “white Irish” declined by 33 percent.

6. ....Muslim Pakistani and Bangladeshi populations increased over those ten years by 40 and 50 percent, respectively, and the Arab population rose to 1 percent from zero percent. Whether this matters, whether it fills you with joy or apprehension, or leaves you indifferent, depends upon your political outlook—

7. ...the population in some areas is overwhelmingly Muslim. Emerson referred to some of these areas as “no-go zones.” White women report being verbally abused there, as sluts ex officio as it were, though it would not be true to say that any of the areas are truly “no-go.”
Oh the irony of no. 7. The Muslim women are offering themselves up to jihadists for sexual services - otherwise known as prostitution for free - and these people have the nerve to call western women such names. The hypocrisy is just too, TOO MUCH!

Hypocrisy seems to be coin of the realm in our secular society, too.
1. Today, January 23, of 638 is recognized as the first that the Islamic calendar was used.
"The Islamic calendar is created and first used. The start of this lunar calendar is the year 622 of the western Christian calendar and is based on the year which Muhammad, the founder of Islam, emigrated from Mecca to Medina."
Today in History 23 January 638 Islamic Calendar Created

a. "The starting point of the calendar however was set to about sixteen years earlier, to mark the Hijrah — i.e. the time of emigration of the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. The word hijrah means to leave a place to seek sancturary or freedom from persecution or freedom of religion (or any other purpose). The emigration to Medina was a historic event, as it marked the turning point from persecution to freedom and acceptance of Submission (Islam in Arabic)."
Submission Islam

2. As is the wont of certain defenders of said religion, quite a fuss was kicked up when Steven Emerson mistakenly named Britain's second largest city, Birmingham, as 'totally Muslim.'
"There are actual cities" like Birmingham, England, "that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in."
Steven Emerson on Saturday, January 10th, 2015 in an interview on Fox News

"In Britain, it’s not just no-go zones," Emerson said. "There are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim, where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in. And parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire."

Western Europe is just not dealing with the situation, he said."
Fox News guest Steven Emerson says Birmingham is totally Muslim PunditFact

Oh, my....what a terrible mistake! Emerson should be behea.....never mind.

a. "No doubt, Islam is a growing and popular faith in Birmingham, up 7.5 percentage points from 2001 to 2011. Three Birmingham wards, Heath, Bordesley Green and Sparkbrook, had Muslim populations that exceeded half of the population, all ranging from 70 percent to about 77 percent."

OK...maybe Emerson should only be lashed.

3. "It’s possible Emerson was actually thinking of Bradford, where Muslims exercise cultural dominance and there have been controversies involving sharia law.....Last summer, the BBC published an investigative report on “Trojan Horse” claims that Islamic law and custom were being insinuated into Bradford schools.

The network discovered Islamic practices such as workshops segregated by sex, boys-only school trips, and alterations to the curriculum. There were allegations that a head teacher was forced out of her position in 2012 because she wasn’t on board with this agenda;....

The measures were defended as important elements of cultural outreach to Muslim students, with an eye toward improving their academic performance. Similar complaints were lodged against schools in Birmingham, which might be one of the reasons Emerson thought of that town."
Emerson Bradford and Birmingham The No-Go Zone Controversy


OK...maybe only one lash for Emerson.

But.....is there a problem of certain cities and a certain religion on which Emerson was focusing the spotlight?

Could be?

I thihk this emerson guy just overstated a reality. There are certainly areas of the USA to which----lots of people ---DO
NOT GO in fact in the city in which I used to live---large
city USA---with lots of muslims----there were parts of that city
to which muslims did not go. If one was in that part of the
city, one did not see muslims---even though there was a large enclave of muslims nearby. It was no secret----the people of that part DID NOT WANT TO SEE MUSLIMS and were kinda known for making their desires be a reality
There are many places you don't go in the US because of more than just Muslims...

Anything to deflect?
Dalrymple dispenses with the view that the Muslim community has a particularly hard time due to discrimination.
He compares same to other groups....

8."In Britain, Muslim populations like those in Birmingham have relatively poor educational attainment and high rates of youth unemployment, crime, and imprisonment. This is not likely the result of discrimination, because Hindus and Sikhs, present also in large numbers, have lower rates of youth unemployment than whites and much lower levels of crime than whites.

The Sikhs have the second-highest average household wealth when such wealth is broken down by religious affiliation. Sikh households are richer than Christian ones; Muslim households are much poorer. The causes of this disparity are a matter of speculation, ...

9. Because of their high rates of consanguineous marriage, Muslim children have relatively high rates of serious genetic conditions,...."

This is worth some examination:
a. "Muslims have practiced marriages between first cousins in non-prohibited countries since the time of Muhammad. In a few countries the most common type is between paternal cousins.[168]

Muhammad actually did marry two relatives.[17] One was a first cousin, Zaynab bint Jahsh, who was not only the daughter of one of his father's sisters but was also divorced from a marriage with Muhammad's adopted son, Zayd ibn Haritha. It was the issue of adoption and not cousinship that caused controversy due to the opposition of pre-Islamic Arab norms.[170]"
Cousin marriage - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

b. "It's time to confront this taboo: First cousin marriages in Muslim communities are putting hundreds of children at risk"
It s time to confront this taboo First cousin marriages in Muslim communities are putting hundreds of children at risk Daily Mail Online
Last edited:
Muslims treated .....differently.....from other citizens?

10. "...school inspectors never inquire as to why Muslim girls go missing from school for long periods, though I have known white parents prosecuted because their refractory adolescent child failed to attend school as the law required for only short periods.

The same kind ofomertà was surely one reason for the shameful disregard shown by the police in Rotherham of the systematic sexual abuse of young white girls by Muslim men there—though whether the police were more afraid of Muslim reaction or accusations of racism in the liberal press is uncertain."
Op. Cit.

Seems to be a lot of that....
"Hands Up- Don't Shoot!"


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