Zone1 Israeli Jews Converting to Islam in Record Numbers Since October 7

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
CJ Werleman explores the growing trend of Israeli Jews converting to Islam and the subsequent concerns among Israeli leaders due to demographic changes and criticisms of Israeli policies. Werleman discusses how the fear of demographic change in a Muslim-majority region puts pressure on Israel to violate international law regarding Palestinian refugees' right to return.

He also mentions the rise of Jewish converts to Islam, whose voices criticize Israel's actions in occupied Palestine. This trend has alarmed Jewish supremacist organizations like Lehava, which seeks to bring Muslim converts back to Judaism. He emphasizes this as a transformational moment in the world, where the strength and influence of Islam are growing, despite past misrepresentations and bias.

An Israeli soldier participated in Israeli army crimes.
His mental state deteriorated due to the crimes he committed and the antidepressant medications didn't help.
After researching, he found that Islam says that God forgives all sins.
So, he entered the live broadcast of Sheikh Mohammad Ali and discussed with him, and he converted to Islam on air, praising God.
He asked Sheikh Mohammad Ali for a prayer to recite before sleep because he suffers from memory flashes related to what he did.

So it's true then: The word “Islam” is Arabic for “surrender” or “submission.”
So it's true then: The word “Islam” is Arabic for “surrender” or “submission.”
Christians also teach to submit to the will of God.

For example: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Weren't you ever taught: "Respect our differences and cherish our similarities "???
Christians also teach to submit to the will of God.

For example: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Weren't you ever taught: "Respect our differences and cherish our similarities "???

Big difference: We don't force anyone at gunpoint to surrender, nor do we decapitate people and film videos of it, while posing with banners having Christian symbols.

..To God.
You mean to Islam

The Left demands submission to the state.

Together, you can rule with Leftists demanding submission to Islam and the state, because Islam is just a political ideology itself based on Sharia law.
Like a lot of religions, Islam becomes more preposterous the closer you look. The Koran was "written" many generations after Mohammed died. It is basically all made up.
..To God.


But there is really only one God: The God of Moses, Isaac, and Abraham. The God who loved us so much that he sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins. The Son who healed the sick, raised the dead, and performed many other miracles.

The Son who also rose from the dead after the third day, and now sits at the right-hand side of the Father, awaiting Judgement Day.

Now who in Islam ever did those things? How many miracles did Muhammad perform? Did he ever heal sick persons, raise anyone from the dead, or feed five thousand people with only five loaves of bread and two fishes?

Did Muhammad die and was resurrected from the dead? No, he is still dead and will forever be dead.
Like a lot of religions, Islam becomes more preposterous the closer you look. The Koran was "written" many generations after Mohammed died. It is basically all made up.

The Old Testament is full for predictions about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of mankind's one and only true Messiah.

God is not going to suddenly say 600 years later "Ooops, I made a mistake, this is what I really meant to say."
The Old Testament is full for predictions about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of mankind's one and only true Messiah.

God is not going to suddenly say 600 years later "Ooops, I made a mistake, this is what I really meant to say."
You made mistakes. God never do mistakes and regret (as the bible authors claim).

Islam states that Jesus is the Messiah, but your knowledge about Islam seems trivial. (The bible talks about others as "Messiah" too; but your knowledge about the bible is also trivial)
You made mistakes. God never do mistakes and regret (as the bible authors claim).

Islam states that Jesus is the Messiah, but your knowledge about Islam seems trivial. (The bible talks about others as "Messiah" too; but your knowledge about the bible is also trivial)
You might wish to start with Judaism and see it for the complete scam that is is .
It exists on multiple and deliberate translation errors, then, as it were , built on subsequently by Christians with their Cult Religion .
The very idea that Jews are a Chosen Tribe is as absurd as when earlier generations worshipped their local tribal gods, be they water , sun , the elephant or pink reindeers .

Right across the planet our species was visited by Gods from the sky and it seems the one in the ME area introduced itself to a certain old dodderer named Moses at Mount Horeb/ Sinai-- similar in spirit and essence to those who have had similar encounters but recounted as UFO/UAP contactees.
That Yahweh character was a total disaster for the Jewish people from then and until today . Why anybody would want to worship a slave master with such an appalling track record of success( zero) is frankly beyond amazing .
That many Jews are switching away from their Cult religion is completely unsurprising . At least Islam had a period of greatness in terms of conquests and high culture , which is more than can be said of Judaism which is still awaiting even a first sniff of either .

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