What Is The Wrong Track?

If MAGA goes away there will be less sedition, less undermining of government organizations, less attempts at hanging the VP, less anti election rhetoric and Putin will have his troll farms be way less effective.

The border hasn't been secure in decades, still waiting on the anti inflation bill from Republicans and why would Democrats try to stop men from claiming to women? That isn't a function of government.
lol ! 2 hrs of brief violence compared to months of violent looting burning assaulting and terrorizing innocent Americans by leftist marxist gender confused lunatics ! after DeSantis or Trump becomes POTUS the left will riot and go insane again ! and it wont be 2 hrs of violence oh no ! the left will loot burn and assault again for months on end ! again !
Well, within the context of the poll, I'd guess that around 35% are partisan Republicans, and the rest are people (like me) who think the ends of our political spectrum have lost their fucking minds and are running us into the ground with their egos, and that our elected "leaders" (ha ha) have no balls and refuse to work together like fucking adults to fix our problems.
Mac1958 voted for biden and the other end of the political spectrum

But now he pretends to be in the middle
So, how many of you MAGA folks are willing to admit you agree with BL and that our country would be better off if women could not vote and if black people could not be citizens?
Don't much care about the Blacks being slaves thing, as slavery was being phased out anyhow. But nothing quantifiably beneficial for this nation has come about by giving women the privilege to vote. They overwhelmingly vote on feelings, and for social saftey nets, and the accompanying big government, and taxes. There's a reason history has never churned out a huge successful lasting empire founded on matriarchy. By, and large; both genders Excell at different roles. Regardless of the rare exceptions; no matter how you try to shoehorn it in...
With the latest polls showing that 71% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, what exactly is the wrong track (or tracks)? I'm particularly interested in the left's response to this. Obviously there is a good chunk of those 71% who are democrats or lefties who believe the country is on the wrong track and this is after over two years of Biden being in office, most of which time Democrats controlled the presidency, The House, and the Senate. OK, 71% is today's percentage but throughout Biden's administration these numbers have been high, even before the Supreme Court's RvW decision. So, you can't really pin it on that so, again, what exactly is the wrong track or tracks?

I say the wrong tracks are a meager economy closing in on a recession, high inflation, runaway violence, political correctness and wokism run amok, and being on the brink of a nuclear WWIII.

What Is The Wrong Track?​

Replacing white citizens with desperate government dependent thirdworlders
Sanctuary cities
Free healthcare for Mexico’s people
Spending billions to defend the borders of other nations while not defending our own
Normalizing/glamorizing faggotry, chicks with dicks and weird shit
Tearing down statues because they hurt the feelings of our least common denominators
Wokeism- pretending dark and weird/abnormal people are America’s greatest asset is plain fucking retarded
Teaching marxism in public schools
The unrelenting assault on our 1A and 2A constitutional rights
Disdain for the moral order that pillared this once great nation
Vilifying law enforcement and denouncing law and order

You know….all the things that Golfing Gator seems to be a proponent of.
many blacks have fought for and defended this country ! many did so and came home to a country [before civil rights] and couldnt eat or drink with other citizens that didnt serve ! all LEGAL LAW ABIDING citizens should have the right to vote ! the biggest problem about voting is many voters [democrat voters] are politically ill informed .
I agree, there are many great black folks but I responded to Golfing Gator ‘s post which appeared to be one speaking in general terms.
The wrong track is MAGA.

Sedition, election lies, democratic attacks etc etc.

MAGA goes away then less people would think America is in the wrong track.
First, what is MAGA? Second, MAGA is not in power so why do Americans think that the country is on the wrong track?
If MAGA goes away there will be less sedition, less undermining of government organizations, less attempts at hanging the VP, less anti election rhetoric and Putin will have his troll farms be way less effective.

The border hasn't been secure in decades, still waiting on the anti inflation bill from Republicans and why would Democrats try to stop men from claiming to women? That isn't a function of government.
Leftists have been attacking several state capitols. government organizations are being controlled by the democratic party, there have been zero attempts to hang any VP, democrats have questioned elections for decades, the left eat up Russian disinformation.

The border is less secure now than it has ever been. All we need to do regarding inflation is to reverse democratic policies. Why are lefties trying to use government to further men claiming to be women?
Oh please, not again. Do you deny that a huge portion of the country says we are on the wrong track? Really?

I am sure they do, we have been for this whole century.

Just would like to see the poll, I am always interested in how questions are asked.

Did you just make up the number or is there really a poll?
I am sure they do, we have been for this whole century.

Just would like to see the poll, I am always interested in how questions are asked.

Did you just make up the number or is there really a poll?
There have been a zillion polls since Biden took office, all saying the country is on the wrong track. It's not just one biased poll asking the question differently. It's ALL the polls. Why don't you just answer my question in the OP and tell us which things you think are on the wrong track? The thread is open for both lefties and righties and even Libertarians to respond to. I was asking YOUR opinion, not the poll's opinions and methodology. Why do YOU think the country is on the wrong track?
lol ! 2 hrs of brief violence compared to months of violent looting burning assaulting and terrorizing innocent Americans by leftist marxist gender confused lunatics ! after DeSantis or Trump becomes POTUS the left will riot and go insane again ! and it wont be 2 hrs of violence oh no ! the left will loot burn and assault again for months on end ! again !

Certainly nobody condones the violent protests that occurred, not because of an election but because of civil rights, but that is not unusual in America's history.

What is unusual is sedition against the federal government that manifested based on election lies and was condoned and spearheaded by our own president.

America can and has survived violent protests, surviving sedition is much more serious and difficult. Especially when executive and congressional members advocate and protect it.

MAGA is a danger to our democracy.
There have been a zillion polls since Biden took office, all saying the country is on the wrong track. It's not just one biased poll asking the question differently. It's ALL the polls. Why don't you just answer my question in the OP and tell us which things you think are on the wrong track? The thread is open for both lefties and righties and even Libertarians to respond to. I was asking YOUR opinion, not the poll's opinions and methodology.

So, you do not have a link to the poll.

Why not just say so to start with?

Why do YOU think the country is on the wrong track?

Because of hyper-partisan people like you that put their party before the country. There are far too many of you all on both sides and it is fucking the country over.
So, you do not have a link to the poll.

Why not just say so to start with?

Because of hyper-partisan people like you that put their party before the country. There are far too many of you all on both sides and it is fucking the country over.
As I said, there are over 10,000 polls out there covering the last few years. Pick one. Have someone teach you how to use a search engine. Meanwhile, I'm asking YOU. Whey do you think the country is headed in the wrong direction?
With the latest polls showing that 71% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, what exactly is the wrong track (or tracks)? I'm particularly interested in the left's response to this. Obviously there is a good chunk of those 71% who are democrats or lefties who believe the country is on the wrong track and this is after over two years of Biden being in office, most of which time Democrats controlled the presidency, The House, and the Senate. OK, 71% is today's percentage but throughout Biden's administration these numbers have been high, even before the Supreme Court's RvW decision. So, you can't really pin it on that so, again, what exactly is the wrong track or tracks?

I say the wrong tracks are a meager economy closing in on a recession, high inflation, runaway violence, political correctness and wokism run amok, and being on the brink of a nuclear WWIII.

"The wrong track" and "going in the right direction" are totally bogus and meaningless questions.

Almost everybody has SOMETHING that they have a grip about - so most of those "wrong track" people are always going to say that we're "on the wrong track" or "going in the wrong" direction.

All it means is that they are in a bitchy mood at the moment.
"The wrong track" and "going in the right direction" are totally bogus and meaningless questions.

Almost everybody has SOMETHING that they have a grip about - so most of those "wrong track" people are always going to say that we're "on the wrong track" or "going in the wrong" direction.

All it means is that they are in a bitchy mood at the moment.
They've been in a bitchy mood since Biden took office. Apparently they don't like the price of groceries, gas, and their rents.
As I said, there are over 10,000 polls out there covering the last few years. Pick one. Have someone teach you how to use a search engine. Meanwhile, I'm asking YOU. Whey do you think the country is headed in the wrong direction?

But how would I know I found the one you were talking about?

I told you why the country is heading in the wrong direction...Because of hyper-partisan people like you that put their party before the country. There are far too many of you all on both sides and it is fucking the country over.

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