What Is The Wrong Track?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
With the latest polls showing that 71% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, what exactly is the wrong track (or tracks)? I'm particularly interested in the left's response to this. Obviously there is a good chunk of those 71% who are democrats or lefties who believe the country is on the wrong track and this is after over two years of Biden being in office, most of which time Democrats controlled the presidency, The House, and the Senate. OK, 71% is today's percentage but throughout Biden's administration these numbers have been high, even before the Supreme Court's RvW decision. So, you can't really pin it on that so, again, what exactly is the wrong track or tracks?

I say the wrong tracks are a meager economy closing in on a recession, high inflation, runaway violence, political correctness and wokism run amok, and being on the brink of a nuclear WWIII.
With the latest polls showing that 71% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, what exactly is the wrong track (or tracks)? I'm particularly interested in the left's response to this. Obviously there is a good chunk of those 71% who are democrats or lefties who believe the country is on the wrong track and this is after over two years of Biden being in office, most of which time Democrats controlled the presidency, The House, and the Senate. OK, 71% is today's percentage but throughout Biden's administration these numbers have been high, even before the Supreme Court's RvW decision. So, you can't really pin it on that so, again, what exactly is the wrong track or tracks?

I say the wrong tracks are a meager economy closing in on a recession, high inflation, runaway violence, political correctness and wokism run amok, and being on the brink of a nuclear WWIII.

Do you have a link to the poll so we can see the questions and how people answered?
With the latest polls showing that 71% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, what exactly is the wrong track (or tracks)? I'm particularly interested in the left's response to this. Obviously there is a good chunk of those 71% who are democrats or lefties who believe the country is on the wrong track and this is after over two years of Biden being in office, most of which time Democrats controlled the presidency, The House, and the Senate. OK, 71% is today's percentage but throughout Biden's administration these numbers have been high, even before the Supreme Court's RvW decision. So, you can't really pin it on that so, again, what exactly is the wrong track or tracks?

I say the wrong tracks are a meager economy closing in on a recession, high inflation, runaway violence, political correctness and wokism run amok, and being on the brink of a nuclear WWIII.
The wrong track is MAGA.

Sedition, election lies, democratic attacks etc etc.

MAGA goes away then less people would think America is in the wrong track.
The wrong track is out current Dem push towards Circus Maximus.
Preteens, deciding what sex they want to be, and getting the change without permission from their parents.

Drag queens flaunting their junk in front of adolescents.
(Their is a difference between nudity and sex shows)

among other things.
Well, within the context of the poll, I'd guess that around 35% are partisan Republicans, and the rest are people (like me) who think the ends of our political spectrum have lost their fucking minds and are running us into the ground with their egos, and that our elected "leaders" (ha ha) have no balls and refuse to work together like fucking adults to fix our problems.
So, black people as citizens, women voting are both the wrong track in your view....interesting
YES…Unequivocally YES!
You could point us to the data that proves that black people IN GENERAL have enhanced and improved America for core Americans…you can’t so you won’t.
You could point us to the data that proves that women don’t vote on emotion and that they are capable of voting us on a positive trajectory…you can’t so you won’t.
You don’t expect courageous, sane, unWoke, UnProgrammed folks to agree with your leftist manufactured political correctness do you? Unfortunately for you there are still many people who like facts and data and they develop opinions and positions based on that pesky truth you seem to hate.
YES…Unequivocally YES!
You could point us to the data that proves that black people IN GENERAL have enhanced and improved America for core Americans…you can’t so you won’t.
You could point us to the data that proves that women don’t vote on emotion and that they are capable of voting us on a positive trajectory…you can’t so you won’t.
You don’t expect courageous, sane, unWoke, UnProgrammed folks to agree with your leftist manufactured political correctness do you? Unfortunately for you there are still many people who like facts and data and they develop opinions and positions based on that pesky truth you seem to hate.

So, how many of you MAGA folks are willing to admit you agree with BL and that our country would be better off if women could not vote and if black people could not be citizens?
The wrong track involves the intentional destruction of America from within through the coordinated efforts of globalist technocrats, the mainstream media and the Democrat party.

"You will own nothing and you will be happy"
YES…Unequivocally YES!
You could point us to the data that proves that black people IN GENERAL have enhanced and improved America for core Americans…you can’t so you won’t.
You could point us to the data that proves that women don’t vote on emotion and that they are capable of voting us on a positive trajectory…you can’t so you won’t.
You don’t expect courageous, sane, unWoke, UnProgrammed folks to agree with your leftist manufactured political correctness do you? Unfortunately for you there are still many people who like facts and data and they develop opinions and positions based on that pesky truth you seem to hate.
many blacks have fought for and defended this country ! many did so and came home to a country [before civil rights] and couldnt eat or drink with other citizens that didnt serve ! all LEGAL LAW ABIDING citizens should have the right to vote ! the biggest problem about voting is many voters [democrat voters] are politically ill informed .
The wrong track involves the intentional destruction of America from within through the coordinated efforts of globalist technocrats, the mainstream media and the Democrat party.

"You will own nothing and you will be happy"
You're half right about the Democrat party. The other half of that equation is the Republican party.

The mainstream media mainly reports the sleazy news they hear. They should do a better job of identifying the sleazy propaganda they report on, but the source of the sleaze comes from our representatives and, in many cases, from our own citizens.

I don't know what you mean by "the intentional destruction of America from within through the coordinated efforts of globalist technocrat".
if maga goes away the border will be secure , fuel and food prices will go down , and democrat males will stop claiming they are women ?
If MAGA goes away there will be less sedition, less undermining of government organizations, less attempts at hanging the VP, less anti election rhetoric and Putin will have his troll farms be way less effective.

The border hasn't been secure in decades, still waiting on the anti inflation bill from Republicans and why would Democrats try to stop men from claiming to women? That isn't a function of government.
There was. And at least two people in this thread want to go back to that.

Are you on board with them?
There was?

My understanding is that states put roadblocks in place to prevent them from voting, not the Constitution.

got a link?

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