What is a man?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
What is your definition of a man? When someone tells a kid to act like a man, what does it mean? Is your definition of what it means to be a man different from the expectations of others?
What is your definition of a man? When someone tells a kid to act like a man, what does it mean? Is your definition of what it means to be a man different from the expectations of others?

It is a way of telling a kid to behave more maturely. Usually told to a male because telling a girl to act like a man would be inconsistent.
What is your definition of a man? When someone tells a kid to act like a man, what does it mean? Is your definition of what it means to be a man different from the expectations of others?

My dad cooked and cleaned, did laundry, and was bad at all of it except for a few dishes he could put out spot on. My definition of a man would be the same as for any adult--someone who does what has to be done whether they like it or not.
It mean's they are teaching the kid toxic masculinity and that woman and femininity is inherently inferior.

I hear the sirens of the PC police.

This comment might violate the clean debate rules.

No Name Calling Or Putting Down Posters
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Which of the above guidelines would my post violate? I beleive your negative interpertation of telling someone to act like a man to be the epitome of political correctness. And I beleive the way I communicated that to be appropriate for CDZ.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puMPxcJmsWk]The Big Lebowski (clip 10) "What makes a man, Mr. Lebowski?" - YouTube[/ame]
What is your definition of a man? When someone tells a kid to act like a man, what does it mean? Is your definition of what it means to be a man different from the expectations of others?

Fear God.

Dont get drunker then you can handle.

Dont be lazy.

Work hard.

Fight for what you hold dear.

Dont smack up your woman.

Support your kids.

Dont lie.

Protect your word.

Not in any order really but that covers most of it for me and my boys.
What is your definition of a man? When someone tells a kid to act like a man, what does it mean? Is your definition of what it means to be a man different from the expectations of others?

An adult homo sapien with a penis.
What is your definition of a man? When someone tells a kid to act like a man, what does it mean? Is your definition of what it means to be a man different from the expectations of others?

My dad cooked and cleaned, did laundry, and was bad at all of it except for a few dishes he could put out spot on. My definition of a man would be the same as for any adult--someone who does what has to be done whether they like it or not.

:thup: ^^^

I have told women to "woman up"......
What is your definition of a man? Is your definition of what it means to be a man different from the expectations of others?


I'm gonna have to agree with Lord Dracula on this one
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