What happens to you when you die?

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
The largest study ever done on the subject, scientists discover your mind continues to exist even after your heart and your brain cease to function.

Hello God. :)

Death just became even more scary: scientists say people are aware they’re dead because their consciousness continues to work after the body has stopped showing signs of life.

That means that, theoretically, someone may even hear their own death being announced by medics.
The mind still works after you're dead, say scientists

You are made in the image of your Father. You are eternal. The only thing scary about death is location, location, location. Make your reservations today. Christ is the key to your next abode.
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What happens to you when you die?
People move your lifeless body and bury or cremate you. Thats my opinion anyways.
You go to heaven and FINALLY get to go buckwild sinning all over the place like it’s spring break for eternity!
The largest study ever done on the subject, scientists discover your mind continues to exist even after your heart and your brain cease to function.

Hello God. :)

Death just became even more scary: scientists say people are aware they’re dead because their consciousness continues to work after the body has stopped showing signs of life.

That means that, theoretically, someone may even hear their own death being announced by medics.
The mind still works after you're dead, say scientists

You are made in the image of your Father. You are eternal.
Not scary. Fantastic!
The largest study ever done on the subject, scientists discover your mind continues to exist even after your heart and your brain cease to function.

Hello God. :)

Death just became even more scary: scientists say people are aware they’re dead because their consciousness continues to work after the body has stopped showing signs of life.

That means that, theoretically, someone may even hear their own death being announced by medics.
The mind still works after you're dead, say scientists

You are made in the image of your Father. You are eternal. The only thing scary about death is location, location, location. Make your reservations today. Christ is the key to your next abode.

I think about this now and again. TN heartily nailed it. Our carcass is disposed of. After that? I don’t know. I knew a dude who was dead for a bit after a bad fall. He said all he remember was standing up before he fell, then waking up in the hospital.
The largest study ever done on the subject, scientists discover your mind continues to exist even after your heart and your brain cease to function.

Hello God. :)

Death just became even more scary: scientists say people are aware they’re dead because their consciousness continues to work after the body has stopped showing signs of life.

That means that, theoretically, someone may even hear their own death being announced by medics.
The mind still works after you're dead, say scientists

You are made in the image of your Father. You are eternal. The only thing scary about death is location, location, location. Make your reservations today. Christ is the key to your next abode.

I remember reading an article when I was a kid, about a scientist predicting science would catch up to theology on this at some point.
What happens to you when you die?
People move your lifeless body and bury or cremate you. Thats my opinion anyways.

That is what happens to your clay exterior. What happens to the conscious immortal you after you hear your death being announced?

I went through this when I was 14. My first thought was, "If I heard you say that, then I can't be dead". Thing is, I wasn't in my body when I thought it. I was in back of the ambulance looking at my body.
We are immortal beings. And this life, in these terrestrial coverings is just the first step. You will always be you. Your family will always be your family.
The question is, do you want to carry your sin with you into the next chapter, or would you rather be clothed in a robe of righteousness, provided by Christ. It is His gift to you. And insures a bright future.
Generally your body rots away and the worms eat you
What happens to you when you die?
People move your lifeless body and bury or cremate you. Thats my opinion anyways.

That is what happens to your clay exterior. What happens to the conscious immortal you after you hear your death being announced?

I went through this when I was 14. My first thought was, "If I heard you say that, then I can't be dead". Thing is, I wasn't in my body when I thought it. I was in back of the ambulance looking at my body.
We are immortal beings. And this life, in these terrestrial coverings is just the first step. You will always be you. Your family will always be your family.
The question is, do you want to carry your sin with you into the next chapter, or would you rather be clothed in a robe of righteousness, provided by Christ. It is His gift to you. And insures a bright future.
I dont believe in all that but you have at it :)
What happens to you when you die?
People move your lifeless body and bury or cremate you. Thats my opinion anyways.

That is what happens to your clay exterior. What happens to the conscious immortal you after you hear your death being announced?

I went through this when I was 14. My first thought was, "If I heard you say that, then I can't be dead". Thing is, I wasn't in my body when I thought it. I was in back of the ambulance looking at my body.
We are immortal beings. And this life, in these terrestrial coverings is just the first step. You will always be you. Your family will always be your family.
The question is, do you want to carry your sin with you into the next chapter, or would you rather be clothed in a robe of righteousness, provided by Christ. It is His gift to you. And insures a bright future.

That’s what they say. I have heard accounts like this before, matter of fact that’s pretty typical. But even the Bible (in my opinion) doesn’t really describe death like that. We are either supposed to feast until Jesus returns, then we wake up and get judged. Other believe in pergatory and then there is the Jewish thing after death. However it gos, we will have to wait until the lights go all the way out before we know.
What happens to you when you die?
People move your lifeless body and bury or cremate you. Thats my opinion anyways.

That is what happens to your clay exterior. What happens to the conscious immortal you after you hear your death being announced?

I went through this when I was 14. My first thought was, "If I heard you say that, then I can't be dead". Thing is, I wasn't in my body when I thought it. I was in back of the ambulance looking at my body.
We are immortal beings. And this life, in these terrestrial coverings is just the first step. You will always be you. Your family will always be your family.
The question is, do you want to carry your sin with you into the next chapter, or would you rather be clothed in a robe of righteousness, provided by Christ. It is His gift to you. And insures a bright future.
I dont believe in all that but you have at it :)

I struggle with it myself.
I suspect it’s a lot like being under a general anesthesia; completely unaware of anything
What happens to you when you die?
People move your lifeless body and bury or cremate you. Thats my opinion anyways.

That is what happens to your clay exterior. What happens to the conscious immortal you after you hear your death being announced?

I went through this when I was 14. My first thought was, "If I heard you say that, then I can't be dead". Thing is, I wasn't in my body when I thought it. I was in back of the ambulance looking at my body.
We are immortal beings. And this life, in these terrestrial coverings is just the first step. You will always be you. Your family will always be your family.
The question is, do you want to carry your sin with you into the next chapter, or would you rather be clothed in a robe of righteousness, provided by Christ. It is His gift to you. And insures a bright future.

That’s what they say. I have heard accounts like this before, matter of fact that’s pretty typical. But even the Bible (in my opinion) doesn’t really describe death like that. We are either supposed to feast until Jesus returns, then we wake up and get judged. Other believe in pergatory and then there is the Jewish thing after death. However it gos, we will have to wait until the lights go all the way out before we know.
Why would a living person be obsessed with death?
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground, for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”
The largest study ever done on the subject, scientists discover your mind continues to exist even after your heart and your brain cease to function.

Hello God. :)

Death just became even more scary: scientists say people are aware they’re dead because their consciousness continues to work after the body has stopped showing signs of life.

That means that, theoretically, someone may even hear their own death being announced by medics.
The mind still works after you're dead, say scientists

You are made in the image of your Father. You are eternal. The only thing scary about death is location, location, location. Make your reservations today. Christ is the key to your next abode.
Uh, no

From your link ~ Death is defined as the point at which the heart no longer beats, and blood flow to the brain is cut off.

Consciousness after clinical death. The biggest ever scientific study published

Southampton University scientists have found evidence that awareness continue for at least several minutes after clinical death which was previously thought impossible.

which included more than 2,000 persons who suffered a cardiac arrest and successfully responded to resuscitation treatment

Consciousness after clinical death. The biggest ever scientific study published | Bioethics Research Library

The brain is still functioning, but dying. With resuscitation, they come back.

This is NOT breaking news

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