What happens to you when you die?

What happens when you die?

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Life ever after
What happens to you when you die?
People move your lifeless body and bury or cremate you. Thats my opinion anyways.

That is what happens to your clay exterior. What happens to the conscious immortal you after you hear your death being announced?

I went through this when I was 14. My first thought was, "If I heard you say that, then I can't be dead". Thing is, I wasn't in my body when I thought it. I was in back of the ambulance looking at my body.
We are immortal beings. And this life, in these terrestrial coverings is just the first step. You will always be you. Your family will always be your family.
The question is, do you want to carry your sin with you into the next chapter, or would you rather be clothed in a robe of righteousness, provided by Christ. It is His gift to you. And insures a bright future.

That’s what they say. I have heard accounts like this before, matter of fact that’s pretty typical. But even the Bible (in my opinion) doesn’t really describe death like that. We are either supposed to feast until Jesus returns, then we wake up and get judged. Other believe in pergatory and then there is the Jewish thing after death. However it gos, we will have to wait until the lights go all the way out before we know.

The Bible does describe just that though. It describes those who had passed on as being alive in spirit form. And in that form they were as recognizable as they were in body form. With mouths and thirst, and visions and total recall.
If you belong to the Lord, Paul tells us that being absent from the body is being present with the Lord. You still exist, the body has given out. There are 2 scenarios to come. Christ coming in the air to collect those still alive and the bodies of the spirits with Him. We are going to be reunited with those bodies now glorified, because we are coming back, with Christ, to do battle.
Those bodies that sleep and did not accept the gift of freedom from condemnation that Christ paid for, will be reunited with their bodies and will be standing in court at the White Throne Judgement pleading their case, while covered in sin.
Those in Christ face no such judgement:
Romans 8:1
is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
The largest study ever done on the subject, scientists discover your mind continues to exist even after your heart and your brain cease to function.

Hello God. :)

Death just became even more scary: scientists say people are aware they’re dead because their consciousness continues to work after the body has stopped showing signs of life.

That means that, theoretically, someone may even hear their own death being announced by medics.
The mind still works after you're dead, say scientists

You are made in the image of your Father. You are eternal. The only thing scary about death is location, location, location. Make your reservations today. Christ is the key to your next abode.
Uh, no

From your link ~ Death is defined as the point at which the heart no longer beats, and blood flow to the brain is cut off.

Consciousness after clinical death. The biggest ever scientific study published

Southampton University scientists have found evidence that awareness continue for at least several minutes after clinical death which was previously thought impossible.

which included more than 2,000 persons who suffered a cardiac arrest and successfully responded to resuscitation treatment

Consciousness after clinical death. The biggest ever scientific study published | Bioethics Research Library

The brain is still functioning, but dying. With resuscitation, they come back.

This is NOT breaking news

Yes it is. Science says so. That is what is breaking,
Total lack of brain function. It brings to mind the woman blind from birth who developed a brain tumor. They had to completely stop brain function to operate. Dead brain. When they started her back up, she described the instruments used, the song the doctor sang and amazingly the color of his scrubs. She knew blue. Her spiritual eyes functioned perfectly. So did her mind.
Too many experiences have been documented that give credence to life after death. Even if there is some minute brain wave in nearness to death, or a faint heart beat, it can't explain the knowledge gathered during a near death experience. Or that something other than bodily functions happened during the crisis.

I was unconscious before the ambulance arrived and didn't regain consciousness until after I was in the ER for 20 minutes, but I knew the woman kneeling next to me in the ambulance with a stethoscope on my heart was my aunt's neighbor and not a paramedic. That solidified it for my Dad. That and I had not seen the town's new ambulance, and I told him it was the ugliest limey green you ever saw.
Truth about the afterlife:
What everyone calls spirit or soul, contrary to beliefs, has no way of exiting this existence into another layer or realm. As scripture tells us, when you die the body goes back to the dust of the earth (Ecc 3:20) and the soul (breath) or spirit (nature of your being) also dissipates into the energy surrounding this, our layer of existence, the earth (Ecc 12:7, Psalms 22:29 & 104:29-30, Ezekiel 18:4 & 20, Joshua 10:28-39). That's why even the elect, is in no rush to die and leave this earth, our only existence. Our Spirit (which is an essence of our being & not an energy) shouldn't be portrayed as an energy, for even if it was described as such it could not escape from this earth or have any senses or conciousness without a processor for it, which is what our brain is. We were formed from processions, layer after layer of micro realms to have concious energy, by placing the soul into the body, which acts as the processor, otherwise there would be no "Life" to experience. So, there is no such thing as afterlife, it's a myth or great scam. Example: You send a signal from computer to computer with a visual program that functions, but by itself that energy full of info has no form of concept, but once it’s received and processed at the end user, it then becomes a formed and visible program. Without the processor it’s just energy in micro orders without macro end vision of form.
Still doubt what I say?
Try blind folding yourself, placing sound proof ear phones on, and numbing your fingers. What do you feel, hear or see (thus sense)?
Does that energy you call soul still see, hear, touch, and feel?
Without your vessel acting as the processor you have no sense that allow you to feel, hear, see and sense life.
Confusion Sets In:
The light at the end of the Tunnel & hellucination of relatives seen as after life is actually occuring from the lack of oxygen to the brain. This has been simulated in a lab like in DR Michael Persinger's research, where everyone stimulated on the side portion of the brain had the same exact experience as if they were dying, & they saw the same tunnel of light, higher presence, feeling of floating & detachment, and imagery almost identical to each other. This deception of Bright Light deceives us into thinking there is something after death that in reality doesn't exist and was part of Cult beliefs. Therefore we end up treating death as life, even though scripture warns us of "PROMISING" people a false "Soul Flying Life"(Ezekiel 13:20-22).
Another misperception on the concept stems from people mistaking this ability to transmit oneself, as in "remote viewing" or "telepathy", as being similar to out of body death or eternal life being proved. In other words they see this ability as another realm.
This couldn't be more deceptive....You see in all cases there was always a processor in which the info energy was received, whether Telepathy or remote viewing. We know energy can't have consciousness without a processor which acts as the mechanism in which we use to feel and experience life. This Body and Mind vessel is the only processor as energy by itself has nothing to feel. (bible even says this) Thus when we think these things are another realm, they are actually talents within this order (realm)and there is no other realm but this life. Deception is in telling people there is an afterlife, for by teaching that we have worshipped death and sacrificed this one and only grace of Life.

So what was the eternal life in Scripture meant to be?
The Greek myths, because of their belief in an immortal soul, viewed death as a natural, desirable, progression. It's concept was that it completes the liberation of the soul & it would free the soul from the prison of its body. But all this did was cause worship of death deceiving people as as if it were life. The Jews on the other hand, saw death as an enemy, something unnatural, abnormal, opposed to God. The only hope for a dying creation was a
resurrection, a release from the death condition & remaining alive in this only grace of Life. Resurrection was to be a true reward for for those who gave their lives freely to G0D. In other words it was seen as an ideal way to bring justice for those who have sacrificed their lives to better Life for the whole.
The Nazarenes taught to covet death opposite traditional Judaism. Logically we would then ask ourselves were they helenized Jews who were influenced by Greek mythology or did this occur from other cultural influences? The Nazarenes admit in the John Apochryphon that they borrow from Zoroastrianism. We see remanants of Johns followers called the Mandeans which teach similar coveting of death teachings, those Zoroastrian teachings which John influenced onto his followers also influenced Jesus who eventually took the beheaded John's flock. So the Nazarenes which taught ‘The Mysterys of Babylon’ were deemed the Notzrim (offshoot) because they seperated these views on death creating an off shoot sect from traditional Judaism and it's understandings on death and heaven.
Death is not another life, but a curse:
Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19
I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day,That I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your children.
The Reason Why They Sold The Lie
Well think about it. Rome was losing power and control and no-one would be obedient to them while they invaded and captured and enslaved people. So they used the mask of religion to remain in power, collect taxes (now called tithes)and they spread out far and wide without anyone knowing they were still being invaded or controlled by the Roman Empire.......Brilliant eh?
Now while in a masked power how do they keep the lower classes from Rising? Simple, create a false hope of a better life for sacrificing yourself in this life. Thinking they are suffering here to go to heaven later was another brilliant trick of the Romans. How do they get suckers to fight in wars for them? Tell them they are martyrs and will go to a false hope afterlife of heaven. Hey, that's what the JiHaad is all about, as they tell them they die for a greater afterlife and they go along with it unknowingly. If they just tell the truth, then no longer do you have people fighting for fat cats for the hope of pleasing their gods. Simply put we can have total peace and prosperity if Rome admits where it came from and what it is....If you don't recognize the beast then you're bound by it.
Truth about the afterlife:
What everyone calls spirit or soul, contrary to beliefs, has no way of exiting this existence into another layer or realm. As scripture tells us, when you die the body goes back to the dust of the earth (Ecc 3:20) and the soul (breath) or spirit (nature of your being) also dissipates into the energy surrounding this, our layer of existence, the earth (Ecc 12:7, Psalms 22:29 & 104:29-30, Ezekiel 18:4 & 20, Joshua 10:28-39). That's why even the elect, is in no rush to die and leave this earth, our only existence. Our Spirit (which is an essence of our being & not an energy) shouldn't be portrayed as an energy, for even if it was described as such it could not escape from this earth or have any senses or conciousness without a processor for it, which is what our brain is. We were formed from processions, layer after layer of micro realms to have concious energy, by placing the soul into the body, which acts as the processor, otherwise there would be no "Life" to experience. So, there is no such thing as afterlife, it's a myth or great scam. Example: You send a signal from computer to computer with a visual program that functions, but by itself that energy full of info has no form of concept, but once it’s received and processed at the end user, it then becomes a formed and visible program. Without the processor it’s just energy in micro orders without macro end vision of form.
Still doubt what I say?
Try blind folding yourself, placing sound proof ear phones on, and numbing your fingers. What do you feel, hear or see (thus sense)?
Does that energy you call soul still see, hear, touch, and feel?
Without your vessel acting as the processor you have no sense that allow you to feel, hear, see and sense life.
Confusion Sets In:
The light at the end of the Tunnel & hellucination of relatives seen as after life is actually occuring from the lack of oxygen to the brain. This has been simulated in a lab like in DR Michael Persinger's research, where everyone stimulated on the side portion of the brain had the same exact experience as if they were dying, & they saw the same tunnel of light, higher presence, feeling of floating & detachment, and imagery almost identical to each other. This deception of Bright Light deceives us into thinking there is something after death that in reality doesn't exist and was part of Cult beliefs. Therefore we end up treating death as life, even though scripture warns us of "PROMISING" people a false "Soul Flying Life"(Ezekiel 13:20-22).
Another misperception on the concept stems from people mistaking this ability to transmit oneself, as in "remote viewing" or "telepathy", as being similar to out of body death or eternal life being proved. In other words they see this ability as another realm.
This couldn't be more deceptive....You see in all cases there was always a processor in which the info energy was received, whether Telepathy or remote viewing. We know energy can't have consciousness without a processor which acts as the mechanism in which we use to feel and experience life. This Body and Mind vessel is the only processor as energy by itself has nothing to feel. (bible even says this) Thus when we think these things are another realm, they are actually talents within this order (realm)and there is no other realm but this life. Deception is in telling people there is an afterlife, for by teaching that we have worshipped death and sacrificed this one and only grace of Life.

So what was the eternal life in Scripture meant to be?
The Greek myths, because of their belief in an immortal soul, viewed death as a natural, desirable, progression. It's concept was that it completes the liberation of the soul & it would free the soul from the prison of its body. But all this did was cause worship of death deceiving people as as if it were life. The Jews on the other hand, saw death as an enemy, something unnatural, abnormal, opposed to God. The only hope for a dying creation was a
resurrection, a release from the death condition & remaining alive in this only grace of Life. Resurrection was to be a true reward for for those who gave their lives freely to G0D. In other words it was seen as an ideal way to bring justice for those who have sacrificed their lives to better Life for the whole.
The Nazarenes taught to covet death opposite traditional Judaism. Logically we would then ask ourselves were they helenized Jews who were influenced by Greek mythology or did this occur from other cultural influences? The Nazarenes admit in the John Apochryphon that they borrow from Zoroastrianism. We see remanants of Johns followers called the Mandeans which teach similar coveting of death teachings, those Zoroastrian teachings which John influenced onto his followers also influenced Jesus who eventually took the beheaded John's flock. So the Nazarenes which taught ‘The Mysterys of Babylon’ were deemed the Notzrim (offshoot) because they seperated these views on death creating an off shoot sect from traditional Judaism and it's understandings on death and heaven.
Death is not another life, but a curse:
Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19
I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day,That I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your children.
The Reason Why They Sold The Lie
Well think about it. Rome was losing power and control and no-one would be obedient to them while they invaded and captured and enslaved people. So they used the mask of religion to remain in power, collect taxes (now called tithes)and they spread out far and wide without anyone knowing they were still being invaded or controlled by the Roman Empire.......Brilliant eh?
Now while in a masked power how do they keep the lower classes from Rising? Simple, create a false hope of a better life for sacrificing yourself in this life. Thinking they are suffering here to go to heaven later was another brilliant trick of the Romans. How do they get suckers to fight in wars for them? Tell them they are martyrs and will go to a false hope afterlife of heaven. Hey, that's what the JiHaad is all about, as they tell them they die for a greater afterlife and they go along with it unknowingly. If they just tell the truth, then no longer do you have people fighting for fat cats for the hope of pleasing their gods. Simply put we can have total peace and prosperity if Rome admits where it came from and what it is....If you don't recognize the beast then you're bound by it.
Without your vessel acting as the processor you have no sense that allow you to feel, hear, see and sense life.

We know energy can't have consciousness without a processor which acts as the mechanism in which we use to feel and experience life.


Flora has plenty of energy it's (processor) the Sun is not part of its physiology their Spirit is wholly independent same as all beings they are all the same. learning ones destiny before death despite christianity requires a sinless state of being, they or any bible people will never know.
What happens to you when you die?
People move your lifeless body and bury or cremate you. Thats my opinion anyways.

That is what happens to your clay exterior. What happens to the conscious immortal you after you hear your death being announced?

I went through this when I was 14. My first thought was, "If I heard you say that, then I can't be dead". Thing is, I wasn't in my body when I thought it. I was in back of the ambulance looking at my body.
We are immortal beings. And this life, in these terrestrial coverings is just the first step. You will always be you. Your family will always be your family.
The question is, do you want to carry your sin with you into the next chapter, or would you rather be clothed in a robe of righteousness, provided by Christ. It is His gift to you. And insures a bright future.
" Thing is, I wasn't in my body when I thought it. I was in back of the ambulance looking at my body."

Yes, hypoxic episodes can create not only all manner of hallucinations, but also completely falsify and alter memories.
When you die, your spirit comes out of your body and goes to the spirit world and awaits the resurrection and judgement of God. In the spirit world the gospel is preached.
All that have not had the opportunity to hear the gospel in this life will have a chance to hear it in the spirit world. The spirit world is divided into two main places, paradise and spirit prison. Paradise is a place where the righteous go to await the resurrection. Spirit prison is a place where those who did not accept the gospel or those who haven't heard the gospel will go. The righteous in paradise go unto those in spirit prison and teach them the gospel so that they will have a chance to accept or reject it.

1 Peter 3:18-20
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

Latter-day revelation regarding these scriptures has been given. See Doctrine and Covenants 138

Once you have had the opportunity to hear the gospel and given a chance to accept it or reject it, you will be resurrected with a body of flesh and bones but no blood. The life of a resurrected being is in the spirit and not in the blood. You will be resurrected to never be separated from your body again. It will be a spiritual body and not a mortal body. You will then stand before Christ who is the judge of both the quick and the dead to be judged according to your works while here in this life. Those who are found worthy to enter the kingdom of God, aka the celestial kingdom, will come forth in the morning of the first resurrection. The first resurrection will occur at Christ's second coming. Those who are not worthy of the celestial kingdom but were good people of the earth but would not accept the gospel will resurrect in the evening of the first resurrection. Those who were wicked and evil in this world and rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ will have to wait until the end of Christ's millennial reign on earth and come forth in the second resurrection. This occurs after Christ's 1000 year millennial reign on earth. Those who come forth in the morning of the first resurrection will inherit the kingdom of God, aka the celestial kingdom. Those who come forth in the evening of the first resurrection will inherit a terrestrial kingdom. Those who come forth in the second resurrection will inherit a telestial kingdom. The glory of each of these kingdoms differ as the Sun, Moon, and Stars differ in their glory.

1 Corinthians 15:40-42
40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.
42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:

There is also a place without glory where the Sons of Perdition will go. Cain was called Perdition and came out in open rebellion against God knowing full well that God exists and that he was the God of heaven. For those who receive a higher knowledge of God and then rebel against him, they become Sons of Perdition and are consigned to dwell in a kingdom without any glory known as outer darkness.

For a detailed Latter-day revelation on these kingdoms, see Doctrine and Covenants 76
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When you die, your spirit comes out of your body and goes to the spirit world and awaits the resurrection and judgement of God. In the spirit world the gospel is preached.
All that have not had the opportunity to hear the gospel in this life will have a chance to hear it in the spirit world. The spirit world is divided into two main places, paradise and spirit prison. Paradise is a place where the righteous go to await the resurrection. Spirit prison is a place where those who did not accept the gospel or those who haven't heard the gospel will go. The righteous in paradise go unto those in spirit prison and teach them the gospel so that they will have a chance to accept or reject it.

1 Peter 3:18-20
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

Latter-day revelation regarding these scriptures has been given. See Doctrine and Covenants 138

Once you have had the opportunity to hear the gospel and given a chance to accept it or reject it, you will be resurrected with a body of flesh and bones but no blood. The life of a resurrected being is in the spirit and not in the blood. You will be resurrected to never be separated from your body again. It will be a spiritual body and not a mortal body. You will then stand before Christ who is the judge of both the quick and the dead to be judged according to your works while here in this life. Those who are found worthy to enter the kingdom of God, aka the celestial kingdom, will come forth in the morning of the first resurrection. The first resurrection will occur at Christ's second coming. Those who are not worthy of the celestial kingdom but were good people of the earth but would not accept the gospel will resurrect in the evening of the first resurrection. Those who were wicked and evil in this world and rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ will have to wait until the end of Christ's millennial reign on earth and come forth in the second resurrection. This occurs after Christ's 1000 year millennial reign on earth. Those who come forth in the morning of the first resurrection will inherit the kingdom of God, aka the celestial kingdom. Those who come forth in the evening of the first resurrection will inherit a terrestrial kingdom. Those who come forth in the second resurrection will inherit a telestial kingdom. The glory of each of these kingdoms differ as the Sun, Moon, and Stars differ in their glory.

1 Corinthians 15:40-42
40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.
42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:

There is also a place without glory where the Sons of Perdition will go. Cain was called Perdition and came out in open rebellion against God knowing full well that God exists and that he was the God of heaven. For those who receive a higher knowledge of God and then rebel against him, they become Sons of Perdition and are consigned to dwell in a kingdom without any glory known as outer darkness.

For a detailed Latter-day revelation on these kingdoms, see Doctrine and Covenants 76
With all due respect, it would take a shit load of weed for me to even look at the rorschach you just posted.
You get to fuck 72 virgins.

...which isn't as great as it sounds, because after fucking them, they get really pissed when they find that you fucked 71 others..."I saved myself for you and this is how you treat me???" Likely about 12 of them will accuse you of rape.
When you die you wake up.

and finally realize....

It was all a bad dream!

When you die you wake up.

and finally realize....

It was all a bad dream!

Then why not kill yourself?

because to kill yourself is not allowed.

that's the one thing humans should not do
The "one" thing? Huh? why? "All sins are equal" in God's eyes, no? There are some sins that cannot be forgiven? Or is it just this one?

you take your life you go directly to hell.

not good

enough said
When you die you wake up.

and finally realize....

It was all a bad dream!

Then why not kill yourself?

because to kill yourself is not allowed.

that's the one thing humans should not do
The "one" thing? Huh? why? "All sins are equal" in God's eyes, no? There are some sins that cannot be forgiven? Or is it just this one?

you take your life you go directly to hell.

not good

enough said
Says who? You?
When you die you wake up.

and finally realize....

It was all a bad dream!

Then why not kill yourself?

because to kill yourself is not allowed.

that's the one thing humans should not do
The "one" thing? Huh? why? "All sins are equal" in God's eyes, no? There are some sins that cannot be forgiven? Or is it just this one?

you take your life you go directly to hell.

not good

enough said
Says who? You?

I say it here

but it is said in other realms too ;)
Then why not kill yourself?

because to kill yourself is not allowed.

that's the one thing humans should not do
The "one" thing? Huh? why? "All sins are equal" in God's eyes, no? There are some sins that cannot be forgiven? Or is it just this one?

you take your life you go directly to hell.

not good

enough said
Says who? You?

I say it here

but is is say in other realms too ;)
Says who... you, again? Why would this convince someone not to kill himself to meet God?
because to kill yourself is not allowed.

that's the one thing humans should not do
The "one" thing? Huh? why? "All sins are equal" in God's eyes, no? There are some sins that cannot be forgiven? Or is it just this one?

you take your life you go directly to hell.

not good

enough said
Says who? You?

I say it here

but is is say in other realms too ;)
Says who... you, again? Why would this convince someone not to kill himself to meet God?

Because in your guts you know

you are not supposed to do that

you can only convince people to a certain point

beyond that

they are on their own

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