What does it take to be a good President?

What will make someone a good President?

  • Leadership skills, administrative talent, executive experience, international experience, etc.

  • I agree with their politics

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Stormy Daniels

Gold Member
Mar 19, 2018
Every four years we watch a parade of people who want to take on the big job, and the country argues over who is best to do the work. But what makes someone a good option to be President of the United States?
I just want someone honest and down to earth. Someone that doesnt want the fed gov to wipe everyones ass. IDC about experience.
You dont need "experience" to be a successful President.
Frankly, over the last several decades, I would pick Joe the plumber over any of those pieces of shit that have held office.
Every four years we watch a parade of people who want to take on the big job, and the country argues over who is best to do the work. But what makes someone a good option to be President of the United States?
My answer has changed in the past seven years. Now, it's whether the candidate (a) is free of obvious mental illness, (b) possesses a fundamental degree of adult temperament and behavior, (c) has a basic working knowledge of global politics, (d) possesses an above average intelligence and standard human curiosity, and (e) can be depended upon to be civil, articulate and decent, and not constantly engage in behaviors for which we would scold our children.

Then the normal standards for a President would apply. But not before then.

Prior to 2016, I never had to even think about that first part.
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My answer has changed in the past seven years. Now, it's whether the candidate (a) is free of obvious mental illness, (b) possesses a fundamental degree of adult temperament and behavior, (c) has a basic knowledge of global politics, (d) possesses an above average intelligence and standard human curiosity, and (e) can be depended upon to be civil and decent, and not constantly engage in behaviors for which we would scold our children.

Then the normal standards for a President would apply. But not before then.

Prior to 2016, I never had to even think about that first part.
aaaand you voted for biden. Mkay boomer.
Youre so fucking hilarious. I swear
My answer has changed in the past seven years. Now, it's whether the candidate (a) is free of obvious mental illness, (b) possesses a fundamental degree of adult temperament and behavior, (c) has a basic knowledge of global politics, (d) possesses an above average intelligence and standard human curiosity, and (e) can be depended upon to be civil, articulate and decent, and not constantly engage in behaviors for which we would scold our children.

Then the normal standards for a President would apply. But not before then.

Prior to 2016, I never had to even think about that first part.
although trump certainly fails in leadership, management and administrative skills . those basic human qualities maturity and adult temperament seem to be his most glaring deficiencies.

Stormy Daniels this probably needs to be a poll choice.

good work, by the way. i enjoy most of your posts.
Every four years we watch a parade of people who want to take on the big job, and the country argues over who is best to do the work. But what makes someone a good option to be President of the United States?

Would prefer a few more choices. I tend to think in terms of skills and knowledge and then prioritize those.
Someone who is even keeled. Never gets fired up. Even tempered and no big sins in the past. Not coming from big wealth would be a huge plus.
They only see the bad in the "other".
They are both horrible choices. But people like you will still get out there and show your support for one of them.
We will NEVER move on in this country with people like you voting.
You say are for all this other shit blah blah blah and then vote for the opposite. You are part of the problem. As bad as you like to think you arent.
Voting for senile Biden or his politics - certainly isn't helping the USA - but it's the only thing one can do, to prevent a scumbag from totally screwing up the country.
If you think Biden isn't totally screwing up the country you need deprogramming.

Trump was 1,000,000x better as president than the senile teleprompter reader we have now.
First of all, he has to be independently wealthy enough to finance his campaign, otherwise he will be beholding to those that do. That frees him up to do what is right for the country and not donors. Did I just describe the Trumpster?
If you think Biden isn't totally screwing up the country you need deprogramming.

Trump was 1,000,000x better as president than the senile teleprompter reader we have now.
trump did leave a united country in peace and prosperity. how dare biden mess that up! when we make amrrica great,again i'd aim for 2020 as the target year.

said about no one.
First of all, he has to be independently wealthy enough to finance his campaign, otherwise he will be beholding to those that do. That frees him up to do what is right for the country and not donors. Did I just describe the Trumpster?
lololololololololololol trump gas no donors?

sherman adelson got an old embassy in tel aviv for his support.
the saudis had a blank check . and
putin is about to get at least donetsk if not kiev "in 24 hours" if trump47 oozes into office.
My answer has changed in the past seven years. Now, it's whether the candidate (a) is free of obvious mental illness, (b) possesses a fundamental degree of adult temperament and behavior, (c) has a basic working knowledge of global politics, (d) possesses an above average intelligence and standard human curiosity, and (e) can be depended upon to be civil, articulate and decent, and not constantly engage in behaviors for which we would scold our children.

Then the normal standards for a President would apply. But not before then.

Prior to 2016, I never had to even think about that first part.
In other words, you suffer from a severe case of TDS.

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