What do you think about Trump's comments about Mexican immigrants?

I don't understand why he is always bashed for his views. Seems like the main media outlets are doing everything possible to discredit Donald Trump. Not a single candidate is attacked so frequently. Maybe it's because he has his own opinion on things? Anyway, if you look at crime and immigration rates he is right. The majority of crimes are being performed by illegals and everyone understands that.

Just my opinion:

I doubt any of you would know the difference between a Mexican, Tejano, Chicano, or Salvadoran...

Not every illegal from south of the border is from Mexico, and when Trump and his supporters start to understand this then we can discuss the crime rate and problem.

Also let me make it clear I am not denying crimes done by Mexican illegals but just pointing out that many confuse Mexican illegals with other Hispanic Illegals...
think that most of the people that Trump is targeting are illegal aliens from south of the USA border no matter what they call themselves . Most of the illegals that Trump is targeting are 'spanish' or 'pigden' spanish speakers . Important distinction to me is that most of the people that Mr. Trump is talking about come from South of the USA borders Bruce . Who cares what they call themselves , well , they are illegally in the USA .
you sound like Texas gov. 'rick perry' who was trying to make a similar distinction today Bruce .
and , all that I describe that walk or ride trains or hitchhike through mexico to the USA are entering the USA through 'mexico' Bruce !!
Racist and bigots stereotype ethnic groups. A person running for President or a person of celebrity should know how powerful and influential their words can be. Trump inferred that the bulk of Mexicans coming across the border were rapist when he said "some" were probably good people. Referring to only some being ok or good people indicates a belief that he believes the majority are rapist. Perception means everything. Trump wants to become President using street hustler techniques and methods. He thinks he can hustle his way to the White House, or he is just taking everyone for a ride. Either way, it is a hustle and a scam.

Your own president is a racist and a bigot, and he's filled his cabinets with races and bigots of all colors. Obama also made the outrageous statement that "racism is genetic".
Which has nothing to do with Trump or the topic of the thread, but you obviously needed a bash Obama fix so you are excused for your derangement.

The biggest hustle and scam was the one your president pulled on you. He became president by utilizing Chicago-style low-life street thug and "community organizer" tactics to intimidate people and gain access to the White House. His wife Michelle is also a racist and bigoted "Black Liberation Theorist" whose college thesis claimed that "all white students were racist and didn't even know it".

They certainly took you for a ride.
Please, don't hold back. Let us know what you REALLY think. :D

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Do you think well-educated, gainfully employed Mexicans are the ones crossing the border illegally?

In fact, the vast majority of illegals aren't even Mexicans! They come from Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua - nations in turmoil and bankrupt due to socialist programs. They are mainly criminals, gang members, drug mules, or otherwise unsavory types.

Trump scares the hell of our Lefties because he's saying what the huge majority of Americans say amongst themselves.

Its clear that you know as little about immigrants as does Mr. Trump. I'm about as far left as one can get on some subjects. The only thing that scares me about Donald Trump would be if I had to pay for his toupees.
A good friend of mine is the son of Mexican immigrants, but he can't speak Spanish. His parents only spoke Spanish around him when they were fighting, so all he knows is the curse words.
Trump talks stupidly and erroneously.

The far right idolize the dolt while the left and center and responsible right demonize him.

End of story.
After all the bs posts, let's get down to it.

As stated previously, Mexicans who are crossing the border illegally are poorly educated, lacking skills, and associated with criminal activities.

But, they are the MINORITY of those crossing the border! The MAJORITY are from further south - Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Honduras. They are gang members joining their buddies already here and others who bring no skills and are but fleeing the horrible conditions in their home nations.
After all the bs posts, let's get down to it.

As stated previously, Mexicans who are crossing the border illegally are poorly educated, lacking skills, and associated with criminal activities.

But, they are the MINORITY of those crossing the border! The MAJORITY are from further south - Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Honduras. They are gang members joining their buddies already here and others who bring no skills and are but fleeing the horrible conditions in their home nations.
Very good. Much of that is so, imo.
...everyone understands that.

only those of us who have a brain. :lmao:
where do 99.999% of illegal drugs come from ?

i was thinking maybe Antarctica ? those damn penguins are corrupting our youth. :lmao:

THIS is just more dirty politics by the Democrats and their snakes in the country. what else do they EVER run on? lies as we saw with Obama, DIRTY as we saw with Obama, classless as we saw with Obama and on it goes back to their standards
Trump this Gertrude.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

His rhetoric feeds into the very ignorance we see on this board. Even thpough we now have net zero illegals coming in, the willfully ignorant STILL believe they are pouring over the border by the millions and that they're taking US jobs.

The US invites them here.
The US buys their drugs.
The US trashed their agriculture and manufacturing.
The US needs them as much as they need us.

Trump is a joke. All he knows is to inherit millions, put companies into bankruptcy and huff and puff. Americans are not stupid enough to vote for him.
The media is twisting facts per usual.

A majority of male illegal immigrants have been arrested for theft, drugs, DUI, sexual assault. A very huge problem is they drink and drive.

Once they have gotten away with breaking one law, illegally entering the USA, their respect for law is greatly diminished.

Not to mention the drug cartels that funnel illegals from South America into Mexico then into the USA.

Donald Trump may be controversial, but he speaks the truth.
Who here would allow a stranger to walk into their home and sit on the couch and say "I'm going to live here now. I'm going to compete for your job. I'm going to commit any crimes I want. I'm going to send for my family to join me and there's fuck all you can do about it."
IF BOBO and the DNC thought for a second the ILLEGALS were going to vote for the REPS do you think he'd close down the ILLEGALS crossing into the country?

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