What are you listening to?

Might as well post the studio version, too. ^ That one is straight up live on TV. I'm diggin' it!

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Back to Sly..I like Sly..You know what I hate? $%^&*($%^&*(% formatted radio. Back in the day, you could hear Sly, then The Beatles, then The Eagles, then The Commodores, then Debby Boone, then RamJam.

Sly has a good outlook on life.

Okay once in a great while you come across an artist for whom music is their first language. It's not JUST that they sing and play. It's that music is the way they make their way. It's how they are in the world.

So I caught this song on Spotify and was amazed by it. Now add in that the singer was 14 when this was recorded. She writes and records her own stuff. Has the chops of a young Kate Bush, but is getting an even younger start.


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