What an Amazing total 100% correct video


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
From a former Black Panther discussing BLM and Obama... total must see.
I just hope some of you truly ignorant white people watch this and understand what this black man is telling you because he is 100% Correct!

Wish I was a black guy. I could make a fortune pandering to right wingers who get a nut every time they find a black guy who repeats their crap. I'm sure lots of them are just doing it for the cash, and laugh very time whitey gives them money.
Wish I was a black guy. I could make a fortune pandering to right wingers who get a nut every time they find a black guy who repeats their crap. I'm sure lots of them are just doing it for the cash, and laugh very time whitey gives them money.
Who gives this guy money? Got something to substantiate that assertion? I didn't think so.
Wish I was a black guy. I could make a fortune pandering to right wingers who get a nut every time they find a black guy who repeats their crap. I'm sure lots of them are just doing it for the cash, and laugh very time whitey gives them money.

So it is OK with you a white person that the whole objective of BLM et.al. is to blame someone else for their deficiencies? As a result you are doing JUST what the
slave owners use to do. Keep blacks slaves to the idea that they won't get any food or shelter. Remember slaves were breed by slave owners to be DUMB! The
slave owner didn't want any slaves that could think for themselves. A smart independent slave was a danger. So you LIKE the slave owner want to keep the black community totally dependent on White community and you stupidly think you are "compassionate"! You really are an antiquated out of touch white person!
What's the big deal? Another Uncle Tom joins the conversation and takes sides with Whitey? Stay off our side, eh?
W. E. B Dubios, a noted and brave Black Civil Rights Activists from a century ago said in 1906 that:

The Black Man is going to have to realize that White people are not responsible for everything that goes wrong in his life.

DuBois, and the rest of the country, have waited for over century--and here in this O. P. is one Black man who realizes it....finally.

Its a start. The next step is for Black Men to start learning how to help raise their own children.
Wish I was a black guy. I could make a fortune pandering to right wingers who get a nut every time they find a black guy who repeats their crap. I'm sure lots of them are just doing it for the cash, and laugh very time whitey gives them money.
You might even get to lead HUD
Wish I was a black guy. I could make a fortune pandering to right wingers who get a nut every time they find a black guy who repeats their crap. I'm sure lots of them are just doing it for the cash, and laugh very time whitey gives them money.

Round up the posse and go collect your astray slave.
W. E. B Dubios, a noted and brave Black Civil Rights Activists from a century ago said in 1906 that:

The Black Man is going to have to realize that White people are not responsible for everything that goes wrong in his life.

DuBois, and the rest of the country, have waited for over century--and here in this O. P. is one Black man who realizes it....finally.

Its a start. The next step is for Black Men to start learning how to help raise their own children.
Dubois said this at a time blacks were being lynched, denied the right to vote, denied service in restaurants and hotels and we're officially second class citizens
Wish I was a black guy. I could make a fortune pandering to right wingers who get a nut every time they find a black guy who repeats their crap. I'm sure lots of them are just doing it for the cash, and laugh very time whitey gives them money.
You might even get to lead HUD

It's certainly a lot harder to get fired when you're black.
Wish I was a black guy. I could make a fortune pandering to right wingers who get a nut every time they find a black guy who repeats their crap. I'm sure lots of them are just doing it for the cash, and laugh very time whitey gives them money.
You might even get to lead HUD

It's certainly a lot harder to get fired when you're black.
Actually, blacks as a group are the first to be laid off
Asian Americans are also doing terribly because of racist whitey. Racists are everywhere!
Wish I was a black guy. I could make a fortune pandering to right wingers who get a nut every time they find a black guy who repeats their crap. I'm sure lots of them are just doing it for the cash, and laugh very time whitey gives them money.
You might even get to lead HUD

It's certainly a lot harder to get fired when you're black.
Actually, blacks as a group are the first to be laid off

What's the big deal? Another Uncle Tom joins the conversation and takes sides with Whitey? Stay off our side, eh?
W. E. B Dubios, a noted and brave Black Civil Rights Activists from a century ago said in 1906 that:

The Black Man is going to have to realize that White people are not responsible for everything that goes wrong in his life.

DuBois, and the rest of the country, have waited for over century--and here in this O. P. is one Black man who realizes it....finally.

Its a start. The next step is for Black Men to start learning how to help raise their own children.
And to support your point about learning to raise own children:
The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950,
as opposed to about 68 percent today.
Do you understand? Back during those TERRIBLE TERRIBLE days just 18% of black households had ONLY a female head!
TODAY over 68% have just a female!
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies
Asian Americans are also doing terribly because of racist whitey. Racists are everywhere!
Interesting point

No question Asians are very bright and receive top grades at prestigious universities

Yet, when you look at the ranks of top executives and CEOs they are horribly underrepresented. For some reason, white males keep getting promoted over Asians

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What's this? A thread where bigots work feverishly to justify their bigotry? That's so odd.

What's this? Yet another name-calling---#48,546. All most 50,000 posts and not a pissant one of them I have read has made a single contribution to this political debate board. You ought to run around and spout your crap on an elementary school playground where it belongs. At least you would get some exercise. Maybe get a job.

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