Weeping For The Wolf Pack??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
To what lengths would the Left, the Democrats/Liberals go, to support the canard of a racist America?

Would they sacrifice an innocent young woman??? Would they raise rapists and murderers on a pedestal….awarding them $ millions????

According to Liberal ‘thinking,’ in order to ‘equalize’ society, certain authorized groups are entitled to a criminality that would not be allowed in any other group.

“Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five

Debate over New York City’s infamous Central Park Five case was revived as the city issued the first of 200,000 pages of documents related to the 1989 jogger rape case,…” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

Here, the episode at the center of the argument.

1.One of the most truly horrible episode in recent NYC history was the wolf-pack that chased down a young lady jogger in Central Park, raping, robing, beating and leaving the young lady bloody and near death.


“In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem are arrested and convicted of raping a white woman jogging in New York City’s Central Park. They are incarcerated in prison ranging between 6 and 13 years before a serial rapist confesses to one of the erroneously convicted that he alone had committed the crime, leading to the convictions of those erroneously imprisoned being overturned. “ FILM CAPSULE: The Central Park Five (Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, 2012): USA

2.When the media proclaimed the savage wolf pack Innocent, bolstering the ‘rampant racism’ canard, and they found someone to cop to the rape, I never thought for a moment that they weren’t guilty.

It was simply the media/Democrats hating on innocent folks, sticking up for two-legged beasts, especially if the victim is white.

3. “New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five

Decades after five men were wrongfully convicted for the violent rape and assault of a woman jogging in Central Park, New York City has agreed to settle the case for $40 million. “ New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five - The Atlantic

4. “These documents and videos will certainly challenge the prevailing narrative that completely omitted more than 50 percent of the evidence in this case,” said former prosecutor Linda Fairstein. “These young men were arrested as a result of a meticulous police investigation, and there’s no doubt that they were, as charged, rioting and attacking people in the park.” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

Is it possible that the Democrat/Liberal powers that be would protect rapists and would-be killers, and award them millions of dollars, to reinforce the myth that America is a racist nation, and those with the right amount of melanin must always be protected and honored????

And, if so, is this because, without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election???

You betcha’!!!!!

In her current recapitulation of the case, the brilliant Ann Coulter sets the record straight.

Coming right up.
To what lengths would the Left, the Democrats/Liberals go, to support the canard of a racist America?

Would they sacrifice an innocent young woman??? Would they raise rapists and murderers on a pedestal….awarding them $ millions????

According to Liberal ‘thinking,’ in order to ‘equalize’ society, certain authorized groups are entitled to a criminality that would not be allowed in any other group.

“Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five

Debate over New York City’s infamous Central Park Five case was revived as the city issued the first of 200,000 pages of documents related to the 1989 jogger rape case,…” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

Here, the episode at the center of the argument.

1.One of the most truly horrible episodes in recent NYC history was the wolf-pack that chased down a young lady jogger in Central Park, raping, robing, beating and leaving the young lady bloody and near death.


“In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem are arrested and convicted of raping a white woman jogging in New York City’s Central Park. They are incarcerated in prison ranging between 6 and 13 years before a serial rapist confesses to one of the erroneously convicted that he alone had committed the crime, leading to the convictions of those erroneously imprisoned being overturned. “ FILM CAPSULE: The Central Park Five (Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, 2012): USA

2.When the media proclaimed the savage wolf pack Innocent, bolstering the ‘rampant racism’ canard, and they found someone to cop to the rape, I never thought for a moment that they weren’t guilty.

It was simply the media/Democrats hating on innocent folks, sticking up for two-legged beasts, especially if the victim is white.

3. “New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five

Decades after five men were wrongfully convicted for the violent rape and assault of a woman jogging in Central Park, New York City has agreed to settle the case for $40 million. “ New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five - The Atlantic

4. “These documents and videos will certainly challenge the prevailing narrative that completely omitted more than 50 percent of the evidence in this case,” said former prosecutor Linda Fairstein. “These young men were arrested as a result of a meticulous police investigation, and there’s no doubt that they were, as charged, rioting and attacking people in the park.” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

Is it possible that the Democrat/Liberal powers that be would protect rapists and would-be killers, and award them millions of dollars, to reinforce the myth that America is a racist nation, and those with the right amount of melanin must always be protected and honored????

And, if so, is this because, without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election???

You betcha’!!!!!

In her current recapitulation of the case, the brilliant Ann Coulter sets the record straight.

Coming right up.
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5. Can the Democrats/Liberals be so power-mad that they’d, in real life, produce what should be a script for the über-Liberal show ‘Law and Order’???

Oh, yeah they would: take a look at the framing of Trump they’re attempting via the Mueller Farrago.

This episode would be called “Poor Little Black Boys Framed By The Horrid White Racists of New York City.”
Liberals would buy it like it was on sale.

6. “According to the media, the five convicted boys were INNOCENT — … But let's look at how "innocent" they were.

On April 19, 1989, investment banker Trisha Meili went for a run through Central Park around 9 p.m., whereupon she was attacked by a wolf pack looking for a "white girl," dragged 100 yards into the woods, stripped, beaten with a pipe and a brick, raped and left for dead.

By the time the police found Meili, she'd lost three-quarters of her blood.

Of the 37 youths brought in for questioning about the multiple violent attacks in the park that night, only 10 were charged with a crime and only five for the rape of the jogger….

All five confessed -- four on videotape with adult relatives present and one with a parent present, but not on videotape.

Two unanimous, multicultural juries convicted them
, despite aggressive defense lawyers putting on their best case.”
Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right | Human Events

More surprises follow…..more "Liberal justice."
To what lengths would the Left, the Democrats/Liberals go, to support the canard of a racist America?

Would they sacrifice an innocent young woman??? Would they raise rapists and murderers on a pedestal….awarding them $ millions????

According to Liberal ‘thinking,’ in order to ‘equalize’ society, certain authorized groups are entitled to a criminality that would not be allowed in any other group.

“Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five

Debate over New York City’s infamous Central Park Five case was revived as the city issued the first of 200,000 pages of documents related to the 1989 jogger rape case,…” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

Here, the episode at the center of the argument.

1.One of the most truly horrible episodes in recent NYC history was the wolf-pack that chased down a young lady jogger in Central Park, raping, robing, beating and leaving the young lady bloody and near death.


“In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem are arrested and convicted of raping a white woman jogging in New York City’s Central Park. They are incarcerated in prison ranging between 6 and 13 years before a serial rapist confesses to one of the erroneously convicted that he alone had committed the crime, leading to the convictions of those erroneously imprisoned being overturned. “ FILM CAPSULE: The Central Park Five (Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, 2012): USA

2.When the media proclaimed the savage wolf pack Innocent, bolstering the ‘rampant racism’ canard, and they found someone to cop to the rape, I never thought for a moment that they weren’t guilty.

It was simply the media/Democrats hating on innocent folks, sticking up for two-legged beasts, especially if the victim is white.

3. “New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five

Decades after five men were wrongfully convicted for the violent rape and assault of a woman jogging in Central Park, New York City has agreed to settle the case for $40 million. “ New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five - The Atlantic

4. “These documents and videos will certainly challenge the prevailing narrative that completely omitted more than 50 percent of the evidence in this case,” said former prosecutor Linda Fairstein. “These young men were arrested as a result of a meticulous police investigation, and there’s no doubt that they were, as charged, rioting and attacking people in the park.” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

Is it possible that the Democrat/Liberal powers that be would protect rapists and would-be killers, and award them millions of dollars, to reinforce the myth that America is a racist nation, and those with the right amount of melanin must always be protected and honored????

And, if so, is this because, without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election???

You betcha’!!!!!

In her current recapitulation of the case, the brilliant Ann Coulter sets the record straight.

Coming right up.
They were innocent

Trump took out an ad advocating they be executed
In the following, read ‘Liberals’ where it says ‘media.’ After all….the two are pretty much the same.

7. Sooo…..the horrifying details of the rape and attempted murder aside, and the confessions and guilty verdicts “…the media have a different method of judging guilt and innocence. They don't look at irrelevant factors, such as evidence, but at relevant factors such as the race of the accused and the victim.

Unfortunately for Meili, she was guilty of white privilege, while her attackers belonged to the "people of color" Brahmin caste. So, after waiting an interminable 13 years, the media proclaimed that the five convicts had been "exonerated" by DNA evidence!

…none of the defendants' DNA was found in the jogger's cervix or on her sock -- the only samples that were taken.

While it blows most people away to find out that none of the suspects' DNA was found on Meili, the whole trick is that they're looking at it through a modern lens. Today, these kids' DNA would have been found all over the crime scene. But in 1989, DNA was a primitive science. The cops wouldn't have even looked for such evidence back then.” Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right | Human Events

But…..there was evidence. Next.
“All five confessed -- four on videotape with adult relatives present and one with a parent present, but not on videotape.

Two unanimous, multicultural juries convicted them
, …”

And…..there was evidence.

8. “The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week,….

On the drive to the precinct, Raymond Santana blurted out, "I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel the woman's t--s." The cops didn't even know about a rape yet.

Yusef Salaam announced to the detective interviewing him, "I was there, but I didn't rape her." Even if true, under the law, anyone who participated in the attack on Meili is guilty of her rape.

Two of Korey Wise's friends said that when they ran into him on the street the day after the attack, he told them the cops were after him. "You heard about that woman that was beat up and raped in the park last night? That was us!"

Taken to the scene of the crime by a detective and a prosecutor, he said, "Damn, damn, that's a lot of blood. ... I knew she was bleeding, but I didn't know how bad she was. It was dark. I couldn't see how much blood there was at night."

Disgusting savage animals.....defended to the end by Liberals.

Would any of the above confessions help you decide if you were a juror????

It sure would….unless you were fighting to remain Liberal, and then, something else would be more important than evidence.

We have always heard.....once a sex offender, always a sex offender

If these kids were the monsters portrayed by the media and Trump, they would have quickly slipped back into a life of crime once released. All are supporting themselves and families and none have been arrested for anything........let alone a sex crime

About the Central Park Five | THE CENTRAL PARK FIVE
I love how conservatives dismiss the media as biased and fake news.
Unless the media happens to turn on black suspects.

George Zimmerman they support....he killed a black kid
Central Park Five are guilty even when proven innocent
Astounding as it is, the liars…..er, Liberals, are still using the term ‘innocent for these animals.

Does this sound like ‘innocent’ to you?

9. One of the suspects “told a detective that someone he thought was named "Rudy" stole the jogger's Walkman and belt pouch. The jogger was still in a coma. The police did not know yet that a Walkman had been stolen from her.

Wise told a friend's sister, Melody Jackson, that he didn't rape the jogger; he "only held her legs down while Kevin (Richardson) f---ed her." Jackson volunteered this information to the police, thinking it would help Wise.

The night of the attack, Richardson told an acquaintance, "We just raped somebody." The crotch of his underwear was suspiciously stained with semen, grass stains, dirt and debris. Walking near the crime scene with a detective the next day, Richardson said, “This is where we got her … where the raping occurred.”

Santana and Richardson independently brought investigators to the precise location of the attack on the jogger.”
Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right | Human Events

All made up by those racist cops who Obama says act ‘stupidly,’ huh?
10. Somehow, Liberals/Democrats are more than willing to overlook the most bestial behavior if they can imagine it translating into votes, and power.

"One of the youths arrested that night stated on videotape that he heard Santana and another boy laughing about “how they ‘made a woman bleed.'”

… the victim was a privileged white woman (BAD!) and the perpetrators were youths of color (GOOD!). So the media lied and claimed the DNA evidence "exonerated" them.

This allegation was based on Matias Reyes' confession to the attack. His DNA matched the unidentified DNA on the jogger -- proving nothing, other than that he was the one who "got away." He is also the "Rudy" who stole her Walkman, as Wise said at the time. Reyes admitted he took it. How did Wise know that?

A cellmate of Reyes claims he said that he heard a woman screaming in the park that night and ran to join in the rape.

The "exoneration" comes down to Reyes' unsubstantiated claim that he acted alone. Years of careful investigation, videotaped confessions, witness statements, assembling evidence, trial by jury and repeated appeals -- all that is nothing compared to the word of an upstanding citizen like Reyes, a violent psychopath who sexually assaulted his own mother and raped and murdered a pregnant woman while her children heard the attack through the bedroom door.

Reyes faced absolutely no penalty for his confession -- the statute of limitations had run out years earlier.

All he had to do was confess -- with no penalty -- and announce that he acted alone. The Social Justice Warriors would take it from there.”
Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right | Human Events

So Reyes made it possible to continue the slander that only the racist New Yorkers oppressed the poor little Wolf Pack.
And the Liberals/Democrats, once again, demonstrated their fealty to criminal and enemies of society.
The Central Park Five was an example of hysteria in the media

Wolf packs of teenagers are preying on innocent joggers

Five innocent young men spent twenty years in jail to placate a hysterical public
Yes they are willing to sacrifice women.
Yes they are willing to sacrifice men.
Yes they are willing to sacrifice children.

They openly admit it.
Yes they are willing to sacrifice women.
Yes they are willing to sacrifice men.
Yes they are willing to sacrifice children.

They openly admit it.

Human sacrifice......Dogs and cats living together.....mass hysteria
The party of genocide Jackson's big lies and constitutional overreach hasn't changed so why are you shocked about that? Same old same old for 200 years and you expect these scumbags to suddenly exhibit decency and honesty? That would truly violate their bedrock priniciples.
Yes they are willing to sacrifice women.
Yes they are willing to sacrifice men.
Yes they are willing to sacrifice children.

They openly admit it.

Thanks, k-grl.....and, based the pic in your avi, you're gonna like the last post in the thread.

Wait and see.
Yes they are willing to sacrifice women.
Yes they are willing to sacrifice men.
Yes they are willing to sacrifice children.

They openly admit it.

Human sacrifice......Dogs and cats living together.....mass hysteria

No hysteria, unless you count antifa's and roving bands of illegals' attacks on free speech advocates as *hysteria*.
The party of genocide Jackson's big lies and constitutional overreach hasn't changed so why are you shocked about that? Same old same old for 200 years and you expect these scumbags to suddenly exhibit decency and honesty? That would truly violate their bedrock priniciples.

I get the Trail of Tears reference, willie...but Jackson's Democrats didn't award
$ 40 million for each Cherokee killed.....

The Liberals/Democrats ignored the rape, robbery and attempted murder by this animalistic Wolf Pack, and awarded them the millions to boot.
To what lengths would the Left, the Democrats/Liberals go, to support the canard of a racist America?

Would they sacrifice an innocent young woman??? Would they raise rapists and murderers on a pedestal….awarding them $ millions????

According to Liberal ‘thinking,’ in order to ‘equalize’ society, certain authorized groups are entitled to a criminality that would not be allowed in any other group.

“Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five

Debate over New York City’s infamous Central Park Five case was revived as the city issued the first of 200,000 pages of documents related to the 1989 jogger rape case,…” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

Here, the episode at the center of the argument.

1.One of the most truly horrible episode in recent NYC history was the wolf-pack that chased down a young lady jogger in Central Park, raping, robing, beating and leaving the young lady bloody and near death.


“In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem are arrested and convicted of raping a white woman jogging in New York City’s Central Park. They are incarcerated in prison ranging between 6 and 13 years before a serial rapist confesses to one of the erroneously convicted that he alone had committed the crime, leading to the convictions of those erroneously imprisoned being overturned. “ FILM CAPSULE: The Central Park Five (Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, 2012): USA

2.When the media proclaimed the savage wolf pack Innocent, bolstering the ‘rampant racism’ canard, and they found someone to cop to the rape, I never thought for a moment that they weren’t guilty.

It was simply the media/Democrats hating on innocent folks, sticking up for two-legged beasts, especially if the victim is white.

3. “New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five

Decades after five men were wrongfully convicted for the violent rape and assault of a woman jogging in Central Park, New York City has agreed to settle the case for $40 million. “ New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five - The Atlantic

4. “These documents and videos will certainly challenge the prevailing narrative that completely omitted more than 50 percent of the evidence in this case,” said former prosecutor Linda Fairstein. “These young men were arrested as a result of a meticulous police investigation, and there’s no doubt that they were, as charged, rioting and attacking people in the park.” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

Is it possible that the Democrat/Liberal powers that be would protect rapists and would-be killers, and award them millions of dollars, to reinforce the myth that America is a racist nation, and those with the right amount of melanin must always be protected and honored????

And, if so, is this because, without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election???

You betcha’!!!!!

In her current recapitulation of the case, the brilliant Ann Coulter sets the record straight.

Coming right up.
Yes, they would and have gone and been going to such lengths.

If all of us truly knew how insidious and wicked the left is and how they would do ANYTHING to push along their agenda, everyone would hate them as much as me.

The left wing sheep that post here are too stupid to know they are nothing more than trained parrots or robots of their globalist democrat liars.

Their agenda is everything. What is the left wing agenda?

Watch this. Lets all pay attention and lets realize what they are about.

To what lengths would the Left, the Democrats/Liberals go, to support the canard of a racist America?

Would they sacrifice an innocent young woman??? Would they raise rapists and murderers on a pedestal….awarding them $ millions????

According to Liberal ‘thinking,’ in order to ‘equalize’ society, certain authorized groups are entitled to a criminality that would not be allowed in any other group.

“Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five

Debate over New York City’s infamous Central Park Five case was revived as the city issued the first of 200,000 pages of documents related to the 1989 jogger rape case,…” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

Here, the episode at the center of the argument.

1.One of the most truly horrible episode in recent NYC history was the wolf-pack that chased down a young lady jogger in Central Park, raping, robing, beating and leaving the young lady bloody and near death.


“In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem are arrested and convicted of raping a white woman jogging in New York City’s Central Park. They are incarcerated in prison ranging between 6 and 13 years before a serial rapist confesses to one of the erroneously convicted that he alone had committed the crime, leading to the convictions of those erroneously imprisoned being overturned. “ FILM CAPSULE: The Central Park Five (Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, 2012): USA

2.When the media proclaimed the savage wolf pack Innocent, bolstering the ‘rampant racism’ canard, and they found someone to cop to the rape, I never thought for a moment that they weren’t guilty.

It was simply the media/Democrats hating on innocent folks, sticking up for two-legged beasts, especially if the victim is white.

3. “New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five

Decades after five men were wrongfully convicted for the violent rape and assault of a woman jogging in Central Park, New York City has agreed to settle the case for $40 million. “ New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five - The Atlantic

4. “These documents and videos will certainly challenge the prevailing narrative that completely omitted more than 50 percent of the evidence in this case,” said former prosecutor Linda Fairstein. “These young men were arrested as a result of a meticulous police investigation, and there’s no doubt that they were, as charged, rioting and attacking people in the park.” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

Is it possible that the Democrat/Liberal powers that be would protect rapists and would-be killers, and award them millions of dollars, to reinforce the myth that America is a racist nation, and those with the right amount of melanin must always be protected and honored????

And, if so, is this because, without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election???

You betcha’!!!!!

In her current recapitulation of the case, the brilliant Ann Coulter sets the record straight.

Coming right up.
Yes, they would and have gone and been going to such lengths.

If all of us truly knew how insidious and wicked the left is and how they would do ANYTHING to push along their agenda, everyone would hate them as much as me.

The left wing sheep that post here are too stupid to know they are nothing more than trained parrots or robots of their globalist democrat liars.

Their agenda is everything. What is the left wing agenda?

Watch this. Lets all pay attention and lets realize what they are about.

The Wolf Pack incident proves your post.

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