“we cannot deport 11 million people”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Left wing BS. We can do anything we want to do. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do. How do we deport 11 million people in the country illegally? Simple. E-Verify. If they cannot work they will self deport. Like a million have done already with their children. Whom we refuse to deport because they are innocent little children who were brought here by no fault of their own and this is the only country they have ever know? More left wing B.S. They are citizens of Mexico. They know the language because they parents do not bother to learn English. They know the culture, how to eat tacos and burritos and celebrate Cinco De Mayo each year. We also can repeal Automatic Birth Citizenship for children of illegal aliens retroactive that is exacerbating the illegal immigration problem. Have a anchor baby is like hitting the lottery. It qualifies a family for welfare money, food stamps, medicaid and public housing and anchor an illegal family to the country. Most are low income earner who pay no income taxes (how can we collect back taxes from people who pay no taxes?) but receive earned tax credits and child credits refunds. Businesses are addicted to cheap labor and Comp. Immig. Reform. will not change that.

Comp. Immig. Reform is about nothing more than politics. Not about compassion or anyone’s love for little anchor babies and their parents.

“You can B.S. some of the people some of the time but cannot B.S. all the people all they time.”
We cannot fix a broken immigration system until we enforce our immigration laws, secure the border and repeal Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens. If we don't we will be back here in 20 years with 11 million more illegal aliens because Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty will only invite more illegal aliens and more anchor babies.

Left wing BS. We can do anything we want to do. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do. How do we deport 11 million people in the country illegally? Simple. E-Verify. If they cannot work they will self deport. Like a million have done already with their children. Whom we refuse to deport because they are innocent little children who were brought here by no fault of their own and this is the only country they have ever know? More left wing B.S. They are citizens of Mexico. They know the language because they parents do not bother to learn English. They know the culture, how to eat tacos and burritos and celebrate Cinco De Mayo each year. We also can repeal Automatic Birth Citizenship for children of illegal aliens retroactive that is exacerbating the illegal immigration problem. Have a anchor baby is like hitting the lottery. It qualifies a family for welfare money, food stamps, medicaid and public housing and anchor an illegal family to the country. Most are low income earner who pay no income taxes (how can we collect back taxes from people who pay no taxes?) but receive earned tax credits and child credits refunds. Businesses are addicted to cheap labor and Comp. Immig. Reform. will not change that.

Comp. Immig. Reform is about nothing more than politics. Not about compassion or anyone’s love for little anchor babies and their parents.

“You can B.S. some of the people some of the time but cannot B.S. all the people all they time.”

When my grand parents lived in Poland they never saw what the people who did what they wanted to do were doing. They didn't ask questions. The smoke and the smells? Blech! It was Poland.

Those people may have lived their but they were never really citizens.
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We cannot fix a broken immigration system until we enforce our immigration laws, secure the border and repeal Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens. If we don't we will be back here in 20 years with 11 million more illegal aliens because Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty will only invite more illegal aliens and more anchor babies.

Agreed. However, they will never enforce the laws we have, either side. Next best thing? Put them on a path to citizenship, stiff fines, back of the line, and they can never, ever vote. Oh, and fine the shit out of those businesses who employ illegals.

Left wing BS. We can do anything we want to do. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do. How do we deport 11 million people in the country illegally? Simple. E-Verify. If they cannot work they will self deport. Like a million have done already with their children. Whom we refuse to deport because they are innocent little children who were brought here by no fault of their own and this is the only country they have ever know? More left wing B.S. They are citizens of Mexico. They know the language because they parents do not bother to learn English. They know the culture, how to eat tacos and burritos and celebrate Cinco De Mayo each year. We also can repeal Automatic Birth Citizenship for children of illegal aliens retroactive that is exacerbating the illegal immigration problem. Have a anchor baby is like hitting the lottery. It qualifies a family for welfare money, food stamps, medicaid and public housing and anchor an illegal family to the country. Most are low income earner who pay no income taxes (how can we collect back taxes from people who pay no taxes?) but receive earned tax credits and child credits refunds. Businesses are addicted to cheap labor and Comp. Immig. Reform. will not change that.

Comp. Immig. Reform is about nothing more than politics. Not about compassion or anyone’s love for little anchor babies and their parents.

“You can B.S. some of the people some of the time but cannot B.S. all the people all they time.”
We can but we won't because the people in this country won't stand for it. I also doubt Mexico would except a mass deportation.
Those on the left want to confiscate 250 million legal weapons from the hands of law abiding citizens, but they want us to believe we can't round up and deport 11 million illegal aliens? Anyone else see just a hint of hypocrisy here?
We cannot fix a broken immigration system until we enforce our immigration laws, secure the border and repeal Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens. If we don't we will be back here in 20 years with 11 million more illegal aliens because Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty will only invite more illegal aliens and more anchor babies.

Agreed. However, they will never enforce the laws we have, either side. Next best thing? Put them on a path to citizenship, stiff fines, back of the line, and they can never, ever vote. Oh, and fine the shit out of those businesses who employ illegals.

We will never see any fines. They will plead "hardship" and be exempt. No back taxes because they never paid any income taxes. Back of the line they don't give a f--- about anyway. There will be no illegal to hire, They will all be legal. The entire thing is a joke and about nothing but politics and votes.
People who cannot abide by rules on the internet expect others to abide by rules on immigration? Absurd! Obscene! I demand a sanity test as a predicate for posting on immigration issues!

Breaking the rules on the internet is not a crime. Illegal immigration is a federal crime with punishment of fines, deportation and jail time.

Left wing BS. We can do anything we want to do. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do. How do we deport 11 million people in the country illegally? Simple. E-Verify. If they cannot work they will self deport. Like a million have done already with their children. Whom we refuse to deport because they are innocent little children who were brought here by no fault of their own and this is the only country they have ever know? More left wing B.S. They are citizens of Mexico. They know the language because they parents do not bother to learn English. They know the culture, how to eat tacos and burritos and celebrate Cinco De Mayo each year. We also can repeal Automatic Birth Citizenship for children of illegal aliens retroactive that is exacerbating the illegal immigration problem. Have a anchor baby is like hitting the lottery. It qualifies a family for welfare money, food stamps, medicaid and public housing and anchor an illegal family to the country. Most are low income earner who pay no income taxes (how can we collect back taxes from people who pay no taxes?) but receive earned tax credits and child credits refunds. Businesses are addicted to cheap labor and Comp. Immig. Reform. will not change that.

Comp. Immig. Reform is about nothing more than politics. Not about compassion or anyone’s love for little anchor babies and their parents.

“You can B.S. some of the people some of the time but cannot B.S. all the people all they time.”
We can but we won't because the people in this country won't stand for it. I also doubt Mexico would except a mass deportation.

Majority of americans, hispanic americans also, want our immigration laws enfordced by rounding them up and deporting them yesterday,
Those on the left want to confiscate 250 million legal weapons from the hands of law abiding citizens, but they want us to believe we can't round up and deport 11 million illegal aliens? Anyone else see just a hint of hypocrisy here?

"Can't" means "won't". ;)
We are not going to create a police state to get rid of illegals, lady.

Now get over it, please.
We will never see any fines. They will plead "hardship" and be exempt. No back taxes because they never paid any income taxes. Back of the line they don't give a f--- about anyway. There will be no illegal to hire, They will all be legal. The entire thing is a joke and about nothing but politics and votes.

Why are you complaining? You voted for it.
Undocumented immigrants are here because of 50 years of unsecured boarders, unfair immigration policies, and laws and regulation that can not be enforced. To solve the problem we have deal with the cause of the problem not the result. The 11 million will be absorbed, not deported because it's simply not practical to do so.
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First off, if they say there are 11 million undocumented aliens then there are probably more like 18 million undocumented aliens. So some people support making them citizens should ask themselves, what is going to be the first thing these illegals do when we grant them citizenship? All in the name of a "feel good" vote buying moment... That's right, form the longest lines you have ever seen at a Welfare office near you. Sorry folks... We cannot afford them, and it's our duty to make them as uncomfortable as possible so they go home... Their home. Then we can spend our Tax dollars on supporting our own people and their children, not illegals who disrespect our Laws and drain away our resources. Rather than use illegals as pawns for votes that we cannot afford, we need to make their lives so miserable that they will want to go back to their own countries on their own. That means coming down hard on businesses who employ them, and not giving them perks like drivers licenses, or even worse... Health care, and Educations paid for at the Taxpayer's expense.

Left wing BS. We can do anything we want to do. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do. How do we deport 11 million people in the country illegally? Simple. E-Verify. If they cannot work they will self deport. Like a million have done already with their children. Whom we refuse to deport because they are innocent little children who were brought here by no fault of their own and this is the only country they have ever know? More left wing B.S. They are citizens of Mexico. They know the language because they parents do not bother to learn English. They know the culture, how to eat tacos and burritos and celebrate Cinco De Mayo each year. We also can repeal Automatic Birth Citizenship for children of illegal aliens retroactive that is exacerbating the illegal immigration problem. Have a anchor baby is like hitting the lottery. It qualifies a family for welfare money, food stamps, medicaid and public housing and anchor an illegal family to the country. Most are low income earner who pay no income taxes (how can we collect back taxes from people who pay no taxes?) but receive earned tax credits and child credits refunds. Businesses are addicted to cheap labor and Comp. Immig. Reform. will not change that.

Comp. Immig. Reform is about nothing more than politics. Not about compassion or anyone’s love for little anchor babies and their parents.

“You can B.S. some of the people some of the time but cannot B.S. all the people all they time.”

cut off their entitlements and free ride and we won't have to worry about deporting them. they'll deport themselves

Left wing BS. We can do anything we want to do. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do. How do we deport 11 million people in the country illegally? Simple. E-Verify. If they cannot work they will self deport. Like a million have done already with their children. Whom we refuse to deport because they are innocent little children who were brought here by no fault of their own and this is the only country they have ever know? More left wing B.S. They are citizens of Mexico. They know the language because they parents do not bother to learn English. They know the culture, how to eat tacos and burritos and celebrate Cinco De Mayo each year. We also can repeal Automatic Birth Citizenship for children of illegal aliens retroactive that is exacerbating the illegal immigration problem. Have a anchor baby is like hitting the lottery. It qualifies a family for welfare money, food stamps, medicaid and public housing and anchor an illegal family to the country. Most are low income earner who pay no income taxes (how can we collect back taxes from people who pay no taxes?) but receive earned tax credits and child credits refunds. Businesses are addicted to cheap labor and Comp. Immig. Reform. will not change that.

Comp. Immig. Reform is about nothing more than politics. Not about compassion or anyone’s love for little anchor babies and their parents.

“You can B.S. some of the people some of the time but cannot B.S. all the people all they time.”

You know, it is really sad. Cinco De Mayo, while it did really happen in history isn't celebrated in Mexico, or wasn't until it was introduced by an American beer company as an excuse to drink beer. Mexico does have their own Independence day, that's in September, not May and the Mexicans here don't celebrate that, no, they celebrate a holiday basically made up by an American beer company. How stupid can you get?
First off, if they say there are 11 million undocumented aliens then there are probably more like 18 million undocumented aliens. So some people support making them citizens should ask themselves, what is going to be the first thing these illegals do when we grant them citizenship? All in the name of a "feel good" vote buying moment... That's right, form the longest lines you have ever seen at a Welfare office near you. Sorry folks... We cannot afford them, and it's our duty to make them as uncomfortable as possible so they go home... Their home. Then we can spend our Tax dollars on supporting our own people and their children, not illegals who disrespect our Laws and drain away our resources. Rather than use illegals as pawns for votes that we cannot afford, we need to make their lives so miserable that they will want to go back to their own countries on their own. That means coming down hard on businesses who employ them, and not giving them perks like drivers licenses, or even worse... Health care, and Educations paid for at the Taxpayer's expense.

They're already getting welfare. The women have kids so they can get welfare. They may be married by the church or they may be married in Mexico but the claim to be single here so they can get more money. The "husband" works under the table and pays no income taxes, or if he does, he's stolen someone's social security number. It could even be his own kid's. And by "Mexico" I'm talking about pretty much all the countries south of the border. We have illegals from other nations and they bring problems as well. The Irish Travelers for instance. Basically gypsies who will go door to door trying to find a roof to fix, get half up front, rip off a few shingles and then vanish.

Each country has it's own culture and each illegal brings problems from their own country with them. There is a reason they have to come here illegally, because no one in their right minds would let them come legally. To make these people legal is a slap in the face to all the legal immigrants in this nation and much worse the the millions of people who were denied entry to this country and didn't break in anyway.

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