We Are Now in the First Stage of a Civil War


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Antifa is the street goon squad for the overthrow of a duly elected President. The people behind them, Democrats and Chinese Communists (but I repeat myself) are providing logistical support, training and financial support, like bailing out the rioters.
Still, in the meantime, good police work is weaving the available data threads into a knowledge-tapestry of criminality. For instance, on May 31, New York City’s deputy police commissioner for counter-terrorism, John Miller, outlined his analysis of the violence:
Before the protests began organizers of certain anarchist groups set out to raise bail money and people who would be responsible to be raising bail money, they set out to recruit medics and medical teams with gear to deploy in anticipation of violent interactions with police.
In other words, this was, in no small part, a conspiracy. Which explains why, for instance, stacks of bricks for protesters to throw through windows—or at cops’ heads—were placed all around New York City. Heck, stacks of projectiles were even placed in Kansas City, Missouri. (Did we mention that satellite surveillance, too, could play a role in tracking such obvious major movements?) On June 6, Antifa observer Andy Ngo tweeted that two men driving a car with Ohio license plates were arrested in New York City; the vehicle was full of weapons, burner phones, gas masks, everything a terrorist might want.....
Belatedly, we’re starting to realize how deeply the terrorist network has penetrated our society. We know, now, that they’ve been using Twitter as a tool, and Reddit, too, among many familiar apps and media. They have their own network of partially George Soros-funded lawyers. And yes, there was the curious case of the molotov-cocktail woman in New York City whose $250,000 bail was guaranteed by a lawyer who had previously worked in the federal government, handling highly classified documents, for Barack Obama. Perhaps a thread or two hereto unravel. And speaking of Soros, on June 4, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas revealed undercover video of a vicious Antifa group in Portland, Oregon, which seems to have many connections to Sweden, as well as to, yes, that same Hungarian-born billionaire.

But this is done primarily to polarize the public, bringing as many to their side as possible and to distract from the Russiagate hearings. If the Democrats lose this November (and they will) they plan tomake this a full revolt with the backing of many military personalities they have groomed for this purpose. Their billionaire masters like Bezos wants that coup and fully backs Antifa and the Marxists in Black Lives Matter.

And we have the Establishment of both parties refusing to support the President in this crisis, as they are Globalist fools who think they can control China, lol, like Biden and Bush.

General Mattis, Admiral Mullens, and current Secretary of defense Espers and the Joint Cheifs of staff have declared that now is not an appropriate time to use the Insurrection Act, something Trump did not say he was going to use and in fact said it was not yet time for it, but he can use it.

The American military top leadership has thus drawn a line with Antifa and Black Lies Matter on their side, and Trump on the other. WTF is with thewse gorrillas in suits? Did they not take an oath to defend the Constitution and follow the orders of the POTUS? I think they did.

But anyone following the history of the US military industrial complex understands how Multinational Globalist corporations have seduced our top commanders at the Pentagon with lucrative contracts and private skim.

When the dust from all this has settled next year, and Trump takes his second oath of office, cleaning out the pro-Antifa Marxists in the military must be his top priority.
Antifa is the street goon squad for the overthrow of a duly elected President. The people behind them, Democrats and Chinese Communists (but I repeat myself) are providing logistical support, training and financial support, like bailing out the rioters.
Still, in the meantime, good police work is weaving the available data threads into a knowledge-tapestry of criminality. For instance, on May 31, New York City’s deputy police commissioner for counter-terrorism, John Miller, outlined his analysis of the violence:
Before the protests began organizers of certain anarchist groups set out to raise bail money and people who would be responsible to be raising bail money, they set out to recruit medics and medical teams with gear to deploy in anticipation of violent interactions with police.
In other words, this was, in no small part, a conspiracy. Which explains why, for instance, stacks of bricks for protesters to throw through windows—or at cops’ heads—were placed all around New York City. Heck, stacks of projectiles were even placed in Kansas City, Missouri. (Did we mention that satellite surveillance, too, could play a role in tracking such obvious major movements?) On June 6, Antifa observer Andy Ngo tweeted that two men driving a car with Ohio license plates were arrested in New York City; the vehicle was full of weapons, burner phones, gas masks, everything a terrorist might want.....
Belatedly, we’re starting to realize how deeply the terrorist network has penetrated our society. We know, now, that they’ve been using Twitter as a tool, and Reddit, too, among many familiar apps and media. They have their own network of partially George Soros-funded lawyers. And yes, there was the curious case of the molotov-cocktail woman in New York City whose $250,000 bail was guaranteed by a lawyer who had previously worked in the federal government, handling highly classified documents, for Barack Obama. Perhaps a thread or two hereto unravel. And speaking of Soros, on June 4, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas revealed undercover video of a vicious Antifa group in Portland, Oregon, which seems to have many connections to Sweden, as well as to, yes, that same Hungarian-born billionaire.

But this is done primarily to polarize the public, bringing as many to their side as possible and to distract from the Russiagate hearings. If the Democrats lose this November (and they will) they plan tomake this a full revolt with the backing of many military personalities they have groomed for this purpose. Their billionaire masters like Bezos wants that coup and fully backs Antifa and the Marxists in Black Lives Matter.

And we have the Establishment of both parties refusing to support the President in this crisis, as they are Globalist fools who think they can control China, lol, like Biden and Bush.

General Mattis, Admiral Mullens, and current Secretary of defense Espers and the Joint Cheifs of staff have declared that now is not an appropriate time to use the Insurrection Act, something Trump did not say he was going to use and in fact said it was not yet time for it, but he can use it.

The American military top leadership has thus drawn a line with Antifa and Black Lies Matter on their side, and Trump on the other. WTF is with thewse gorrillas in suits? Did they not take an oath to defend the Constitution and follow the orders of the POTUS? I think they did.

But anyone following the history of the US military industrial complex understands how Multinational Globalist corporations have seduced our top commanders at the Pentagon with lucrative contracts and private skim.

When the dust from all this has settled next year, and Trump takes his second oath of office, cleaning out the pro-Antifa Marxists in the military must be his top priority.

" cleaning out the pro-Antifa Marxists in the military "

does that include all democrats and liberals?
Antifa is the street goon squad for the overthrow of a duly elected President. The people behind them, Democrats and Chinese Communists (but I repeat myself) are providing logistical support, training and financial support, like bailing out the rioters.
Still, in the meantime, good police work is weaving the available data threads into a knowledge-tapestry of criminality. For instance, on May 31, New York City’s deputy police commissioner for counter-terrorism, John Miller, outlined his analysis of the violence:
Before the protests began organizers of certain anarchist groups set out to raise bail money and people who would be responsible to be raising bail money, they set out to recruit medics and medical teams with gear to deploy in anticipation of violent interactions with police.
In other words, this was, in no small part, a conspiracy. Which explains why, for instance, stacks of bricks for protesters to throw through windows—or at cops’ heads—were placed all around New York City. Heck, stacks of projectiles were even placed in Kansas City, Missouri. (Did we mention that satellite surveillance, too, could play a role in tracking such obvious major movements?) On June 6, Antifa observer Andy Ngo tweeted that two men driving a car with Ohio license plates were arrested in New York City; the vehicle was full of weapons, burner phones, gas masks, everything a terrorist might want.....
Belatedly, we’re starting to realize how deeply the terrorist network has penetrated our society. We know, now, that they’ve been using Twitter as a tool, and Reddit, too, among many familiar apps and media. They have their own network of partially George Soros-funded lawyers. And yes, there was the curious case of the molotov-cocktail woman in New York City whose $250,000 bail was guaranteed by a lawyer who had previously worked in the federal government, handling highly classified documents, for Barack Obama. Perhaps a thread or two hereto unravel. And speaking of Soros, on June 4, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas revealed undercover video of a vicious Antifa group in Portland, Oregon, which seems to have many connections to Sweden, as well as to, yes, that same Hungarian-born billionaire.

But this is done primarily to polarize the public, bringing as many to their side as possible and to distract from the Russiagate hearings. If the Democrats lose this November (and they will) they plan tomake this a full revolt with the backing of many military personalities they have groomed for this purpose. Their billionaire masters like Bezos wants that coup and fully backs Antifa and the Marxists in Black Lives Matter.

And we have the Establishment of both parties refusing to support the President in this crisis, as they are Globalist fools who think they can control China, lol, like Biden and Bush.

General Mattis, Admiral Mullens, and current Secretary of defense Espers and the Joint Cheifs of staff have declared that now is not an appropriate time to use the Insurrection Act, something Trump did not say he was going to use and in fact said it was not yet time for it, but he can use it.

The American military top leadership has thus drawn a line with Antifa and Black Lies Matter on their side, and Trump on the other. WTF is with thewse gorrillas in suits? Did they not take an oath to defend the Constitution and follow the orders of the POTUS? I think they did.

But anyone following the history of the US military industrial complex understands how Multinational Globalist corporations have seduced our top commanders at the Pentagon with lucrative contracts and private skim.

When the dust from all this has settled next year, and Trump takes his second oath of office, cleaning out the pro-Antifa Marxists in the military must be his top priority.

Good lord. Yall bitches too scared to go to war. I've been on this board for a long time and every two weeks yall weak inbreds talk about going to war. Stop talkin about it and be about it. I'll definitely be here to greet you.
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Antifa is the street goon squad for the overthrow of a duly elected President. The people behind them, Democrats and Chinese Communists (but I repeat myself) are providing logistical support, training and financial support, like bailing out the rioters.

Then it should be easy to prove it. Where is yer proof?
There isn't any war, civil or otherwise. It's just that your time and that of Drumph and all his minions is waning and fast.
"...admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin'
And you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'"
Antifa is the street goon squad for the overthrow of a duly elected President. The people behind them, Democrats and Chinese Communists (but I repeat myself) are providing logistical support, training and financial support, like bailing out the rioters.
Still, in the meantime, good police work is weaving the available data threads into a knowledge-tapestry of criminality. For instance, on May 31, New York City’s deputy police commissioner for counter-terrorism, John Miller, outlined his analysis of the violence:
Before the protests began organizers of certain anarchist groups set out to raise bail money and people who would be responsible to be raising bail money, they set out to recruit medics and medical teams with gear to deploy in anticipation of violent interactions with police.
In other words, this was, in no small part, a conspiracy. Which explains why, for instance, stacks of bricks for protesters to throw through windows—or at cops’ heads—were placed all around New York City. Heck, stacks of projectiles were even placed in Kansas City, Missouri. (Did we mention that satellite surveillance, too, could play a role in tracking such obvious major movements?) On June 6, Antifa observer Andy Ngo tweeted that two men driving a car with Ohio license plates were arrested in New York City; the vehicle was full of weapons, burner phones, gas masks, everything a terrorist might want.....
Belatedly, we’re starting to realize how deeply the terrorist network has penetrated our society. We know, now, that they’ve been using Twitter as a tool, and Reddit, too, among many familiar apps and media. They have their own network of partially George Soros-funded lawyers. And yes, there was the curious case of the molotov-cocktail woman in New York City whose $250,000 bail was guaranteed by a lawyer who had previously worked in the federal government, handling highly classified documents, for Barack Obama. Perhaps a thread or two hereto unravel. And speaking of Soros, on June 4, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas revealed undercover video of a vicious Antifa group in Portland, Oregon, which seems to have many connections to Sweden, as well as to, yes, that same Hungarian-born billionaire.

But this is done primarily to polarize the public, bringing as many to their side as possible and to distract from the Russiagate hearings. If the Democrats lose this November (and they will) they plan tomake this a full revolt with the backing of many military personalities they have groomed for this purpose. Their billionaire masters like Bezos wants that coup and fully backs Antifa and the Marxists in Black Lives Matter.

And we have the Establishment of both parties refusing to support the President in this crisis, as they are Globalist fools who think they can control China, lol, like Biden and Bush.

General Mattis, Admiral Mullens, and current Secretary of defense Espers and the Joint Cheifs of staff have declared that now is not an appropriate time to use the Insurrection Act, something Trump did not say he was going to use and in fact said it was not yet time for it, but he can use it.

The American military top leadership has thus drawn a line with Antifa and Black Lies Matter on their side, and Trump on the other. WTF is with thewse gorrillas in suits? Did they not take an oath to defend the Constitution and follow the orders of the POTUS? I think they did.

But anyone following the history of the US military industrial complex understands how Multinational Globalist corporations have seduced our top commanders at the Pentagon with lucrative contracts and private skim.

When the dust from all this has settled next year, and Trump takes his second oath of office, cleaning out the pro-Antifa Marxists in the military must be his top priority.

Good lord. Yall bitches too scared to go to war. I've been on this board for a long time and every two week yall weak inbreds talk about going to war. Stop talkin about it and be about it. I'll definitely be here to greet you.
I'm starting to think the number of people who support Trumps threats against the American people are outnumbered by those of us who don't.
The Trumpers are afraid and they should be.
There isn't any war, civil or otherwise. It's just that your time and that of Drumph and all his minions is waning and fast.
"...admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin'
And you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'"
Lol, you really are a stupid ass. You think you have rebutted my documented rhetorical points by quoting an old Dillan song, lol.

Whipping your asses will be easy and I am going to enjoy reading about the trials of these losers in 2021-22.
Antifa is the street goon squad for the overthrow of a duly elected President. The people behind them, Democrats and Chinese Communists (but I repeat myself) are providing logistical support, training and financial support, like bailing out the rioters.
Still, in the meantime, good police work is weaving the available data threads into a knowledge-tapestry of criminality. For instance, on May 31, New York City’s deputy police commissioner for counter-terrorism, John Miller, outlined his analysis of the violence:
Before the protests began organizers of certain anarchist groups set out to raise bail money and people who would be responsible to be raising bail money, they set out to recruit medics and medical teams with gear to deploy in anticipation of violent interactions with police.
In other words, this was, in no small part, a conspiracy. Which explains why, for instance, stacks of bricks for protesters to throw through windows—or at cops’ heads—were placed all around New York City. Heck, stacks of projectiles were even placed in Kansas City, Missouri. (Did we mention that satellite surveillance, too, could play a role in tracking such obvious major movements?) On June 6, Antifa observer Andy Ngo tweeted that two men driving a car with Ohio license plates were arrested in New York City; the vehicle was full of weapons, burner phones, gas masks, everything a terrorist might want.....
Belatedly, we’re starting to realize how deeply the terrorist network has penetrated our society. We know, now, that they’ve been using Twitter as a tool, and Reddit, too, among many familiar apps and media. They have their own network of partially George Soros-funded lawyers. And yes, there was the curious case of the molotov-cocktail woman in New York City whose $250,000 bail was guaranteed by a lawyer who had previously worked in the federal government, handling highly classified documents, for Barack Obama. Perhaps a thread or two hereto unravel. And speaking of Soros, on June 4, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas revealed undercover video of a vicious Antifa group in Portland, Oregon, which seems to have many connections to Sweden, as well as to, yes, that same Hungarian-born billionaire.

But this is done primarily to polarize the public, bringing as many to their side as possible and to distract from the Russiagate hearings. If the Democrats lose this November (and they will) they plan tomake this a full revolt with the backing of many military personalities they have groomed for this purpose. Their billionaire masters like Bezos wants that coup and fully backs Antifa and the Marxists in Black Lives Matter.

And we have the Establishment of both parties refusing to support the President in this crisis, as they are Globalist fools who think they can control China, lol, like Biden and Bush.

General Mattis, Admiral Mullens, and current Secretary of defense Espers and the Joint Cheifs of staff have declared that now is not an appropriate time to use the Insurrection Act, something Trump did not say he was going to use and in fact said it was not yet time for it, but he can use it.

The American military top leadership has thus drawn a line with Antifa and Black Lies Matter on their side, and Trump on the other. WTF is with thewse gorrillas in suits? Did they not take an oath to defend the Constitution and follow the orders of the POTUS? I think they did.

But anyone following the history of the US military industrial complex understands how Multinational Globalist corporations have seduced our top commanders at the Pentagon with lucrative contracts and private skim.

When the dust from all this has settled next year, and Trump takes his second oath of office, cleaning out the pro-Antifa Marxists in the military must be his top priority.
Ha ha ha - When will you fruitcakes give it a rest?
Undefeated Defending Civil War Champions
Yeah, may family was in Indiana back at the time of the CW and migrated to Texas in the 1870's.

One commanded a regiment of Indiana Infantry and I am quite happy that the South was forced to give up slavery and that the corrupt and evil Southern gentry were tumbled down in most states, but not Texas.
I’m sure you’ll be fighting with all the keys on your board.
Ha ha ha - When will you fruitcakes give it a rest?

Right, but... could they take a breath, step back, and have a critical review of their ludicrous paranoid delusions, they wouldn't be fruitcakes, would they?
Problem is they can't! They just churn out the same paranoid schizophrenic bullshit totally unaware of whats going on outside their bubble of delirium.
Antifa is the street goon squad for the overthrow of a duly elected President. The people behind them, Democrats and Chinese Communists (but I repeat myself) are providing logistical support, training and financial support, like bailing out the rioters.
Still, in the meantime, good police work is weaving the available data threads into a knowledge-tapestry of criminality. For instance, on May 31, New York City’s deputy police commissioner for counter-terrorism, John Miller, outlined his analysis of the violence:
Before the protests began organizers of certain anarchist groups set out to raise bail money and people who would be responsible to be raising bail money, they set out to recruit medics and medical teams with gear to deploy in anticipation of violent interactions with police.
In other words, this was, in no small part, a conspiracy. Which explains why, for instance, stacks of bricks for protesters to throw through windows—or at cops’ heads—were placed all around New York City. Heck, stacks of projectiles were even placed in Kansas City, Missouri. (Did we mention that satellite surveillance, too, could play a role in tracking such obvious major movements?) On June 6, Antifa observer Andy Ngo tweeted that two men driving a car with Ohio license plates were arrested in New York City; the vehicle was full of weapons, burner phones, gas masks, everything a terrorist might want.....
Belatedly, we’re starting to realize how deeply the terrorist network has penetrated our society. We know, now, that they’ve been using Twitter as a tool, and Reddit, too, among many familiar apps and media. They have their own network of partially George Soros-funded lawyers. And yes, there was the curious case of the molotov-cocktail woman in New York City whose $250,000 bail was guaranteed by a lawyer who had previously worked in the federal government, handling highly classified documents, for Barack Obama. Perhaps a thread or two hereto unravel. And speaking of Soros, on June 4, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas revealed undercover video of a vicious Antifa group in Portland, Oregon, which seems to have many connections to Sweden, as well as to, yes, that same Hungarian-born billionaire.

But this is done primarily to polarize the public, bringing as many to their side as possible and to distract from the Russiagate hearings. If the Democrats lose this November (and they will) they plan tomake this a full revolt with the backing of many military personalities they have groomed for this purpose. Their billionaire masters like Bezos wants that coup and fully backs Antifa and the Marxists in Black Lives Matter.

And we have the Establishment of both parties refusing to support the President in this crisis, as they are Globalist fools who think they can control China, lol, like Biden and Bush.

General Mattis, Admiral Mullens, and current Secretary of defense Espers and the Joint Cheifs of staff have declared that now is not an appropriate time to use the Insurrection Act, something Trump did not say he was going to use and in fact said it was not yet time for it, but he can use it.

The American military top leadership has thus drawn a line with Antifa and Black Lies Matter on their side, and Trump on the other. WTF is with thewse gorrillas in suits? Did they not take an oath to defend the Constitution and follow the orders of the POTUS? I think they did.

But anyone following the history of the US military industrial complex understands how Multinational Globalist corporations have seduced our top commanders at the Pentagon with lucrative contracts and private skim.

When the dust from all this has settled next year, and Trump takes his second oath of office, cleaning out the pro-Antifa Marxists in the military must be his top priority.

Good lord. Yall bitches too scared to go to war. I've been on this board for a long time and every two week yall weak inbreds talk about going to war. Stop talkin about it and be about it. I'll definitely be here to greet you.
I'm starting to think the number of people who support Trumps threats against the American people are outnumbered by those of us who don't.
The Trumpers are afraid and they should be.
aaaaaand just what do you think we should be afraid of faggot ? if you live in a dem run shithole it is you that needs to be afraid! if the cut or abolish the police the violent crime in those areas will skyrocket ! it wwill be katrina 24/7 !
War? Over what? Because if protesters? Surely you jest. Protesting is a patriotic thing when done legally. Most protestors are peaceful. This white guy only has an issue with law breakers which are a tiny minority.
Antifa is the street goon squad for the overthrow of a duly elected President. The people behind them, Democrats and Chinese Communists (but I repeat myself) are providing logistical support, training and financial support, like bailing out the rioters.
Still, in the meantime, good police work is weaving the available data threads into a knowledge-tapestry of criminality. For instance, on May 31, New York City’s deputy police commissioner for counter-terrorism, John Miller, outlined his analysis of the violence:
Before the protests began organizers of certain anarchist groups set out to raise bail money and people who would be responsible to be raising bail money, they set out to recruit medics and medical teams with gear to deploy in anticipation of violent interactions with police.
In other words, this was, in no small part, a conspiracy. Which explains why, for instance, stacks of bricks for protesters to throw through windows—or at cops’ heads—were placed all around New York City. Heck, stacks of projectiles were even placed in Kansas City, Missouri. (Did we mention that satellite surveillance, too, could play a role in tracking such obvious major movements?) On June 6, Antifa observer Andy Ngo tweeted that two men driving a car with Ohio license plates were arrested in New York City; the vehicle was full of weapons, burner phones, gas masks, everything a terrorist might want.....
Belatedly, we’re starting to realize how deeply the terrorist network has penetrated our society. We know, now, that they’ve been using Twitter as a tool, and Reddit, too, among many familiar apps and media. They have their own network of partially George Soros-funded lawyers. And yes, there was the curious case of the molotov-cocktail woman in New York City whose $250,000 bail was guaranteed by a lawyer who had previously worked in the federal government, handling highly classified documents, for Barack Obama. Perhaps a thread or two hereto unravel. And speaking of Soros, on June 4, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas revealed undercover video of a vicious Antifa group in Portland, Oregon, which seems to have many connections to Sweden, as well as to, yes, that same Hungarian-born billionaire.

But this is done primarily to polarize the public, bringing as many to their side as possible and to distract from the Russiagate hearings. If the Democrats lose this November (and they will) they plan tomake this a full revolt with the backing of many military personalities they have groomed for this purpose. Their billionaire masters like Bezos wants that coup and fully backs Antifa and the Marxists in Black Lives Matter.

And we have the Establishment of both parties refusing to support the President in this crisis, as they are Globalist fools who think they can control China, lol, like Biden and Bush.

General Mattis, Admiral Mullens, and current Secretary of defense Espers and the Joint Cheifs of staff have declared that now is not an appropriate time to use the Insurrection Act, something Trump did not say he was going to use and in fact said it was not yet time for it, but he can use it.

The American military top leadership has thus drawn a line with Antifa and Black Lies Matter on their side, and Trump on the other. WTF is with thewse gorrillas in suits? Did they not take an oath to defend the Constitution and follow the orders of the POTUS? I think they did.

But anyone following the history of the US military industrial complex understands how Multinational Globalist corporations have seduced our top commanders at the Pentagon with lucrative contracts and private skim.

When the dust from all this has settled next year, and Trump takes his second oath of office, cleaning out the pro-Antifa Marxists in the military must be his top priority.

For the sake of the OP and thread I will play along and "war game" a hypothetical second American Civil War, which would likely manifest and go down in one of two forms or a hybrid thereof.

Second American civil war scenario #1:

An alliance is formed between radical liberal mayors, governors and legislators and radicalized or apologist members of the Trump administration cabinet members and their respective personnel and departments. After its formation and mission statement is finalized, this alliance then proceeds to radically change our government and economic system as it sees fit largely without a shot being fired. While this scenario is more sleeper coup d'état than second civil war, technically it would be a war of sorts, an unconventional revolution.

Why this scenario is terrifying:

Because we the people could wake up one morning, any future morning, and find our nation radically changed from top to bottom. We could wake up without the same rights and legal protections we had when we went to bed the night before. Goodbye private property and hello government checkpoints. Papers, please.

Second American civil war scenario #2

After a period of mass riots, protests, failed elections and sweeping voter fraud, the mayors of radical liberal cities and governors of radical states declare themselves autonomous from the federal government. Not really outright secession, but the next thing to it. At the same time a number of high-ranking military officers and service men and women from all military branches mass exodus from the military to take up arms with the mayors and governors of their radicalized home states and cities and form a new military. The ranks of this rebel army would likely be bolstered or filled out by illegal immigrants, militant left wing organizations and Chinese military advisors, whom radical leftist mayors and military officers would welcome into our nation. Likely some of those servicemen who defect to the rebel forces would be those in control of nuclear weapons and ICBM sites, so a long period of standoff between the American government and the radical government could ensure. Eventually, we'd see small to medium-sized conventional battles between American and rebel forces in all fifty states, with the possible regular military forces of China, North Korea, Iran and Venezuela welcomed onto our soil by the radical leftist rebels. Frankly, this scenario would quickly turn into hell on earth with Americans witnessing the destruction of whole American cities for the first time in history.

Why this scenario sucks?

Get ready to duck . . .

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