WaPo, Want to Stop Islamic Jihadi Terrorism? Then Give the Terrorists Hugs, not Bombs


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Can these people even possibly get any more cravenly STOOOOPID than they already are?

WaPo: Want to Stop Islamic Terrorism? Be Nicer to Muslims. - Breitbart

Fearful reactions to terrorist violence are nothing new. Incidents of extremist activity are often followed by anti-Islam protests or hate crimes. Reports of the Islamic Stateluring Western Muslims abroad are followed by a tighteningof homeland security policy. Just after the attacks in Paris, presidential hopeful Donald Trump said that he would be willing to close mosques in America.

Such displays of intolerance can make Muslims feel like they don’t belong in Europe or the United States.

Our research, forthcoming in Behavioral Science and Policy, and in partnership with the World Organization for Resource Development and Education, shows that making Muslims feel this way can fuel support for radical movements. In other words, many Western policies that aim to prevent terrorism may actually be causing it.

These people are why Little Baby Jesus Cries.

I think all the moonbats in the country should go to Syria and have a big group hug with all the suicide bombers.

Oh yeah!

As the terrorists are cutting our throats, we have to thank them all along....and not make them feel guilty.

Go on! Chop our heads off! ...... that will help you feel loved!

good, they should open their building up with a sign saying: all terrorist kisses here come and get it
Thank you Mr nice guy Terrorist for giving me the choice of either being beheaded or burnt alive after having raped me.

After all, I know you are only following the instruction of your Prophet and you are in fact blameless.

Here...allow me to give you a big hug before we commence the proceedings. :huddle:

Libs have tried the Hug A Thug approach for decades. From the lowest street criminal....to appeasing Hitler.....they tried the "just be nice" method. It always fails.

It's Iike seeing a wolf and the sheep saying if they go pet it maybe it won't eat them.
Libs have tried the Hug A Thug approach for decades. From the lowest street criminal....to appeasing Hitler.....they tried the "just be nice" method. It always fails.

It's Iike seeing a wolf and the sheep saying if they go pet it maybe it won't eat them.
It's not that the leaders are so stupid; they profit off the hug-a-thug policies....until they have a minority that is the new majority in the town. Then the white politicians get tossed out and the minorities run everything.

Hug-a-thug is just another way that white liberals commit suicide slowly over time.
WaPo Op-Ed: ISIS Fighters Are Human Beings Too
Just human beings who behead captives, burn children alive, and enslave women.
February 9, 2016
Mark Tapson


Last Friday a Washington Post contributor penned an op-ed with the provocative title, “ISIS kidnapped my best friend. But when I met its fighters, I couldn’t hate them.” The op-ed seems intended to convey a poignant, emotional insight about the tragic human cost to everyone trapped in the hell that is ISIS-controlled territory. But the end result is moral equivalence.

Photojournalist Sebastian Meyer relates that his best friend was kidnapped in 2014 by ISIS militants. Meyer can’t say much more than that, he claims, without further endangering his friend, who presumably then is still being held captive somewhere even after all this time. Given the opportunity months later to question an ISIS captive, Meyer – eager to get some answers and some catharsis – was surprised to find himself becoming sympathetic to the fighter for having been recruited into service with the Islamic terror group at what we in the West would consider the tender age of 13.

Meyer detailed the captive fighter's background:

Ali was born in 1995 and joined the Islamic State in 2008, at the age of 13, he told me. He was trained as an assassin and given his first mission two years later. He and three friends were sent to kill four Iraqi police officers in Mosul. The group tracked the men down, executed them with shots to the back of their heads and buried them where they fell. Ali said he had killed eight or nine men in battle, not including the five he’d beheaded.

I asked him to tell me about the peshmerga soldier whose head he cut off. In a soft, compliant voice, he told me he had pushed the Kurdish soldier belly-first onto the ground in front of him. He placed his knee in the man’s back and then severed the neck with a bayonet.


WaPo Op-Ed: ISIS Fighters Are Human Beings Too

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