BREAKING: Obama signs bill banning Gitmo Muslims from US soil!!! YAY!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Well well well....breaking on Fox....Obama signed the defense spending bill today...which includes a BAN ON moving any Gitmo detainees onto US soil!!! It's done. States won. Gitmo remains open.
I'm not sure what kind of excuse the regime could come up with had they rejected the idea of not bringing jihadist savages to the CONUS.

Of course his zealots would buy just about any bullshit story, but in the wake of Paris I'd have to guess there'd be less people they could sell it to.

I am amazed that anyone Dem or Repub would be happy about Gitmo remaining open.

Because the U.S. taxpayer is footing the bill to the tune of 2.8 million bucks per Gitmo prisoner per year.

This is pure insanity......... :cuckoo:
Well well well....breaking on Fox....Obama signed the defense spending bill today...which includes a BAN ON moving any Gitmo detainees onto US soil!!! It's done. States won. Gitmo remains open.

Does it ban Obama from releasing the detainees over in some Middle Eastern country where they will join up with ISIS? I'll bet it doesn't and I'll bet he will release them and close GITMO>
I am amazed that anyone Dem or Repub would be happy about Gitmo remaining open.

Because the U.S. taxpayer is footing the bill to the tune of 2.8 million bucks per Gitmo prisoner per year.

This is pure insanity......... :cuckoo:
I'm OK with them being executed. I agree, let's not waste any more money on Muslim scum.
It won't stop him from releasing them into Mexico so they can just cross our border illegally. It won't stop him from just going back on his word altogether either. He IS a known liar, after all. I'm sure that if the Democrats were to win the election next year, he would reverse the signing of that bill with an EO.
I am amazed that anyone Dem or Repub would be happy about Gitmo remaining open.

Because the U.S. taxpayer is footing the bill to the tune of 2.8 million bucks per Gitmo prisoner per year.

This is pure insanity......... :cuckoo:
No, that's called pow camp. We're at war, they stay locked up. They should be grateful to be alive and you should be grateful for them. The recidivism rate (and subsequent violent death rate) of those released heretofore has been very high.
Well, here's the loophole in that: Obama sets them free and they then hide among hordes of Syrian refugees.
Who needs Gitmo Muslims in US soil???

meh...that's only a drop in the ocean.

We already have ,and will have plenty others coming directly from Syria. :biggrin:
There's something wrong. obastard would NEVER do anything of benefit or to protect this country.
Funny how Democrats stopped complaining about GITMO once Obama became president. Fucking hypocrites.
Nope. It should have been closed on day one, and never opened in the first place.
...and that's the first time you mentioned it since Obama got into office. Hypocrite. Where's Code Pink, where's all the outrage that Bush had to deal with?
He's probably planning on releasing them all like he has the criminals in our jails

he's been doing that little by little as it is

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