It’s a spiritual battle of good and evil


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
That's right good and evil, what side you on...
This group believes Islam threatens America: ‘It’s a spiritual battle of good and evil.’
22 / 24

The Washington Post
Abigail Hauslohner11 hrs ago


AUSTIN — Roy White wants to inform as many Americans as possible about the terrorists he sees in their midst.

The lean, 62-year-old Air Force veteran strode into the Texas State Capitol in late January wearing a charcoal-gray pinstripe suit and an American flag tie, with the mission of warning all 181 lawmakers about a Muslim group sponsoring a gathering of Texas Muslims at the Capitol the following day. Although the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) works to promote Muslim civil rights across America, White wanted to convince lawmakers that it is actually working to infiltrate the U.S. government and destroy American society from within.

“They’re jihadists wearing suits,” White said of CAIR and other Muslim organizations. “That’s a tough thing for us to wrap our heads around because we don’t feel threatened.”

White is the San Antonio chapter president of ACT for America, an organization that brands itself as “the nation’s largest grass-roots national security advocacy organization” and attacks what it sees as the creeping threat of sharia, or Islamic law, in the form of Muslim organizations, mosques, refugees and sympathetic politicians.

The group has found allies among a coterie of anti-Muslim organizations, speakers and Christian fundamentalists, as well as with some state lawmakers. Bill Zedler, a Texas Republican state representative, said during a recent forum supported by ACT that he fears political correctness is masking the real problem: “Regardless of whether it’s al-Qaeda, or CAIR, or the Islamic State, they just have different methodology for the destruction of Western civilization.”

ACT, which has been a vocal advocate for President Trump and his administration, says it now has “a direct line” to the president and an ability to influence the direction of the nation.


Stephen K. Bannon, the former executive chairman of Breitbart who has described Muslim American groups as “cultural jihadists” bent on destroying American society, is Trump’s chief strategist. Breitbart has published several articles Gabriel has written. Trump’s CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, has spoken at ACT’s conferences and sponsored an ACT meeting at the Capitol last year.

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who sits on ACT’s board of advisers, served as the president’s national security adviser before stepping down after revelations that he might have violated the law in communications with a Russian diplomat.


Since it began its work a decade ago, ACT claims 22 legislative victories in Republican-controlled statehouses, many of them laws that stiffen criminal penalties for terrorism, keep Islamic or foreign influence out of U.S. courts, or aim to protect free speech. ACT also led a successful campaign to get “errors” removed from Texas school textbooks, including what leaders consider pro-Islamic, anti-Christian, anti-Western statements.

In recent weeks, ACT has lobbied on behalf of Trump’s travel ban. On Wednesday, it circulated a message to its followers claiming that Flynn’s fall was the work of “rogue weasels” and “shadow warriors” within the U.S. government trying to destroy Trump.

A ‘God-given opportunity’

Much of ACT’s philosophy is rooted in the belief that America is the target of a vast international conspiracy.


‘A spiritual battle’

ACT’s leadership acknowledges that it gets a bad rap. The Southern Poverty Law Center and other civil rights watchdogs label it an extremist group that demonizes Muslims. ACT argues that the perception comes from ignorance or because the media, Democrats and Muslims hide the truth in a bid to destroy the country.

In a recent message to members, the group said that Islamophobia is a “deceptive narrative,” that the mainstream media propagates “fake news” and that refugee advocates are “fanatics.”

ACT has urged supporters to lobby their lawmakers to support Trump’s executive order banning citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States, a policy that legal experts say amounts to a “Muslim ban” and that an appeals court unanimously kept on hold this month amid arguments that it violates the Constitution.


White, a devout Christian, believes that sharia, the guiding laws and principles of Islam, are the embodiment of that evil; that the Muslim Brotherhood, a Sunni Islamic movement that is a force in Middle Eastern politics, is working to spread sharia throughout America; and that CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America, the majority of American mosques, and a host of other Muslim leaders and organizations are outgrowths of the Brotherhood on U.S. soil. The Trump administration has been considering adding the Brotherhood to its list of designated foreign terrorist organizations; ACT considers that a top priority.


“I’m never going to stop telling the truth for fear of the consequences of telling the truth to people.”

This group believes Islam threatens America: ‘It’s a spiritual battle of good and evil.’
My right to have sex, smoke pot and live my life the way I wish isn't up for debate. Stop attempting to use government to stop me.

Your response to being told the enemy is within the gate reminds me of the attitude of a people who lived long ago and partied on the rooftops knowing their death was imminent. The prophet Isaiah pleaded with them to repent but they wouldn't hear of it.

I looked up a good recounting of the story. Here it is:

If the prophet Isaiah were living today, beholding the wickedness of our nation, he would cry out, "It's time to weep for your nation! History is repeating itself. Your cup of iniquity is full and overflowing!"

Chapter 22 of Isaiah is called "The Valley of Vision." And Isaiah's message here is so clear, so easy to understand, there can be no doubt about its meaning.

According to commentators, Isaiah was evidently standing on a rooftop (or some other high elevation), looking down over Jerusalem and the surrounding valley. What he saw was so appalling, it broke him. He wept convulsively, saying to all who passed by, "...Look away from me; I will weep bitterly, labour not to comfort me, because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people" (verse 4).

The prophet was saying, "Don't look at me. You won't like what you see! My heart is about to break, and my insides are about to pour out. I'm sorely pained, and I can't take it. My people are about to be destroyed!" "My heart panted, fearfulness affrighted loins [are] filled with pain...I was bowed down...dismayed..." (21:4, 3).

This clearly was not patriotism on Isaiah's part. It was the burden of the Lord! Here is a picture of a man broken over his society's sin -- something we don't often see in the church today. There simply aren't many pastors or Christians in America who see judgment coming and who are broken over it.

Yet, for a long time, Isaiah had been speaking of a vision of judgment he had received from the Lord. He had foreseen a huge army -- a contingent of chariots, cunning archers, powerful horsemen, men on camels -- all coming against the city!

Now, Isaiah's prophetic vision was unfolding before his very eyes. Enemy armies had surrounded Jerusalem -- and a siege was under way! The noise of military movements echoed over the hills: The terrible, famed horsemen of Elam and hand-to-hand fighters of Kir were marching in the vanguard. War horses groaned and grunted, their hooves pounding the earth. Chariot wheels rumbled over the countryside, churning up great clouds of dust. Infantrymen had approached Jerusalem's wall, and now were noisily picking away at it with their spears and crowbars. It must have been a fearful, awesome sight!

As Isaiah turned from this frightful scene, he looked upon the flat rooftops of the city -- and he could not believe what he saw. The citizens of Jerusalem were on the rooftops -- drinking and partying! The people had gathered to entertain themselves by gazing down on the Assyrian army as it prepared to attack.

Isaiah was incredulous at what he saw -- and he cried out, "Thou that art full of stirs, a tumultuous city, a joyous city..." (22:2). All this time the prophet had been walking up and down the land, warning God's people, "Your idols will be brought down. The city walls in which you trusted will be breached. Your glory shall fade. Time is running out!"

Yet, how did the people react? They jostled each other on the rooftops, trying to get the best view of the approaching enemy! The whole city was stirred up, full of excitement, joy and exuberance. The Bible uses a word here that means "boisterous, loud, excited."

People whose dwellings were closest to the wall had good views of the valley below, and they hosted their friends for "viewing parties." They cried, "Come on up -- you've got to see this. Pack your lunch and bring the family!" Children screamed with delight: "Look at all the big white horses! Look at all the sleek chariots, and the mighty soldiers oiling their shields. What a sight!"

They were all feasting, getting drunk, celebrating. And Isaiah could not contain himself. He cried out: "...What aileth thee now, that thou art wholly gone up to the housetops?" (verse 1).

I can see this prophet of God in my mind's eye -- screaming from the rooftop: "Are you people crazy? What kind of spirit has possessed you? What kind of disease would drive you to your rooftops to party, while destruction sits at your gates? Judgment is at the door -- and you're getting drunk!"

I have a question for you: What ails our American society? How can our whole nation party, dance, drink and be saturated with entertainment, while thousands of babies are being aborted? What kind of disease has so blinded our nation that the President could veto a bill outlawing doctors from sucking out the brains of babies just weeks before they're born? What horrible sickness allows our society to continue merrily in its sordid pleasure-seeking, while the elderly are being assisted in suicide?

America is under siege by an army of abortionists, pornographers, drug pushers, murderers of the elderly, coming at us from all corners of the earth. And yet, only a few prophetic voices can be heard!

I am sure Isaiah's voice was drowned out by the partying crowds: "Oh, it's only that old man, Isaiah -- the gloom-and- doom preacher. Don't pay any attention to him." And so it is today: Prophetic warnings are ridiculed and ignored!

Consider that stupid, blind, stoned rooftop crowd in Jerusalem, celebrating on the brink of their own judgment. Beloved, this is where you discover the flash point of destruction!

What was their sin, which God would not forgive? It was much more than just shutting out God's warnings. They had hardened their hearts in the face of the predicted judgment!

Judgment was already taking place; it was evident all around them. And yet the people hardened themselves, knowing full well the hand of God had brought down this judgment upon them. Their hardness was the unforgivable sin!

Yet Isaiah was further incredulous: Not only were the people mocking judgment at the door, being entertained by it -- but they were celebrating and feasting in the midst of a plague!

People were falling dead because a plague had swept the city: "...thy slain men are not slain with the sword, nor dead in battle" (verse 2). Historians confirm that Jerusalem was hit by a plague at this time. Refugees had fled there before the invading army, crowding into a city with little food and water. Health conditions were awful, resulting in the plague. People began dying left and right. The stench of death was horrible.

But the citizens of Jerusalem became accustomed to the plague. They became hardened to the death all around them -- so much so that they could entertain themselves on rooftops while just below them people were dying. They carelessly wasted the city's scarce water, food and wine on their own pleasure!

I ask you: Doesn't this sound awfully familiar? It is a picture of America, in this generation!

We have become like Germany just before that nation fell in World War II. I have a book at home with vivid photographs of the drunken parties that took place throughout Berlin. Hitler was in his bunker, close to suicide, as Allied forces made nightly bombing raids. Yet in between the waves of bombs, people rushed out to makeshift bars, to dance and drink the night away! Berlin became one massive party. And it all happened just before the city was annihilated -- with the people staring into eternity.

Even now, here in New York City, fund-raising for AIDS research consists mainly of all-night dancing and drinking parties. I see posters all over Greenwich Village and Soho that read: "AIDS Research Party. Free drinks." Skeletal men, looking like death, dance the night away, racing from one party to another -- all in the name of raising money for AIDS research. They're dying of the disease -- but they go on partying!

Right now an AIDS plague is spreading throughout America. But I believe something even worse could happen to this nation -- because of something I see in Isaiah 22!

Suppose the awful, flesh-eating illness called ebola strikes with a fury in America. (This is the flesh-eating disease that can kill a person within a week.) Or perhaps one of the newly discovered, exotic diseases begins to snuff out life in mere days. Thousands of Americans would begin dying quickly.

Our country would be as it was during the nineteenth century, when smallpox raged through the streets. During that awful plague, people fled the cities. But after a while, when the sight of funerals and hearses became commonplace, the people grew enured to it all.

If such an outbreak were to decimate the United States today, do you think our nation would turn to God? Would we wake up and repent? Would the ungodly cry out for mercy and healing?

No! On the contrary -- America would be swamped with the most wild, unbelievable orgies and parties in the history of our nation. Indeed, that has been the history of every nation that turned from God as we have!

As everything neared collapse in Jerusalem, the rich and influential made provisions to flee to safety: "All thy rulers are fled together...all that are found in thee are bound together, which have fled from afar...." (verse 3).

Those seeking to flee were leaders, people "in the know." And they knew Isaiah was right -- that society had reached a point of no return: "For it is a day of trouble, and of treading down, and of perlexity by the Lord God of hosts in the valley of vision, breaking down the walls, and of crying to the mountains" (verse 5).

These people raced about, looking to make one last financial "kill" by which they could secure themselves against society's breakdown. Their attitude was, "I've got to make a bundle quickly. Then I'll find a safe, secure place to hide."

Yet Isaiah knew exactly what they were up to. He pointed out that the city treasurer, Shebna, had "...hewed him out a sepulchre on high, and that graveth an habitation for himself in a rock..." (verse 16). The prophet was saying, "Look! Your city treasurer is up in the hills, building himself a rock shelter. He says it's a sepulchre -- but he's going up there to hide!"

Beloved, that is the American dream for multitudes right now! The saying among Wall Streeters, businesspeople and politicians today is, "Get a golden parachute!" In other words: "Make a killing -- and then head for the hills!"

Think about it: Why are so many wealthy people buying up isolated ranches and farms in Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana? What do they know that the majority of Americans don't know?

They see the enemy gathering at the gate! They know America can no longer carry out its suicidal economic policies without crashing. This is not simply a gut feeling on their part; they know the end is near. They are not partying, but preparing!

Yet there is no safe place to hide! Isaiah said to the unscrupulous escapees in Jerusalem: "He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country: there shalt thou die, and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of thy lord's house. And I will drive thee from thy station, and from thy state shall he pull thee down" (verses 18-19). In other words: "God is going to kick you like a football, out into the open. There is no safe place outside of Jesus Christ the Lord!"

"It's Time to Weep for America!" by David Wilkerson, founding pastor of Times Square Church, New York City - July 29, 1996

David Wilkerson wrote this in 1996 but it could have been written yesterday. At the time he wrote this message, he didn't know the details. He didn't know that 9/11 would happen and that CAIR would become a base for Muslims, nor did he know that a future president would become friendly toward Muslim Brotherhood compromising national security and the future of America. But Wilkerson knew there was a day coming when the enemy would be inside the gate because the bible is very clear about the judgment of God upon a nation that turns their back on Him. Now here we are and your only concern is your right to have sex and get stoned, Matthew. You had better wake up. The enemy is already inside the gate. You need to repent and get right with God. As David Wilkerson pointed out, There is no safe place outside of Jesus Christ the Lord.

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