Videos Suggest Russians Are Arming The Taliban To Kill American Troops

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Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017


Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN)The Taliban have received improved weaponry in Afghanistan that appears to have been supplied by the Russian government, according to exclusive videos obtained by CNN, adding weight to accusations by Afghan and American officials that Moscow is arming their one-time foe in the war-torn country.

US generals first suggested they were concerned the Russian government was seeking to arm the Afghan insurgents back in April, but images from the battlefield here corroborating these claims have been hard to come by.

These two videos show sniper rifles, Kalashnikov variants and heavy machine guns that weapons experts say are stripped of any means of identifying their origin.

Two separate sets of Taliban, one in the north and another in the west, claim to be in possession of the weapons, which they say were originally supplied by Russian government sources. One splinter group of Taliban near Herat say they obtained the guns after defeating a mainstream rival group of Taliban.

Another group say they got the weapons for free across the border with Tajikistan and that they were provided by "the Russians."

The videos don't provide incontrovertible proof of the trade, of which Moscow has categorically denied involvement. Yet they offer some of the first battlefield evidence of a flow of weapons that has the Afghan and American governments deeply concerned about Moscow's intentions here.

Videos suggest Russian government may be arming Taliban -

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"weapons experts say are stripped of any means of identifying their origin."

Right in the OP.
An Afghan army commander in eastern Paktia province, near the Pakistan border, has accused Islamabad of heavily arming the Taliban against the U.S.-backed Afghan security forces in areas along the Durand Line, the de facto international boundary separating the countries.

Pakistan is “supplying heavy weapons to Taliban fighters” to combat the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF), which include both police and military units, said Gen. Abdul Wase, the commander of the ANA’s 203 Thunder Corps in the Dand-e-Patan district of Paktia province, reports TOLO News.

Afghan Commander: Pakistan Military ‘Supplying Heavy Weapons to Taliban’ - Breitbart
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