Zone1 People get testy when someone says their Church is THE Church Christ founded

Why all the malice when someone claims his/her Church is THE Church?

And it is mostly Catholics saying that. That's because the Catholic Church IS the Church Christ founded. Humans have muddied it up a bit, but does anyone believe Jesus didn't see that coming? LOL

He knows all about humans. He was one.
More than the Catholic Church believe themselves to be the one true Church. There has probably never been a new denomination or independent congregation founded that didn't think they would be the one group that would get it right or at least the most right. And some of those believe they did. Most probably accept Christians in other denominations as fully Christian but not all.

In my opinion God is far more interested in our relationships with Him and how we treat each other than He is interested in our theology which I think He pretty much tolerates more than endorses. I suspect when we meet in Heaven we'll all have a good laugh over how much of this we got wrong.
Jesus would be surprised to know that. I know I certainly was.
so you admit you don't know the Bible?

It clearly says that HE is the way to Heaven

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

No one goes to the Father except through Me"

Jesus would be surprised to hear these scriptures?

so you admit you don't know the Bible?

It clearly says that HE is the way to Heaven

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

No one goes to the Father except through Me"

Jesus would be surprised to hear these scriptures?

What is crazy is you stating as fact that I don't believe Jesus is the one way to heaven. I was surprised to learn I don't believe Jesus is the one way to heaven. Having gone so far as to state what I don't believe, why not inform me of what I do believe.
so you admit you don't know the Bible?

It clearly says that HE is the way to Heaven

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

No one goes to the Father except through Me"

Jesus would be surprised to hear these scriptures?


Aren't you just snottiest little boi? You will "Depart from me I never knew you?
Why all the malice when someone claims his/her Church is THE Church?

And it is mostly Catholics saying that. That's because the Catholic Church IS the Church Christ founded. Humans have muddied it up a bit, but does anyone believe Jesus didn't see that coming? LOL

He knows all about humans. He was one.
Why all the malice when someone claims his/her Church is THE Church?

And it is mostly Catholics saying that. That's because the Catholic Church IS the Church Christ founded. Humans have muddied it up a bit, but does anyone believe Jesus didn't see that coming? LOL

He knows all about humans. He was one.
Let’s not forget St. Paul. Catholics seem to overlook St. Paul. On his four journeys setting up churches he traveled over 9000 miles.

Here are merriweather's "own damn words" (as I put it above)

Merriweather said (above):

Differing perspectives does not [sic] mean one perspective is right and all others are wrong.

If that statement doesn't show that MW doesn't believe JESUS is the only way to Heaven --the Way, the Truth, the Life (Catholic dogma)--

I don't know what does
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