USMB Ultimate Egg-Off Challange!

Whelp -- if one's going on an Easter egg hunt one will need proper attire..........

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USMB is offering an Egg-Off Challenge for all members!

Hidden among posts throughout the forums are a collection of beautiful Easter Eggs! Whomever finds the most eggs wins a VALUABLE prize! (well kinda valuable).

If you find an egg - post a link on this thread.

Contest closes SUNDAY April 16th.

Prizes are (1st, 2nd, 3rd) your choice of:
Get out of Jail Free Card (good for one infraction or ban)
Pick a Mod Avatar for one week (at this point only Coyote has volunteered)
To be decided....

Eggs are hidden...and more will continue to be hidden!

This message is brought to you by the one and only Easter Kitty


sponsored by saveliberty

I am not having any luck, these eggs must be posted in some obscure threads in obscure sections of the forum.

If I type "Egg-Off" into the Search function will I be successful in getting some? :popcorn:

They won't show up in a search but...they are peppered all over the forums....we're sticking to recent threads though ;)
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  • #70
With the eggs guys...gotta show links to where they were found ;)
Whelp -- if one's going on an Easter egg hunt one will need proper attire..........


Ahem, an innocent girl like me with a virgin mind doesn't know what that is an image of....
or do I :badgrin:

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