USMB right wingercons insist I keep making the same thread again and again. Not true!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
  1. In 1940, right wing GOP fought the Nazi's, in 2017, right wing GOP are the Nazi's.
    Can you believe how things have changed?

  2. 4 CEO's left Trump's advisory council, so Trump attacks the one black, Kenneth Frazier
    Trump attacks Merck CEO for quitting manufacturing council over Charlottesville President Donald Trump on Monday attacked the CEO of Merck for...

  3. Remember, it took 8 years under Bush before the full force of those long term disasters hit.
    Even with a hurricane, they start off far away slow and small and gradually build up momentum. And when they hit, you have Katrina or Sandy....

  4. 71% of Police were shot by White Guys
    Ray Cyst Phucks on the USMB have been spreading the lie that most police that have been killed in the line of duty were killed by blacks. We know...

  5. So how old are these "Civil War Era" Monuments?
    Funny, when the media talks about these "Confederate" monuments, they always use the term "Civil War Era". It give the impression of great age....

  6. Trump, minion of the Russians, leader of the GOP, hero of white racist groups, Putin's servant
    Trump is so many things to so many people. To Putin, he's a servant. To the KKK, the Alt Right, the American Nazi Party, the Aryan Nation and...

  7. I for one don't want Trump to make insincere statements he doesn't believe in about race .
    Just like with the Tweets, let Trump be Trump. He is who he is. Stop trying to change him. So what Trump was elected with help from David...

  8. European diplomats: Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'
    European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama' The diplomats' views of Trump reflect the opinions...

  9. Take Trump's test: Would you be allowed to immigrate here?
    Find Out If President Trump Would Let You Immigrate to America The bill, introduced by Republican Senators David Perdue and Tom Cotton, has...

  10. Dear GOP, please explain Trump's intense love affair with murderous thug Vladimir Putin.
    We really, really want to know. Putin has a history of murder, thuggery, lying and theft. So what is it? Why does Trump protect, admire and...

  11. How is it America is in debt and doesn't have enough money?
    Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people. Corporate profits at a 13 year high. Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations...

  12. Did Donald Trump hire Kim Jong-un's speechwriter?
    We've come to expect that moron, Kim Jong-un, to talk like a moron. But did we ever expect to elect his orange twin to be our president? It...

  13. Can you believe how desperate and pathetic Trump minions are?
    They were so sure they could ruin the lives of tens of millions of Americans by taking away their healthcare. They haven't given up yet. It...

  14. Big, Orange and Kute Klown King giggles and thanks Putin for Expulsions and saving money!
    Trump Praises Putin Instead of Critiquing Cuts to U.S. Embassy Staff President Vladimir V. Putin last month ordered the seizure of two American...

  15. President Trump's most avid supporters will lose their everloving minds.
    The Russia investigation will probably not end well Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian...

  16. May you die in pain - Not right for people to say that to congressmen at Town Halls
    ‘May you die in pain’: Another GOP lawmaker grilled at health care town hall Others have prescreened participants in the hopes of purging...

  17. Appalachians are dying faster than other Americans.

  18. Is North Korea making nuclear weapons because the GOP invaded Iraq for no apparent reason?
    Is North Korea making nuclear weapons because the GOP invaded Iraq for no apparent reason? You gotta wonder, right? Maybe they think they are...

  19. Let Trump Twitter all he wants! Quit telling him to stop!
    Some right wingers complain that Trump Tweets too much and he should stop or Tweet less. Why? So who he is can be disguised? Let him alone. I...
  20. What do you think pulling out of all these trade agreements will do to our economy?
  21. Trump’s Trade Pullout Roils Rural America In Wright County, a trainload of corn can be in Mexico in three days, tens of thousands of hogs are...

  22. LaDainian Tomlinson's incredible, inspiring and patriotic NFL Hall of Fame Speech
    [MEDIA] Someone standing up and reminding us what this country is all about. A few quotes from an amazing and inspiring speech: "My name began...

  23. What does the Bible and Jesus say about helping the poor?
    This one is my favorite: Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will...

  24. Do any USMB Republicans even own stocks? Doubtful.

  25. How does an isolated United States "rally" the rest of the world?
    Now that Donald Trump has made it clear to the rest of the world that the US is no longer the world leader and they know Trump is wildly dishonest...

  26. Without skills or education, should right wingers be deported? Who would want them?
    Trump says they should speak English. What are these people speaking? [MEDIA] Trump says they are supposed to have "skills". What skills do...

  27. What if Obama said what Trump has said? See Obama impersonator Reggie Brown.

  28. Racist Trump Toady brings race into DC Grand Jury DC is “always solidly Democratic and has an ethnic and racial...

  29. What's your favorite "Trump" joke?
    I just heard that Trump is the anti Roosevelt: "Speak loudly and carry a tiny stick." I guess cuz it fits his tiny hand. Hear any other good...

  30. The next BIG Republicans scam-----------> Tax Reform
    Remember the Bush Tax cuts? How it was supposed to create jobs and give us a booming economy? So what happened? Trillions in deficit leading to...

  31. Farmers 'panic-stricken' by shortage of migrant workers

These are my last 31 threads.

USMB right wingers keep saying I post the same thing over and over again. The only thing my threads have in common is that many are about Donald Trump which of course makes sense since he is the president. Look at all the threads they wrote about Obama. Only when they wrote about Obama, most really were the same. About him being born in Kenya and about his birth certificate.

These are the last 31 threads. Which ones are the same?

You have to call out Republicans. They lie so much, they can't stop. It has to be in their face. It's the only way. And even then....................
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  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #2
The next 30 are equally different. If I have something to say about the same topic, I just look at my "profile" page and add to the existing thread;.

  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #6
So you are going to prove it by making the same thread again
I don't have to. One is enough. Now, tell us something about Hillary's emails or Obama's birth certificate. I think it's time.
  1. In 1940, right wing GOP fought the Nazi's, in 2017, right wing GOP are the Nazi's.
    Can you believe how things have changed?

  2. 4 CEO's left Trump's advisory council, so Trump attacks the one black, Kenneth Frazier
    Trump attacks Merck CEO for quitting manufacturing council over Charlottesville President Donald Trump on Monday attacked the CEO of Merck for...

  3. Remember, it took 8 years under Bush before the full force of those long term disasters hit.
    Even with a hurricane, they start off far away slow and small and gradually build up momentum. And when they hit, you have Katrina or Sandy....

  4. 71% of Police were shot by White Guys
    Ray Cyst Phucks on the USMB have been spreading the lie that most police that have been killed in the line of duty were killed by blacks. We know...

  5. So how old are these "Civil War Era" Monuments?
    Funny, when the media talks about these "Confederate" monuments, they always use the term "Civil War Era". It give the impression of great age....

  6. Trump, minion of the Russians, leader of the GOP, hero of white racist groups, Putin's servant
    Trump is so many things to so many people. To Putin, he's a servant. To the KKK, the Alt Right, the American Nazi Party, the Aryan Nation and...

  7. I for one don't want Trump to make insincere statements he doesn't believe in about race .
    Just like with the Tweets, let Trump be Trump. He is who he is. Stop trying to change him. So what Trump was elected with help from David...

  8. European diplomats: Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'
    European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama' The diplomats' views of Trump reflect the opinions...

  9. Take Trump's test: Would you be allowed to immigrate here?
    Find Out If President Trump Would Let You Immigrate to America The bill, introduced by Republican Senators David Perdue and Tom Cotton, has...

  10. Dear GOP, please explain Trump's intense love affair with murderous thug Vladimir Putin.
    We really, really want to know. Putin has a history of murder, thuggery, lying and theft. So what is it? Why does Trump protect, admire and...

  11. How is it America is in debt and doesn't have enough money?
    Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people. Corporate profits at a 13 year high. Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations...

  12. Did Donald Trump hire Kim Jong-un's speechwriter?
    We've come to expect that moron, Kim Jong-un, to talk like a moron. But did we ever expect to elect his orange twin to be our president? It...

  13. Can you believe how desperate and pathetic Trump minions are?
    They were so sure they could ruin the lives of tens of millions of Americans by taking away their healthcare. They haven't given up yet. It...

  14. Big, Orange and Kute Klown King giggles and thanks Putin for Expulsions and saving money!
    Trump Praises Putin Instead of Critiquing Cuts to U.S. Embassy Staff President Vladimir V. Putin last month ordered the seizure of two American...

  15. President Trump's most avid supporters will lose their everloving minds.
    The Russia investigation will probably not end well Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian...

  16. May you die in pain - Not right for people to say that to congressmen at Town Halls
    ‘May you die in pain’: Another GOP lawmaker grilled at health care town hall Others have prescreened participants in the hopes of purging...

  17. Appalachians are dying faster than other Americans.

  18. Is North Korea making nuclear weapons because the GOP invaded Iraq for no apparent reason?
    Is North Korea making nuclear weapons because the GOP invaded Iraq for no apparent reason? You gotta wonder, right? Maybe they think they are...

  19. Let Trump Twitter all he wants! Quit telling him to stop!
    Some right wingers complain that Trump Tweets too much and he should stop or Tweet less. Why? So who he is can be disguised? Let him alone. I...
  20. What do you think pulling out of all these trade agreements will do to our economy?
  21. Trump’s Trade Pullout Roils Rural America In Wright County, a trainload of corn can be in Mexico in three days, tens of thousands of hogs are...

  22. LaDainian Tomlinson's incredible, inspiring and patriotic NFL Hall of Fame Speech
    [MEDIA] Someone standing up and reminding us what this country is all about. A few quotes from an amazing and inspiring speech: "My name began...

  23. What does the Bible and Jesus say about helping the poor?
    This one is my favorite: Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will...

  24. Do any USMB Republicans even own stocks? Doubtful.

  25. How does an isolated United States "rally" the rest of the world?
    Now that Donald Trump has made it clear to the rest of the world that the US is no longer the world leader and they know Trump is wildly dishonest...

  26. Without skills or education, should right wingers be deported? Who would want them?
    Trump says they should speak English. What are these people speaking? [MEDIA] Trump says they are supposed to have "skills". What skills do...

  27. What if Obama said what Trump has said? See Obama impersonator Reggie Brown.

  28. Racist Trump Toady brings race into DC Grand Jury DC is “always solidly Democratic and has an ethnic and racial...

  29. What's your favorite "Trump" joke?
    I just heard that Trump is the anti Roosevelt: "Speak loudly and carry a tiny stick." I guess cuz it fits his tiny hand. Hear any other good...

  30. The next BIG Republicans scam-----------> Tax Reform
    Remember the Bush Tax cuts? How it was supposed to create jobs and give us a booming economy? So what happened? Trillions in deficit leading to...

  31. Farmers 'panic-stricken' by shortage of migrant workers

These are my last 31 threads.

USMB right wingers keep saying I post the same thing over and over again. The only thing my threads have in common is that many are about Donald Trump which of course makes sense since he is the president. Look at all the threads they wrote about Obama. Only when they wrote about Obama, most really were the same. About him being born in Kenya and about his birth certificate.

These are the last 31 threads. Which ones are the same?

You have to call out Republicans. They lie so much, they can't stop. It has to be in their face. It's the only way. And even then....................

So you are going to prove it by making the same thread again
I don't have to. One is enough. Now, tell us something about Hillary's emails or Obama's birth certificate. I think it's time.

Wow. You can't even stay on topic in your own thread. Kind of sad when you have to start using red herrings immediately.

If you want to talk about Clinton corruption, I'm sure many would oblige. You acknowledging their criminal activity would be a change for once. But I suspect you'll be right back to posting the same stuff again and again without thought.
Ladies & gentleman, isn't it morbidly fascinating to watch Deanrd slowly losing his mind, gradually getting more and more unhinged with each thread? Look at his paranoid obsession over what people on an anonymous message board think of him in this one. Any day now I expect him to declare himself Napoleon. I'll bet he thinks the Trump pic in his avatar came to life and is secretly whispering insults in his ear.
Ladies & gentleman, isn't it morbidly fascinating to watch Deanrd slowly losing his mind, gradually getting more and more unhinged with each thread? Look at his paranoid obsession over what people on an anonymous message board think of him in this one. Any day now I expect him to declare himself Napoleon. I'll bet he thinks the Trump pic in his avatar came to life and is secretly whispering insults in his ear.

It's only fun because when exposed to truth, Republicans turn a bright orange.

Putin Denies Calling Trump 'Brilliant': "I Said He Was Bright, You Know... Bright Orange" - Straight Stoned

Ladies & gentleman, isn't it morbidly fascinating to watch Deanrd slowly losing his mind, gradually getting more and more unhinged with each thread? Look at his paranoid obsession over what people on an anonymous message board think of him in this one. Any day now I expect him to declare himself Napoleon. I'll bet he thinks the Trump pic in his avatar came to life and is secretly whispering insults in his ear.

He's been inching his way to my ignore list. Same redundant crap day after day
Ladies & gentleman, isn't it morbidly fascinating to watch Deanrd slowly losing his mind, gradually getting more and more unhinged with each thread? Look at his paranoid obsession over what people on an anonymous message board think of him in this one. Any day now I expect him to declare himself Napoleon. I'll bet he thinks the Trump pic in his avatar came to life and is secretly whispering insults in his ear.

Nah. Napoleon was a bigger man. Dean can't reach a man of his stature.
Ladies & gentleman, isn't it morbidly fascinating to watch Deanrd slowly losing his mind, gradually getting more and more unhinged with each thread? Look at his paranoid obsession over what people on an anonymous message board think of him in this one. Any day now I expect him to declare himself Napoleon. I'll bet he thinks the Trump pic in his avatar came to life and is secretly whispering insults in his ear.

It's only fun because when exposed to truth, Republicans turn a bright orange.

Putin Denies Calling Trump 'Brilliant': "I Said He Was Bright, You Know... Bright Orange" - Straight Stoned


You consider this truth?

I'm guessing you don't know what truth is. Truth is things as they were, things as they are, and things as they will be.
Yes, I admit I shouldn't make smartass fun of Deanrid because in all seriousness, it's sad to see this level of extreme, paranoid schizophrenia untreated and causing someone so much agonized self-destruction. I do get it, my dirty jokes about it notwithstanding. Here on the Internet, it really is looking into a window of extreme mental illness. In pure seriousness I just think it's very sad & unfortunate.
Yes, I admit I shouldn't make smartass fun of Deanrid because in all seriousness, it's sad to see this level of extreme, paranoid schizophrenia untreated and causing someone so much agonized self-destruction. I do get it, my dirty jokes about it notwithstanding. Here on the Internet, it really is looking into a window of extreme mental illness. In pure seriousness I just think it's very sad & unfortunate.

Its not just mental illness. Its a spiritual illness. A spiritual cancer affecting, not just dean, but permeating throughout our society.
Last edited:
  1. In 1940, right wing GOP fought the Nazi's, in 2017, right wing GOP are the Nazi's.
    Can you believe how things have changed?

  2. 4 CEO's left Trump's advisory council, so Trump attacks the one black, Kenneth Frazier
    Trump attacks Merck CEO for quitting manufacturing council over Charlottesville President Donald Trump on Monday attacked the CEO of Merck for...

  3. Remember, it took 8 years under Bush before the full force of those long term disasters hit.
    Even with a hurricane, they start off far away slow and small and gradually build up momentum. And when they hit, you have Katrina or Sandy....

  4. 71% of Police were shot by White Guys
    Ray Cyst Phucks on the USMB have been spreading the lie that most police that have been killed in the line of duty were killed by blacks. We know...

  5. So how old are these "Civil War Era" Monuments?
    Funny, when the media talks about these "Confederate" monuments, they always use the term "Civil War Era". It give the impression of great age....

  6. Trump, minion of the Russians, leader of the GOP, hero of white racist groups, Putin's servant
    Trump is so many things to so many people. To Putin, he's a servant. To the KKK, the Alt Right, the American Nazi Party, the Aryan Nation and...

  7. I for one don't want Trump to make insincere statements he doesn't believe in about race .
    Just like with the Tweets, let Trump be Trump. He is who he is. Stop trying to change him. So what Trump was elected with help from David...

  8. European diplomats: Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'
    European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama' The diplomats' views of Trump reflect the opinions...

  9. Take Trump's test: Would you be allowed to immigrate here?
    Find Out If President Trump Would Let You Immigrate to America The bill, introduced by Republican Senators David Perdue and Tom Cotton, has...

  10. Dear GOP, please explain Trump's intense love affair with murderous thug Vladimir Putin.
    We really, really want to know. Putin has a history of murder, thuggery, lying and theft. So what is it? Why does Trump protect, admire and...

  11. How is it America is in debt and doesn't have enough money?
    Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people. Corporate profits at a 13 year high. Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations...

  12. Did Donald Trump hire Kim Jong-un's speechwriter?
    We've come to expect that moron, Kim Jong-un, to talk like a moron. But did we ever expect to elect his orange twin to be our president? It...

  13. Can you believe how desperate and pathetic Trump minions are?
    They were so sure they could ruin the lives of tens of millions of Americans by taking away their healthcare. They haven't given up yet. It...

  14. Big, Orange and Kute Klown King giggles and thanks Putin for Expulsions and saving money!
    Trump Praises Putin Instead of Critiquing Cuts to U.S. Embassy Staff President Vladimir V. Putin last month ordered the seizure of two American...

  15. President Trump's most avid supporters will lose their everloving minds.
    The Russia investigation will probably not end well Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian...

  16. May you die in pain - Not right for people to say that to congressmen at Town Halls
    ‘May you die in pain’: Another GOP lawmaker grilled at health care town hall Others have prescreened participants in the hopes of purging...

  17. Appalachians are dying faster than other Americans.

  18. Is North Korea making nuclear weapons because the GOP invaded Iraq for no apparent reason?
    Is North Korea making nuclear weapons because the GOP invaded Iraq for no apparent reason? You gotta wonder, right? Maybe they think they are...

  19. Let Trump Twitter all he wants! Quit telling him to stop!
    Some right wingers complain that Trump Tweets too much and he should stop or Tweet less. Why? So who he is can be disguised? Let him alone. I...
  20. What do you think pulling out of all these trade agreements will do to our economy?
  21. Trump’s Trade Pullout Roils Rural America In Wright County, a trainload of corn can be in Mexico in three days, tens of thousands of hogs are...

  22. LaDainian Tomlinson's incredible, inspiring and patriotic NFL Hall of Fame Speech
    [MEDIA] Someone standing up and reminding us what this country is all about. A few quotes from an amazing and inspiring speech: "My name began...

  23. What does the Bible and Jesus say about helping the poor?
    This one is my favorite: Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will...

  24. Do any USMB Republicans even own stocks? Doubtful.

  25. How does an isolated United States "rally" the rest of the world?
    Now that Donald Trump has made it clear to the rest of the world that the US is no longer the world leader and they know Trump is wildly dishonest...

  26. Without skills or education, should right wingers be deported? Who would want them?
    Trump says they should speak English. What are these people speaking? [MEDIA] Trump says they are supposed to have "skills". What skills do...

  27. What if Obama said what Trump has said? See Obama impersonator Reggie Brown.

  28. Racist Trump Toady brings race into DC Grand Jury DC is “always solidly Democratic and has an ethnic and racial...

  29. What's your favorite "Trump" joke?
    I just heard that Trump is the anti Roosevelt: "Speak loudly and carry a tiny stick." I guess cuz it fits his tiny hand. Hear any other good...

  30. The next BIG Republicans scam-----------> Tax Reform
    Remember the Bush Tax cuts? How it was supposed to create jobs and give us a booming economy? So what happened? Trillions in deficit leading to...

  31. Farmers 'panic-stricken' by shortage of migrant workers

These are my last 31 threads.

USMB right wingers keep saying I post the same thing over and over again. The only thing my threads have in common is that many are about Donald Trump which of course makes sense since he is the president. Look at all the threads they wrote about Obama. Only when they wrote about Obama, most really were the same. About him being born in Kenya and about his birth certificate.

These are the last 31 threads. Which ones are the same?

You have to call out Republicans. They lie so much, they can't stop. It has to be in their face. It's the only way. And even then....................
  1. Did Donald Trump hire Kim Jong-un's speechwriter?
    We've come to expect that moron, Kim Jong-un, to talk like a moron. But did we ever expect to elect his orange twin to be our president? It...
Ladies & gentleman, isn't it morbidly fascinating to watch Deanrd slowly losing his mind, gradually getting more and more unhinged with each thread? Look at his paranoid obsession over what people on an anonymous message board think of him in this one. Any day now I expect him to declare himself Napoleon. I'll bet he thinks the Trump pic in his avatar came to life and is secretly whispering insults in his ear.

It's only fun because when exposed to truth, Republicans turn a bright orange.

Putin Denies Calling Trump 'Brilliant': "I Said He Was Bright, You Know... Bright Orange" - Straight Stoned


You consider this truth?

I'm guessing you don't know what truth is. Truth is things as they were, things as they are, and things as they will be.
Hilarious. A trump supporter talking about " truth." Now I've heard everything!
Ladies & gentleman, isn't it morbidly fascinating to watch Deanrd slowly losing his mind, gradually getting more and more unhinged with each thread? Look at his paranoid obsession over what people on an anonymous message board think of him in this one. Any day now I expect him to declare himself Napoleon. I'll bet he thinks the Trump pic in his avatar came to life and is secretly whispering insults in his ear.

He's been inching his way to my ignore list. Same redundant crap day after day
Any mirrors in your trailer?
Ladies & gentleman, isn't it morbidly fascinating to watch Deanrd slowly losing his mind, gradually getting more and more unhinged with each thread? Look at his paranoid obsession over what people on an anonymous message board think of him in this one. Any day now I expect him to declare himself Napoleon. I'll bet he thinks the Trump pic in his avatar came to life and is secretly whispering insults in his ear.

Nah. Napoleon was a bigger man. Dean can't reach a man of his stature.
Dean called you out on your lies and you mock him. How Trumpian of you!

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