The next BIG Republicans scam-----------> Tax Reform


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember the Bush Tax cuts? How it was supposed to create jobs and give us a booming economy? So what happened?

Trillions in deficit leading to no money for infrastructure building.
The biggest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich in world history.
The beginning of the great deficit.
No new jobs, in fact, millions of jobs were moved to China and India and Mexico.
No booming economy.

And why do Republicans say they want Tax Reform? To create jobs of course.

Only, unemployment is nearly 4% and there are over 6 million jobs unfilled and available.

So we need to create more jobs?

We need to give the wealthy more money even though the wage gap is the greatest in history?

We don't need money for infrastructure?

Are Republicans really going to try to trick this country again? Of course it will work on the GOP base. They have proven to be stupid beyond belief. But will it work on the rest of the country?

And what happened after the last enormous tax cut for the rich disguised as Tax Reform.

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs

Trump hails job numbers that put unemployment at 16-yr low | Daily Mail Online
Are Republicans really going to try to trick this country again?

Oddly, over the past several years, I don't ever remember the DNC saying a WORD about needing much less fixing their Obamacare, nor do I recall them ever saying a word during Obama much less Hillary last year wanting to reform our tax code. I must have missed it when I blinked.

Now the "new plan" by the Derps is to adopt a new strategy that sounds very similar to Trumps! I wonder, if the democrats SAY they are all for the things Trump wants to do, why do they keep fighting him on all of it? Moreover, why would I choose a democrat when I already have Trump on the job actually DOING IT?
Remember the Bush Tax cuts? How it was supposed to create jobs and give us a booming economy? So what happened?

Trillions in deficit leading to no money for infrastructure building.
The biggest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich in world history.
The beginning of the great deficit.
No new jobs, in fact, millions of jobs were moved to China and India and Mexico.
No booming economy.

And why do Republicans say they want Tax Reform? To create jobs of course.

Only, unemployment is nearly 4% and there are over 6 million jobs unfilled and available.

So we need to create more jobs?

We need to give the wealthy more money even though the wage gap is the greatest in history?

We don't need money for infrastructure?

Are Republicans really going to try to trick this country again? Of course it will work on the GOP base. They have proven to be stupid beyond belief. But will it work on the rest of the country?

And what happened after the last enormous tax cut for the rich disguised as Tax Reform.

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs

Trump hails job numbers that put unemployment at 16-yr low | Daily Mail Online

Tax cuts create jobs and growth.
Obama wasn't lying, was he?
Are Republicans really going to try to trick this country again?

Oddly, over the past several years, I don't ever remember the DNC saying a WORD about needing much less fixing their Obamacare, nor do I recall them ever saying a word during Obama much less Hillary last year wanting to reform our tax code. I must have missed it when I blinked.

Now the "new plan" by the Derps is to adopt a new strategy that sounds very similar to Trumps! I wonder, if the democrats SAY they are all for the things Trump wants to do, why do they keep fighting him on all of it? Moreover, why would I choose a democrat when I already have Trump on the job actually DOING IT?

Seems some Pubs and Dems are working together on health insurance and one of the things they came up with is no mandate for employers unless over 500 employees. They said they plan to keep the ind mandate. Of course I heard this on CNN, so most likely fake news.

Because Dems get stuff done, Pubs do not.
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Are Republicans really going to try to trick this country again?

Oddly, over the past several years, I don't ever remember the DNC saying a WORD about needing much less fixing their Obamacare, nor do I recall them ever saying a word during Obama much less Hillary last year wanting to reform our tax code. I must have missed it when I blinked.

Now the "new plan" by the Derps is to adopt a new strategy that sounds very similar to Trumps! I wonder, if the democrats SAY they are all for the things Trump wants to do, why do they keep fighting him on all of it? Moreover, why would I choose a democrat when I already have Trump on the job actually DOING IT?
Nice attempt at deflection there. Only Obamacare was in the news. The GOP's more than 60 attempts at repeal.
Are Republicans really going to try to trick this country again?

Oddly, over the past several years, I don't ever remember the DNC saying a WORD about needing much less fixing their Obamacare, nor do I recall them ever saying a word during Obama much less Hillary last year wanting to reform our tax code. I must have missed it when I blinked.

Now the "new plan" by the Derps is to adopt a new strategy that sounds very similar to Trumps! I wonder, if the democrats SAY they are all for the things Trump wants to do, why do they keep fighting him on all of it? Moreover, why would I choose a democrat when I already have Trump on the job actually DOING IT?

Seems some Pubs and Dems are working together on health insurance and one of the things they came up with is no mandate for employers unless over 500 employees. They said they plan to keep the ind mandate. Of course I heard this on CNN, so most likely fake news.

Because Dems get stuff done, Pubs do not.
CNN is fake news but Fox and Breitbart are the God's honest truth. They actually believe that? Poor pathetic dupes.
Forget ‘Tax Reform.’ Republicans Will Settle for Tax Cuts for the Rich.

I once described the political allure of “starve the beast” as offering conservatives the fiscal equivalent of a bottomless crack pipe, giving them the incentive to promote tax cuts without any responsibility to pay for them via revenue measures or spending cuts. A similar temptation could be developing today as Republicans begin with talk of deficit-neutral tax reform but could end up with pure tax cuts.

Now it is true that once — exactly once — in all the modern history of GOP tax-cutting measures has there been a genuine tax-reform effort aimed at broadening the tax base by eliminating loopholes and using the savings to lower rates. That was the bipartisan tax-reform miracle of 1986, enacted by a Democratic House and a Republican Senate and signed by Reagan. But as my colleague Jonathan Chait has explained, conservatives spent the subsequent 20 years trying with considerable success to undo that miracle since it raised effective tax rates on the wealthy.


The GOP base isn't wealthy. Why do they crawl for the rich? Didn't they learn from the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts? Guess not.
Because Dems get stuff done, Pubs do not.
CNN is fake news but Fox and Breitbart are the God's honest truth. They actually believe that? Poor pathetic dupes.[/QUOTE]
that would be this Fox News ...anti woman central
New Sexual Harassment Allegations Leveled Against Fox News' Eric Bolling
Source: HuffPo

Three hours after Fox News announced it had suspended host Eric Bolling following allegations that he had sexually harassed female colleagues, a former Fox News guest leveled new accusations against him. Caroline Heldman, who appeared on the network frequently between 2008 and 2011, said Saturday that Bolling was one of three Fox News/Fox Business employees to subject her to sexual harassment.

Fox News announced Bolling’s suspension less than 24 hours after an exclusive HuffPost report revealed that the host had sent lewd text messages to female colleagues.


Heldman referred to Bolling’s suspension in a post on her Facebook page, which HuffPost has confirmed belongs to her. ”My only surprise is that it took this long for people to come forward about Bolling’s behavior, which has been wildly inappropriate for years,” she said.

Heldman said she had also been subjected to sexual harassment by former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly and former Fox News consultant Woody Fraser. Mother Jones was first to report this week that Heldman, under the penalty of perjury, signed a declaration stating that Fraser offered her a paid Fox News contributor gig in exchange for sex.


Read more: New Sexual Harassment Allegations Leveled Against Fox News' Eric Bolling | HuffPost
Because Dems get stuff done, Pubs do not.
CNN is fake news but Fox and Breitbart are the God's honest truth. They actually believe that? Poor pathetic dupes.
that would be this Fox News ...anti woman central
New Sexual Harassment Allegations Leveled Against Fox News' Eric Bolling
Source: HuffPo

Three hours after Fox News announced it had suspended host Eric Bolling following allegations that he had sexually harassed female colleagues, a former Fox News guest leveled new accusations against him. Caroline Heldman, who appeared on the network frequently between 2008 and 2011, said Saturday that Bolling was one of three Fox News/Fox Business employees to subject her to sexual harassment.

Fox News announced Bolling’s suspension less than 24 hours after an exclusive HuffPost report revealed that the host had sent lewd text messages to female colleagues.


Heldman referred to Bolling’s suspension in a post on her Facebook page, which HuffPost has confirmed belongs to her. ”My only surprise is that it took this long for people to come forward about Bolling’s behavior, which has been wildly inappropriate for years,” she said.

Heldman said she had also been subjected to sexual harassment by former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly and former Fox News consultant Woody Fraser. Mother Jones was first to report this week that Heldman, under the penalty of perjury, signed a declaration stating that Fraser offered her a paid Fox News contributor gig in exchange for sex.


Read more: New Sexual Harassment Allegations Leveled Against Fox News' Eric Bolling | HuffPost[/QUOTE]
I wonder if they do that in a vain attempt to deflect from Trump's disasters?
CNN is fake news but Fox and Breitbart are the God's honest truth. They actually believe that? Poor pathetic dupes.

Harvard study just proved it!!! Fox coverage of Trump was 50% positive and 50% negative while CNN was 95% negative. Isn't learning fun??
it's NOT TAX's simply tax cuts....

the tax structure and system is not being reformed at don't let people call this tax cut, tax REFORM....
it's NOT TAX's simply tax cuts....

the tax structure and system is not being reformed at don't let people call this tax cut, tax REFORM....

wrong, America is about freedom from big liberal govt so tax cuts are very very American and can be termed as reform!!
it's NOT TAX's simply tax cuts....

the tax structure and system is not being reformed at don't let people call this tax cut, tax REFORM....

wrong, America is about freedom from big liberal govt so tax cuts are very very American and can be termed as reform!!
oh bull crud! REFORM is changing the system.... a flat tax, or sales tax, or fair tax etc would be reform... cutting out all the overseas loopholes is reform, revamping all deductions that make up the 10000 plus pages of all the deductions now allowed, would be reform, cutting off tax havens would be reform....etc etc etc

tax cuts or tax hikes, is not tax reform....not even close.
it's NOT TAX's simply tax cuts....

the tax structure and system is not being reformed at don't let people call this tax cut, tax REFORM....

wrong, America is about freedom from big liberal govt so tax cuts are very very American and can be termed as reform!!
oh bull crud! REFORM is changing the system.... a flat tax, or sales tax, or fair tax etc would be reform... cutting out all the overseas loopholes is reform, revamping all deductions that make up the 10000 plus pages of all the deductions now allowed, would be reform, cutting off tax havens would be reform....etc etc etc

tax cuts or tax hikes, is not tax reform....not even close.

cut taxes in half and you cut govt in half. That's super patriotic reform that our Founders would have loved

There are two distinct classes of men - those who pay taxes and those who receive and live upon taxes.
Thomas Paine

"We still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping at the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised to furnish new pretenses for revenue and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without a tribute."

-- Thomas Paine

Jesus told the chief priests, “I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.”

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