US Wants to Drive Wedge Between Russia and European Nations

Eddie Priest

Active Member
Feb 17, 2015
The United States wants to split Europe by notably preventing the EU from developing relations with Russia, prominent French professor, lawyer, and politician Henri Temple told Sputnik France, referring to his book, titled "Théorie Générale de la Nation" (General Theory of the Nation).He said that Washington is doing its best "to weaken Europe and politically squeeze it within the framework of a number of international organizations, such as NATO, the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank, as well as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement."
US Wants to Drive Wedge Between Russia and European Nations - Expert Sputnik International
It's a reasonable desire. Europe is a financial slave of the USA. In alliance with Russia it could cut these ropes and break the colonizational strategy of the USA government

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