UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls

Read this you Goyim idiot. British Politics and Policy at LSE 8211 Child sexual exploitation in the UK is all too common. But notions of gangs and grooming are a distraction and hinder our efforts to combat the problem.

to quote from article
The history of child prostitution is one of dissembling. In Britain we find it difficult to talk about the fact that child prostitution exists. We want to blame it on foreigners. We want to say that it’s unethical for actors to depict such realities. We simply don’t want to admit, even now, that child prostitution exists. It is easier to conceive of the problem as one created by Asian or Pakistani men, Belgian bullies and Mayhew’s Jews, and that’s that.

Yet the inescapable fact is that child prostitution is part of British life. It’s a product of deprivation, poverty, abuse and a series of hardships that break the spirit, devalue a sense of self to the degree that some young teenagers feel that the risk to their lives is inconsequential. It may be true that some Asian or Pakistani gangs are particularly active in child prostitution. But if gangs vanished overnight, child prostitution would remain with us.

That’s the hard truth to face up to. Notions of racial groups and ‘grooming’ are a distraction. The idea that men come along, identify vulnerable girls and exploit them has some truth in them, but it also masks a deeper reality of children whose lives are a state of such emotional confusion that affection, abandonment, violence, love and abuse become fused into a single crushing experience of life-long neglect and exploitation.

It’s much simpler to blame Asian gangs, Belgian bullies and street-wise groomers. It simplifies the problem of poverty and neglect and exonerates the fundamental injustices in society that are at the root of sexual exploitation. It allows us to look the other way and, tragically, in doing so, prolongs the abuse of children.

The bastion of Jewish communists and neo Marxists that preaches all about allowing child sexual exploitation. The biggest traitor in the UK at the moment was a product of the LSE, and he refuses to condemn child sex abuse. A neo Marxist Jew like you who uses his Jewishness when it suits him.
Well goy your true credentials are emerging, first you admitted to being a holocaust denier, now you are an anti Semite.
One question if all British Pakistani males were locked up would the abhorrent acts of child prostitution stop?
The rest of your ramblings are drivel.

Now were have I denied the holocaust you lying POS neo Marxist. You are the ANTI SEMITE as shown by your many posts.

As I have said before no it wouldn't, but it would reduce by at least 90% as the main pimps would be out of the picture
Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.

Eck, what a terrible story. How can people be so rotten?

Very simple when they embrace islam and follow its commands and structure, the same people will cut of the head of a British aid worker or an American politician as a show of terrorism. Or slit open the body of an enemy and eat his liver and heart. When for the last 1400 years it has been instilled in them that this is normal behaviour and must be followed because the perfect muslim did it then you know that islam is the problem and needs to be removed from all civilised nations.

I am against the perverts of any group but I do not accept that all moslems are tarred with the same brush. The World has not developed evenly...even the USA was years behind the Brits on slavery. The the world moves onward as will and does many of the moslem faith.

200 000 Indians volunteer to join effort against Islamic State militants in Iraq mosque says - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

I have no doubt that Islam has its deep and hard core problems but people move have many Moslems. The flyspecks that are Isis and their ilk: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc, only have some transient success because of the isolation of their theatres of influence. The world is catching up and the backblocks of Islam will eventually move forward as the modern world intrudes into their spaces.

But until then I agree that it is up to the West to assist the violent scum amongst them to meet their maker!!


How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


I'm sorry, but I see this problem is getting worse worldwide, and NOT better.
The bastion of Jewish communists and neo Marxists that preaches all about allowing child sexual exploitation. The biggest traitor in the UK at the moment was a product of the LSE, and he refuses to condemn child sex abuse. A neo Marxist Jew like you who uses his Jewishness when it suits him.
Well goy your true credentials are emerging, first you admitted to being a holocaust denier, now you are an anti Semite.
One question if all British Pakistani males were locked up would the abhorrent acts of child prostitution stop?
The rest of your ramblings are drivel.

Now were have I denied the holocaust you lying POS neo Marxist. You are the ANTI SEMITE as shown by your many posts.

As I have said before no it wouldn't, but it would reduce by at least 90% as the main pimps would be out of the picture
Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.
Eck, what a terrible story. How can people be so rotten?

Very simple when they embrace islam and follow its commands and structure, the same people will cut of the head of a British aid worker or an American politician as a show of terrorism. Or slit open the body of an enemy and eat his liver and heart. When for the last 1400 years it has been instilled in them that this is normal behaviour and must be followed because the perfect muslim did it then you know that islam is the problem and needs to be removed from all civilised nations.

I am against the perverts of any group but I do not accept that all moslems are tarred with the same brush. The World has not developed evenly...even the USA was years behind the Brits on slavery. The the world moves onward as will and does many of the moslem faith.

200 000 Indians volunteer to join effort against Islamic State militants in Iraq mosque says - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

I have no doubt that Islam has its deep and hard core problems but people move have many Moslems. The flyspecks that are Isis and their ilk: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc, only have some transient success because of the isolation of their theatres of influence. The world is catching up and the backblocks of Islam will eventually move forward as the modern world intrudes into their spaces.

But until then I agree that it is up to the West to assist the violent scum amongst them to meet their maker!!


How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.

Very simple when they embrace islam and follow its commands and structure, the same people will cut of the head of a British aid worker or an American politician as a show of terrorism. Or slit open the body of an enemy and eat his liver and heart. When for the last 1400 years it has been instilled in them that this is normal behaviour and must be followed because the perfect muslim did it then you know that islam is the problem and needs to be removed from all civilised nations.

I am against the perverts of any group but I do not accept that all moslems are tarred with the same brush. The World has not developed evenly...even the USA was years behind the Brits on slavery. The the world moves onward as will and does many of the moslem faith.

200 000 Indians volunteer to join effort against Islamic State militants in Iraq mosque says - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

I have no doubt that Islam has its deep and hard core problems but people move have many Moslems. The flyspecks that are Isis and their ilk: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc, only have some transient success because of the isolation of their theatres of influence. The world is catching up and the backblocks of Islam will eventually move forward as the modern world intrudes into their spaces.

But until then I agree that it is up to the West to assist the violent scum amongst them to meet their maker!!


you are a bit naive

Maybe, but I am an optimist.


So your glass is half full then.............

I am indeed delighted in the half glass that I have consumed and happily anticipate the rest.


who is happy? he who is satisfied with his portion ( can say that in Hebrew----by memory-----I was forced to memorize "sayings" ------long long ago---when I was young (and beautiful) ) ----well---not really FORCED-------I volunteered
Well goy your true credentials are emerging, first you admitted to being a holocaust denier, now you are an anti Semite.
One question if all British Pakistani males were locked up would the abhorrent acts of child prostitution stop?
The rest of your ramblings are drivel.

Now were have I denied the holocaust you lying POS neo Marxist. You are the ANTI SEMITE as shown by your many posts.

As I have said before no it wouldn't, but it would reduce by at least 90% as the main pimps would be out of the picture
Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.
Very simple when they embrace islam and follow its commands and structure, the same people will cut of the head of a British aid worker or an American politician as a show of terrorism. Or slit open the body of an enemy and eat his liver and heart. When for the last 1400 years it has been instilled in them that this is normal behaviour and must be followed because the perfect muslim did it then you know that islam is the problem and needs to be removed from all civilised nations.

I am against the perverts of any group but I do not accept that all moslems are tarred with the same brush. The World has not developed evenly...even the USA was years behind the Brits on slavery. The the world moves onward as will and does many of the moslem faith.

200 000 Indians volunteer to join effort against Islamic State militants in Iraq mosque says - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

I have no doubt that Islam has its deep and hard core problems but people move have many Moslems. The flyspecks that are Isis and their ilk: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc, only have some transient success because of the isolation of their theatres of influence. The world is catching up and the backblocks of Islam will eventually move forward as the modern world intrudes into their spaces.

But until then I agree that it is up to the West to assist the violent scum amongst them to meet their maker!!


How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?
The bastion of Jewish communists and neo Marxists that preaches all about allowing child sexual exploitation. The biggest traitor in the UK at the moment was a product of the LSE, and he refuses to condemn child sex abuse. A neo Marxist Jew like you who uses his Jewishness when it suits him.
Well goy your true credentials are emerging, first you admitted to being a holocaust denier, now you are an anti Semite.
One question if all British Pakistani males were locked up would the abhorrent acts of child prostitution stop?
The rest of your ramblings are drivel.

Now were have I denied the holocaust you lying POS neo Marxist. You are the ANTI SEMITE as shown by your many posts.

As I have said before no it wouldn't, but it would reduce by at least 90% as the main pimps would be out of the picture
Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.
Eck, what a terrible story. How can people be so rotten?

Very simple when they embrace islam and follow its commands and structure, the same people will cut of the head of a British aid worker or an American politician as a show of terrorism. Or slit open the body of an enemy and eat his liver and heart. When for the last 1400 years it has been instilled in them that this is normal behaviour and must be followed because the perfect muslim did it then you know that islam is the problem and needs to be removed from all civilised nations.

I am against the perverts of any group but I do not accept that all moslems are tarred with the same brush. The World has not developed evenly...even the USA was years behind the Brits on slavery. The the world moves onward as will and does many of the moslem faith.

200 000 Indians volunteer to join effort against Islamic State militants in Iraq mosque says - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

I have no doubt that Islam has its deep and hard core problems but people move have many Moslems. The flyspecks that are Isis and their ilk: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc, only have some transient success because of the isolation of their theatres of influence. The world is catching up and the backblocks of Islam will eventually move forward as the modern world intrudes into their spaces.

But until then I agree that it is up to the West to assist the violent scum amongst them to meet their maker!!


How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


I'm sorry, but I see this problem is getting worse worldwide, and NOT better.

A wise bloke once said that the world will go on. I will back Humanities' adaptability and creativity regardless of setbacks over time. As long as there is peace in the world then well and good; a few hotspots are hardly going to stop the world from turning. I do agree of course that they must be dealt with and frankly should have been dealt with sooner.

Well goy your true credentials are emerging, first you admitted to being a holocaust denier, now you are an anti Semite.
One question if all British Pakistani males were locked up would the abhorrent acts of child prostitution stop?
The rest of your ramblings are drivel.

Now were have I denied the holocaust you lying POS neo Marxist. You are the ANTI SEMITE as shown by your many posts.

As I have said before no it wouldn't, but it would reduce by at least 90% as the main pimps would be out of the picture
Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.
Very simple when they embrace islam and follow its commands and structure, the same people will cut of the head of a British aid worker or an American politician as a show of terrorism. Or slit open the body of an enemy and eat his liver and heart. When for the last 1400 years it has been instilled in them that this is normal behaviour and must be followed because the perfect muslim did it then you know that islam is the problem and needs to be removed from all civilised nations.

I am against the perverts of any group but I do not accept that all moslems are tarred with the same brush. The World has not developed evenly...even the USA was years behind the Brits on slavery. The the world moves onward as will and does many of the moslem faith.

200 000 Indians volunteer to join effort against Islamic State militants in Iraq mosque says - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

I have no doubt that Islam has its deep and hard core problems but people move have many Moslems. The flyspecks that are Isis and their ilk: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc, only have some transient success because of the isolation of their theatres of influence. The world is catching up and the backblocks of Islam will eventually move forward as the modern world intrudes into their spaces.

But until then I agree that it is up to the West to assist the violent scum amongst them to meet their maker!!


How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


I'm sorry, but I see this problem is getting worse worldwide, and NOT better.

A wise bloke once said that the world will go on. I will back Humanities' adaptability and creativity regardless of setbacks over time. As long as there is peace in the world then well and good; a few hotspots are hardly going to stop the world from turning. I do agree of course that they must be dealt with and frankly should have been dealt with sooner.


Whaaat? There is not "peace" in the world right now. Pretty much the whole Middle East is fighting, and then there's the stuff happening everywhere else in the world (like Africa, Ukraine, etc), our own country fighting amongst ourselves. Where are you seeing peace? I'm not seeing that at all.
Well goy your true credentials are emerging, first you admitted to being a holocaust denier, now you are an anti Semite.
One question if all British Pakistani males were locked up would the abhorrent acts of child prostitution stop?
The rest of your ramblings are drivel.

Now were have I denied the holocaust you lying POS neo Marxist. You are the ANTI SEMITE as shown by your many posts.

As I have said before no it wouldn't, but it would reduce by at least 90% as the main pimps would be out of the picture
Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.
Very simple when they embrace islam and follow its commands and structure, the same people will cut of the head of a British aid worker or an American politician as a show of terrorism. Or slit open the body of an enemy and eat his liver and heart. When for the last 1400 years it has been instilled in them that this is normal behaviour and must be followed because the perfect muslim did it then you know that islam is the problem and needs to be removed from all civilised nations.

I am against the perverts of any group but I do not accept that all moslems are tarred with the same brush. The World has not developed evenly...even the USA was years behind the Brits on slavery. The the world moves onward as will and does many of the moslem faith.

200 000 Indians volunteer to join effort against Islamic State militants in Iraq mosque says - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

I have no doubt that Islam has its deep and hard core problems but people move have many Moslems. The flyspecks that are Isis and their ilk: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc, only have some transient success because of the isolation of their theatres of influence. The world is catching up and the backblocks of Islam will eventually move forward as the modern world intrudes into their spaces.

But until then I agree that it is up to the West to assist the violent scum amongst them to meet their maker!!


How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


do I really believe that the muslims of Indonesia, Pakistan and India will support an ARAB CALIPHATE----damn straight I do. So will the muslims of the Balkans and those damned Asian "STANS" ------I learned about islam from muslims from south east asia----
and found them a lot more NUTTY than
arabs -----one of the most normal muslim I knew was Saudi. Iranians used to be normal and under the skin---
still are. I do not believe that there will be Iranians in isis------besides---Iranians hate arabs------both for "racial" reasons and for the Shiite/sunni thing-----really---MORE RACIAL THAN IDEOLOGICAL----Iranians cannot tolerate even Pakistani Shiites

turks? probably some ----maybe. -----
???? I do believe it is going to get WORSE before it finally self destructs
Now were have I denied the holocaust you lying POS neo Marxist. You are the ANTI SEMITE as shown by your many posts.

As I have said before no it wouldn't, but it would reduce by at least 90% as the main pimps would be out of the picture
Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.
I am against the perverts of any group but I do not accept that all moslems are tarred with the same brush. The World has not developed evenly...even the USA was years behind the Brits on slavery. The the world moves onward as will and does many of the moslem faith.

200 000 Indians volunteer to join effort against Islamic State militants in Iraq mosque says - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

I have no doubt that Islam has its deep and hard core problems but people move have many Moslems. The flyspecks that are Isis and their ilk: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc, only have some transient success because of the isolation of their theatres of influence. The world is catching up and the backblocks of Islam will eventually move forward as the modern world intrudes into their spaces.

But until then I agree that it is up to the West to assist the violent scum amongst them to meet their maker!!


How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called
Now were have I denied the holocaust you lying POS neo Marxist. You are the ANTI SEMITE as shown by your many posts.

As I have said before no it wouldn't, but it would reduce by at least 90% as the main pimps would be out of the picture
Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.
I am against the perverts of any group but I do not accept that all moslems are tarred with the same brush. The World has not developed evenly...even the USA was years behind the Brits on slavery. The the world moves onward as will and does many of the moslem faith.

200 000 Indians volunteer to join effort against Islamic State militants in Iraq mosque says - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

I have no doubt that Islam has its deep and hard core problems but people move have many Moslems. The flyspecks that are Isis and their ilk: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc, only have some transient success because of the isolation of their theatres of influence. The world is catching up and the backblocks of Islam will eventually move forward as the modern world intrudes into their spaces.

But until then I agree that it is up to the West to assist the violent scum amongst them to meet their maker!!


How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

They are an obscenity that deserve our opposition to the point of exterminating them. Iran has many internal dissenters and is a basket case economically. Yes: if the get the "bomb" then they will become more problematic but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But we will cross it!! One may recall that eastern Europe was in the vice of the Ottomans for centuries. They saw their ilk's strategies close up....but the Ottomans are no more. They also saw off the Communists and are now trying to see off corrupt legacies from those times. There is much to do still but there is no turning back!!

I doubt that the children of the ISIS scum will know their fathers. The US and its allies will see to that!

Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.
How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called

Sorry, that was supposed to be IRAQ.
Now were have I denied the holocaust you lying POS neo Marxist. You are the ANTI SEMITE as shown by your many posts.

As I have said before no it wouldn't, but it would reduce by at least 90% as the main pimps would be out of the picture
Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.
I am against the perverts of any group but I do not accept that all moslems are tarred with the same brush. The World has not developed evenly...even the USA was years behind the Brits on slavery. The the world moves onward as will and does many of the moslem faith.

200 000 Indians volunteer to join effort against Islamic State militants in Iraq mosque says - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

I have no doubt that Islam has its deep and hard core problems but people move have many Moslems. The flyspecks that are Isis and their ilk: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc, only have some transient success because of the isolation of their theatres of influence. The world is catching up and the backblocks of Islam will eventually move forward as the modern world intrudes into their spaces.

But until then I agree that it is up to the West to assist the violent scum amongst them to meet their maker!!


How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


do I really believe that the muslims of Indonesia, Pakistan and India will support an ARAB CALIPHATE----damn straight I do. So will the muslims of the Balkans and those damned Asian "STANS" ------I learned about islam from muslims from south east asia----
and found them a lot more NUTTY than
arabs -----one of the most normal muslim I knew was Saudi. Iranians used to be normal and under the skin---
still are. I do not believe that there will be Iranians in isis------besides---Iranians hate arabs------both for "racial" reasons and for the Shiite/sunni thing-----really---MORE RACIAL THAN IDEOLOGICAL----Iranians cannot tolerate even Pakistani Shiites

turks? probably some ----maybe. -----
???? I do believe it is going to get WORSE before it finally self destructs

We are agreed that it will self-destruct. I have every support for any who will help it along a bit. I have also met some from Iran; a PhD stands out when I was attending a rally in Trafalgar Square. We spoke at length afterwards and he made a lot of sense. He was against the trivial questions of religion and was wanting some hard decisions against extremists; he didn't want the extremists voices to be the only ones heard. Let's face it; underneath Indonesians are mostly not overly Islamic; they are still more Adat. The extremists will have their supporters; they'll keep things interesting for a while.

Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.
How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called

I strongly suspect hat as regards the ISIS rapist "dads" they will be long gone before their kids get to live with them.

Well christonazi goy if you believe that, then no wonder you are a benefit cheat.
How long should we wait and how many people will have to die first, in the name of this "religion?"

When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


do I really believe that the muslims of Indonesia, Pakistan and India will support an ARAB CALIPHATE----damn straight I do. So will the muslims of the Balkans and those damned Asian "STANS" ------I learned about islam from muslims from south east asia----
and found them a lot more NUTTY than
arabs -----one of the most normal muslim I knew was Saudi. Iranians used to be normal and under the skin---
still are. I do not believe that there will be Iranians in isis------besides---Iranians hate arabs------both for "racial" reasons and for the Shiite/sunni thing-----really---MORE RACIAL THAN IDEOLOGICAL----Iranians cannot tolerate even Pakistani Shiites

turks? probably some ----maybe. -----
???? I do believe it is going to get WORSE before it finally self destructs

We are agreed that it will self-destruct. I have every support for any who will help it along a bit. I have also met some from Iran; a PhD stands out when I was attending a rally in Trafalgar Square. We spoke at length afterwards and he made a lot of sense. He was against the trivial questions of religion and was wanting some hard decisions against extremists; he didn't want the extremists voices to be the only ones heard. Let's face it; underneath Indonesians are mostly not overly Islamic; they are still more Adat. The extremists will have their supporters; they'll keep things interesting for a while.


I have to admit-----I do not really know----ie in the course of my life----I did not work with or socialize with ANY Indonesians----so I do not know----but I know indian and Pakistani muslims well enough to know that some will be EAGER to CREATE THE CALIPHATE---as a prelude to the RECREATION of THE MOGHUL EMPIRE (yup---they are that nuts)
When was the last crusade??? When was the Reformation? How long is a piece of string?

The 20th century saw the rise of the USA, the EU, Communism...and its demise, two massive world wars. Why are we shocked at a few skirmishes? Change will come sooner than later because change has accelerated already. Frankly the freak shows are just a side show.


Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called

I strongly suspect hat as regards the ISIS rapist "dads" they will be long gone before their kids get to live with them.


does not matter----by ISLAMIC LAW---they belong to DAD's family----really----they do not get to go home to mama---
or mom's family
Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called

I strongly suspect hat as regards the ISIS rapist "dads" they will be long gone before their kids get to live with them.


does not matter----by ISLAMIC LAW---they belong to DAD's family----really----they do not get to go home to mama---
or mom's family

Agreed. Women have very FEW rights in those countries.
It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called

I strongly suspect hat as regards the ISIS rapist "dads" they will be long gone before their kids get to live with them.


does not matter----by ISLAMIC LAW---they belong to DAD's family----really----they do not get to go home to mama---
or mom's family

Agreed. Women have very FEW rights in those countries.
It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called

I strongly suspect hat as regards the ISIS rapist "dads" they will be long gone before their kids get to live with them.


does not matter----by ISLAMIC LAW---they belong to DAD's family----really----they do not get to go home to mama---
or mom's family

Agreed. Women have very FEW rights in those countries.

It is not really an issue of "women's" rights----it an issue of "MUSLIM RIGHTS"-------if a muslim rapes a non-muslim-----or a recognized "enemy"--- keep in mind----when muslims fight each other they DECARE--the enemy group "non muslim" (takfir)-----so that woman ends up with the rights of a non muslim---ie none
Ok----trivial for you-----NOW HEAR (or read) THIS!!!!! the *****CALIPHATE**** thing is HUGE for muslims. Watch it gain momentum~~~ (before it implodes)

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called

I strongly suspect hat as regards the ISIS rapist "dads" they will be long gone before their kids get to live with them.


does not matter----by ISLAMIC LAW---they belong to DAD's family----really----they do not get to go home to mama---
or mom's family

How that pans out is anybody's guess. If ISIS is weakened by the Allies and the Syrians engage them in Syria....not a great outlook for the extremists' plans at all. Once the dust settles it will indeed be interesting as to what emerges. As for a "caliphate"......can't see that turkey getting off the ground.

It is imploding already. ISIS has overextended its supply lines; it is about to be bombed back to the middle ages. It has only had some space to fill because of the Syrians and a few bad policies of both the Iraqi Gov and the USA. This is far from a main event and frankly should have been dealt with a lot earlier. Now it will be a tad more difficult but it seems on the right track now. But to anyone who thinks it won't take "boots on the ground" by the US and allies; wishful thinking!!

And no: I do NOT consider it trivial. Do you really think that the Moslems in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are going to support an Arab caliphate?? It may get a few radical supporters but nothing mainstream.


Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called

I strongly suspect hat as regards the ISIS rapist "dads" they will be long gone before their kids get to live with them.


does not matter----by ISLAMIC LAW---they belong to DAD's family----really----they do not get to go home to mama---
or mom's family

How that pans out is anybody's guess. If ISIS is weakened by the Allies and the Syrians engage them in Syria....not a great outlook for the extremists' plans at all. Once the dust settles it will indeed be interesting as to what emerges. As for a "caliphate"......can't see that turkey getting off the ground.


right---but its a matter of time---and lots of blood letting
Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called

I strongly suspect hat as regards the ISIS rapist "dads" they will be long gone before their kids get to live with them.


does not matter----by ISLAMIC LAW---they belong to DAD's family----really----they do not get to go home to mama---
or mom's family

Agreed. Women have very FEW rights in those countries.
Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called

I strongly suspect hat as regards the ISIS rapist "dads" they will be long gone before their kids get to live with them.


does not matter----by ISLAMIC LAW---they belong to DAD's family----really----they do not get to go home to mama---
or mom's family

Agreed. Women have very FEW rights in those countries.

It is not really an issue of "women's" rights----it an issue of "MUSLIM RIGHTS"-------if a muslim rapes a non-muslim-----or a recognized "enemy"--- keep in mind----when muslims fight each other they DECARE--the enemy group "non muslim" (takfir)-----so that woman ends up with the rights of a non muslim---ie none

That is true; history shows that non-muslims who are violated get a very bad deal. Until they get their revenge. I am thinking here of Ottomans of course.

Have you seen what's happening in Iran with ISIS? They don't CARE if they don't have supporters. They have been raping women and girls to impregnate them to create "followers" so that they thread themselves into the fabric of the communities. If anyone dares to stand up to them, what do you think would happen to that person or people?

I is confused chris-----what muslims in Iran? there are some ethnic arabs in Iran-----but they are suppressed-----MOST IRANIANS are Shiites----so far as I have been able to figure things out----ISIS is sunni -----uhm---raping and claiming the kids is how islam was spread (watch me get attacked for revealing that truth) Islamic LAW provides that the "product" of an Islamic rape-----is a MUSLIM ---no matter what the mother is----it goes with the rapist dad------the mom has nothing to say about it. -----its called

I strongly suspect hat as regards the ISIS rapist "dads" they will be long gone before their kids get to live with them.


does not matter----by ISLAMIC LAW---they belong to DAD's family----really----they do not get to go home to mama---
or mom's family

How that pans out is anybody's guess. If ISIS is weakened by the Allies and the Syrians engage them in Syria....not a great outlook for the extremists' plans at all. Once the dust settles it will indeed be interesting as to what emerges. As for a "caliphate"......can't see that turkey getting off the ground.


right---but its a matter of time---and lots of blood letting

Agreed. Turkey is quite happy to see the Kurds in Syria decimated; when they enter the fight will be important. I suspect that it will be sooner than later. Of course the response is lamentably planned; this should have been sorted out years ago. I am actually quite angry about it.


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