UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
I hope this will not affect the good relations between the UK and Pakistan.

It is so sad that those little girls were abused like that. David Cameron strikes me as an honest guy. Under his watch, I have seen lots of child groomers getting busted.

You can read the full story by clicking on the link below but be warned: it is a very sordid tale.

David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.
Typically, the video has been edited to omit the mentioning of a Muslim pedophile gang operating in Keighley and Rotherham, South Yorks, but here's the footage that landed Griffin in such hot water.

I hope this will not affect the good relations between the UK and Pakistan.

It is so sad that those little girls were abused like that. David Cameron strikes me as an honest guy. Under his watch, I have seen lots of child groomers getting busted.

You can read the full story by clicking on the link below but be warned: it is a very sordid tale.


There is no "good relations" with Pakistan after they demanded the aid be increased or they would send terrorist murderers to the UK. We should have stopped all the aid, closed our doors to Pakistanis and sent the ones we have here right back.

But this case goes all the way to the top and don't be surprised if it doesn't bring the opposition to its knees. Concerned people are demanding that those in high places be sacked and/or arrested and charged with aiding and abetting child rape
So many people are using this to push an anti Muslim agenda.
In fact, it's a given sections of Muslims with serious issues, and from specific parts of Pakistan.
Saying it's "Muslims" is very much like saying all white people smash car windows to steal your stereo, when it's white drug abusers who did it.
The people with a hate agenda don't really give a flying shit about the abuse, more using it to bash Muslims.
That makes them pathetic little turds, not far from being as bad as the bastards that committed these nasty crimes.
So many people are using this to push an anti Muslim agenda.
In fact, it's a given sections of Muslims with serious issues, and from specific parts of Pakistan.
Saying it's "Muslims" is very much like saying all white people smash car windows to steal your stereo, when it's white drug abusers who did it.
The people with a hate agenda don't really give a flying shit about the abuse, more using it to bash Muslims.
That makes them pathetic little turds, not far from being as bad as the bastards that committed these nasty crimes.

It is widespread across all Pakistan, and it is not just small numbers from one part of Pakistan at all. Not all the men arrested were Pakistani muslims, some were Somali muslims, Iraqi muslims, Afghani muslims, Palestinian muslims and Saudi muslims. The standing total of arrests stands at over 500 to date out of a population of adult male muslims of 300,000, an alarming figure when you consider that the indigenous numbers are under 20, and the Jews are 1. Or in percentage terms 0.5% of all adult muslims in the UK are child rapists, while adult Jewish men are 0.00000001%, Catholic priests 0.0000001% and indigenous 0.000000000001 %. Clearly an eye opener for those of a humanitarian POV, and makes you wonder why the crime was covered up for 12 years. Nothing to do with hate of muslims at all just hate of their religion that commands then to act like this to prove they are "emulating" the perfect muslim. Unless you have lived with this for the last 20 years then you don't know what it has been like. The threats of violence if you try and intervene, the beatings, gang rapes, torture and threat of arrest if you don't shut up and move away.
It is widespread across all Pakistan, and it is not just small numbers from one part of Pakistan at all. Not all the men arrested were Pakistani muslims, some were Somali muslims, Iraqi muslims, Afghani muslims, Palestinian muslims and Saudi muslims. The standing total of arrests stands at over 500 to date out of a population of adult male muslims of 300,000, an alarming figure when you consider that the indigenous numbers are under 20, and the Jews are 1. Or in percentage terms 0.5% of all adult muslims in the UK are child rapists, while adult Jewish men are 0.00000001%, Catholic priests 0.0000001% and indigenous 0.000000000001 %. Clearly an eye opener for those of a humanitarian POV, and makes you wonder why the crime was covered up for 12 years. Nothing to do with hate of muslims at all just hate of their religion that commands then to act like this to prove they are "emulating" the perfect muslim. Unless you have lived with this for the last 20 years then you don't know what it has been like. The threats of violence if you try and intervene, the beatings, gang rapes, torture and threat of arrest if you don't shut up and move away.

Well, what do you suggest should be done about it? Pakistan is a helpful ally of the UK. Pakistan was created with a strong support from the UK to serve British interests and I think Pakistan has been doing a very good job at that. If UK government prosecutes these Pakistani men and if Pakistani government thinks these men are innocent then it may create a bit of tension between the UK and Pakistan. I think it is a sensitive issue and probably UK will keep its geopolitical game in mind before acting on this.
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

None of this is going to change till British people put pressure on their leadership to stop supporting questionable and criminal elements from the Muslim society. Your government has a very active policy of supporting Jihadi elements. UK is being used as a nursery to produce Islamic terrorists with the aim of destabilizing countries who UK does not like. Some of these criminal elements fulfill the expectation by going abroad to commit terrorism. Some decide to stay in the UK and commit terror on the UK population. It is NEVER a good policy to support Islamic terrorists. I have been saying this for years now. Those countries who think they can do business with Islamic terrorists are going to pay heavy price for that as we are seeing in the UK. There is no need to blame innocent Muslims for the policies of the UK government. You need to understand the difference between an innocent Muslim and a terrorist. You will also need to understand the difference between S Asians and Pakistanis and so on.
So many people are using this to push an anti Muslim agenda.
In fact, it's a given sections of Muslims with serious issues, and from specific parts of Pakistan.
Saying it's "Muslims" is very much like saying all white people smash car windows to steal your stereo, when it's white drug abusers who did it.
The people with a hate agenda don't really give a flying shit about the abuse, more using it to bash Muslims.
That makes them pathetic little turds, not far from being as bad as the bastards that committed these nasty crimes.

It is widespread across all Pakistan,

I thought this was about Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England.
Well, what do you suggest should be done about it? Pakistan is a helpful ally of the UK. Pakistan was created with a strong support from the UK to serve British interests and I think Pakistan has been doing a very good job at that. If UK government prosecutes these Pakistani men and if Pakistani government thinks these men are innocent then it may create a bit of tension between the UK and Pakistan. I think it is a sensitive issue and probably UK will keep its geopolitical game in mind before acting on this.

No; Rotherham council have a really crap policy based on stupidity.
The big issue here, apart from the obvious evil of the rapes, is RMBC's stupidity.
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?


He by far is the most straight forward PM I have seen coming out of the UK. Keep in mind, it is under his watch that we are seeing all these busts. I think this guy is a good guy.
I thought this was about Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England.

I agree. This incident does not reflect on Pakistanis in general and Muslims in particular. Peaceful Muslims get slammed by both: the fundamentalist elements aided by the western government (in this case UK) and the population among the western countries which is ever ready to crucify them for the deeds of extremists.
It is widespread across all Pakistan, and it is not just small numbers from one part of Pakistan at all. Not all the men arrested were Pakistani muslims, some were Somali muslims, Iraqi muslims, Afghani muslims, Palestinian muslims and Saudi muslims. The standing total of arrests stands at over 500 to date out of a population of adult male muslims of 300,000, an alarming figure when you consider that the indigenous numbers are under 20, and the Jews are 1. Or in percentage terms 0.5% of all adult muslims in the UK are child rapists, while adult Jewish men are 0.00000001%, Catholic priests 0.0000001% and indigenous 0.000000000001 %. Clearly an eye opener for those of a humanitarian POV, and makes you wonder why the crime was covered up for 12 years. Nothing to do with hate of muslims at all just hate of their religion that commands then to act like this to prove they are "emulating" the perfect muslim. Unless you have lived with this for the last 20 years then you don't know what it has been like. The threats of violence if you try and intervene, the beatings, gang rapes, torture and threat of arrest if you don't shut up and move away.

Well, what do you suggest should be done about it? Pakistan is a helpful ally of the UK. Pakistan was created with a strong support from the UK to serve British interests and I think Pakistan has been doing a very good job at that. If UK government prosecutes these Pakistani men and if Pakistani government thinks these men are innocent then it may create a bit of tension between the UK and Pakistan. I think it is a sensitive issue and probably UK will keep its geopolitical game in mind before acting on this.

Deport all muslims from the UK and end all ties with Pakistan. Stop all aid and eject all Pakistani diplomats. Then help India to regain the land stolen by ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST SCUM when the UK was weakened by WW2. Then make sure that not another muslim enters the UK until they learn to exist in a civilised country
Once again, I have to be honest, regardless of who it upsets.
In my home area, Rotherham, the largest immigrant group is easily Pakistanis, and I didn't like the vast majority of the ones I met.
That doesn't mean I hated them, or even had anything against them, but they were almost always trouble to deal with, to the point I was always too busy if a Pakistani called me to do a job.
Indians, Chinese and other ethnic groups tended to be a bit fussy, but they were paying for work so I had no objection, but Pakistanis were always a pain in the fucking arse, always wanting a discount on the agreed price or two extra jobs doing for free.
One silly fucker told me he wanted to use my ladders to get a bed into the loft and the man on the phone had promised I would do it.
I explained I was the man on the phone and gave him a fuck off tablet.
"Get fucked", or "fuck off" were common phrases I would utter as I walked out of the door. Much as it was very probably racists of me to deliberately turn down the work, it wasn't worth wasting the fuel going to their place, only for them to attempt to rip me off.
Now I've had a good rant and the daft fuckers on the forum will have some nice anti Muslim ammunition, all the other Muslims I dealt with were fine, with no serious problems at all.
There are cultural issues here, not religious ones.
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

None of this is going to change till British people put pressure on their leadership to stop supporting questionable and criminal elements from the Muslim society. Your government has a very active policy of supporting Jihadi elements. UK is being used as a nursery to produce Islamic terrorists with the aim of destabilizing countries who UK does not like. Some of these criminal elements fulfill the expectation by going abroad to commit terrorism. Some decide to stay in the UK and commit terror on the UK population. It is NEVER a good policy to support Islamic terrorists. I have been saying this for years now. Those countries who think they can do business with Islamic terrorists are going to pay heavy price for that as we are seeing in the UK. There is no need to blame innocent Muslims for the policies of the UK government. You need to understand the difference between an innocent Muslim and a terrorist. You will also need to understand the difference between S Asians and Pakistanis and so on.

Pressure was put on this government that has resulted in 500 Pakistani muslim men being arrested for child rape. The ones convicted face deportation once their prison sentences are served. We are in the process of repealing the human rights laws so we can deport all the muslims that are convicted criminals. Then we are fighting to have the country come out of the EU. The muslims will pay a very heavy price for their failure to control themselves and will find every hand turned against them. As many ISLAMONAZI leaders have said their is no such thing as an innocent muslim, they are only ever muslims. Well very soon they will find out that we are starting to believe their words and don't want them here.
So many people are using this to push an anti Muslim agenda.
In fact, it's a given sections of Muslims with serious issues, and from specific parts of Pakistan.
Saying it's "Muslims" is very much like saying all white people smash car windows to steal your stereo, when it's white drug abusers who did it.
The people with a hate agenda don't really give a flying shit about the abuse, more using it to bash Muslims.
That makes them pathetic little turds, not far from being as bad as the bastards that committed these nasty crimes.

It is widespread across all Pakistan,

I thought this was about Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England.

It is and cherry picking part of a sentence is disingenuous at the very least, the Pakistani muslim men that were arrested for child rape came from all parts of Pakistan and they had one thing in common they were all wahabi's
Well, what do you suggest should be done about it? Pakistan is a helpful ally of the UK. Pakistan was created with a strong support from the UK to serve British interests and I think Pakistan has been doing a very good job at that. If UK government prosecutes these Pakistani men and if Pakistani government thinks these men are innocent then it may create a bit of tension between the UK and Pakistan. I think it is a sensitive issue and probably UK will keep its geopolitical game in mind before acting on this.

No; Rotherham council have a really crap policy based on stupidity.
The big issue here, apart from the obvious evil of the rapes, is RMBC's stupidity.

They had a neo Marxist elite that made up the rules as they went along. Once they were de fanged the Pakistani muslim men were arrested and charged. many have fled the country rather than face prison. The big issue here is the neo Marxist government that flooded the country with uneducated 7c Pakistani muslims.
I thought this was about Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England.

I agree. This incident does not reflect on Pakistanis in general and Muslims in particular. Peaceful Muslims get slammed by both: the fundamentalist elements aided by the western government (in this case UK) and the population among the western countries which is ever ready to crucify them for the deeds of extremists.

According to the Koran and hadiths there is no such thing as a peaceful muslim , there is just a soldier of allah. So to combat this threat we should remove it from our midst. Israel has shown the way by building a wall between them and the ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS.

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