Uh oh, Coke and white people make gigantic offensive do do


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
How many more innocent unarmed Mexicans do these racist white people plan on bringing Coke to ?

"I'd like to teach, liberals to march off a cliff, in perfect harmony..................!"

Coca-Cola Pulls Offensive Ad, but the Damage Is Already Done

In an ad distributed by Coca-Cola Mexico, pretty, young white people do their holiday good deed by bringing bottles of soda to a remote village and build a wooden Christmas tree in the town square. The “Open Your Heart” advertisement has been called anything but, as indigenous rights’ groups said the campaign promoted colonialism rather than unity.

“This type of publicity is an act of discrimination and racism,” Elvira Pablo, an indigenous lawyer, said at a press conference in Mexico City on Wednesday. “It is a comment on our type of life and an attempt to put a culture of consumerism in its place.”

After the ad was promoted on YouTube for about a week and then slammed on social media, Coca-cola pulled it on Tuesday—though other versions can be found online, one titled “The ‘White Savior’ Ad Coca-Cola Made Private.”

“Our intention was never to be insensitive to or underestimate any indigenous group,” a Coca-Cola spokesperson said in a statement to food news site Eater. “We have now removed the video and apologize to anyone who may have been offended.”

Silent but for a perky soundtrack, the video shows peppy fair-skinned actors bringing bottles of Coke to the Mixe people in Totontepec, a town in the southern state of Oaxaca.

Text in the video claims that 81.6 percent of Mexico’s indigenous people feel rejected for speaking a language other than Spanish, although it does not cite a source for the statistic. The ad ends with “#AbreTuCorazon” or “#OpenYourHeart.”

But instead of opening hearts, Pablo and other activists said the ad “reproduced and reinforced stereotypes of indigenous people as culturally and racially subordinate,” according to a report in The Guardian, which reported that they have asked the government to sanction the soft drink giant.

The Alliance for Food Health has filed an official complaint with the National Council to Prevent Discrimination. Mexico is one of the mostobese nations on the planet and a top consumer of soda—although the nation's soda tax has seen some progress in reducing sales.

Coca-Cola Pulls Offensive Ad, but the Damage Is Already Done
Um....a soda ad...? That's all some people have to worry about?
Usually white people go to Mexico to build house for these mud people
Even when you're trying to be nice, the liberal nut cases says it's "offensive."

I remember visiting a Catholic orphanage in Mexico when I was a young and very impressionable boy.

As we drove through Tijuana I saw poverty on a level I'd never seen in America. Entire families living in huts made out of plywood and aluminum siding. No plumbing, no electricity, no clean water source.

But we kept going south, passing all the poor kids living in that slum.

We finally arrived at the orphanage. It was a solid building, with brick and mortar, with a solid roof.

The children who lived there had clean sheets on their beds, clean clothing, and enough food.

We gave the boys Christmas presents.

I'm pretty sure those poor kids in the slums had no idea how good those orphans had it.

It made me realize how good we have it in America.
The only way to stop the PC crowd is to stand up to them, and stand in unity to the people they are trying to destroy.
I buy lots of Coke because it's my favorite beverage to drink, but I would buy extra to give away as Christmas presents if Coke had stood up to these radical racists.
I'd be pissed off as well. What the hell good is it without rum?

I don't know, but think about colonialism, racism, and stuff !

Firewater and Coke was intentionally introduced by colonial swine to turn the native population into drunken diabetics. Better? lol

The whole plan was to get them into wheel chairs, then we walk in and take over their land.
True. Kickapoo Joy-Juice and Coke mean heap big diabetic shock for tubby aborigines. Then take-um wig-wams and heap-big wampum and old Chevrolets.
So the moral of the story from Liberals is don't give thirsty poor people a drink?
You guys are making jokes, but several liberals died apologizing for this colonialist show of charity.

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