CA terrorists in Contact with ISIS recruiter who perped Garland

You almost gotta laugh when you hear propaganda like "the FBI aggressively trying to connect the dots" after they bungled the dots in the first place. The Russians sent the names and the freaking zip code of the Boston Marathon bombers and the FBI connected the dots only after the freaking massacre. The FBI was involved with the ATF in the notorious "operation Fast/Furious" where 3,000 illegal weapons were shipped to drug cartels in Mexico and a U.S. Border Officer was killed by one of them. It was the first time in history where the Attorney General was held in contempt of congress when he refused to cooperate with the investigation. Meanwhile the president invoked executive privilege and the media wasn't interested enough to find out why. We have even a more radical (and possibly more inept) A.G. now and it ain't likely that the FBI or the freaking CIA have the skill or the will under a liberal democrat administration to protect America from terrorists anymore than they did before 9-11 or the Boston Marathon.

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