U.S. Politics #1 Cause of Racism


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
U.S. Politics, more specifically the Democrat Party, have strong interest in keeping a very large majority of American black voters Democrat. That's what keeps a large number of elected leaders in power and to have a majority in Congress gives them almost complete license to benefit themselves, increase their personal power, prestige, and most importantly wealth.

They keep black people voting for them by convincing black people that they are disadvantaged, oppressed, abused, etc. because:
--White people are inherently racist (CRT) & Democrats will correct that.
--Slavery and Jim Crow laws are the reason black people can't succeed & Democrats will reverse that
--Systemic racism still exists and Democrats will ferret it out and eliminate it.
--White supremacists keep black people 'in their place.'

But what are the facts?
Black people were the fastest advancing economically demographic right up to LBJ's "Great Society" and subsequent initiatives that dismantled institutions that were helping black people the most, destroyed vital supportive neighborhoods and forced people into the projects where little community existed, welfare programs encouraged the break down of the black family, teen pregnancy/single parent homes, etc. that forced many more into abject poverty, etc.

Despite all that:
--The USA is home to the majority of wealthy black people in the world and that number exceeds those in the entire continent of Africa. 1 in 50 black families in the USA are millionaires.
--Black Americans with PhDs are first in the world--the African country with the most PhDs is fifteenth in the world that country is South Africa where probably most of the PhDs aren't black. Most African countries are way down on that list.
--The poverty rate in the USA is about 12% with black people being about 20% of that 12%. The poverty rate in Africa is 41% and is currently 55% of global poverty and is projected to rise to close to 90% by 2030.
--Black students graduating high school in the USA are pretty close to par with white students and far exceed graduation rates in Africa.
--Life expectancy for a black person in the USA 71yrs. In Africa 56 yrs.

Now tell me again how slavery and Jim Crow laws and inherent and/or systemic racism is holding black people back. Or is it political strategy that demands that skin color be the most important thing and will not allow us to treat skin color as of no more importance than eye color or hair color so that black people are allowed to compete on a level with everybody else?

Tell me again why today's black people are entitled to reparations when they have more opportunity and a better chance for freedom, opportunity, prosperity in the USA than anywhere else in the world?

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U.S. Politics, more specifically the Democrat Party, have strong interest in keeping a very large majority of American black voters Democrat. That's what keeps a large number of elected leaders in power and to have a majority in Congress gives them almost complete license to benefit themselves, increase their personal power, prestige, and most importantly wealth.

They keep black people voting for them by convincing black people that they are disadvantaged, oppressed, abused, etc. because:
--White people are inherently racist (CRT) & Democrats will correct that.
--Slavery and Jim Crow laws are the reason black people can't succeed & Democrats will reverse that
--Systemic racism still exists and Democrats will ferret it out and eliminate it.
--White supremacists keep black people 'in their place.'

But what are the facts?
Black people were the fastest advancing economically demographic right up to LBJ's "Great Society" and subsequent initiatives that dismantled institutions that were helping black people the most, destroyed vital supportive neighborhoods and forced people into the projects where little community existed, welfare programs encouraged the break down of the black family, teen pregnancy/single parent homes, etc. that forced many more into abject poverty, etc.

Despite all that:
--The USA is home to the majority of wealthy black Americans that exceed those in the entire continent of Africa. 1 in 50 black families in the USA are millionaires.
--Black Americans with PhDs are first in the world--the African country with the most PhDs is fifteenth in the world that country is South Africa where probably most of the PhDs aren't black. Most African countries are way down on that list.
--The poverty rate in the USA is about 12% with black people being about 20% of that 12%. The poverty rate in Africa is 41% and is currently 55% of global poverty and is projected to rise to close to 90% by 2030.
--Black students graduating high school in the USA are pretty close to par with white students.
--Life expectancy for a black person in the USA 71yrs. In Africa 56 yrs.

Now tell me again how slavery and Jim Crow laws and inherent and/or systemic racism is holding black people back. Or is it political strategy that demands that skin color be the most important thing and will not allow us to treat skin color as of no more importance than eye color or hair color so that black people are allowed to compete on a level with everybody else?

Tell me again why today's black people are entitled to reparations when they have more opportunity and a better chance for freedom, opportunity, prosperity in the USA than anywhere else in the world?

If republicans could get past their deep hatred of black people, they'd start voting for more republicans. But that would threaten the GOP's grip on former confederate states, a trade-off they are not willing to make.
If republicans could get past their deep hatred of black people, they'd start voting for more republicans. But that would threaten the GOP's grip on former confederate states, a trade-off they are not willing to make.
That is too absurd to merit a response. Sorry. The only party passing laws and enacting policy that specifically, however clandestinely, harms black people are the Democrats.
I think your entire cause is in promoting a debate and lots of emotional disagreement. It will be a pretty dull forum without it!
No emotional disagreement. But yes, we who disagree on the facts should absolutely debate the facts. That and getting facts out there is the primary thing that makes the political forum practical and useful.
U.S. Politics, more specifically the Democrat Party, have strong interest in keeping a very large majority of American black voters Democrat. That's what keeps a large number of elected leaders in power and to have a majority in Congress gives them almost complete license to benefit themselves, increase their personal power, prestige, and most importantly wealth.

They keep black people voting for them by convincing black people that they are disadvantaged, oppressed, abused, etc. because:
--White people are inherently racist (CRT) & Democrats will correct that.
--Slavery and Jim Crow laws are the reason black people can't succeed & Democrats will reverse that
--Systemic racism still exists and Democrats will ferret it out and eliminate it.
--White supremacists keep black people 'in their place.'

But what are the facts?
Black people were the fastest advancing economically demographic right up to LBJ's "Great Society" and subsequent initiatives that dismantled institutions that were helping black people the most, destroyed vital supportive neighborhoods and forced people into the projects where little community existed, welfare programs encouraged the break down of the black family, teen pregnancy/single parent homes, etc. that forced many more into abject poverty, etc.

Despite all that:
--The USA is home to the majority of wealthy black people in the world and that number exceeds those in the entire continent of Africa. 1 in 50 black families in the USA are millionaires.
--Black Americans with PhDs are first in the world--the African country with the most PhDs is fifteenth in the world that country is South Africa where probably most of the PhDs aren't black. Most African countries are way down on that list.
--The poverty rate in the USA is about 12% with black people being about 20% of that 12%. The poverty rate in Africa is 41% and is currently 55% of global poverty and is projected to rise to close to 90% by 2030.
--Black students graduating high school in the USA are pretty close to par with white students and far exceed graduation rates in Africa.
--Life expectancy for a black person in the USA 71yrs. In Africa 56 yrs.

Now tell me again how slavery and Jim Crow laws and inherent and/or systemic racism is holding black people back. Or is it political strategy that demands that skin color be the most important thing and will not allow us to treat skin color as of no more importance than eye color or hair color so that black people are allowed to compete on a level with everybody else?

Tell me again why today's black people are entitled to reparations when they have more opportunity and a better chance for freedom, opportunity, prosperity in the USA than anywhere else in the world?

So pretty much, blacks can do well when they live in a society founded and governed by white people.

Which is true. That's why in mankind's history of the world there have been no black first world countries, and very few even 2nd world countries. When everyone else was building ships and setting up international trade routes blacks were sitting around with dirty balls enslaving their own people to sell and starving.

It's also why the vast majority of mankind's innovations in science, engineering, medicine, architecture, aerospace, psychology, electrical, communication, and so on were almost entirely all non blacks. The few blacks that did accomplish something did so while living in a white based society.

And the majority of blacks in America are a piece of shit, but even then they do much better than piece of shit blacks in other countries. Even the poor ones are better off than poor ones in other countries.
So pretty much, blacks can do well when they live in a society founded and governed by white people.

Which is true. That's why in mankind's history of the world there have been no black first world countries, and very few even 2nd world countries. When everyone else was building ships and setting up international trade routes blacks were sitting around with dirty balls enslaving their own people to sell and starving.

It's also why the vast majority of mankind's innovations in science, engineering, medicine, architecture, aerospace, psychology, electrical, communication, and so on were almost entirely all non blacks. The few blacks that did accomplish something did so while living in a white based society.

And the majority of blacks in America are a piece of shit, but even then they do much better than piece of shit blacks in other countries. Even the poor ones are better off than poor ones in other countries.
I don't agree with you all that ANY demographic in the USA are mostly 'pieces of shit'. The thing is that the USA was NOT founded as a place to be governed by white people and, as a society that learned, evolved, improved over the decades, there was enormous social approval for legislation and constitutional amendment that ensured white people would not be a favored class.

But the intention at that time didn't intend for any others to be favored classes or specially protected classes either. And if we had retained that particular perspective, I am pretty much 100% convinced that race issues, gender issues, sexual orientation issues would barely exist--maybe wouldn't exist at all--in this country now.
So pretty much, blacks can do well when they live in a society founded and governed by white people.

Which is true. That's why in mankind's history of the world there have been no black first world countries, and very few even 2nd world countries. When everyone else was building ships and setting up international trade routes blacks were sitting around with dirty balls enslaving their own people to sell and starving.

It's also why the vast majority of mankind's innovations in science, engineering, medicine, architecture, aerospace, psychology, electrical, communication, and so on were almost entirely all non blacks. The few blacks that did accomplish something did so while living in a white based society.

And the majority of blacks in America are a piece of shit, but even then they do much better than piece of shit blacks in other countries. Even the poor ones are better off than poor ones in other countries.
That's got to be the most forthright expression of racism and hating I've ever heard from an American on this board!

What did I say to bring you out, as opposed to just thinking of having a lynching instead of actively encouraging your Christian evil?
Identity politics is all about dividing people into tribes and regarding them according to their tribe rather than any personal qualities or lack thereof.

As such, far from being a PROGRESSIVE ideology, it is actually a very primitive one.
I don't agree with you all that ANY demographic in the USA are mostly 'pieces of shit'. The thing is that the USA was NOT founded as a place to be governed by white people and, as a society that learned, evolved, improved over the decades, there was enormous social approval for legislation and constitutional amendment that ensured white people would not be a favored class.

But the intention at that time didn't intend for any others to be favored classes or specially protected classes either. And if we had retained that particular perspective, I am pretty much 100% convinced that race issues, gender issues, sexual orientation issues would barely exist--maybe wouldn't exist at all--in this country now.

But it was governed and founded by white people. And for a long period of time we prospered because of it. Our country is one of the youngest countries in the world yet we had a very rapid rise to a world super power from some people on ships building log cabins. And it's due to our founders who were white meanwhile there are no first world black countries. It isn't racist, it's an observable truth.

But we went from on top to losing our grip and the country in decline about the same time we started forcing diversity and conceding to every foriegn group. All because we stopped with our morals, standards and values that made us great to begin with.

And you're right, we wouldn't have those issues if we didn't cowtail to those groups. And that is why our diversity is ruining us because we allowed too many of them to come in and try to please them all.
But it was governed and founded by white people. And for a long period of time we prospered because of it. Our country is one of the youngest countries in the world yet we had a very rapid rise to a world super power from some people on ships building log cabins. And it's due to our founders who were white meanwhile there are no first world black countries. It isn't racist, it's an observable truth.

But we went from on top to losing our grip and the country in decline about the same time we started forcing diversity and conceding to every foriegn group. All because we stopped with our morals, standards and values that made us great to begin with.

And you're right, we wouldn't have those issues if we didn't cowtail to those groups. And that is why our diversity is ruining us because we allowed too many of them to come in and try to please them all.
If black people, American Indian people, brown people, Asian people or any combinations of those had founded a country based on the concepts and principles the Founders wrote into our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, the results would have been the same. It just happened to be people of European heritage that were the ones to do it.
If republicans could get past their deep hatred of black people, they'd start voting for more republicans. But that would threaten the GOP's grip on former confederate states, a trade-off they are not willing to make.
Republicans have a deep hatred of black people.

No, the only hatred we have is towards Augustine, who has just provided us with another example of how it is Democrats who are Bigots that Stereotype groups of people.

Augustine, you live in a small shallow world where you never see the light of day, like a worm.

Another example why there is no place for the Democratic Party any place in this world.
So pretty much, blacks can do well when they live in a society founded and governed by white people.

Which is true. That's why in mankind's history of the world there have been no black first world countries, and very few even 2nd world countries. When everyone else was building ships and setting up international trade routes blacks were sitting around with dirty balls enslaving their own people to sell and starving.

It's also why the vast majority of mankind's innovations in science, engineering, medicine, architecture, aerospace, psychology, electrical, communication, and so on were almost entirely all non blacks. The few blacks that did accomplish something did so while living in a white based society.

And the majority of blacks in America are a piece of shit, but even then they do much better than piece of shit blacks in other countries. Even the poor ones are better off than poor ones in other countries.
You're actually questioning why blacks weren't more innovative in modern technology when they couldnt even drink out of the same drinking fountain as whites??? Are you really that stupid?

Also, Timbuktu. The reason for it's decline was of course due to invasion in the 17th century.
You're actually questioning why blacks weren't more innovative in modern technology when they couldnt even drink out of the same drinking fountain as whites??? Are you really that stupid?

Also, Timbuktu. The reason for it's decline was of course due to invasion in the 17th century.
Why didn't they invent a superior drinking fountain than the ones whites invented?
What does that even mean?

transitive verb​

  1. To produce or contrive (something previously unknown) by the use of ingenuity or imagination.
  2. To make up; fabricate.

drinking fountain


  1. A device equipped with a nozzle that provides a stream of drinking water for public use.

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