Turkey Another Check Mark On Pres Trump's List Of Screw-Ups!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Trump's dramatic harm to the country of Turkey with Trump's tariff increase and other penalties against the country and the resulting precipitous drop in the value of the Turkish lira causing real hurt to ordinary Turkish citizens in their buying power and their ability to pay their debts highlights Donald Trump's incompetence as President of the United States and underscores why this man shouldn't be anywhere near the office of the Presidency of the U.S.! When one is the President of the United States one is responsible for taking action that establishes the character of the country of the United States to the world. During the last five years Turkey did us a big favor in allowing us to use one of their air bases in our war against the Islamic State in both Syria and Iraq and a humongous favor around three years ago when they allowed Iraqi Kurd reinforcements to come through their territory to reinforce the city of Kobani in northern Syria under attack from Islamic State forces when Islamic State was really strong and moving from their base in Raqqa province toward Kobani where they were prepared to roll up the Kurd forces and go all the way to the west coast of Syria and the Mediterranean Sea which would have dramatically increased their strength this move by Turkey broke the back of Islamic State forces moving west of Raqqa. Moreover, Turkish forces entered the fight with Syrian Sunni Rebel forces and sustained significant losses to take land from Turkey's border down to Al Bab on the outskirts of Aleppo splitting the Kurdish strip of territory all along northern Syria and blocking them from gaining overwhelming momentum to form their own country which would have destabilized Turkey, Syria and Iran all with sizable Kurdish populations.

President Trump doesn't understand character which means you remember who your friends are when you display character where your only someone's friend as long as their doing your will countries aren't going to put themselves out for the United States we need countries to sacrifice with us if we are to make progress in improving the world's and regional problems. President Trump's reasoning for bringing this conflict with Turkey to a head to bring about the release from Turkey of this Evangelical Pastor, Andrew Brunson, who is ridiculously accused of aiding Turkey citizens that seek to overthrow the Turkish government is a completely inadequate justification for these punitive actions against Turkey it is domestic political interests that President Trump is advancing he is firming up his political support from evangelical Christians an extremely important constituent block for Mr. Trump.

President Trump is acting very unwise in his moves toward Turkey he is hurting the strategic interests of the U.S.with these moves! These moves decimating the value of the Turkish currency will ruin the Turkish economy a good customer for both U.S. and European Union businesses granted it won't materially affect the U.S. macro economically but it will affect many individual Americans that are economically connected to the Turkish economy which a good U.S. President would be concerned over. Similarly, a country's economy is not fixed at the snap of one's fingers once Turkey's economy is in a state of ruin it will at best be a long time before it recovers and be a good source of business for American corporations. Also, if the U.S. President puts the country of Turkey on a trajectory where its economy is destroyed it has security repercussions for the region and indirectly for America. As Turkey's economy spiral's downward the President of Turkey, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, becomes weaker resulting in Kurdish separatist in his country becoming bolder and committing more militant acts causing many deaths and this will likely spread into the Kurdish community of Iraq and dividing that community from Shiite and Sunni communities in Iraq thus weakening the country of Iraq. Moreover, a weaker President Erdogan will be weaker and less effective in carrying out his goal to bring about the return of Syrian refugees back into Syria and lift the crushing burden this problem is having on countries in the region.

Granted Mr. Erdogan is on a bad path! His obsession with the Turkish cleric, Fethullah Gulen, who is living in asylum in the U.S. and who Mr. Erdogan claims was behind the coup attempt against him two years ago is a strawman argument. Mr. Gulen has been living a low profile life in the U.S. if he was conducting such a campaign it would have come to the attention of U.S. intelligence services who would have shut him down because at the time of this coup attempt President Trump wasn't in office and President Obama and for that matter any President prior to President Trump would definitely not want to see Mr. Erdogan removed from power because Mr. Erdogan like them can't stand Bashar Assad, the evil brutal dictator of Syria, and would like to see him removed from power in Syria which would be so great for the region and the world which these Presidents recognize without a doubt. Another drawback of Mr. Erdogan is his purge of Judges, military people and other government officials from the Turkish government because of his perception of them as having supported or would a coup against him which makes his country, Turkey, less attractive from a foreign investment standpoint and less likely to get into the European Union. A prudent President of the United States would stay with friendly diplomacy with a President Erdogan and try to persuade him that the best course for him and his country is staying on the path of democracy, human rights, capitalism and the prevalence of the rule of law as opposed to this authoritarian form of government which will just continually move the country of Turkey backwards!
Wait, let Me shed a tear...

President Trump's dramatic harm to the country of Turkey with Trump's tariff increase and other penalties against the country and the resulting precipitous drop in the value of the Turkish lira causing real hurt to ordinary Turkish citizens in their buying power and their ability to pay their debts highlights Donald Trump's incompetence as President of the United States and underscores why this man shouldn't be anywhere near the office of the Presidency of the U.S.! When one is the President of the United States one is responsible for taking action that establishes the character of the country of the United States to the world. During the last five years Turkey did us a big favor in allowing us to use one of their air bases in our war against the Islamic State in both Syria and Iraq and a humongous favor around three years ago when they allowed Iraqi Kurd reinforcements to come through their territory to reinforce the city of Kobani in northern Syria under attack from Islamic State forces when Islamic State was really strong and moving from their base in Raqqa province toward Kobani where they were prepared to roll up the Kurd forces and go all the way to the west coast of Syria and the Mediterranean Sea which would have dramatically increased their strength this move by Turkey broke the back of Islamic State forces moving west of Raqqa. Moreover, Turkish forces entered the fight with Syrian Sunni Rebel forces and sustained significant losses to take land from Turkey's border down to Al Bab on the outskirts of Aleppo splitting the Kurdish strip of territory all along northern Syria and blocking them from gaining overwhelming momentum to form their own country which would have destabilized Turkey, Syria and Iran all with sizable Kurdish populations.

President Trump doesn't understand character which means you remember who your friends are when you display character where your only someone's friend as long as their doing your will countries aren't going to put themselves out for the United States we need countries to sacrifice with us if we are to make progress in improving the world's and regional problems. President Trump's reasoning for bringing this conflict with Turkey to a head to bring about the release from Turkey of this Evangelical Pastor, Andrew Brunson, who is ridiculously accused of aiding Turkey citizens that seek to overthrow the Turkish government is a completely inadequate justification for these punitive actions against Turkey it is domestic political interests that President Trump is advancing he is firming up his political support from evangelical Christians an extremely important constituent block for Mr. Trump.

President Trump is acting very unwise in his moves toward Turkey he is hurting the strategic interests of the U.S.with these moves! These moves decimating the value of the Turkish currency will ruin the Turkish economy a good customer for both U.S. and European Union businesses granted it won't materially affect the U.S. macro economically but it will affect many individual Americans that are economically connected to the Turkish economy which a good U.S. President would be concerned over. Similarly, a country's economy is not fixed at the snap of one's fingers once Turkey's economy is in a state of ruin it will at best be a long time before it recovers and be a good source of business for American corporations. Also, if the U.S. President puts the country of Turkey on a trajectory where its economy is destroyed it has security repercussions for the region and indirectly for America. As Turkey's economy spiral's downward the President of Turkey, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, becomes weaker resulting in Kurdish separatist in his country becoming bolder and committing more militant acts causing many deaths and this will likely spread into the Kurdish community of Iraq and dividing that community from Shiite and Sunni communities in Iraq thus weakening the country of Iraq. Moreover, a weaker President Erdogan will be weaker and less effective in carrying out his goal to bring about the return of Syrian refugees back into Syria and lift the crushing burden this problem is having on countries in the region.

Granted Mr. Erdogan is on a bad path! His obsession with the Turkish cleric, Fethullah Gulen, who is living in asylum in the U.S. and who Mr. Erdogan claims was behind the coup attempt against him two years ago is a strawman argument. Mr. Gulen has been living a low profile life in the U.S. if he was conducting such a campaign it would have come to the attention of U.S. intelligence services who would have shut him down because at the time of this coup attempt President Trump wasn't in office and President Obama and for that matter any President prior to President Trump would definitely not want to see Mr. Erdogan removed from power because Mr. Erdogan like them can't stand Bashar Assad, the evil brutal dictator of Syria, and would like to see him removed from power in Syria which would be so great for the region and the world which these Presidents recognize without a doubt. Another drawback of Mr. Erdogan is his purge of Judges, military people and other government officials from the Turkish government because of his perception of them as having supported or would a coup against him which makes his country, Turkey, less attractive from a foreign investment standpoint and less likely to get into the European Union. A prudent President of the United States would stay with friendly diplomacy with a President Erdogan and try to persuade him that the best course for him and his country is staying on the path of democracy, human rights, capitalism and the prevalence of the rule of law as opposed to this authoritarian form of government which will just continually move the country of Turkey backwards!
Trump is blessed with all the right enemies.
I know the area very well and being following their news.

Erdogan and Turkey are seeing as heroes and an example to follow in most countries in the region, their economy is one of the best and fastest growing....they just announced they will shift their trades from the US to Asia their neighbors....there is a massive social media movement in the region to boycott all American products.
At this rate the US will be utterly brought to its knees and isolated.
I know the area very well and being following their news.

Erdogan and Turkey are seeing as heroes and an example to follow in most countries in the region, their economy is one of the best and fastest growing....they just announced they will shift their trades from the US to Asia their neighbors....there is a massive social media movement in the region to boycott all American products.
At this rate the US will be utterly brought to its knees and isolated.
Are you outa your f___ing mind? Where the hell do you get this stuff?
If Turkey doesn't cave and release that pastor, their entire economy
will be in the dumpster before the first of the year.
I know the area very well and being following their news.

Erdogan and Turkey are seeing as heroes and an example to follow in most countries in the region, their economy is one of the best and fastest growing....they just announced they will shift their trades from the US to Asia their neighbors....there is a massive social media movement in the region to boycott all American products.
At this rate the US will be utterly brought to its knees and isolated.

The world needs our military, you're dreaming. You also have it backasswards, the World need us to do business with them.
I know the area very well and being following their news.

Erdogan and Turkey are seeing as heroes and an example to follow in most countries in the region, their economy is one of the best and fastest growing....they just announced they will shift their trades from the US to Asia their neighbors....there is a massive social media movement in the region to boycott all American products.
At this rate the US will be utterly brought to its knees and isolated.
Are you outa your f___ing mind? Where the hell do you get this stuff?
What didnt you get ?
Awww, the poor Turks. It shows how much economic power the U.S. has and how it was squandered during timid democrat (and republican) administrations in bad deals designed to make foreign countries feel good while they were kidnapping our citizens.
I know the area very well and being following their news.

Erdogan and Turkey are seeing as heroes and an example to follow in most countries in the region, their economy is one of the best and fastest growing....they just announced they will shift their trades from the US to Asia their neighbors....there is a massive social media movement in the region to boycott all American products.
At this rate the US will be utterly brought to its knees and isolated.
Are you outa your f___ing mind? Where the hell do you get this stuff?
What didnt you get ?
Any of it. Turkey is surrounded by enemies with a large population of Kurds within. They have nothing to trade with their neighbors unless you think trading pomegranates for pomegranates is somehow useful.

It was and still is the sick man of Europe and an international pariah.

Where the hell did you get that stuff? Seriously stupid!
The left applauded Hillary's husband when he bombed Yugoslavia into the stone age but they have their panties in a bunch about a freaking tariff. Go figure.
President Trump's dramatic harm to the country of Turkey with Trump's tariff increase and other penalties against the country and the resulting precipitous drop in the value of the Turkish lira causing real hurt to ordinary Turkish citizens in their buying power and their ability to pay their debts highlights Donald Trump's incompetence as President of the United States and underscores why this man shouldn't be anywhere near the office of the Presidency of the U.S.! When one is the President of the United States one is responsible for taking action that establishes the character of the country of the United States to the world. During the last five years Turkey did us a big favor in allowing us to use one of their air bases in our war against the Islamic State in both Syria and Iraq and a humongous favor around three years ago when they allowed Iraqi Kurd reinforcements to come through their territory to reinforce the city of Kobani in northern Syria under attack from Islamic State forces when Islamic State was really strong and moving from their base in Raqqa province toward Kobani where they were prepared to roll up the Kurd forces and go all the way to the west coast of Syria and the Mediterranean Sea which would have dramatically increased their strength this move by Turkey broke the back of Islamic State forces moving west of Raqqa. Moreover, Turkish forces entered the fight with Syrian Sunni Rebel forces and sustained significant losses to take land from Turkey's border down to Al Bab on the outskirts of Aleppo splitting the Kurdish strip of territory all along northern Syria and blocking them from gaining overwhelming momentum to form their own country which would have destabilized Turkey, Syria and Iran all with sizable Kurdish populations.

President Trump doesn't understand character which means you remember who your friends are when you display character where your only someone's friend as long as their doing your will countries aren't going to put themselves out for the United States we need countries to sacrifice with us if we are to make progress in improving the world's and regional problems. President Trump's reasoning for bringing this conflict with Turkey to a head to bring about the release from Turkey of this Evangelical Pastor, Andrew Brunson, who is ridiculously accused of aiding Turkey citizens that seek to overthrow the Turkish government is a completely inadequate justification for these punitive actions against Turkey it is domestic political interests that President Trump is advancing he is firming up his political support from evangelical Christians an extremely important constituent block for Mr. Trump.

President Trump is acting very unwise in his moves toward Turkey he is hurting the strategic interests of the U.S.with these moves! These moves decimating the value of the Turkish currency will ruin the Turkish economy a good customer for both U.S. and European Union businesses granted it won't materially affect the U.S. macro economically but it will affect many individual Americans that are economically connected to the Turkish economy which a good U.S. President would be concerned over. Similarly, a country's economy is not fixed at the snap of one's fingers once Turkey's economy is in a state of ruin it will at best be a long time before it recovers and be a good source of business for American corporations. Also, if the U.S. President puts the country of Turkey on a trajectory where its economy is destroyed it has security repercussions for the region and indirectly for America. As Turkey's economy spiral's downward the President of Turkey, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, becomes weaker resulting in Kurdish separatist in his country becoming bolder and committing more militant acts causing many deaths and this will likely spread into the Kurdish community of Iraq and dividing that community from Shiite and Sunni communities in Iraq thus weakening the country of Iraq. Moreover, a weaker President Erdogan will be weaker and less effective in carrying out his goal to bring about the return of Syrian refugees back into Syria and lift the crushing burden this problem is having on countries in the region.

Granted Mr. Erdogan is on a bad path! His obsession with the Turkish cleric, Fethullah Gulen, who is living in asylum in the U.S. and who Mr. Erdogan claims was behind the coup attempt against him two years ago is a strawman argument. Mr. Gulen has been living a low profile life in the U.S. if he was conducting such a campaign it would have come to the attention of U.S. intelligence services who would have shut him down because at the time of this coup attempt President Trump wasn't in office and President Obama and for that matter any President prior to President Trump would definitely not want to see Mr. Erdogan removed from power because Mr. Erdogan like them can't stand Bashar Assad, the evil brutal dictator of Syria, and would like to see him removed from power in Syria which would be so great for the region and the world which these Presidents recognize without a doubt. Another drawback of Mr. Erdogan is his purge of Judges, military people and other government officials from the Turkish government because of his perception of them as having supported or would a coup against him which makes his country, Turkey, less attractive from a foreign investment standpoint and less likely to get into the European Union. A prudent President of the United States would stay with friendly diplomacy with a President Erdogan and try to persuade him that the best course for him and his country is staying on the path of democracy, human rights, capitalism and the prevalence of the rule of law as opposed to this authoritarian form of government which will just continually move the country of Turkey backwards!


Fuck Turkey if it was up to me we would kick those bastards out of NATAO

The leader of turkey is a fascist. He is holding a preacher for no reason. He's a dictator.....why do we care what he thinks?
I know the area very well and being following their news.

Erdogan and Turkey are seeing as heroes and an example to follow in most countries in the region, their economy is one of the best and fastest growing....they just announced they will shift their trades from the US to Asia their neighbors....there is a massive social media movement in the region to boycott all American products.
At this rate the US will be utterly brought to its knees and isolated.

Let us guess you graduated from the same retard troll factory as Rderp, Billy, Timmy , reasonable and Mathew

I know the area very well and being following their news.

Erdogan and Turkey are seeing as heroes and an example to follow in most countries in the region, their economy is one of the best and fastest growing....they just announced they will shift their trades from the US to Asia their neighbors....there is a massive social media movement in the region to boycott all American products.
At this rate the US will be utterly brought to its knees and isolated.
Are you outa your f___ing mind? Where the hell do you get this stuff?
What didnt you get ?
Any of it. Turkey is surrounded by enemies with a large population of Kurds within. They have nothing to trade with their neighbors unless you think trading pomegranates for pomegranates is somehow useful.

It was and still is the sick man of Europe and an international pariah.

Where the hell did you get that stuff? Seriously stupid!
Wrong....Turkey has a huge influence in the region politica and economies that stretches from north Africa, Europe to Asia....most Muslim populations see Turkey and Erdogan as the knight they have been waiting for...they announced tariffs on US goods and Erdogan announced they will replace American goods..

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