Trump will pull out of the Paris climate change agreement, says the white house


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Donald Trump is still planning to pull out of the Paris climate change agreement unless the UN can offer ‘better terms,’ despite claims to the contrary, the White House has said.
Trump WILL pull out of the Paris climate change agreement, says the White House

MSM will have you thinking everything but the truth, you think you know what is really said but really you don't not if you are paying attention to lets say CNN only, SALON, etc. They're filling your heads with BS!
I started looking into the origins of some of this taxing everyone and their brother for climate change the other day. I'll try to get that search completed and put the info out next week if I can. Right now it looks like the same democrat illegal migrant pushing trust fund babies pushing this crap the hardest.
If you hate Muslims you're a bigot, right?

If your a member of Algore's First Universal Church of What-the-fuck and hate non members then you're not a bigot.

And that, bois and gurlz, is why the world has become dysfunctional.
If he stays out he keeps some of his supporters.

He then follows up with fair trade deals, taking on Chinas trade abuses (and their tacit support for N Korea), keeps taxes, builds a wall and ensures jobs stay in America.

I can tell you this, his supporters miss him calling out companies that ship jobs overseas, he was having a direct and powerful impact early. Since he stopped that, the fear of his tactics decreased significantly. He has to remember what allowed him to win when he was such an underdog. That direct and defiant Trump is unbeatable in the current plight most Americans are facing.

Get 'er done Trump! Don't be swayed by globalists and those who didn't fight the way you did all your life.

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