Whites will put Trump back in the White House


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
I can see this coming. There has even been at least on book written about it. White rural voters feel shortchanged by the federal government.

---As Trump heads toward the nomination, rural voters are once again the foundation of his support---

---In the general election, Trump will be buoyed by rural white voters just as he is in the primaries---

Trump will probably win because Biden will be dead before November so the Democrat candidate will be Kamela Harris.
I can see this coming. There has even been at least on book written about it. White rural voters feel shortchanged by the federal government.

---As Trump heads toward the nomination, rural voters are once again the foundation of his support---

---In the general election, Trump will be buoyed by rural white voters just as he is in the primaries---

Blacks and Hispanics will also aid in putting Trump back in, possibly.
The Democrats will do any underhanded trick they can to stop a man who doesn't want to see this nation become a Marxist hell. Anticipate the following Democrat actions: Illegal migrants voting, duplicate ballots, non-functioning voting machines, dead people voting, ballots disappearing, and restrictions of "election observers" not being allowed to view the counts. In short, a repeat of 2020.
I think it's going to be a real American coalition who want their country back. The coalition will include Independents and crossovers of every ethnicity.
Whites, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Browns, Gypsies, Christians, Libertarians, Indies, crossovers, Constitutionalists, conservative Repubs, anti abortionists, pro 2nd, pro 1st, Liberty activists, & decent folks looking for other decent folks that they can share a peaceful existence with in a quality life. There is a formidable force gathering to take America back from the rebellion for the sake of rebellion marxinazis.
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Blacks and Hispanics will also aid in putting Trump back in, possibly.
The Democrats will do any underhanded trick they can to stop a man who doesn't want to see this nation become a Marxist hell. Anticipate the following Democrat actions: Illegal migrants voting, duplicate ballots, non-functioning voting machines, dead people voting, ballots disappearing, and restrictions of "election observers" not being allowed to view the counts. In short, a repeat of 2020.
The statist left marxinazi religion's creed is "Rebellion for the sake of Rebellion" & most if not all of us know who the "Rebellious One" is.
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Because the alternative has abandoned our southern border to invaders.

You mean the farm labor all those rural white voters rely on?

Not to mention that while he sure did talk about it a lot, the number of illegal border crossing under Trump went up every year till 2020 when COVID hit and slowed the tide

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