Trump Warns Self-Appointed Constitution-Violating Free Speech Social Media Censors: 'The Feds Can Regulate Or Shut You Down'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’
President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’

Despite how the media is attempting to SPIN this story, this has NOTHING to do with the President's Tweets and EVERYTHING to do with Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Social Media Giants / Platforms increasingly, oppressively - in ChiCom / Marxist fashion - Censoring / Silencing any content that does not agree with, mirror, or push the Anti-Conservative liberal, Trump-hating agenda.

'President Trump warned social media giants Wednesday that the federal government could “strongly regulate” or “close them down” if they continue to “silence conservative voices.”

“Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can’t let a more sophisticated version of that happen again.”

President Trump is WRONG in his 2nd statement - it is NOT just Republicans who have pointed out the FACT that these social media giants who have a strangle-hold on social media communications / speech ARE censoring / oppressing / deleting CONSERVATIVE voices and any that oppose the liberal agenda...and who point out that the level to which they are doing so has grown and continues to grow exponentially.

Facebook (Mark Zuckerburg), Twitter (Jack Dorsey), & Google (Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat-controlled) have a strangle-hold on Free Speech on their social media platforms...and the MSM covers up for them...

No one has demonstrated the power to control the populace through Censorship of the media and ability to completely shut down access to outside non-Chicom-controlled media/propaganda than the Chinese...and it is more than a coincidence we are seeing the Liberal Progressives Socialist Democrats, more and more desperate to regain power and to control through illegal spying, law-breaking, fake news, and censorship of any voice that opposes / does not support the Liberal Progressive SOCIALIST Democrat agenda and policies. Theirs is a plan of attack and IS an attack on the Constitution and on Constitutional and civil liberties.

Censorship of any kind should NOT be tolerated.

How quickly liberals forget their "public accommodation" argument. When it comes to religious vendors who do not want to service same-sex ceremonies, liberals claim that they can be forced to do so, or else fined or shut down, because they are a "public accommodation." Yeah, never mind that getting a wedding cake or having a photographer record your wedding is not any kind of a basic need, and never mind that the gay couples had plenty of other options besides the handful of Christian-owned businesses that they targeted.

But, oh, when it comes to major social media platforms, suddenly liberals forget all about their public accommodation argument.
Fact checking is what responsible social media/networking should be doing. Otherwise, Trump's boldfaced lies spread like wildfire and all his toadies eat it up for breakfast!
How quickly liberals forget their "public accommodation" argument. When it comes to religious vendors who do not want to service same-sex ceremonies, liberals claim that they can be forced to do so, or else fined or shut down, because they are a "public accommodation." Yeah, never mind that getting a wedding cake or having a photographer record your wedding is not any kind of a basic need, and never mind that the gay couples had plenty of other options besides the handful of Christian-owned businesses that they targeted.

But, oh, when it comes to major social media platforms, suddenly liberals forget all about their public accommodation argument.

After trying to force radio to gift them free and equal air time for years suddenly they are total crickets on equal access to social media. Has there ever been a more phony group than the left?
President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’
President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’

Despite how the media is attempting to SPIN this story, this has NOTHING to do with the President's Tweets and EVERYTHING to do with Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Social Media Giants / Platforms increasingly, oppressively - in ChiCom / Marxist fashion - Censoring / Silencing any content that does not agree with, mirror, or push the Anti-Conservative liberal, Trump-hating agenda.

'President Trump warned social media giants Wednesday that the federal government could “strongly regulate” or “close them down” if they continue to “silence conservative voices.”

“Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can’t let a more sophisticated version of that happen again.”

President Trump is WRONG in his 2nd statement - it is NOT just Republicans who have pointed out the FACT that these social media giants who have a strangle-hold on social media communications / speech ARE censoring / oppressing / deleting CONSERVATIVE voices and any that oppose the liberal agenda...and who point out that the level to which they are doing so has grown and continues to grow exponentially.

Facebook (Mark Zuckerburg), Twitter (Jack Dorsey), & Google (Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat-controlled) have a strangle-hold on Free Speech on their social media platforms...and the MSM covers up for them...

No one has demonstrated the power to control the populace through Censorship of the media and ability to completely shut down access to outside non-Chicom-controlled media/propaganda than the Chinese...and it is more than a coincidence we are seeing the Liberal Progressives Socialist Democrats, more and more desperate to regain power and to control through illegal spying, law-breaking, fake news, and censorship of any voice that opposes / does not support the Liberal Progressive SOCIALIST Democrat agenda and policies. Theirs is a plan of attack and IS an attack on the Constitution and on Constitutional and civil liberties.

Censorship of any kind should NOT be tolerated.

Yeah, sure. Let your blob try
President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’
President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’

Despite how the media is attempting to SPIN this story, this has NOTHING to do with the President's Tweets and EVERYTHING to do with Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Social Media Giants / Platforms increasingly, oppressively - in ChiCom / Marxist fashion - Censoring / Silencing any content that does not agree with, mirror, or push the Anti-Conservative liberal, Trump-hating agenda.

'President Trump warned social media giants Wednesday that the federal government could “strongly regulate” or “close them down” if they continue to “silence conservative voices.”

“Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can’t let a more sophisticated version of that happen again.”

President Trump is WRONG in his 2nd statement - it is NOT just Republicans who have pointed out the FACT that these social media giants who have a strangle-hold on social media communications / speech ARE censoring / oppressing / deleting CONSERVATIVE voices and any that oppose the liberal agenda...and who point out that the level to which they are doing so has grown and continues to grow exponentially.

Facebook (Mark Zuckerburg), Twitter (Jack Dorsey), & Google (Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat-controlled) have a strangle-hold on Free Speech on their social media platforms...and the MSM covers up for them...

No one has demonstrated the power to control the populace through Censorship of the media and ability to completely shut down access to outside non-Chicom-controlled media/propaganda than the Chinese...and it is more than a coincidence we are seeing the Liberal Progressives Socialist Democrats, more and more desperate to regain power and to control through illegal spying, law-breaking, fake news, and censorship of any voice that opposes / does not support the Liberal Progressive SOCIALIST Democrat agenda and policies. Theirs is a plan of attack and IS an attack on the Constitution and on Constitutional and civil liberties.

Censorship of any kind should NOT be tolerated.

Stop parroting lies. fake news, misinformation, and conspiracy theories on privately owned social media and you won't violate their TOS. Has nothing to do with conservative speech. I notice a lot of conservative writers that nobody says boo about. That's because I don't see them spreading manure. I may not agree with their ideas and viewpoints, but they aren't spouting nonsense. Trump just doesn't like it because they are calling out his lies and misinformation that he tries to put forth as fact. As a former US representative once said, "you are entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts". That's been the problem with the right wing over the last 15 years or so since the rise of the Tea Party. They're allowed to get away with things that approach straight up slander and libel and allowed to put forth preposterous conspiracy theories while running away like little whiny bitches and hiding behind the 1st Amendment. And no, Trump can't regulate a privately owned matter how much he wants to. :)
Fact checking is what responsible social media/networking should be doing. Otherwise, Trump's boldfaced lies spread like wildfire and all his toadies eat it up for breakfast!
Pushing / Imposing subjective opinion as fact, censoring all speech except that which agrees with Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats is NOT 'fact checking'.

"Last September, the New York Times published an article, appearing on the first page of its business section, reporting allegations by the World Socialist Web Site that the internet search monopoly Google was censoring left-wing, anti-war and socialist web sites.
The article prominently cited, and linked to, the WSWS’s open letter to Google, “Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!” The open letter presented evidence that “Google is manipulating its internet searches” in order to “block news that your company does not want reported and to suppress opinions with which you do not agree.”

But on Wednesday, the Times posted on its website (and published Thursday on the front page of the business section of its Thursday print edition) an article by the same author, Daisuke Wakabayashi, which is a white-wash of Google’s censorship regime, echoing the company’s self-serving denials without any serious examination of the facts.

The article is the latest in a series of similar pieces by major US news outlets, which, using as a foil President Trump’s claims that the company is censoring right-wing news sources, uncritically parrot Google’s denials that it is blacklisting sites based on their political views."

You have just proven the snowflake sheep have received, memorized, and are parroting the Socialist talking points very well.

Liberal Socialists are emotional creatures who attempt to dominate through lies, propaganda, emotional manipulation, fake news...and, when all else fails,, censoring speech which destroys all of those.

Obamagate - and 8 years of him and his criminal syndicate illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, Presidential candidates and their teams, and a newly elected President and his team - and the growing obvious ChiCom-styled oppression/manipulation/censorship of Social media have proven / proves Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats HATE what they can not control. They have proven they will do whatever it takes - legal or not - to control through oppression, Censorship, and control.

From Obama's IRS-Gate to his 8-years of illegally spying on EVERYONE to the media pushing years of debunked lies to illegal spying to rigging primaries / attempts to rig elections to attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election to more exposed voter fraud / attempts already to steal the 2020 elections.....


Stop parroting lies. fake news, misinformation, and conspiracy theories on privately owned social media and you won't violate their TOS.

I love it when the emotionally-manipulated, TDS-suffering, Trump-hating, mindless sheep attempt to PROJECT, accusing others of doing what THEY have done / do and accusing others of being who THEY are.


Just curious...what was / is your favorite anti-Trump known false propaganda story CNN repeated -knowing it was a lie - for YEARS before the whole 'Russian Collusion' lie was DESTROYED by the overwhelming, undeniable evidence? Mine would have to be CNN facilitating / pushing Brennan's lie that the President was a 'guaranteed traitor / enemy agent of Vladimir Putin'.

The Director of the CIA - who had access to 17 US Intel Agencies and access to other nation's Intel - declared this publicly to be a FACT...and when it was easily factually disporove3n, Brennan stated in an interview, "Oh?! It's good to know that this accusation is false."

WTF?! Evidence proves he knew it to be false at least almost a YEAR earlier, before he perpetrated the crime of SEDITION!

Awww look at the fascist RWs wanting the feds to regulate the internet.
How quaint.

Awww, look at the ChiCom-sheering, TDS-suffering socialist supporting Constitutional Rights violations to Censor Conservative Free Speech....

Like I said, Liberals / snowflakes HATE what they do not / can not control - when they can't convince people in an a fair and honest debate they try to push fake news, emotionally manipulate people, play on the ignorance of snowflakes, and eventually resort to censorship / silencing conservative voices.

President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’
President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’

Despite how the media is attempting to SPIN this story, this has NOTHING to do with the President's Tweets and EVERYTHING to do with Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Social Media Giants / Platforms increasingly, oppressively - in ChiCom / Marxist fashion - Censoring / Silencing any content that does not agree with, mirror, or push the Anti-Conservative liberal, Trump-hating agenda.

'President Trump warned social media giants Wednesday that the federal government could “strongly regulate” or “close them down” if they continue to “silence conservative voices.”

“Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can’t let a more sophisticated version of that happen again.”

President Trump is WRONG in his 2nd statement - it is NOT just Republicans who have pointed out the FACT that these social media giants who have a strangle-hold on social media communications / speech ARE censoring / oppressing / deleting CONSERVATIVE voices and any that oppose the liberal agenda...and who point out that the level to which they are doing so has grown and continues to grow exponentially.

Facebook (Mark Zuckerburg), Twitter (Jack Dorsey), & Google (Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat-controlled) have a strangle-hold on Free Speech on their social media platforms...and the MSM covers up for them...

No one has demonstrated the power to control the populace through Censorship of the media and ability to completely shut down access to outside non-Chicom-controlled media/propaganda than the Chinese...and it is more than a coincidence we are seeing the Liberal Progressives Socialist Democrats, more and more desperate to regain power and to control through illegal spying, law-breaking, fake news, and censorship of any voice that opposes / does not support the Liberal Progressive SOCIALIST Democrat agenda and policies. Theirs is a plan of attack and IS an attack on the Constitution and on Constitutional and civil liberties.

Censorship of any kind should NOT be tolerated.

I'm waiting for lawsuits to come rolling in on Fake book and Tweeter.
Stop parroting lies. fake news, misinformation, and conspiracy theories on privately owned social media and you won't violate their TOS.

I love it when the emotionally-manipulated, TDS-suffering, Trump-hating, mindless sheep attempt to PROJECT, accusing others of doing what THEY have done / do and accusing others of being who THEY are.


Just curious...what was / is your favorite anti-Trump known false propaganda story CNN repeated -knowing it was a lie - for YEARS before the whole 'Russian Collusion' lie was DESTROYED by the overwhelming, undeniable evidence? Mine would have to be CNN facilitating / pushing Brennan's lie that the President was a 'guaranteed traitor / enemy agent of Vladimir Putin'.

The Director of the CIA - who had access to 17 US Intel Agencies and access to other nation's Intel - declared this publicly to be a FACT...and when it was easily factually disporove3n, Brennan stated in an interview, "Oh?! It's good to know that this accusation is false."

WTF?! Evidence proves he knew it to be false at least almost a YEAR earlier, before he perpetrated the crime of SEDITION!


Laugh all you want. Those 17 intel agencies all confirmed Russian interference. You still think that Trump Tower meeting was about adoption? LOL. Sure it was. And did people imagine a phone call to Ukraine? I don't think so. Hell, even John Bolton knew El Prez had screwed the pooch when he got off the call. He and his campaign actively sought Russian interference on this behalf. But he skated because the Special Counsel didn't think there was enough evidence there for a term (collusion) that wasn't being considered anyway. Plus, the votes weren't there to remove his Quarter Pounder with Cheese eatin rear end in the Senate. Nancy even held her party back so he owes her. Otherwise, he'd be kicking at Trump Tower right now plotting his next big media whoring endeavor. :)
How does your precious first amendment square with an authoritarian man child ?
You Euros are far ahead of us on the authoritarian curve. No checks and balances in your "Democracies". Your brethern here though have wittled away at ours in the U.S. Constitution. Tell us about the freedom loving Prog Governors that have showed their true colors. Progs are good to say with free speech comes consequences. Except for them. The press here is part of the deep state shills under the globalists.
How quickly liberals forget their "public accommodation" argument. When it comes to religious vendors who do not want to service same-sex ceremonies, liberals claim that they can be forced to do so, or else fined or shut down, because they are a "public accommodation." Yeah, never mind that getting a wedding cake or having a photographer record your wedding is not any kind of a basic need, and never mind that the gay couples had plenty of other options besides the handful of Christian-owned businesses that they targeted.

But, oh, when it comes to major social media platforms, suddenly liberals forget all about their public accommodation argument.
Public accommodations or not I just don't understand why someone opens a business to turn down profit.
President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’
President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’

Despite how the media is attempting to SPIN this story, this has NOTHING to do with the President's Tweets and EVERYTHING to do with Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Social Media Giants / Platforms increasingly, oppressively - in ChiCom / Marxist fashion - Censoring / Silencing any content that does not agree with, mirror, or push the Anti-Conservative liberal, Trump-hating agenda.

'President Trump warned social media giants Wednesday that the federal government could “strongly regulate” or “close them down” if they continue to “silence conservative voices.”

“Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can’t let a more sophisticated version of that happen again.”

President Trump is WRONG in his 2nd statement - it is NOT just Republicans who have pointed out the FACT that these social media giants who have a strangle-hold on social media communications / speech ARE censoring / oppressing / deleting CONSERVATIVE voices and any that oppose the liberal agenda...and who point out that the level to which they are doing so has grown and continues to grow exponentially.

Facebook (Mark Zuckerburg), Twitter (Jack Dorsey), & Google (Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat-controlled) have a strangle-hold on Free Speech on their social media platforms...and the MSM covers up for them...

No one has demonstrated the power to control the populace through Censorship of the media and ability to completely shut down access to outside non-Chicom-controlled media/propaganda than the Chinese...and it is more than a coincidence we are seeing the Liberal Progressives Socialist Democrats, more and more desperate to regain power and to control through illegal spying, law-breaking, fake news, and censorship of any voice that opposes / does not support the Liberal Progressive SOCIALIST Democrat agenda and policies. Theirs is a plan of attack and IS an attack on the Constitution and on Constitutional and civil liberties.

Censorship of any kind should NOT be tolerated.

Even if they were (and they aren't) it's neither illegal not unconstitutional.

As much as you kids claim to love the Constitution it's surprising how few of you (none) have actually read it.
President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’
President Trump warns social media giants that feds can ‘regulate’ or ‘close them down’

Despite how the media is attempting to SPIN this story, this has NOTHING to do with the President's Tweets and EVERYTHING to do with Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Social Media Giants / Platforms increasingly, oppressively - in ChiCom / Marxist fashion - Censoring / Silencing any content that does not agree with, mirror, or push the Anti-Conservative liberal, Trump-hating agenda.

'President Trump warned social media giants Wednesday that the federal government could “strongly regulate” or “close them down” if they continue to “silence conservative voices.”

“Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can’t let a more sophisticated version of that happen again.”

President Trump is WRONG in his 2nd statement - it is NOT just Republicans who have pointed out the FACT that these social media giants who have a strangle-hold on social media communications / speech ARE censoring / oppressing / deleting CONSERVATIVE voices and any that oppose the liberal agenda...and who point out that the level to which they are doing so has grown and continues to grow exponentially.

Facebook (Mark Zuckerburg), Twitter (Jack Dorsey), & Google (Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat-controlled) have a strangle-hold on Free Speech on their social media platforms...and the MSM covers up for them...

No one has demonstrated the power to control the populace through Censorship of the media and ability to completely shut down access to outside non-Chicom-controlled media/propaganda than the Chinese...and it is more than a coincidence we are seeing the Liberal Progressives Socialist Democrats, more and more desperate to regain power and to control through illegal spying, law-breaking, fake news, and censorship of any voice that opposes / does not support the Liberal Progressive SOCIALIST Democrat agenda and policies. Theirs is a plan of attack and IS an attack on the Constitution and on Constitutional and civil liberties.

Censorship of any kind should NOT be tolerated.

Your article is a load of pejoritve crap..

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