Trump Signed the Pledge

So, you're looking for the perfect candidate, eh?

How one who thinks "firing", yelling, name calling, lying, bankruptcy, constant lawsuits and quitting is a legitimate way to run a campaign or a business?

He not running for president.

He is running for Duh Donuld Drumpf Reality TV Show.

Actually, in-person, Trump's a nice guy. He said so and so did the head of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Javier Palomarez who met with him the other day.
Try to find a dog that'll hunt, pleeze!

I've never met him but yeah, Drumpf says he's a nice guy.

I'm a lot more concerned with how often he dodges a direct question with "trust me".

For a used car salesman, yeah, he's a "nice guy".


Like I thought.........^^^^^^^.......this is all you got. :lame2:

So, for you, questioning or doubting a presidential candidate who lies and refuses to answer direct questions except with "trust me", is LAME?


That makes you the perfect Drumpf voter.

Absolutely perfect.

Carry on.

a presidential candidate who lies and refuses to answer direct questions except with "trust me"
sounds like the typical politician of today....
I knew Trump wouldn't go 3rd party. Trump truly loves the country.

Make no mistake, the only thing Dump loves is Dump. And he sure doesn't mind taking one to get attention.
you forgot money.....he loves that too....

And you hate money?.........:cuckoo:
i love fucking money just made a whole bunch of it,but we are not talking about me are we? does trump love money or not?....
Does a pledge mean much to a man who has filed for bankruptcy FOUR times?
and yet he is still richer than you and a hell of a lot of people.....
That's because Trump never filed for bankruptcy. Democrats made it up.
They don't understand the difference between personal bankruptcy, and corporate bankruptcy..... it has something to do with their very low 2 digit IQ... and Talking point lies sent to them every morning!
"Mr. Priebus asks that assurances be given him that the Trump forces will not attack, and above all not invade the territories of the following Republican candidates: Bush, Cruz, Carson, Christie, Fiorina, Graham, (audience begins laughing, increasingly louder) Huckabee, Jindal, Kasich, Rubio, Santorum, and Walker."
I do not trust him as far as I can toss the pentagon. Someone who goes bankrupt 4 times and divorces 3 times regards promises lightly made and lightly broken

So, you're looking for the perfect candidate, eh?
I'm not looking for perfect. One divorce, people marry young and marry stupid. One bankruptcy, accidents happen. 7 broken promises, we have a pattern of deceitful behavior.

And the hildebeast is the pinnacle of honesty right?
Does a pledge mean much to a man who has filed for bankruptcy FOUR times?
and yet he is still richer than you and a hell of a lot of people.....
That's because Trump never filed for bankruptcy. Democrats made it up.
They don't understand the difference between personal bankruptcy, and corporate bankruptcy..... it has something to do with their very low 2 digit IQ... and Talking point lies sent to them every morning!
Since his corporations are mostly him, have his name on them. he is going bankrupt.
I do not trust him as far as I can toss the pentagon. Someone who goes bankrupt 4 times and divorces 3 times regards promises lightly made and lightly broken

So, you're looking for the perfect candidate, eh?
I'm not looking for perfect. One divorce, people marry young and marry stupid. One bankruptcy, accidents happen. 7 broken promises, we have a pattern of deceitful behavior.

And the hildebeast is the pinnacle of honesty right?
of course not. She is probably, maybe, the one creep more dishonest than him. I think so anyway.

But we have 15 other choices. Almost all better than him, and all of them far far more honest than him or her.

Hillary and Trump are two foul rotten peas from the same pod. He is running for her, for some foul corporate benefit.
There go Trump's chances.

With the threat of an independent candidacy the Republicrat faction had take him seriously or risk certain defeat.

Now they're free to do the same-old-same-old and nominate another Bush.

Since the Democrat Party will almost surely nominate Biden it leaves the possibility that Nutty Old Uncle Bernie or Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky might run as independents though I doubt Sanders has the balls to try it. If neither goes the indie route and it's Bush/Biden I figure it's pretty safe that it'll be Biden by a landslide. Perhaps not all bad as Biden is approximately the same on the left-right scale as Bush but his screwing the country over would be much more fun to watch.
I do not trust him as far as I can toss the pentagon. Someone who goes bankrupt 4 times and divorces 3 times regards promises lightly made and lightly broken

So, you're looking for the perfect candidate, eh?
I'm not looking for perfect. One divorce, people marry young and marry stupid. One bankruptcy, accidents happen. 7 broken promises, we have a pattern of deceitful behavior.

And the hildebeast is the pinnacle of honesty right?
of course not. She is probably, maybe, the one creep more dishonest than him. I think so anyway.

But we have 15 other choices. Almost all better than him, and all of them far far more honest than him or her.

Hillary and Trump are two foul rotten peas from the same pod. He is running for her, for some foul corporate benefit.

The only other candidate I wouldnt mind as prez is Carson.
The rest are all RINOs.
With Trump polling at 30% and favorables above 60% there isn't much the RNC can do but go along or commit suicide.

The pledge has the same significance as a pinky swear.
So what if Trump signed an agreement.

He can always change his mind. It isn't worth the paper it is written on. Donald Trump will still be able to get nukes.

Breaking: The GOP chairman is holding a press conference...


I have returned from Trump Tower with peace for our time.

Then why is it you guys don't understand how stupid obama's iran deal you see that now?

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