Trump servant to CIA and Bankers as every president since Lyndon Johnson has been.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Yes Trump just like every puppet president we have had since LBJ,is a servant to the bankers and CIA,no different,sorry Trump supporters especially

Most posters here have been taken in by the CIA controlled news outlets of the lamestream media that Iran is a threat to the world and murdering its citizens instead of reporting what every other country outside the western world knows that Israel along with their pal the CIA is the threat to the world.:rolleyes:

None of this is getting reported by our gatekeeper press news in the CIA controlled news outlets that citizens of Iran were PEACEFULLY protesting and that riots as they always are here in the united states,were instigated there by none other than the CIA.

None of this surprises me on Trump anymore.

He showed his TRUE colors on his corruption that he is serving the bankers and warmonger Israel and the CIA when he only released a portion of CIA documents on the JFK assassination.

A REAL president that believed in the constitution and upholding it would have ordered ALL documents to be turned over. He has ALSO yet to do what out last REAL president JFK did,the last president that followed the constitution,to try and get rid of the federal reserve and CIA.

sorry Trump worshippers especially

What Trump suppressed was as follows:

Days of violence in Tehran and other parts of the country last month had CIA dirty hands all over them.

What began peacefully as a protest against a petrol price hike was manipulated to turn violent by CIA-recruited thugs, including elements from the anti-Iran MEK terrorist group.

Trump tells you all what you WANT to hear but in same fashion as Bush and Obama,his actions dont back up his words.

He said a few months ago telling the truth the federal reserve is an evil entity,not those exact words of course but he talked about how they ruin peoples lives.

well if he REALLY wanted to do something about the fed,he would have reinstated kennedys executive order he signed five months before his assassination which called to abolish the fed which Lyndon Johnson reversed of course once he became president.

How much longer are you all going to ignore this fact and live in denial he is no different than all the puppet presidents we have had since LBJ?:rolleyes:
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This is correct. Trump is collecting the votes by holding revolutionary speeches, then he does the exact opposite of what he was elected for.
And the forum is not a mirror of the populace. In here, Trump would be applauded for eating shit or condemned for not eating shit.
This is correct. Trump is collecting the votes by holding revolutionary speeches, then he does the exact opposite of what he was elected for.
And the forum is not a mirror of the populace. In here, Trump would be applauded for eating shit or condemned for not eating shit.
This is correct. Trump is collecting the votes by holding revolutionary speeches, then he does the exact opposite of what he was elected for.
And the forum is not a mirror of the populace. In here, Trump would be applauded for eating shit or condemned for not eating shit.
If Trump asked his followers to shit they'd ask what color?
This is correct. Trump is collecting the votes by holding revolutionary speeches, then he does the exact opposite of what he was elected for.
And the forum is not a mirror of the populace. In here, Trump would be applauded for eating shit or condemned for not eating shit.
If Trump asked his followers to shit they'd ask what color?
Actual Trumpers would have abandoned him like I did. So it isn´t about Trump at all. It could be Peter Griffin.
This is correct. Trump is collecting the votes by holding revolutionary speeches, then he does the exact opposite of what he was elected for.
And the forum is not a mirror of the populace. In here, Trump would be applauded for eating shit or condemned for not eating shit.

It can no longer be denied Trump is no different than warmongers Bush and Obama. sorry MW,the facts speak for themselves.I am going to keep this thread up till at least the election.

Why Trump Is A Rothschild Tool
And..what are you waiting for?

Propose the president of Bank of Reserve to run for president of US and the director of the CIA his vice president.

In Rome it took a particularly capable and Machiavellian Emperor to subdue and dominate his own Praetorian Guard, the Roman equivalent of the Deep State. Peter the Great is another example of a leader who could navigate and purge the treasonous elements of his court.

With another term learning the ropes Trump might be able to pull off a counter coup, but right now he knows he is riding the tiger. That's why he surrounded himself with his own family. He knows it is truly a swamp.

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