Trump plans first presidential overseas trip, to Israel, Vatican and Saudi Arabia


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Showing no favouritism, he will be visiting all homes of religion. The fight against radicals extremists is a fight all good men and women of Faith must rise for. Announced on the same day he signs the Religious Freedom EO.

President Donald J Trump, a defender of ALL Faiths. Well done.

Trump plans first presidential overseas trip, to Israel, Vatican and Saudi Arabia

President Trump, on his first trip abroad, will travel later this month to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Rome in an effort to unite three of the world’s leading religious faiths in the common cause of fighting “intolerance,” terrorism and Iran, White House officials said Thursday.

The trip, during which officials said Trump would meet with Pope Francis, will be followed by Trump’s attendance at the Group of Seven conference of world economic powers, held in Sicily, and a meeting of NATO leaders in Brussels.

In a Rose Garden ceremony to sign an executive order on religious freedom, Trump planned to say that “tolerance is the cornerstone of peace.”

His trip, he said in prepared remarks, “will begin with a truly historic gathering in Saudi Arabia with leaders from all across the Muslim world,” where “we will begin to construct a new foundation of cooperation and support with our Muslim allies to combat extremism, terrorism and violence.”

In an apparent reference to his willingness to deal with authoritarian governments without publicly pressuring them on human rights, Trump said: “Our task is not to dictate to others how to live but to build a coalition of friends and partners who share the goal of fighting terrorism and bringing safety, opportunity and stability to the Middle East.”

One of three senior administration officials who briefed reporters on the trip said that Trump’s foreign policy agenda shows that his promise of “ ‘America first’ is fully compatible with American leadership in the world.”

Comparing his policies with those of President Barack Obama, the official said that Trump has “reversed the disengagement with the world of the previous administration.”

Although “conventional wisdom” is that Trump is “weak on alliances,” the official said, Trump is “strong on alliances,” provided others are willing to contribute their fair share.

Following stops in Riyadh, Jerusalem and Rome, Trump will attend a day-long meeting with NATO leaders on May 25 in Brussels, specially scheduled in advance of a long-planned summit Istanbul, to enable other leaders to meet with trump. The trip will end with Trump’s return to Italy for the summit on May 26 and 27.
I imagine the security detail surrounding him will look like army ants from the air.

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