Trump On His Plan To Ban Muslims: 'Not Politically Correct, But I Don't Care'

If you want someone to pander to your pre-concieved bias' find someone else. A few names are obvious - many won't be.
Exactly, that's why I said it you find a name like 'Laqun or Jamal" you probably have to list them as non=white.

Back up your claim, or once again, stop talking out of your ass. Saint Louis, DC, Oakland or Memphis and the like are about the same thing. Go at it!

Mass Shooting Tracker
It's impossible to tell race from just names.

I doubt that's how they determined race in this study - Triple Entitlement and Homicidal Anger

Really? Want to put $10 on it?

LOL, the fucking bullshit you Communists try to float.

Everyone's a commie to you dude.

What's the race of the following names without googling?

Robert Johnson
Russell Simmons
Larry Page
Bery Gordy
Rodney O'Neal
Reginald Lewis
Sheldon Adelson
Richard Parsons
Earl Graves
Robert Cornegy
David Williams
Deiree Rogers
Daniel Dromm
Chris Brown
Nick Cannon
Trump is right, and he's the only one with enough balls to say what most Americans agree with. We know that the establishment is going to try to make every single word Trump utters an issue to try and sink his candidacy. The only ones who are squealing like pigs about his comments are establishment politicians who want him out of the race (the ones who have bodyguards and elaborate security systems). People who live in the real world, however (the innocent people who may be the next target), will be voting for Trump and they outnumber the muslim sympathizers.
If you want someone to pander to your pre-concieved bias' find someone else. A few names are obvious - many won't be.
Exactly, that's why I said it you find a name like 'Laqun or Jamal" you probably have to list them as non=white.

Back up your claim, or once again, stop talking out of your ass. Saint Louis, DC, Oakland or Memphis and the like are about the same thing. Go at it!

Mass Shooting Tracker

You can't determine race from that tracker.
Trump is right, and he's the only one with enough balls to say what most Americans agree with. We know that the establishment is going to try to make every single word Trump utters an issue to try and sink his candidacy. The only ones who are squealing like pigs about his comments are establishment politicians who want him out of the race (the ones who have bodyguards and elaborate security systems). People who live in the real world, however (the innocent people who may be the next target), will be voting for Trump and they outnumber the muslim sympathizers.
Be for the guy who trashes the Constitution to make you feel somewhat safer. You vote for Trump, you deserve what you get.
Good grief, after San Bernardino, you'd think that Trump's proposal would be the obvious response. Why oh why would we want to let in more people from the one and only demographic group that has produced all the jihadists? We just saw from San Bernardino that our "screening" processes are totally inadequate to detect radical Muslims.

Because out of 1.6 billion muslims worldwide - the vast majority are not radical.
Actually that would be you and the rest of the far left drones..

Still have no proof other than their religious dogma..

If that was the case then Obama would be a Nazi..

The moonbat messiah is more of a fascist. Mussolini was still not as incompetent though.

I can see the admiration for him shine thru in your post.

Says the far left drone that supports Obama's illegal wars!
What's the difference between a terrorist attack and a mass shooting?

What you of the demagogue - sociopath party generally term a mass shooting (domestic dispute, etc.) has zero in common with the planned attack by Islamic radicals that happened last week.

Yes, you must cover for your allies, the democrats and radical Islam are joined at the hip. What Farook did is an act of war - but Obama renewed his war on the U.S. Constitution instead of those who attacked us - as is the way of democratic - socialists.

So what is the difference between a mass shooting and a terrorist attack like San Bernadino? The outcome is the same - a lot of innocent people dead.
Everyone's a commie to you dude.

What's the race of the following names without googling?

Robert Johnson Human
Russell Simmons Human
Larry Page Human
Bery Gordy Human
Rodney O'Neal Human
Reginald Lewis Human
Sheldon Adelson Human
Richard Parsons Human
Earl Graves Human
Robert Cornegy Human
David Williams Human
Deiree Rogers Human
Daniel Dromm Human
Chris Brown Human
Nick Cannon Human

Answers in blue.

If you want someone to pander to your pre-concieved bias' find someone else. A few names are obvious - many won't be.
Exactly, that's why I said it you find a name like 'Laqun or Jamal" you probably have to list them as non=white.

Back up your claim, or once again, stop talking out of your ass. Saint Louis, DC, Oakland or Memphis and the like are about the same thing. Go at it!

Mass Shooting Tracker

You can't determine race from that tracker.
Didn't we already have this discussion? You made a statement about the VAST majority of shooters, or multiple shooters, being young white males. Do you think that for some reason that those black males who account for half of all murders in the country only kill one at a time, or kill by other means than guns.

Stop being a ding bat if you don't want to be called on it!
Everyone's a commie to you dude.

No, just those who promote a command economy under an authoritarian stucture,

What's the race of the following names without googling?

Robert Johnson
Russell Simmons
Larry Page
Bery Gordy
Rodney O'Neal
Reginald Lewis
Sheldon Adelson
Richard Parsons
Earl Graves
Robert Cornegy
David Williams
Deiree Rogers
Daniel Dromm
Chris Brown
Nick Cannon



are uniquely African American

To pretend otherwise is childish.
[ RWrs own the NAZIs lock, stock, & barrel...and you want us to go down that same road.

So we "own" the Socialist totalitarian Nazis while you Socialist Totalitarians have no connection?


Well alrighty then, Pete..

Really not worthy of a response, but fuck it.

Bodipshit is simply too stupid to even process the fact that the same regressive ideas that spawned universal health care, eugenics, gun control, social security, cradle to grave welfare, nationalization of industry, government regulations of wages and labor were all were adopted in one degree or another by democrooks, nazis, fascists, socialists and idiots. They're all founded on the marxist pipe dream of a nanny state that creates a utopia and they always fail to deliver.

The one country on earth that has avoided implementing regressivism the longest managed to become the lone superpower until a meat muppet faggot and his acolytes took control of the government through voter fraud and bullshit propaganda.

If I recall, the moonbat messiah said he's cut the debt in half, not double it, he would have "the most transparent administration in history" and wouldn't be worthy of re-election if he couldn't get unemployment back under %5.

Since bed wetters like Bodipshit suffer from a paralyzed frontal lobe, they have no cognitive capacity.

Good grief, after San Bernardino, you'd think that Trump's proposal would be the obvious response. Why oh why would we want to let in more people from the one and only demographic group that has produced all the jihadists? We just saw from San Bernardino that our "screening" processes are totally inadequate to detect radical Muslims.

Because out of 1.6 billion muslims worldwide - the vast majority are not radical.

The vast majority of nips and krauts weren't "radical" either.


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