Trump lingers on damning report. Are we seeing evidence of the "Ultimate" Snowflake?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
From 'total exoneration' to 'total bullsh**': Trump lingers on damning report

Instead of the "total exoneration" Trump had proclaimed earlier, the report portrayed the President as deceitful and paranoid, encouraging his aides to withhold the truth and cross ethical lines in an attempt to thwart a probe into Russia's interference in US elections -- his "Achilles heel," according to one forthcoming adviser.

Perhaps more angering to a leader who detests weakness -- but doesn't necessarily mind an amoral reputation -- were the number of underlings shown ignoring his commands, privately scoffing at the "crazy sh**" he was requesting and working around him to avoid self-implication.

Now, those close to him say Trump is newly furious at the people -- most of whom no longer work for him -- whose extensive interviews with the special counsel's office created the epic depiction of an unscrupulous and chaotic White House. And he's seeking assurances from those who remain that his orders are being treated like those of a president, and not like suggestions from an intemperate but misguided supervisor.


We know Trump is weak. How will the rebuttal of "total exoneration" affect his presidency. Will Trump have a complete mental breakdown now that everyone is slowly learning Trump is implicated in multiple felonies?


But Trump grew angry as he watched cable news coverage because, sources familiar with the matter said, a theme was emerging that vexed him: a portrait of a dishonest president who is regularly managed, restrained or ignored by his staff.

What is clear is many of those who avoided carrying out Trump's demands related to Mueller's probe -- often, it seemed, in a bid to protect themselves from criminal wrongdoing -- are no longer employed by the White House. Instead, the aides who now surround the President appear less willing to write him off and more likely to encourage him to follow his gut.

Instead, the most prominent aides who do remain are depicted in the report as the most dishonest. Press secretary Sarah Sanders, who was out the office when the report was released, is shown repeatedly misleading the press, a fact she attempted to downplay in morning television interviews on Friday.

In his report, Mueller describes both of Mulvaney's predecessors -- Priebus and Kelly -- as working in at least some capacity to contain the damage of Trump's behavior.

McGahn described Trump asking him to do "crazy sh**," according to Priebus. Trump, meanwhile, deemed McGahn a "lying bastard" whose habit of taking contemporaneous notes raised suspicion.

"Watch out for people that take so-called 'notes,' when the notes never existed until needed," the President wrote.


Watch out for people who take notes???? Doesn't everyone take notes? His staff "restrained" his worst impulses? Now there is no one willing to restrain him?


How Trump's staff's insolence may have saved him

Trump has long disliked the impression he is being managed by aides, and on Thursday, after that truth was inextricably etched into the special counsel's report, he still insisted it was he who decided not to fire Mueller.

"I had the right to end the whole Witch Hunt if I wanted. I could have fired everyone, including Mueller, if I wanted. I chose not to," he tweeted.

"Why do you take notes? Lawyers don't take notes. I never had a lawyer who took notes," Trump said upon learning McGahn had written down his recollections of an earlier meeting. "I've had a lot of great lawyers, like Roy Cohn. He did not take notes."

Speaking to Mueller about her comments following the firing of FBI Director James Comey, Sanders conceded she made statements to the media that were not based in fact. Specifically, Sanders said her assertion in response to a question about FBI agents supporting Comey wasn't "founded on anything," according to Mueller.



What does this mean for the rest of Trump's presidency? A total meltdown? He wants to "get back" at those who told the truth about him? He wants to "get back" at those who refused to break the law in his name?


Trump wants everyone to be loyal to him but he is loyal to no one. How does that affect such a person?

Now that the guard rails are lost and the people who protected Trump and the rest of the country from his worst excesses, what will the rest of his presidency be like? Revenge, lies and tax cuts for billionaires? Is that what we are to expect?

And what about his mental state? When someone thinks everyone around them is disloyal, that is one lonely and paranoid person. Will that show up even more in public? And at his rallies?
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CNN...The Most Busted Name in Fake Nooz.


So, you read the Mueller report?

If not, why not? Don't you want to know "stuff"?

Knowing makes you seem intelligent.

No one points to a stupid person and says "I want to be just like him".

Well, no one used to point to a stupid person and says "I want to be just like him". Now, it seems like they do.

Just in case you want to seem intelligent, here is a link:
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It's over, jackass.

Dry up and *ahem* move on.
How come your kind never seems to get banned on the USMB? Anyone? Is it because this is a right wing so called "Political Discussion" site?

If you get swarmed and banned for bringing up the things being done in the Trump presidency then how it is "Political discussion"?

I'm just not understanding. Instead of calling me names, how about explaining how this works?
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So, you read the Mueller report?

If not, why not? Don't you want to know "stuff"?

Knowing makes you seem intelligent.

No one points to a stupid person and says "I want to be just like him".

Well, no one used to point to a stupid person and says "I want to be just like him". Now, it seems like they do.

Just in case you want to seem intelligent, here is a link:

I'm waiting on the upcoming Guiliani counter-report. The President's lawyer has already written it, it is ready to be revealed, and will be when the time is right.


CNN...The Most Busted Name in Fake Nooz.


So, you read the Mueller report?

If not, why not? Don't you want to know "stuff"?

Knowing makes you seem intelligent.

No one points to a stupid person and says "I want to be just like him".

Well, no one used to point to a stupid person and says "I want to be just like him". Now, it seems like they do.

Just in case you want to seem intelligent, here is a link:

Can you do better than linking to a network that has lied for the last three years?
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CNN...The Most Busted Name in Fake Nooz.


So, you read the Mueller report?

If not, why not? Don't you want to know "stuff"?

Knowing makes you seem intelligent.

No one points to a stupid person and says "I want to be just like him".

Well, no one used to point to a stupid person and says "I want to be just like him". Now, it seems like they do.

Just in case you want to seem intelligent, here is a link:

Can you do better than linking to a network that has lied for the last three years?

I didn’t link to Fox news. What a strange accusation.

But I did link to the Mueller report. You did read at least some of it, didn’t you? It’s not like the report came out of a vacuum. There’s all kinds of interviews and text and documents and video and audio. It’s a very long report
It's over, jackass.

Dry up and *ahem* move on.
How come your kind never seems to get banned on the USMB? Anyone? Is it because this is a right wing so called "Political Discussion" site?

If you get swarmed and banned for bringing up the things being done in the Trump presidency then how it is "Political discussion"?

I'm just not understanding. Instead of calling me names, how about explaining how this works?
2 of the most right wing racist on this board are out of here....steve magarret and shoot you were saying?....
A two year investigation with over 3,000 subpoenas and more than 500 witnesses not to mention a couple of zero dark thirty search warrant raids concluded that President Trump had no collusion with Russia but the crazy left calls it "damming". Are PTSD clinics open to civilians?
A two year investigation with over 3,000 subpoenas and more than 500 witnesses not to mention a couple of zero dark thirty search warrant raids concluded that President Trump had no collusion with Russia but the crazy left calls it "damming". Are PTSD clinics open to civilians?
No collusion? What report did you read?

"On August 2, 2016, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort met in New York City with his long-time business associate Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence. Kilimnik requested the meeting to deliver in person a peace plan for Ukraine that Manafort acknowledged to the Special Counsel’s Office was a “backdoor” way for Russia to control part of eastern Ukraine; both men believed the plan would require candidate Trump’s assent to succeed (were he to be elected President).

They also discussed the status of the Trump Campaign and Manafort’s strategy for winning Democratic votes in Midwestern states. Months before that meeting, Manafort had caused internal polling data to be shared with Kilimnik, and the sharing continued for some period of time after their August meeting."

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