Trump is done...sorry trumpies it looks like it

Let me start off by saying how hypocritical the left has been has been mind boggling. I've read too many op-eds, articles, and posts that have left my jaw hanging at the audacity of the left. I've never been a fan of trump, but when he was elected, I said ok, let's see what he can do. He very much disappointed me.

Has the media and the left have been after trump like piraña, yes absolutely. Complete polar opposite of how they were when they were carrying tankers of water for obama. Yes it's been out of control. Now listen carefully, TRUMP HAS MADE IT WORSE, he's done nothing to help himself. And the media knew he'd do this. He's the bull, and they are the matador, flashing red in his face that he goes head first for, and then they prod him with a spear, and he goes for the cape even harder. He's been so obsessed with the media, what has he actually accomplished?

He promised to drain the swamp, the swamp is 100% intact, nothing new there, same pussy ass, self absorbed republican leadership. He promised to repeal Obamacare, he and the swamp pushed an Obamacare tweak, that luckily fell through, or else the GOP would own fundamentally failing Obamacare. He promised a wall, payed by Mexico...Basically the only thing he's done is hit back at the media and the left, which is why many voted for him. But honestly what does that accomplish?? Let's say he does get a good slam on someone in the media or on the left, do you think there gonna go "wow, he got me good, I am wrong." NO, NEVER, they just come back louder. Which is why we are at where we are today. He lacks discipline, can't even say the friggen NAZIS are bad people and this attack was despicable.

Before I hear shit from trumpies on the last statement, let's go back to the Dallas police shooting during a BLM protest last year, wasn't it bad optics of BLM to go out and keep protesting instead of saying "hey let's wait a day out of respect for the dead officers." You all would probably agree with that. Well the very easy and obvious thing to say is nazis are bad, and this attack was bad, duh...that's all you had to say, antifa does a good enough job at looking bad on there own, this definitely was not the situation to condemn them. It's that easy for people who actually think for themselves...which is why he's approval rating is at an all time low, BC he makes these very stupid and obvious mistakes. He can't help himself.

^^^^ Troll Alert ^^^^^^^^

Good defense mechanism, keep telling yourself that in the face of reality. Go back and look at all of my post since trump was elected.
Let me start off by saying how hypocritical the left has been has been mind boggling. I've read too many op-eds, articles, and posts that have left my jaw hanging at the audacity of the left. I've never been a fan of trump, but when he was elected, I said ok, let's see what he can do. He very much disappointed me.

Has the media and the left have been after trump like piraña, yes absolutely. Complete polar opposite of how they were when they were carrying tankers of water for obama. Yes it's been out of control. Now listen carefully, TRUMP HAS MADE IT WORSE, he's done nothing to help himself. And the media knew he'd do this. He's the bull, and they are the matador, flashing red in his face that he goes head first for, and then they prod him with a spear, and he goes for the cape even harder. He's been so obsessed with the media, what has he actually accomplished?

He promised to drain the swamp, the swamp is 100% intact, nothing new there, same pussy ass, self absorbed republican leadership. He promised to repeal Obamacare, he and the swamp pushed an Obamacare tweak, that luckily fell through, or else the GOP would own fundamentally failing Obamacare. He promised a wall, payed by Mexico...Basically the only thing he's done is hit back at the media and the left, which is why many voted for him. But honestly what does that accomplish?? Let's say he does get a good slam on someone in the media or on the left, do you think there gonna go "wow, he got me good, I am wrong." NO, NEVER, they just come back louder. Which is why we are at where we are today. He lacks discipline, can't even say the friggen NAZIS are bad people and this attack was despicable.

Before I hear shit from trumpies on the last statement, let's go back to the Dallas police shooting during a BLM protest last year, wasn't it bad optics of BLM to go out and keep protesting instead of saying "hey let's wait a day out of respect for the dead officers." You all would probably agree with that. Well the very easy and obvious thing to say is nazis are bad, and this attack was bad, duh...that's all you had to say, antifa does a good enough job at looking bad on there own, this definitely was not the situation to condemn them. It's that easy for people who actually think for themselves...which is why he's approval rating is at an all time low, BC he makes these very stupid and obvious mistakes. He can't help himself.
President Pence is not a problem for me if Trump quits. Trump is also fine by me if he stays.
At this point pence would be a godsend.

Please note, can anyone recall a more quite VP in the past 20 years? Why is that?
Let me start off by saying how hypocritical the left has been has been mind boggling. I've read too many op-eds, articles, and posts that have left my jaw hanging at the audacity of the left. I've never been a fan of trump, but when he was elected, I said ok, let's see what he can do. He very much disappointed me.

Has the media and the left have been after trump like piraña, yes absolutely. Complete polar opposite of how they were when they were carrying tankers of water for obama. Yes it's been out of control. Now listen carefully, TRUMP HAS MADE IT WORSE, he's done nothing to help himself. And the media knew he'd do this. He's the bull, and they are the matador, flashing red in his face that he goes head first for, and then they prod him with a spear, and he goes for the cape even harder. He's been so obsessed with the media, what has he actually accomplished?

He promised to drain the swamp, the swamp is 100% intact, nothing new there, same pussy ass, self absorbed republican leadership. He promised to repeal Obamacare, he and the swamp pushed an Obamacare tweak, that luckily fell through, or else the GOP would own fundamentally failing Obamacare. He promised a wall, payed by Mexico...Basically the only thing he's done is hit back at the media and the left, which is why many voted for him. But honestly what does that accomplish?? Let's say he does get a good slam on someone in the media or on the left, do you think there gonna go "wow, he got me good, I am wrong." NO, NEVER, they just come back louder. Which is why we are at where we are today. He lacks discipline, can't even say the friggen NAZIS are bad people and this attack was despicable.

Before I hear shit from trumpies on the last statement, let's go back to the Dallas police shooting during a BLM protest last year, wasn't it bad optics of BLM to go out and keep protesting instead of saying "hey let's wait a day out of respect for the dead officers." You all would probably agree with that. Well the very easy and obvious thing to say is nazis are bad, and this attack was bad, duh...that's all you had to say, antifa does a good enough job at looking bad on there own, this definitely was not the situation to condemn them. It's that easy for people who actually think for themselves...which is why he's approval rating is at an all time low, BC he makes these very stupid and obvious mistakes. He can't help himself.
I can always respect a rightwinger who can be honest about Trump. :thup:
Your respect is worthless so don't flatter yourself. You are but one of the boards many loons.
Nah, I'm smarter than all you cons.
And the perfect example of the lefts version of a trumpite. Seen right there. To the trumpies here this is what you are, the opposite equivalent. Get that through your head.
Oh look, another 'Trump is done' thread.


Haven't seen one of those since, oh, about 6 months after the election hahahahahaaaaa

It means he's lining up another spectacular WIN against the left.

I'll just sit back and enjoy the show.

Wish it was so but you are not factoring the FACT that conservatives allow things to play out all of the time and just let the leftist destroy whatever they want, Now they are destroying the man that was duly and legally elected president and really the ONLY person who could have stopped the country's march into history. If and when the Trump presidency folds the Republicans are done. The leftist arm of the democrat party will go into slash and burn mode, and we will either kill them all, or they will become the ruling class dictators of a new type of country that is a close model of communist China and is aligned with the strictest socialist countries in the world. We have seen the thought police heralded as heroes for assaulting people who think differently in the past week. They assaulted people who voted differently, or tried to voice an opinion differing from the though police many times in the past six months. The "liberal" communist murderers have completely blocked truth from all discourse to further the complete destruction of the institutions of our republic. If we EACH INDIVIDUAL do not stand up, act, and put a stop to it now and forever. in a very short time, we will have to go to a war in the streets of this country to restore it just to a shell of what it was designed to be. Sorry but Truth is just that. if you are not ready to go to war in the streets you just need to quit barking and just say yes master to the ruling class communist.
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Only left wing hypocrites and guys who spent way too much time playing fantasy video games would claim "the swamp is 100%" when the President fired almost every sycophant Obama appointee and the former FBI director might even be facing indictment not to mention the Hillary staffers. President Trump appointed a crucial conservative to the Supreme Court while he has had to contend with threats on his life that no other president since Lincoln had to contend with not to mention an attempt to murder every conservative Congressman by a maniac Sanders fan a couple of months ago. The DOW remains in record territory, illegal immigration is down about 80%, treaties are being ratified that benefit the U.S. both financially and security and President Trump has succeeded in convincing China and Russia to sanction N.K.'s aggression. That's pretty substantial for about seven months with an angry incoherent obstructive formerly democrat (now leaderless) party to deal with..
1st of all, everyone and their mom knows that by draining the swamp, trump meant establishment leadership in congress. He also probably stated that. If that is your standard of draining the swamp, then Obama has done an even better job respectively than trump. Obama in his mind drained the entire swamp, put a landfill on it, then turned it into a golf course.

2nd, I give trump gorsech, it's his one win. It's a good one, and an important one for sure. But it also is a layup with GOP controlled congress and senate.

3rd, the DOW is not a win, its inflation, from "printing" 6 trillion, and giving it to people who just dump the free money right into their own stocks for easy money. You can't really blame them on that, why the hell not dump it back into you're own stock, it's essientaly free money.

4, yes illegal immigration is down at the boarder...but we've had two, two term presidents in a row who've been incredibly lax on the boarder, to the point where they've actually encouraged illegal immigration. Call me old school but I was always told never accept praise for something you're supposed to do, only when you've gone above and beyond.

5. Jackass...china controls N. Korea, why do you think out of no where they've become so aggressive?? Maybe BC a guy who ran on sticking it to China got elected, and china used their bargaining chip in N Korea, who had a gun pointed to the heads of 10 million in Seoul S Korea...How in the world has N Korea made huge strides in their ICBM nuclear program in such a short amount of time??? DUH, they got that help from china, creating the problem and partially solving it with a risk of the problem arising again, should the US up the rhetoric against them. Start think past primary levels.

So what's the next win for trump? Tax reform? I'll be happy to see that but Indefinitly doubt it. What can he accomplish? And while he's still tangling with the media, The GOP is sitting on their hands doing nothing. Paul Ryan is hiding as a complete sellout and failure to his constituents, and Mitch McConnell is still sitting pretty. Spare me, I'm done defending trump. He's a progressive who believes in single payer healthcare and doesn't hide it. What did you expect?
Let me start off by saying how hypocritical the left has been has been mind boggling. I've read too many op-eds, articles, and posts that have left my jaw hanging at the audacity of the left. I've never been a fan of trump, but when he was elected, I said ok, let's see what he can do. He very much disappointed me.

Has the media and the left have been after trump like piraña, yes absolutely. Complete polar opposite of how they were when they were carrying tankers of water for obama. Yes it's been out of control. Now listen carefully, TRUMP HAS MADE IT WORSE, he's done nothing to help himself. And the media knew he'd do this. He's the bull, and they are the matador, flashing red in his face that he goes head first for, and then they prod him with a spear, and he goes for the cape even harder. He's been so obsessed with the media, what has he actually accomplished?

He promised to drain the swamp, the swamp is 100% intact, nothing new there, same pussy ass, self absorbed republican leadership. He promised to repeal Obamacare, he and the swamp pushed an Obamacare tweak, that luckily fell through, or else the GOP would own fundamentally failing Obamacare. He promised a wall, payed by Mexico...Basically the only thing he's done is hit back at the media and the left, which is why many voted for him. But honestly what does that accomplish?? Let's say he does get a good slam on someone in the media or on the left, do you think there gonna go "wow, he got me good, I am wrong." NO, NEVER, they just come back louder. Which is why we are at where we are today. He lacks discipline, can't even say the friggen NAZIS are bad people and this attack was despicable.

Before I hear shit from trumpies on the last statement, let's go back to the Dallas police shooting during a BLM protest last year, wasn't it bad optics of BLM to go out and keep protesting instead of saying "hey let's wait a day out of respect for the dead officers." You all would probably agree with that. Well the very easy and obvious thing to say is nazis are bad, and this attack was bad, duh...that's all you had to say, antifa does a good enough job at looking bad on there own, this definitely was not the situation to condemn them. It's that easy for people who actually think for themselves...which is why he's approval rating is at an all time low, BC he makes these very stupid and obvious mistakes. He can't help himself.
Yep.....Trump is toast.
They said he'd never win.

Then they cried after he won.

Everyone said that Trump is making mistakes....but in reality it's the simple fact that the media refuses to move on and let him run the fucking country.

He's been running the country...with a majority congress and senate, what has he done? Obama got more done with a republican controlled congress. That should say a lot to you.

He's done, what is he going to accomplish outside of attacking the media, which already is a loosing battle for him? Maybe not in your mind, but to people who actually want to see results...what is he going to accomplish.

If he doesn't accomplish anything are you going to keep blaming the media even though he has both senate and congress? Seriously get real.

Shut up.
Trump is the only person in Washington that's doing anything.
Congress is on vacation.
The Democrats are worse than useless.
Oh look, another 'Trump is done' thread.


Haven't seen one of those since, oh, about 6 months after the election hahahahahaaaaa

It means he's lining up another spectacular WIN against the left.

I'll just sit back and enjoy the show.

Wish it was so but you are not factoring the FACT that conservatives allow things to play out all of the time and just let the leftist destroy whatever they want, Now they are destroying the man that was duly and legally elected president and really the ONLY person who could have stopped the country's march into history. If and when the Trump presidency folds the Republicans are done. The leftist arm of the democrat party will go into slash and burn mode, and we will either kill them all, or they will become the ruling class dictators of a new type of country that is a close model of communist China and is aligned with the strictest socialist countries in the world. We have seen the thought police heralded as heroes for assaulting people who think differently in the past week. They assaulted people who voted differently, or tried to voice an opinion differing from the though police many times in the past six months. The "liberal" communist murderers have completely blocked truth from all discourse to further the complete destruction of the institutions of our republic. If we EACH INDIVIDUAL do not stand up, act, and put a stop to it now and forever. in a very short time, we will have to go to a war in the streets of this country to restore it just to a shell of what it was designed to be. Sorry but Truth is just that. if you are not ready to go to war in the streets you just need to quit barking and just say yes master to the ruling class communist.
Yea the GOP is no longer the platform for the individual. They have without a doubt proven that with a GOP controlled congress, senate and whitehouse. They do not care about you, no more than the left cares about their constituents, they do not believe in conservation of the constitution, or what the people who elected them say...they believe in power, and doing whatever it is they think they need to do to keep business as usual. The GOP deserves everything they get, and sadly this country has turned man VS ideas and reason. I'm happy to say I haven't voted GOP in 8 years. And I hate Gary Johnson. The little hope ive held for the GOP is officially dead
Let me start off by saying how hypocritical the left has been has been mind boggling. I've read too many op-eds, articles, and posts that have left my jaw hanging at the audacity of the left. I've never been a fan of trump, but when he was elected, I said ok, let's see what he can do. He very much disappointed me.

Has the media and the left have been after trump like piraña, yes absolutely. Complete polar opposite of how they were when they were carrying tankers of water for obama. Yes it's been out of control. Now listen carefully, TRUMP HAS MADE IT WORSE, he's done nothing to help himself. And the media knew he'd do this. He's the bull, and they are the matador, flashing red in his face that he goes head first for, and then they prod him with a spear, and he goes for the cape even harder. He's been so obsessed with the media, what has he actually accomplished?

He promised to drain the swamp, the swamp is 100% intact, nothing new there, same pussy ass, self absorbed republican leadership. He promised to repeal Obamacare, he and the swamp pushed an Obamacare tweak, that luckily fell through, or else the GOP would own fundamentally failing Obamacare. He promised a wall, payed by Mexico...Basically the only thing he's done is hit back at the media and the left, which is why many voted for him. But honestly what does that accomplish?? Let's say he does get a good slam on someone in the media or on the left, do you think there gonna go "wow, he got me good, I am wrong." NO, NEVER, they just come back louder. Which is why we are at where we are today. He lacks discipline, can't even say the friggen NAZIS are bad people and this attack was despicable.

Before I hear shit from trumpies on the last statement, let's go back to the Dallas police shooting during a BLM protest last year, wasn't it bad optics of BLM to go out and keep protesting instead of saying "hey let's wait a day out of respect for the dead officers." You all would probably agree with that. Well the very easy and obvious thing to say is nazis are bad, and this attack was bad, duh...that's all you had to say, antifa does a good enough job at looking bad on there own, this definitely was not the situation to condemn them. It's that easy for people who actually think for themselves...which is why he's approval rating is at an all time low, BC he makes these very stupid and obvious mistakes. He can't help himself.
Yep.....Trump is toast.
They said he'd never win.

Then they cried after he won.

Everyone said that Trump is making mistakes....but in reality it's the simple fact that the media refuses to move on and let him run the fucking country.

He's been running the country...with a majority congress and senate, what has he done? Obama got more done with a republican controlled congress. That should say a lot to you.

He's done, what is he going to accomplish outside of attacking the media, which already is a loosing battle for him? Maybe not in your mind, but to people who actually want to see results...what is he going to accomplish.

If he doesn't accomplish anything are you going to keep blaming the media even though he has both senate and congress? Seriously get real.

Shut up.
Trump is the only person in Washington that's doing anything.
Congress is on vacation.
The Democrats are worse than useless.

He's been there since November, with GOP senate and congress. still waiting.
Many cancellations at Trump's Fla. hotel, CEO's fleeing his council, 40% want him impeached but the dumbass DEPLORABLES still think everything is fine.
If you're definition of deplorable is a mindless supporting zombie, you're right there with them, just a different colored pawn. If you're calling an entire 34% of the population deplorable, count yourself in with them. You are part of the problem.
Bannon is going back to Breitbart and will lead the new media as we slowly or quickly eliminate the old progressive nightmares.
Bannon...the guy who turned on trump after he was fired, and went to NYT, and American prospect to bash trump. Bannon a right wing progressive himself is "going back to breitbart to help trump, and take down progressives," you're worse than the obama water carriers.
The DC swamp was decades in the making. No reason to suppose it'll get drained overnight. The man deserves a chance.
A chance he's going to loose in a republican controlled congress and senate... granted the swamp is more to blame for that, but that's what happens when you don't drain the swamp you promised. The swamp resides in the leadership, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell. Trump has been more than chummy with those two jokers.
Let me start off by saying how hypocritical the left has been has been mind boggling. I've read too many op-eds, articles, and posts that have left my jaw hanging at the audacity of the left. I've never been a fan of trump, but when he was elected, I said ok, let's see what he can do. He very much disappointed me.

Has the media and the left have been after trump like piraña, yes absolutely. Complete polar opposite of how they were when they were carrying tankers of water for obama. Yes it's been out of control. Now listen carefully, TRUMP HAS MADE IT WORSE, he's done nothing to help himself. And the media knew he'd do this. He's the bull, and they are the matador, flashing red in his face that he goes head first for, and then they prod him with a spear, and he goes for the cape even harder. He's been so obsessed with the media, what has he actually accomplished?

He promised to drain the swamp, the swamp is 100% intact, nothing new there, same pussy ass, self absorbed republican leadership. He promised to repeal Obamacare, he and the swamp pushed an Obamacare tweak, that luckily fell through, or else the GOP would own fundamentally failing Obamacare. He promised a wall, payed by Mexico...Basically the only thing he's done is hit back at the media and the left, which is why many voted for him. But honestly what does that accomplish?? Let's say he does get a good slam on someone in the media or on the left, do you think there gonna go "wow, he got me good, I am wrong." NO, NEVER, they just come back louder. Which is why we are at where we are today. He lacks discipline, can't even say the friggen NAZIS are bad people and this attack was despicable.

Before I hear shit from trumpies on the last statement, let's go back to the Dallas police shooting during a BLM protest last year, wasn't it bad optics of BLM to go out and keep protesting instead of saying "hey let's wait a day out of respect for the dead officers." You all would probably agree with that. Well the very easy and obvious thing to say is nazis are bad, and this attack was bad, duh...that's all you had to say, antifa does a good enough job at looking bad on there own, this definitely was not the situation to condemn them. It's that easy for people who actually think for themselves...which is why he's approval rating is at an all time low, BC he makes these very stupid and obvious mistakes. He can't help himself.
I can always respect a rightwinger who can be honest about Trump. :thup:
Your respect is worthless so don't flatter yourself. You are but one of the boards many loons.
Nah, I'm smarter than all you cons.
And the perfect example of the lefts version of a trumpite. Seen right there. To the trumpies here this is what you are, the opposite equivalent. Get that through your head.
That only depends on what you think is the center of the political spectrum.
Let me start off by saying how hypocritical the left has been has been mind boggling. I've read too many op-eds, articles, and posts that have left my jaw hanging at the audacity of the left. I've never been a fan of trump, but when he was elected, I said ok, let's see what he can do. He very much disappointed me.

Has the media and the left have been after trump like piraña, yes absolutely. Complete polar opposite of how they were when they were carrying tankers of water for obama. Yes it's been out of control. Now listen carefully, TRUMP HAS MADE IT WORSE, he's done nothing to help himself. And the media knew he'd do this. He's the bull, and they are the matador, flashing red in his face that he goes head first for, and then they prod him with a spear, and he goes for the cape even harder. He's been so obsessed with the media, what has he actually accomplished?

He promised to drain the swamp, the swamp is 100% intact, nothing new there, same pussy ass, self absorbed republican leadership. He promised to repeal Obamacare, he and the swamp pushed an Obamacare tweak, that luckily fell through, or else the GOP would own fundamentally failing Obamacare. He promised a wall, payed by Mexico...Basically the only thing he's done is hit back at the media and the left, which is why many voted for him. But honestly what does that accomplish?? Let's say he does get a good slam on someone in the media or on the left, do you think there gonna go "wow, he got me good, I am wrong." NO, NEVER, they just come back louder. Which is why we are at where we are today. He lacks discipline, can't even say the friggen NAZIS are bad people and this attack was despicable.

Before I hear shit from trumpies on the last statement, let's go back to the Dallas police shooting during a BLM protest last year, wasn't it bad optics of BLM to go out and keep protesting instead of saying "hey let's wait a day out of respect for the dead officers." You all would probably agree with that. Well the very easy and obvious thing to say is nazis are bad, and this attack was bad, duh...that's all you had to say, antifa does a good enough job at looking bad on there own, this definitely was not the situation to condemn them. It's that easy for people who actually think for themselves...which is why he's approval rating is at an all time low, BC he makes these very stupid and obvious mistakes. He can't help himself.
I can always respect a rightwinger who can be honest about Trump. :thup:
Your respect is worthless so don't flatter yourself. You are but one of the boards many loons.
Nah, I'm smarter than all you cons.
And the perfect example of the lefts version of a trumpite. Seen right there. To the trumpies here this is what you are, the opposite equivalent. Get that through your head.
That only depends on what you think is the center of the political spectrum.
Does it really? You called half the country stupid, so im pretty sure your center is still a few leaps to the left.
'Trump is going down.'

WHEN? Today?

Just asking because snowflakes have been declaring 'Trump is going down' since Hillary accepted defeat on election night.
'Trump is going down.'

WHEN? Today?

Just asking because snowflakes have been declaring 'Trump is going down' since Hillary accepted defeat on election night.
Not today, I'm just saying he can't get anything done. Outside of gorsech he really hadn't got anything done, he's had a revolving door off staff, has leaks coming from his own people left and right undermining him, and this was a guy who said he'd hire the best people. He's got all sorts of people and companies distancing themselves from him. Punching back at the media is not a winning strategy. It may feel good to you, but what is actually being accomplished?
'Trump is going down.'

WHEN? Today?

Just asking because snowflakes have been declaring 'Trump is going down' since Hillary accepted defeat on election night.
Not today, I'm just saying he can't get anything done. Outside of gorsech he really hadn't got anything done, he's had a revolving door off staff, has leaks coming from his own people left and right undermining him, and this was a guy who said he'd hire the best people. He's got all sorts of people and companies distancing themselves from him. Punching back at the media is not a winning strategy. It may feel good to you, but what is actually being accomplished?
Just because the media isn't telling you what he's doing....doesn't mean it's not getting done.
Congress has decided to sit on their asses.
The media wants to talk about Russia, Russia, Russia.....racist, racist, racist.....and that's all they want you to talk about.
Meanwhile Trump is busy erasing Obama's regulations and the economy is booming.
You're just ignorant.
Is Trump out yet?


Still POTUS eh?

See you next year with the same post.
I didn't say he'd be ousted, what else can he accomplish at this point, he's turned himself into a lame duck with a GOP congress and senate.

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