Trump is done...sorry trumpies it looks like it

Let me start off by saying how hypocritical the left has been has been mind boggling. I've read too many op-eds, articles, and posts that have left my jaw hanging at the audacity of the left. I've never been a fan of trump, but when he was elected, I said ok, let's see what he can do. He very much disappointed me.

Has the media and the left have been after trump like piraña, yes absolutely. Complete polar opposite of how they were when they were carrying tankers of water for obama. Yes it's been out of control. Now listen carefully, TRUMP HAS MADE IT WORSE, he's done nothing to help himself. And the media knew he'd do this. He's the bull, and they are the matador, flashing red in his face that he goes head first for, and then they prod him with a spear, and he goes for the cape even harder. He's been so obsessed with the media, what has he actually accomplished?

He promised to drain the swamp, the swamp is 100% intact, nothing new there, same pussy ass, self absorbed republican leadership. He promised to repeal Obamacare, he and the swamp pushed an Obamacare tweak, that luckily fell through, or else the GOP would own fundamentally failing Obamacare. He promised a wall, payed by Mexico...Basically the only thing he's done is hit back at the media and the left, which is why many voted for him. But honestly what does that accomplish?? Let's say he does get a good slam on someone in the media or on the left, do you think there gonna go "wow, he got me good, I am wrong." NO, NEVER, they just come back louder. Which is why we are at where we are today. He lacks discipline, can't even say the friggen NAZIS are bad people and this attack was despicable.

Before I hear shit from trumpies on the last statement, let's go back to the Dallas police shooting during a BLM protest last year, wasn't it bad optics of BLM to go out and keep protesting instead of saying "hey let's wait a day out of respect for the dead officers." You all would probably agree with that. Well the very easy and obvious thing to say is nazis are bad, and this attack was bad, duh...that's all you had to say, antifa does a good enough job at looking bad on there own, this definitely was not the situation to condemn them. It's that easy for people who actually think for themselves...which is why he's approval rating is at an all time low, BC he makes these very stupid and obvious mistakes. He can't help himself.

yeah these trump worshippers always ignore pesky facts that he has not done anything he said he would do just like every president since that bastard reagan,no different than any of them. as you said so well he said he would drain the swamp. doesnt look to me like he has done that.:rolleyes:
Another deplorable who thinks anyone can win with 34% ( and dropping) of the vote
He will win again in 2020 and your tears will not change anything.
Doubtful he'll even make it to 2020. Have you even been paying attention the past 7 months?
How's that healthcare bill going?
Wall built yet?
Mexico is going to pay for it?
Infrastructure is already dead.
Let me start off by saying how hypocritical the left has been has been mind boggling. I've read too many op-eds, articles, and posts that have left my jaw hanging at the audacity of the left. I've never been a fan of trump, but when he was elected, I said ok, let's see what he can do. He very much disappointed me.

Has the media and the left have been after trump like piraña, yes absolutely. Complete polar opposite of how they were when they were carrying tankers of water for obama. Yes it's been out of control. Now listen carefully, TRUMP HAS MADE IT WORSE, he's done nothing to help himself. And the media knew he'd do this. He's the bull, and they are the matador, flashing red in his face that he goes head first for, and then they prod him with a spear, and he goes for the cape even harder. He's been so obsessed with the media, what has he actually accomplished?

He promised to drain the swamp, the swamp is 100% intact, nothing new there, same pussy ass, self absorbed republican leadership. He promised to repeal Obamacare, he and the swamp pushed an Obamacare tweak, that luckily fell through, or else the GOP would own fundamentally failing Obamacare. He promised a wall, payed by Mexico...Basically the only thing he's done is hit back at the media and the left, which is why many voted for him. But honestly what does that accomplish?? Let's say he does get a good slam on someone in the media or on the left, do you think there gonna go "wow, he got me good, I am wrong." NO, NEVER, they just come back louder. Which is why we are at where we are today. He lacks discipline, can't even say the friggen NAZIS are bad people and this attack was despicable.

Before I hear shit from trumpies on the last statement, let's go back to the Dallas police shooting during a BLM protest last year, wasn't it bad optics of BLM to go out and keep protesting instead of saying "hey let's wait a day out of respect for the dead officers." You all would probably agree with that. Well the very easy and obvious thing to say is nazis are bad, and this attack was bad, duh...that's all you had to say, antifa does a good enough job at looking bad on there own, this definitely was not the situation to condemn them. It's that easy for people who actually think for themselves...which is why he's approval rating is at an all time low, BC he makes these very stupid and obvious mistakes. He can't help himself.

^^^^ Troll Alert ^^^^^^^^

Facts prove he's STOCKED the swamp but these fact free imbeciles believe HIM rather than reality.
Many cancellations at Trump's Fla. hotel, CEO's fleeing his council, 40% want him impeached but the dumbass DEPLORABLES still think everything is fine
This was all planned by the swamp, we see through it....
Oh look, another 'Trump is done' thread.

Imagine still supporting this POS after everything you've learned about him. Shows you have no integrity.

What we have learned is that the left lies constantly. Nothing you say about Trump has any basis in truth. YOU are the one without integrity.
Coming from a deplorable that supports a pathological liar that's hilarious.
Trump just ended operation choke point.

So you think you ended the infrastructure council and it will have any effect. Sorry that was just an advisory council. They didn't want to be heard, fuck them. Trump can do what ever he wants.

'Trump doesn't like his coffee BLACK! He is obviously a white supremacist...


Many cancellations at Trump's Fla. hotel, CEO's fleeing his council, 40% want him impeached but the dumbass DEPLORABLES still think everything is fine.

GDP expected to increase by 4% in the 3rd quarter, remind us again how many times your dear leader did that. It's the economy stupid!

The DC swamp was decades in the making. No reason to suppose it'll get drained overnight. The man deserves a chance.
Leave the D apologists alone. Obama lost the Senate races in 2018 by making sure he would only lose by 20, not 40% in 2012 in R districts, he therefore elected some of the most marginal D senators in the Party's history. Without a top of the ticket Obama's legacy will be handing Trump 10-20 senate seats on a silver platter.

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