Trump Going Forward Part 2. Day By Day

97 Tech Companies Say Trump's Immigration Order Is Unconstitutional

Nearly 100 technology companies supported a legal challenge to President Trump’s refugee and travel ban executive order in a court filing overnight.

Tech industry titans — including Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Uber, and Twitter — have signed the amici curiae (friends of the court) brief that was filed early Monday in the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The brief comes in opposition to the Justice Department’s request that the appeals court allow the federal government to restart enforcement of the executive order.

The companies — supporting the arguments of Washington and Minnesota challenging the ban — argue that Trump’s order violates immigration law and the Constitution.

Related: \
A Stunning List Of Former Security And Diplomatic Officials Said Trump's Travel Ban Makes America Less Safe

Opponents Of Trump's Travel Ban Make Their Case To Federal Appeals Court
Today in Trump Land:

WHOA: Steve Bannon Tricked Trump Into Handing Him An INSANE Amount Of Power | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Last week, news broke that white supremacist and former Breitbart head Stever Bannon had been given a seat on the “principals committee” — a role usually reserved for generals — while the roles of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the director of national intelligence had been “downgraded” and they were told to only attend meetings when issues in their direct area of expertise are being considered.

But why would Trump choose to place this much power in the hands of Steve Bannon? It turns out it wasn’t a choice. The New York Times reports that Trump is signing executive orders without bothering to find out what is in them, and that it was not until after he had signed it that Trump realized one of his numerous executive orders has made Basnnon one of the most powerful men in the country

Fake news
97 Tech Companies Say Trump's Immigration Order Is Unconstitutional

Nearly 100 technology companies supported a legal challenge to President Trump’s refugee and travel ban executive order in a court filing overnight.

Tech industry titans — including Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Uber, and Twitter — have signed the amici curiae (friends of the court) brief that was filed early Monday in the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The brief comes in opposition to the Justice Department’s request that the appeals court allow the federal government to restart enforcement of the executive order.

The companies — supporting the arguments of Washington and Minnesota challenging the ban — argue that Trump’s order violates immigration law and the Constitution.

Related: \
A Stunning List Of Former Security And Diplomatic Officials Said Trump's Travel Ban Makes America Less Safe

Opponents Of Trump's Travel Ban Make Their Case To Federal Appeals Court

All those companies hire hoards of software coolies from India because they are cheaper than Americans. Yeah, no ulterior motive there, right?

These companies are no friend to working Americans. They are globalists who shit on the American worker.
The only thing unconstitutional is a Federal Judge usurping authority specifically granted to the POTUS under the U.S. Constitution.
The only thing unconstitutional is a Federal Judge usurping authority specifically granted to the POTUS under the U.S. Constitution.

How is a federal judge usurping authority of the POTUS? All he did was issue a stay on the ban until the courts could argue on the constitutionality of the EO.

He isn't seizing power, he's saying that before the EO is put into place permanently, the legality of it needs to be investigated.
Self loathing is the hall mark of liberalism.

Among mindless drones like him, yes.

The sociopaths that program these bed wetters and are elected by them, use them and their fucked up emotional neurosis like sheep.

A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. John Stuart Mill
There's nothing more despicable than a snowflake traitor who is content to import muzzie savages who want to rape and murder Americans.


I'm not sure where pathetic pieces of shit like him come from, but....

He's such a terrified little snowflake that he refuses to even respond to anything I post to him.

Have a stroke bitch!

Yeah, I'm running away in terror!

Don't hurt me!

Greatly enjoying watching you Nazi pigs melt down!

Coming from the assclown who parrots socialist dogma just like he's programmed too.


You're the socialist bed wetter, nazi's were far more your style. Complete with a nanny state, no guns for non-conformists, no religion not approved by your leader, and no dissent. Nazi germany was you idealistic safe space you sniveling servile puke.

Everything is going as expected.

Trump is going in the right direction. The libs will eventually learn they're losing. :)

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