Trump does not own a dog

TDS rages like CA wildfire through OP's brain.


Tells us what we already know --- that he'll never take responsibility for anything, ever.

I sincerely hope you’re being facetious

I sincerely wish that wasn't the case. The man's never taken an iota for a damn thing in his life. Bankruptcies? Denies them. "I didn't run the company". "I only licensed my name". Etc etc. Children? Wants no part of raising them. Marriages? Shuffle when they get inconvenient, even invent PR people to plant stories about how he's sabotaging his own marriage and then denies doing it. Military service? Bone spurs. Money? Handed to him by Daddy. Losing popular vote? "Three million illegals". COME ON man.

Member how you went out looking for employment, putting your best image out, hoping to get hired, knowing you had to compete with others for that job, and if you did get it you'd have to meet somebody else's expectations day in day out whether you felt like it or not and if you didn't do that you could be fired? I do too. We all did that. That is, except Rump, who's never had a job in his life before this one.

Dogs are our best friends, Trump would kick a dog if he felt it was not loyal to him, and sense Trump has no loyalty to anyone but himself, why would he want a dog.

A dog requires nurturing and attention, something Trump can't offer any dog or human being. Any dog owned by Trump would be loyal to the person who gave him/her attention, grooming and food - Trump lacks compassion, empathy and the responsibly for dog ownership, and can't even provide these duties to other human beings.

Of course not, it's an observation which links the character of Donald Trump to his personality disorders, i.e. Narcissism and Megalomania.

Of course, if he had a dog, you'd probably say his narcissism and megalomania pushed him to get an animal he could dominate and hold power over, something that would do what he told it without question, something that would be unthinkingly obedient to feed into his sense of self-importance.

You're reading into his lack of a dog what you want to see. Even if it's true, it's not the kind of thing you can determine simply from his not having a dog.

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