Trump delivers knockout blow to Clinton/Obama

You guys are such shills and rubes. Trump shows up with a big truck full of stuff without even finding out what the people of New Orleans need. What did he help? 50 people?

And is there anyone who believes they need Play-doh???????????? Anyone?????????

I suspect he found an old Trump warehouse somewhere full of shit and told someone to give them that.

What is wrong with you people.

Just to be accurate this is not in New Orleans. It's in Acadiana, west and southwest of the city. It's rural, which is why far fewer people are affected than were during Katrina. In human impact terms the two can't even begin to be compared.

That's not to say it isn't serious or doesn't need attention, clearly it does. But it is to say that political wags will hype and milk and cultivate perceptions as if they were the same thing.

I agree about the Play Doh and the likely source. I'm still waiting for somebody's link to their claim that he bought the stuff out of pocket. Or paid for it at all.
Even LA residents & a local paper is pissed that Obama isn't there.

Louisiana flood: Worst US disaster since Hurricane Sandy, Red Cross says -

I know in my area of 2 major disasters.....Mt St Helens eruption of 1980 and the Nisqually Flood in 1996....the Presidents at the time had been there within a week or less.

Video: May 22, 1980: Carter Visits Mt. St. Helens

What did they DO??? They seen for themselves the devastation, they visited areas to see and hear from the people directly of their struggles, and they were there to assure the people that the government had their backs in such uncertain times.

So just what is Obama's excuse???

Again, there have been emergency operations going on. As the governor already articulated, as governors regularly do.
Were there emergency ops going on when Carter visited Mt. St. Helens? I suspect not. That's when Presidents send resources and keep the celebrity machine out of the way.

During the disaster, everybody's out of the way for safety; once it's over and human reaction starts, as far as personal appearances it's the boots on the ground first --- rescue ops, medical personnel, shelters. After they get a handle it's local officials. After them, state officials. Finally, the federal level comes in.
Um... if you're in a situation where your dilemma is "what to play with" --- then you're hardly in an emergency, are you?

Actual "desperately needed supplies" (the OP's term) in this situation, which I remember well, would be stuff like .... water...... MREs..... clean clothes.... stuff for survival.

ORIGIN:On 19 August 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump traveled to Louisiana to survey property damaged by recent flood waters. While Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards warned Trump that this visit should not be turned into a campaign photo-op, the news media managed to snap at least one photograph of Trump unloading a box of Play-Doh brand modeling clay from a truck.

The picture was widely spread on social media and gave many the impression that Trump had donated nothing but Play-Doh to help those who had lost homes to the floods in Louisiana:

The GOP nominee has not yet issued a press release detailing what items he donated, nor how those donations were funded. (Were these personal donations? Did he collect items from supporters? Did the campaign pay for them?) But although Donald Trump did donate Play-Doh modeling clay to flood victims in Louisiana, this was not his only donation to those in need, as a video of Trump helping to unload a truck clearly shows that he donated much more than Play-Doh:

Donald Trump Donated Play-Doh, Other Items to Louisiana Flood Victims

Whelp --- you just cut out the post I was responding to and tried to make it about something else, which is dishonest.

Here's what you cut out:

play doh is a joke ? ever think that might be only thing lotsa these kids in shelters have to play with. ?

It's about the value of Play Doh specifically ---- not about "what Rump brought in". And since the OP described "desperately needed" supplies, apparently unaware of the details (already explored in previous threads he didn't bother to read), I'm still mocking that misstep. Actually the OP seems to have run away.

I still find it hilarious that Rump went for a 49 second photo op and didn't notice he was being photographed unloading Play Doh. :lol:
Um... if you're in a situation where your dilemma is "what to play with" --- then you're hardly in an emergency, are you?

But for kids, who are in shelters, scared, possibly without some family members or beloved pets, no personal belongings.....yes, play doh or some toy can help to calm them

I don't disagree. I remember when Play Doh came out, we got it for Christmas, it was cool. And clearly a far more creative use of a kid's mind than, say, toy guns or GI Joes. But the point is, if you're in the state where you need something to keep the kids from getting bored --- then by definition you're not in an emergency. When you're in an emergency all attention is on survival. Play Doh is not a survival supply.

That's a minor point anyway. The bigger point is that Rump went to milk a photo op and the resulting image was handling ....... Play Doh. For a guy who spends all his time cultivating attention and image, that's a sweet irony. Kind of a fitting representation of his artificiality.
It's about the value of Play Doh specifically ---- not about "what Rump brought in". And since the OP described "desperately needed" supplies, apparently unaware of the details (already explored in previous threads he didn't bother to read), I'm still mocking that misstep. Actually the OP seems to have run away.

I still find it hilarious that Rump went for a 49 second photo op and didn't notice he was being photographed unloading Play Doh.

How do you know it was a photo op? At least according to the article, it was a reporter that happened to be around. I mean if you were going to plan this photo op, would you have your camera guy filming you unloading play doh?

If anything, that would be more of a lib tactic. Besides, who would be stupid enough to believe that Trump sent a whole trailer of play doh? It's more than likely it was a standard trailer which is 53'. That holds about 26 standard pallets, 30 if you turn them sideways.

Nobody is going to send a whole trailer of play doh.
When hit by devastating floods nothing helps more then this....which Trumpy helped deliver with his tiny little hands...
Yep I believe kids need play doh.
You idiots have never been in a hurricane shelter or any other disaster shelter and are slinging shit to display your uninformed idiocy. Try it once for a change and see what it is in reality. Small kids are running around screaming just being themselves playing with no toys. Here is somebody distributing stuff and some of the items are purposefully selected to keep children occupied in the shelters. Your partisan douchebaggery would be laughable if the matter weren't serious for the folks in need in Louisiana. You are imbeciles on parade.
As a private citizen, Trump did nothing for Sandy victims in his own state

Christie says Trump gave to Sandy charity, then clarifies

Gov. Christie on Monday said Donald Trump had offered a generous donation to a charity for Hurricane Sandy victims in response to a solicitation by New Jersey first lady Mary Pat Christie.

But reporters could not find a record of the contribution, and Christie's office later said the "governor misspoke this morning."

The Donald J. Trump Foundation did not list the Sandy fund on its 2012-14 tax forms as being a recipient of a contribution. It did report approving $20,000 for Drumthwacket, the official gubernatorial mansion in Princeton.
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Ray From Cleveland don't even worry about these imbeciles. They are uninformed idiots. Pogo lead the charge last night about the Play Doh. He is anti-American Intelligentsia and totally detached from reality and knows jack about disaster shelters. Children need to be occupied in those shelters, these idiots do not know what they spew their venomous shit about.
When hit by devastating floods nothing helps more then this....which Trumpy helped deliver with his tiny little hands...
Yep I believe kids need play doh.
You idiots have never been in a hurricane shelter or any other disaster shelter and are slinging shit to display your uninformed idiocy. Try it once for a change and see what it is in reality. Small kids are running around screaming just being themselves playing with no toys. Here is somebody distributing stuff and some of the items are purposefully selected to keep children occupied in the shelters. Your partisan douchebaggery would be laughable if the matter weren't serious for the folks in need in Louisiana. You are imbeciles on parade.

I've certainly been in hurricane shelters.

Again, if you're in one ---- then it means your crisis is over.
It's about the value of Play Doh specifically ---- not about "what Rump brought in". And since the OP described "desperately needed" supplies, apparently unaware of the details (already explored in previous threads he didn't bother to read), I'm still mocking that misstep. Actually the OP seems to have run away.

I still find it hilarious that Rump went for a 49 second photo op and didn't notice he was being photographed unloading Play Doh.

How do you know it was a photo op? At least according to the article, it was a reporter that happened to be around. I mean if you were going to plan this photo op, would you have your camera guy filming you unloading play doh?

If anything, that would be more of a lib tactic. Besides, who would be stupid enough to believe that Trump sent a whole trailer of play doh? It's more than likely it was a standard trailer which is 53'. That holds about 26 standard pallets, 30 if you turn them sideways.

Nobody is going to send a whole trailer of play doh.

Oh yeah? What if you were going to, say, build a wall to keep out Mexico?

While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

You're so delusional.
When hit by devastating floods nothing helps more then this....which Trumpy helped deliver with his tiny little hands...
Yep I believe kids need play doh.
You idiots have never been in a hurricane shelter or any other disaster shelter and are slinging shit to display your uninformed idiocy. Try it once for a change and see what it is in reality. Small kids are running around screaming just being themselves playing with no toys. Here is somebody distributing stuff and some of the items are purposefully selected to keep children occupied in the shelters. Your partisan douchebaggery would be laughable if the matter weren't serious for the folks in need in Louisiana. You are imbeciles on parade.

I've certainly been in hurricane shelters.

Again, if you're in one ---- then it means the crisis is over.
If you were, you wouldn't diminish and downplay the importance of toys for kids to keep them occupied in those shelters. That's all there is to it.
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

Yeah, I saw Trump unloading a few boxes of Play-Doh...
, watch the whole thing

Yeah, I saw Trump unloading a few boxes of Play-Doh...
What an idiot. See below quote. Pay attention even if it is very demanding on your pea brain:

You idiots have never been in a hurricane shelter or any other disaster shelter and are slinging shit to display your uninformed idiocy. Try it once for a change and see what it is in reality. Small kids are running around screaming just being themselves playing with no toys. Here is somebody distributing stuff and some of the items are purposefully selected to keep children occupied in the shelters. Your partisan douchebaggery would be laughable if the matter weren't serious for the folks in need in Louisiana. You are imbeciles on parade.
Hurricane Sandy was in Trumps own back yard

Where was Trump giving handouts then? But give him a photo-op while Obama is on vacation and he is the caring philanthropist.
When hit by devastating floods nothing helps more then this....which Trumpy helped deliver with his tiny little hands...
Yep I believe kids need play doh.
You idiots have never been in a hurricane shelter or any other disaster shelter and are slinging shit to display your uninformed idiocy. Try it once for a change and see what it is in reality. Small kids are running around screaming just being themselves playing with no toys. Here is somebody distributing stuff and some of the items are purposefully selected to keep children occupied in the shelters. Your partisan douchebaggery would be laughable if the matter weren't serious for the folks in need in Louisiana. You are imbeciles on parade.

I've certainly been in hurricane shelters.

Again, if you're in one ---- then it means the crisis is over.
If you were, you wouldn't diminish and downplay the importance of toys for kids to keep them occupied in those shelters. That's all there is to it.

Again, to quote the philosopher Chico Esquela, "always keep you eye on de ball". What I'm "downplaying" (not the term I would use) is, first, the OP's allusion to Play Doh as "desperately needed supplies" in his hero-worship hallucinatory inebriation, and second, that a politician milking a 49 second photo op gets his picture taking unloadiing Play Doh.

Both of them get hoist with their own petard. I happen to like the sound of pretentiousness crashing down to earth.
So sue me.
Ray From Cleveland don't even worry about these imbeciles. They are uninformed idiots. Pogo lead the charge last night about the Play Doh. He is anti-American Intelligentsia and totally detached from reality and knows jack about disaster shelters. Children need to be occupied in those shelters, these idiots do not know what they spew their venomous shit about.

Well, we don't know if there was a couple of cases of toys and play doh or the entire truck. But according to Snopes, it was much more than play doh so keeping the kids occupied is not the main point here.

Again, I don't go for baby-kissing politics, but I won't bash the guy for trying either. The left praises Hiliar for the stunts she got away with, and then try to put down Trump for doing something nice for people even if the main goal was for a show.
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

Oh, and Trump would have done this had he not been Presidential candidate? No, he wouldn't.

So, he's decided this will make him look good, and so he's doing it.


Doesn't make him look any worse than Hillary who is at home "resting" amid the prolific health concerns rumors.

Her colostomy bag leaked down one of her pantsuits.. I hear it was her favorite..
Hurricane Sandy was in Trumps own back yard

Where was Trump giving handouts then? But give him a photo-op while Obama is on vacation and he is the caring philanthropist.
When he was a businessman he acted like a businessman. Now that he is so close to being president, he acts like a president.

Trump shamed both hilly and obama.

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