

Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
I popped a bag of orville reddenbacker today. I had seven kernels that did not pop. I think that's a record.

I popped a bag of orville reddenbacker today. I had seven kernels that did not pop. I think that's a record.


Is it possible that someone slipped 7 kernels of Jiffy-Pop seeds into Orville's sack? I know it is a long shot, but does the bag look tampered with? I buy the plastic jug size at COSTCO for this reason, and because it get high security & cameras. This might sound like a con piracy theory, but I have heard this before from Orville users, so I do have to speculate on the possibility. Have your store run their security cameras for you to see if there could be a Jilly-Pop terrorist working in your area.:eek:
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The coolest bit of Trivia I know is where the word came from. Anytime three roads came together, the Romans would post notice boards. Folks could post lost pet notices, notices of sales etc. So the latin for "three roads " came to mean information of little importance.


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