Trey Gowdy: The Notion That You Can Withhold Documents

Trey Gowdy: The Notion That You Can Withhold Documents
Funny how all you stupid tards complain about stuff you do all the time and for the most specious reasons but not until the OTHER side does it with every right in the book!

Guy Benson - Benghazi Whistleblower: We Were Ordered to Withhold Documents from Review Board

Judicial Watch: Hillary Clinton Withheld Or Deleted Benghazi Related Documents

Issa: 'Disturbing and Perhaps Criminal' That WH Withheld Key Benghazi Documents

Did Clinton Aides Withhold Damaging Benghazi Documents?

Federal Hearing on DOJ “Fast and Furious” Withheld Docs | Sharyl Attkisson

Judicial Watch: Obama Administration Still Withholding Documents about Benghazi Attack - Judicial Watch

FBI's 302 Report Proves Complicity in Clinton Email Scandal

Believe It Or Not, Hillary’s E-mail Scandal Just Got Worse | Conservative Newsroom

FBI shuts down request for files on Hillary Clinton by citing lack of public interest

Judicial Watch Lawsuit Uncovers More Hillary Clinton Emails Withheld from State Department - Judicial Watch

FBI recovers 30 deleted Clinton emails involving Benghazi attack


Hillary wasn't innocent. Her prosecution was blocked.

Meantime, never a peep out of liberals THEN when demanded documents were refused or delayed.

Democrats: the glass house dwellers always running around throwing rocks at other people's places!

If ever you want to know what the Left is up to, just look at whatever they are attacking the other side for doing.

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