Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

I’ve iggy’d.. it’s nearly trolling at this point
You're the one trolling your own thread. I'm sticking to making objective arguments. Let me know when you stop being pussy enough to return to objective debate. 😄

Anytime you want to give an objective argument for how nature is supposed to be and alternatively how nature does what you claim it's not supposed to I'll be here. If not, I'll still be here to point and laugh at your inability.
Why do you feel threatened by it ? How does it harm you what anyone believes ?
It harms:
1. Far too many adults who partake
2. All children who partake
3. Women in sports who are disenfranchised by trans athletes

I guess I should just put my head in the sand and not care about anyone but myself?
It harms:
1. Far too many adults who partake
2. All children who partake
3. Women in sports who are disenfranchised by trans athletes

I guess I should just put my head in the sand and not care about anyone but myself?
It isn't a drug people are partaking in you dumb Bingo. 😄
It harms:
1. Far too many adults who partake
And this is part of the discussion isn't discussed much. The harm of medical transitioning for those that go that far and the long term treatments, physically and mentally that have to be endured. Plenty of cases of those who have transitioned and regretted the outcome. We don't talk about the potential for the loss of sexual function and gratification. The narrative talks about these life saving procedures but kindly forget to discuss the very long term ramifications that come with this transition.
Instead, we should focus on those who are gay or bi, to love who they are and the bodies they have been given.

For thousands of years homosexuals and bisexuals have been widely accepted in various societies. With no medical procedures to transition themselves, they lived their lives with the bodies they were given. Medical capability doesn't always equate to medical necessity.
2. All children who partake
See the above. I'll Cite the trans kid/teen, Jazz, and now probably and adult. You can look up youtube vids and see the mental torture she is now going through.
She started hormone treatments as a boy to stop puberty. Therefore, the penis didn't grow as it should. When she went to transition, the doctors had very little material to construct a vagina. Now, everyday, Jazz's mom is reminding Jazz that she need to dilate her vagina so that it doesn't close up. She has gained significant weight.

Can she even have normal sex. Orgasms for a trans-female are no longer guaranteed. Is this the life that any parent wants for their children as adults? These are questions that need asked and discussed. But the narrative is "This is life saving therapy". Is it?
3. Women in sports who are disenfranchised by trans athletes
Yes, this can't be denied. If anyone supports a fully grown male to then say "I'm a girl" and compete in woman's sports are the ones putting their heads in the sand.
And this is part of the discussion isn't discussed much. The harm of medical transitioning for those that go that far and the long term treatments, physically and mentally that have to be endured. Plenty of cases of those who have transitioned and regretted the outcome. We don't talk about the potential for the loss of sexual function and gratification. The narrative talks about these life saving procedures but kindly forget to discuss the very long term ramifications that come with this transition.
Instead, we should focus on those who are gay or bi, to love who they are and the bodies they have been given.

For thousands of years homosexuals and bisexuals have been widely accepted in various societies. With no medical procedures to transition themselves, they lived their lives with the bodies they were given. Medical capability doesn't always equate to medical necessity.

See the above. I'll Cite the trans kid/teen, Jazz, and now probably and adult. You can look up youtube vids and see the mental torture she is now going through.
She started hormone treatments as a boy to stop puberty. Therefore, the penis didn't grow as it should. When she went to transition, the doctors had very little material to construct a vagina. Now, everyday, Jazz's mom is reminding Jazz that she need to dilate her vagina so that it doesn't close up. She has gained significant weight.

Can she even have normal sex. Orgasms for a trans-female are no longer guaranteed. Is this the life that any parent wants for their children as adults? These are questions that need asked and discussed. But the narrative is "This is life saving therapy". Is it?

Yes, this can't be denied. If anyone supports a fully grown male to then say "I'm a girl" and compete in woman's sports are the ones putting their heads in the sand.
Great post. It’s shocking to see how the many detransitioners who report having been coaxed, encouraged, etc by schools and medical professionals are discarded and disdained by the LGBTQ. They have zero sympathy and ownership for the horrible consequences their ideology caused. These poor victims will suffer for the rest of their lives, and the LGBTQ largely doesn’t care about them at all. They actually view them as a danger.. because it hurts their agenda
Great post. It’s shocking to see how the many detransitioners who report having been coaxed, encouraged, etc by schools and medical professionals are discarded and disdained by the LGBTQ. They have zero sympathy and ownership for the horrible consequences their ideology caused. These poor victims will suffer for the rest of their lives, and the LGBTQ largely doesn’t care about them at all. They actually view them as a danger.. because it hurts their agenda
They are just collateral damage to these groomers.
Great post. It’s shocking to see how the many detransitioners who report having been coaxed, encouraged, etc by schools and medical professionals are discarded and disdained by the LGBTQ. They have zero sympathy and ownership for the horrible consequences their ideology caused. These poor victims will suffer for the rest of their lives, and the LGBTQ largely doesn’t care about them at all. They actually view them as a danger.. because it hurts their agenda
I wonder how many SJW standing up for Trans rights, who scream, yell, and get into altercations, don't eve understand truly what they are fighting for when they themselves aren't even trans. They are only supporting and fighting for something they themselves no little about.
I wonder how many SJW standing up for Trans rights, who scream, yell, and get into altercations, don't eve understand truly what they are fighting for when they themselves aren't even trans. They are only supporting and fighting for something they themselves no little about.
Yes. It is generally called "drama" and we have come to expect an unlimited barrage of it from a particular segment of humanity. Nuff said.

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