Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement. Can't let it go through


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Documents: Obama trade nominee has $500,000 in Caymans

Posted by

CNN Political Unit

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's nominee to become U.S. trade representative has almost half a million dollars in an investment account registered in the Cayman Islands, according to disclosure documents submitted to the Senate committee preparing to weigh his confirmation this week.

Michael Froman, currently serving as Obama's deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs, was nominated to the trade post last month.

The Iowa lawmaker pointed to two past Obama nominees – Lew and Pritzker – as more examples of what he said was hypocrisy. Lew and Pritzker both faced questions about their offshore accounts during confirmation hearings earlier this year.

Republicans have already begun to cry foul, saying Obama's choice of Froman – along with his selection of Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and Commerce Secretary-nominee Penny Pritzker – is hypocritical given his vilification of Mitt Romney's offshore accounts during the 2012 presidential campaign. (who said Obama does not like Jews, )
Now this smart Jewish Lady is anti trade and anti TPP. Michael Froman is really pushing this and Obama tried and failed, but he will try again.

We are not going to get jobs back here in the US, I hate to think Trump might be our only hope, since he
has brought up the trade problem. I think Bernie Sander is anti this free trade and unfair trade stuff as well.

Like Trump said , we do not want free trade, but fair trade , and we do not have fair trade. The wealthy want to live here, but they are not going to bring their plants back here, they need to pay more in taxes.

Please read about the TPP Trade Agreement. If you know all about it, please let us know, I only know it does not sound good.
Documents: Obama trade nominee has $500,000 in Caymans

Posted by

CNN Political Unit

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's nominee to become U.S. trade representative has almost half a million dollars in an investment account registered in the Cayman Islands, according to disclosure documents submitted to the Senate committee preparing to weigh his confirmation this week.

Michael Froman...


Please read about the TPP Trade Agreement. If you know all about it, please let us know, I only know it does not sound good.

Why are you against the TPP?
Documents: Obama trade nominee has $500,000 in Caymans

Posted by

CNN Political Unit

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's nominee to become U.S. trade representative has almost half a million dollars in an investment account registered in the Cayman Islands, according to disclosure documents submitted to the Senate committee preparing to weigh his confirmation this week.

Michael Froman...


Please read about the TPP Trade Agreement. If you know all about it, please let us know, I only know it does not sound good.

Why are you against the TPP?

Just from what I read so far, but its rather secretive, and some just seem to push it so hard, the other trade agreements have created a lost of jobs for the US l, they say China is not signing, but they will once the US does. Heres one article , they are more out there.

Most of the gains in income would go to workers making more than $88,000 a year. Free trade agreements contribute to income inequality in high-wage countries by promoting cheaper goods from low-wage countries.

The Secret Trade Deal That's Bigger Than NAFTA
Documents: Obama trade nominee has $500,000 in Caymans

Posted by

CNN Political Unit

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's nominee to become U.S. trade representative has almost half a million dollars in an investment account registered in the Cayman Islands, according to disclosure documents submitted to the Senate committee preparing to weigh his confirmation this week.

Michael Froman...


Please read about the TPP Trade Agreement. If you know all about it, please let us know, I only know it does not sound good.

Why are you against the TPP?

Just from what I read so far, but its rather secretive, and some just seem to push it so hard, the other trade agreements have created a lost of jobs for the US l, they say China is not signing, but they will once the US does. Heres one article , they are more out there.

Most of the gains in income would go to workers making more than $88,000 a year. Free trade agreements contribute to income inequality in high-wage countries by promoting cheaper goods from low-wage countries.

The Secret Trade Deal That's Bigger Than NAFTA

Yet so many people who believe we need to address income inequality are for the TPP
Documents: Obama trade nominee has $500,000 in Caymans

Posted by

CNN Political Unit

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's nominee to become U.S. trade representative has almost half a million dollars in an investment account registered in the Cayman Islands, according to disclosure documents submitted to the Senate committee preparing to weigh his confirmation this week.

Michael Froman...


Please read about the TPP Trade Agreement. If you know all about it, please let us know, I only know it does not sound good.

Why are you against the TPP?

Just from what I read so far, but its rather secretive, and some just seem to push it so hard, the other trade agreements have created a lost of jobs for the US l, they say China is not signing, but they will once the US does. Heres one article , they are more out there.

Most of the gains in income would go to workers making more than $88,000 a year. Free trade agreements contribute to income inequality in high-wage countries by promoting cheaper goods from low-wage countries.

The Secret Trade Deal That's Bigger Than NAFTA

Yet so many people who believe we need to address income inequality are for the TPP

Can you give me a few names so I can read their views on it?
Documents: Obama trade nominee has $500,000 in Caymans

Posted by

CNN Political Unit

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's nominee to become U.S. trade representative has almost half a million dollars in an investment account registered in the Cayman Islands, according to disclosure documents submitted to the Senate committee preparing to weigh his confirmation this week.

Michael Froman...


Please read about the TPP Trade Agreement. If you know all about it, please let us know, I only know it does not sound good.

Why are you against the TPP?

Just from what I read so far, but its rather secretive, and some just seem to push it so hard, the other trade agreements have created a lost of jobs for the US l, they say China is not signing, but they will once the US does. Heres one article , they are more out there.

Most of the gains in income would go to workers making more than $88,000 a year. Free trade agreements contribute to income inequality in high-wage countries by promoting cheaper goods from low-wage countries.

The Secret Trade Deal That's Bigger Than NAFTA

Yet so many people who believe we need to address income inequality are for the TPP

Can you give me a few names so I can read their views on it?

research the names. Choose almost any economist


Why economists think the Trans-Pacific Partnership will be good for Americans


Nicholas Gregory Mankiw is an American macroeconomist and the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University. Mankiw is best known in academia for his work on New Keynesian economics.

Alan Greenspan

Charles L. Schultze

Martin Feldstein

Michael J. Boskin

Laura D’Andrea Tyson

Martin N. Baily

R. Glenn Hubbard

N. Gregory Mankiw

Harvey S. Rosen

Ben S. Bernanke

Edward P. Lazear

Christina D. Romer

Austan D. Goolsbee

Alan B. Krueger
The letter writers were chairs of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers under Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
Greg Mankiw's Blog: An Open Letter

Documents: Obama trade nominee has $500,000 in Caymans

Posted by

CNN Political Unit

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's nominee to become U.S. trade representative has almost half a million dollars in an investment account registered in the Cayman Islands, according to disclosure documents submitted to the Senate committee preparing to weigh his confirmation this week.

Michael Froman...


Please read about the TPP Trade Agreement. If you know all about it, please let us know, I only know it does not sound good.

Why are you against the TPP?

Just from what I read so far, but its rather secretive, and some just seem to push it so hard, the other trade agreements have created a lost of jobs for the US l, they say China is not signing, but they will once the US does. Heres one article , they are more out there.

Most of the gains in income would go to workers making more than $88,000 a year. Free trade agreements contribute to income inequality in high-wage countries by promoting cheaper goods from low-wage countries.

The Secret Trade Deal That's Bigger Than NAFTA

Yet so many people who believe we need to address income inequality are for the TPP

Can you give me a few names so I can read their views on it?

research the names. Choose almost any economist


Why economists think the Trans-Pacific Partnership will be good for Americans


Nicholas Gregory Mankiw is an American macroeconomist and the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University. Mankiw is best known in academia for his work on New Keynesian economics.

Alan Greenspan

Charles L. Schultze

Martin Feldstein

Michael J. Boskin

Laura D’Andrea Tyson

Martin N. Baily

R. Glenn Hubbard

N. Gregory Mankiw

Harvey S. Rosen

Ben S. Bernanke

Edward P. Lazear

Christina D. Romer

Austan D. Goolsbee

Alan B. Krueger
The letter writers were chairs of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers under Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
Greg Mankiw's Blog: An Open Letter


Thank you , I read you links and looked up a few of the names:

The reason we are in the condition we are today due to some of the above mentioned people. If not for wars and airplanes what would we export? Our exports are 1/2 of our imports, and what we do export are produced by people who are higher middle wagers, the defense contractors.

I recognize most of those names, Federal Reserve Chairman's,(ex) some wealthy Jews and also Conservatives mainly. I try to buy "made in America' but its getting harder and harder. We can't outsource service, trade school , healthcare , teachers jobs, etc , but we can flood the market with workers for these jobs, and or import workers to fill and work these jobs for lower wages..

I often wonder "what jobs is it that the American workers will not do" in their pro statements concerning immigration. We do not manually pick cotton anymore. Not everyone wants to go to college for a good decent job.

The world almost has to remain in a constant state of war, because the US needs the money it makes from selling weapons . I am sure this deal will go through , and so will free trade with the EU.

I do agree with Trump on one thing, we do not need free trade, but fair trade.
Why are you against the TPP?

Just from what I read so far, but its rather secretive, and some just seem to push it so hard, the other trade agreements have created a lost of jobs for the US l, they say China is not signing, but they will once the US does. Heres one article , they are more out there.

Most of the gains in income would go to workers making more than $88,000 a year. Free trade agreements contribute to income inequality in high-wage countries by promoting cheaper goods from low-wage countries.

The Secret Trade Deal That's Bigger Than NAFTA

Yet so many people who believe we need to address income inequality are for the TPP

Can you give me a few names so I can read their views on it?

research the names. Choose almost any economist


Why economists think the Trans-Pacific Partnership will be good for Americans


Nicholas Gregory Mankiw is an American macroeconomist and the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University. Mankiw is best known in academia for his work on New Keynesian economics.

Alan Greenspan

Charles L. Schultze

Martin Feldstein

Michael J. Boskin

Laura D’Andrea Tyson

Martin N. Baily

R. Glenn Hubbard

N. Gregory Mankiw

Harvey S. Rosen

Ben S. Bernanke

Edward P. Lazear

Christina D. Romer

Austan D. Goolsbee

Alan B. Krueger
The letter writers were chairs of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers under Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
Greg Mankiw's Blog: An Open Letter


Thank you , I read you links and looked up a few of the names:

The reason we are in the condition we are today due to some of the above mentioned people. If not for wars and airplanes what would we export? Our exports are 1/2 of our imports, and what we do export are produced by people who are higher middle wagers, the defense contractors.

I recognize most of those names, Federal Reserve Chairman's,(ex) some wealthy Jews and also Conservatives mainly. I try to buy "made in America' but its getting harder and harder. We can't outsource service, trade school , healthcare , teachers jobs, etc , but we can flood the market with workers for these jobs, and or import workers to fill and work these jobs for lower wages..

I often wonder "what jobs is it that the American workers will not do" in their pro statements concerning immigration. We do not manually pick cotton anymore. Not everyone wants to go to college for a good decent job.

The world almost has to remain in a constant state of war, because the US needs the money it makes from selling weapons . I am sure this deal will go through , and so will free trade with the EU.

I do agree with Trump on one thing, we do not need free trade, but fair trade.

Nothing is fairer than letting consumers buy from whomever has the lowest prices in the world.

Nothing is stupider than the liberal policies (unions, taxes, deficts) that make it impossible for American companies to compete internationally.
Just from what I read so far, but its rather secretive, and some just seem to push it so hard, the other trade agreements have created a lost of jobs for the US l, they say China is not signing, but they will once the US does. Heres one article , they are more out there.

The Secret Trade Deal That's Bigger Than NAFTA

Yet so many people who believe we need to address income inequality are for the TPP

Can you give me a few names so I can read their views on it?

research the names. Choose almost any economist


Why economists think the Trans-Pacific Partnership will be good for Americans


Nicholas Gregory Mankiw is an American macroeconomist and the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University. Mankiw is best known in academia for his work on New Keynesian economics.

Alan Greenspan

Charles L. Schultze

Martin Feldstein

Michael J. Boskin

Laura D’Andrea Tyson

Martin N. Baily

R. Glenn Hubbard

N. Gregory Mankiw

Harvey S. Rosen

Ben S. Bernanke

Edward P. Lazear

Christina D. Romer

Austan D. Goolsbee

Alan B. Krueger
The letter writers were chairs of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers under Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
Greg Mankiw's Blog: An Open Letter


Thank you , I read you links and looked up a few of the names:

The reason we are in the condition we are today due to some of the above mentioned people. If not for wars and airplanes what would we export? Our exports are 1/2 of our imports, and what we do export are produced by people who are higher middle wagers, the defense contractors.

I recognize most of those names, Federal Reserve Chairman's,(ex) some wealthy Jews and also Conservatives mainly. I try to buy "made in America' but its getting harder and harder. We can't outsource service, trade school , healthcare , teachers jobs, etc , but we can flood the market with workers for these jobs, and or import workers to fill and work these jobs for lower wages..

I often wonder "what jobs is it that the American workers will not do" in their pro statements concerning immigration. We do not manually pick cotton anymore. Not everyone wants to go to college for a good decent job.

The world almost has to remain in a constant state of war, because the US needs the money it makes from selling weapons . I am sure this deal will go through , and so will free trade with the EU.

I do agree with Trump on one thing, we do not need free trade, but fair trade.

Nothing is fairer than letting consumers buy from whomever has the lowest prices in the world.

Nothing is stupider than the liberal policies (unions, taxes, deficts) that make it impossible for American companies to compete internationally.

True, and here in the US that would be "Walmart" and Amazon. Tech has taken many unskilled jobs, cashiers, etc. Low prices , one needs them as many are out of work or work at part time jobs. I think people want to work. Manufacturing jobs will not return. Even lowering Corp. taxes might help, but at this point its unlikely. The Swoosh has already happened. The rich can be taxed at 50%, since they are not going to create jobs here. I believe in trade, but not the way it is, and we don't really have much to export, except planes, and weapons, do we?
Manufacturing jobs will not return.

if we eliminate the liberal policies that drive manufacturing jobs away many will come back and many here now will stay! The destructive liberal policies are liberal corporate taxes, liberal unions, and liberal deficits. Beyond that the war on the schools and the war on families must be ended so that Americans are prepared for the world of work.
"Fair trade" is the Syren call of the left.

The left will always find a reason why free trade isn't "fair" trade.

It's another reason for the left to have government intrude into people's lives and restrict individual liberty.

Shame on Republicans who support Trump and want more government intervention in our lives.
"Fair trade" is the Syren call of the left.

The left will always find a reason why free trade isn't "fair" trade.

It's another reason for the left to have government intrude into people's lives and restrict individual liberty.

Shame on Republicans who support Trump and want more government intervention in our lives.

Trump is against illegal immigration so we have an obligation to support him so the whole country won't look like California wherein no Republicans are allowed at all.

Make sense?
"Fair trade" is the Syren call of the left.

The left will always find a reason why free trade isn't "fair" trade.

It's another reason for the left to have government intrude into people's lives and restrict individual liberty.

Shame on Republicans who support Trump and want more government intervention in our lives.

Trump is against illegal immigration so we have an obligation to support him so the whole country won't look like California wherein no Republicans are allowed at all.

Make sense?

It makes sense.

If you wrote an idiotic book about male/female relationships.

"Fair trade" is the Syren call of the left.

The left will always find a reason why free trade isn't "fair" trade.

It's another reason for the left to have government intrude into people's lives and restrict individual liberty.

Shame on Republicans who support Trump and want more government intervention in our lives.

Trump is against illegal immigration so we have an obligation to support him so the whole country won't look like California wherein no Republicans are allowed at all.

Make sense?

It makes sense.

If you wrote an idiotic book about male/female relationships.


Trump is against illegal immigration so we have an obligation to support him so the whole country won't look like California wherein no Republicans are allowed at all.

Make sense?
Trump is against illegal immigration so we have an obligation to support him so the whole country won't look like California wherein no Republicans are allowed at all.

Make sense?

As much sense as you writing a book about wives withholding sex from their husbands!
Trump is against illegal immigration so we have an obligation to support him so the whole country won't look like California wherein no Republicans are allowed at all.

Make sense?
Trump is against illegal immigration so we have an obligation to support him so the whole country won't look like California wherein no Republicans are allowed at all.

Make sense?

As much sense as you writing a book about wives withholding sex from their husbands!
Trump is against illegal immigration so we have an obligation to support him so the whole country won't look like California wherein no Republicans are allowed at all.

Make sense?

You keep repeating the same thing over and over and over again. Are you retarded?

Nobody can claim to be for freedom and say they are for Trump.

Why do you support Democrat policies? Are you a communist?
Nobody can claim to be for freedom and say they are for Trump.

Trump is against illegals. There will be no freedom in America if the illegals are not stopped because they block vote Democratic and will turn the entire nation into California.

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